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I do the same on my servers
@Rinzwind Educated Linux users? askubuntu.com/questions/692307/…
Whenever I am looking for questions here on AU, the majority has just reached noob level only... :P
@ThomasW. i tell you that i managed to open with Tor and with regular browser it was timed out.
You tell me the opposite and i understand why its slower, but why did it worked?
@GeoMint E: Cannot Diagnose, Not At Your Location
i can normally open nasa.gov website
E:Tor detected, however override was given to countermand "Destroy tor" directive
i am not using Tor at my computer. I am using Tor Browser!
Same. Freaking. Difference.
@ThomasW. look at the answer for it
@GeoMint you're welcome.
@Zacharee1 Won't matter if closed as a dupe
@ThomasW. just read it
@Zacharee1 I already did, you missed my point. >.>
oh lol
@ByteCommander "Occasional"??? >:) :P :D
@GeoMint tags you as a heathen for using Windows
so what?
you didn't answer
@GeoMint Yes I did.
10 mins ago, by Thomas W.
@GeoMint E: Cannot Diagnose, Not At Your Location
Also don't particularly care right now
since this is Ask ubuntu's channel, not "HOw do I fix my windows"
@ThomasW. what is E:
also don't rely on ping
"ERROR: Busy" <-- means Error
@GeoMint ping times out for NASA here too, so they probably have that blocked.
hmm ok
@Zacharee1 Most servers do
@ThomasW. I thought you were "E: Busy"
@Zacharee1 placeholder message
"Also don't particularly care right now"
@ThomasW. Ved TC
@Zacharee1 means i have more important things :)
I hope I don't break my MC server by upgrading to 15.xx
@ThomasW. :D
@Zacharee1 Don't hope! MAKE BACK-UPS!
@Fabby I'm not worried about data loss, I'm worried it won't be able to start
Besides, no where to back up to
You're definitely in need to read this
You're user type 4
@Zacharee1 then: don't do it!!!
You need a system back-up!
@Fabby -_-
I only use the computer for the server
@Zacharee1 Buy a disk...
Yes, I'm going to buy one, wait a week until I can use the computer again, back up the WHOLE system, then upgrade
or a tape, or DVDs or a BluRay writer, or a cloud or ...
@Zacharee1 good man!
hmmm I need an external portable BluRay / multi-disk-media reader/writer :/
upgrade is going much faster on the server than on my laptop. weird
ewww expensive
@Zacharee1 no GUI packages xD
except that it's normal Ubuntu...
well GNOME
even so
Wow, motion graphics are actually surprisingly simple in Blender.
/me now has a new hobby
dun dun dun
I'm going to have to go through this whole process again when I go from 15.04 to 15.10
Happy Reformation Day, everyone :)
ignorance: what?
@Zacharee1 Was that in reply to me?
Reformation Day is a religious holiday celebrated on October 31, alongside All Hallows' Eve, in remembrance of the Reformation. It is celebrated among various Protestants, especially by Lutheran and Reformed church communities. It is a civic holiday in the German states of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. Slovenia celebrates it as well due to the profound contribution of the Reformation to that nation's cultural development, although Slovenes are mainly Roman Catholics. With the increasing influence of Protestantism in Latin America (particularly newer groups...
$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
  libcublas6.5 libcudart6.5 libcufft6.5 libcufftw6.5 libcuinj64-6.5
  libcurand6.5 libcusparse6.5 libnppc6.5 libnppi6.5 libnpps6.5 libnvblas6.5
  libnvtoolsext1 libnvvm2 libthrust-dev libvdpau-dev nvidia-cuda-dev
  nvidia-cuda-doc nvidia-cuda-gdb nvidia-opencl-dev nvidia-profiler
  nvidia-visual-profiler opencl-headers
Oh gosh
CPU/CUDA rendering is not something you can just pop in and do
You need the compiler toolchain and a bunch of other stuff.
k, guess I'm sticking to CPU rendering
It's just 2D motion graphics anyways
I can't remember if I had to install an extra package for OpenCL rendering on my AMD card of if they were kind enough to include the toolchain in the Catalyst package.
Either way, I'm not using it under normal circumstances either since the open-source radeon driver doesn't support OpenCL.
Here's a really bizarre idea... since I actually have two video cards, could I have one use the radeon driver and my R9 use the Catalyst driver?
probably not
@NathanOsman doubt it
Idea #2: create a VM and assign the R9 card (connected via PCIe) exclusively to the VM.
Problem: the hypervisor would need to support PCIe pass-through.
@NathanOsman And not all do
I think VMware might if you have the right version but meh
Xen does, I think.
@Fabby Edited askubuntu.com/a/692311/367990 with @Rinzwind's comment and a bit of humor. ;D
@ByteCommander reading!
@NathanOsman Reformation day? For me it's Halloween... But I don't celebrate neither the one nor the other... Do you?
The former, yes.
It's not a holiday, though :(
How would one celebrate that? I never did...
With cake.
(Because cake is always awesome.)
:D That's always good!
Cake is a lie, @NathanOsman
you should know this.
I was waiting for that comment...
I want cake!
I want some pecan pie.
not cake.
/me would also like cake, but pumpkin or apple pie would suffice
I made a thing!
Woo for basic motion graphics!
@RPiAwesomeness cool!
pie is better, true.
Depends on the type though, but usually
@ByteCommander Leaving open to upvote tomorrow...
(out of votes)
Good one!
@Fabby Some eminent people of India like Actors are tweeting rubbish from their verified accounts what does it mean?
Anyone know anything about collision detection in Java?
@ParanoidPanda long time no see
@565656 That actors are stupid and use publicly available data to "secure" their twitter accounts??? (Like "Paris Hilton" and "Tinkerbell"?)
@Fabby He is tweeting as his mind goes out of sense
What is the difference between cake and pie?
For me that sounds like synonyms, but I'm no native...
cake is pretty much a loaf of bread with sugar in it and frosting on the top
pie is a sugary crust with some sort of filling
like apples, pumpkin or cherry for instance
o.O If you explain it like that, I almost lose my appetite... :-/
@ByteCommander where are you from?
I thought they had cake and pie in Germany
oh same word
Cake is a form of sweet dessert that is typically baked. In its oldest forms, cakes were modifications of breads but now cover a wide range of preparations that can be simple or elaborate and share features with other desserts such as pastries, meringues, custards and pies. Typical cake ingredients are flour, sugar, eggs, butter or oil, a liquid, and leavening agents, such as baking soda and/or baking powder. Common additional ingredients and flavourings include dried, candied or fresh fruit, nuts, cocoa, and extracts such as vanilla, with numerous substitutions for the primary ingredients. Cakes...
A pie is a baked dish which is usually made of a pastry dough casing that covers or completely contains a filling of various sweet or savoury ingredients. Pies are defined by their crusts. A filled pie (also single-crust or bottom-crust), has pastry lining the baking dish, and the filling is placed on top of the pastry but left open. A top-crust pie has the filling in the bottom of the dish and is covered with a pastry or other covering before baking. A two-crust pie has the filling completely enclosed in the pastry shell. Shortcrust pastry is a typical kind of pastry used for pie crusts, but many...
beat me to it...
I get to cheat :P
He does indeed
once upon a time there were chat commands, but they were misused so access was restricted.. One of those was wiki:.
Cake = Torte
Pie = Kuchen
And if you bake cake and then stick pie on top of it, you have π-cake ! :D
@A.B. wouldn't it be the other way around?
@ByteCommander So yeah, basically cake is an evolution of sweet bread and pie is a crust baked around a filling.
The cake is a lie?
I dare say, that's the only time that I've said then when it was appropriate.
Oddly enough, I had a rant about blueberry pie on Slashdot just earlier this morning. :/
Q: Is Linux helping the nsa also?

user466616We all know or should now about the nsa spying on Windows,Mac,Google and etc users is the nsa spying on Linux users?

LOL Umm... That -1 would be me.
Too broad, primarily onion based
let's close it
I concur.
(Voted to close.)
Then I voted down.
Then I left a comment.
I was being productive. nods
@565656 He's been socially engineered, most probably....
@KGIII thumbsup.png
Great minds think alike @Serg.
@Zacharee1 yeah, like the old English word "tart"' (that's what it means: Torte)
Yessir, they sure do
Also, so far, every one of my flags (except for this one) has been deemed helpful and acted on. Yay!
The problem is, lousy minds think the same, I expect. @Serg
@Serg Interesting recipe... :P
@Zacharee1 I don't think so. o_O
@ParanoidPanda :) IKR ? but that would satisfy everybody - both the lovers of cake and pie
@A.B. if tart came from torte and tarts are pretty much small pies, wouldn't Torte=pie?
@A.B. and Kuchen sounds a lot like cake
@Serg: Have you done much collision detection in Java by the way?
@Zacharee1 Tart and Torte? Really?
@A.B. apparently
@Zacharee1 yeah
and sorry, I just deleted it. Should have let you complete the review first.
eh it's fine
@Zacharee1 No, Tart is more like a Kuchen a Pie. Torte is bigger and bigger upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6c/…
@ParanoidPanda eh . . . .what's collision detection ? >_< bro , I'm a n00b in java . . .
PSA: To all you sober people out there: If I start behaving erratically, that's not me! That's the Żubrówka talking... So:
Bottom's up! Cin-cin! Egészségedre! TRINQUEEER! SAUUUUUFEN! ZOOOJPE! NEUEUTE!
Форварды товарищи! К нижней части бутылки!
@A.B. huh. I guess the names got switched in one language some time back
@A.B. OK... Learnt smth new!
@Zacharee1 Perhaps I'm wrong
@Serg need your help
@A.B. dunno. It's just that Torte sounds a lot like tart, which is a small pie, and Kuchen sounds like cake
@Seth: Don't worry about stuff like this as a mod: let it run its course through the normal low-quality system, so that people get some warning before their stuff gets deleted.
(I mean: a mod's hammer should be used gently!)
@Fabby XD
@Fabby they don't need warning, although the explanation system could be better..
I should install that comment script again.
@Serg Did I make any mistakes?
I was never very happy with how the system explained why stuff was deleted.
@Seth Yeah... Me neither... It could be a bit more gentle, but I got hammered already once on Meta Stack Exchange trying to do just that!
(damn, that's an ugly crowd there!)
@Fabby no grammar mistakes, although I'd say more simply : Пьём до дна !
Cortana keeps crashing ಠ_ಠ
Cortana should stay crashed.
@Serg yeah... I wanted it to stand out even more!
@Fabby they're just jaded. You come to respect some of 'em after a bit though.
@Seth Starred!
I delete hundreds of posts a month, and our site is relatively small.
You can't hold everyone's hand and after a while you just stop caring as much. That's why we always need (newer) people to help us keep it in perspective! (somewhat anyway)
@Seth Yeah, I've been gentled down by you a few times when I got all worked up, so just wanted to return the favour!
Anyway, my glass is empty!
@Fabby thanks for that :)
That's not my glass! My glass is full!
"Reach out your hand, if your cup is empty. If your cup is full, may it be again." @Fabby
that doesn't look right:
Oh hang on.
It didn't crash - I forgot that I switched the taskbars between monitors.
It was on the other monitor, lol :P
@Serg: Well, do you know what it is in any language?
@ParanoidPanda erm . . . no
@Serg: Ok, you'll be no help then... :P
@A.B. you needed help ?
@Serg Yes, in your mail inbox
Anyone else know about it in an OO language?
@Nathan? :)
Any mods about? @Seth?
askubuntu.com/review/first-posts/485274 <-- Not sure what to do here
It looks like a question/answer duo
@NathanOsman PEBKAC
:D How the mighty have fallen! ;-)
@RPiAwesomeness Leave a comment asking them to put it into Q/A format. Maybe point them to the tour page too.
@RPiAwesomeness Handling it! CC: @Seth
@Fabby It's actually Ripple by the Grateful Dead. Beautiful song. YouTube will have a copy - get a studio version and not a live version if you want to hear it. I can link you if I absolutely need to. ;-)
@KGIII Erm, could you try to click on my thank you??? :P
@RPiAwesomeness Could you read my comment?
@Fabby I saw it and like it better than mine :) Nice job
(and delete yours?)
Already done
Thank you!!!
I didn't even notice it was a link. ;-) Clicked and listening now.
@Fabby That's not too bad for a live version. I saw them a bunch, I've even seen what is left of them, but I don't think I ever went just for the music, so to speak. Their live stuff is kind of hit or miss. I didn't think you'd be familiar. Great song. :D
@KGIII I like good music...
We'll have to take this to Tox some day. ;-)
and that includes some Tchaikovsky, some Michael Jackson, some Madonna, Some Wagner, ....
I've got hoodlums knocking right now. So far about a dozen of them. It seems it's traditional for them to trick-or-treat here at the hotel. Who knew?
lemme post you an ls ~/Music there... Then you'll ahave (a bit) of a clue
@Zacharee1 Flag as Unclear
@Zacharee1 voted unclear...
@RPiAwesomeness vote!
not flag...
What they're saying is, "Pink and purple garbanzo beans fester in their scrotum not entirely unlike fuchsia." @Zacharee1
Oh... 3.8K
@RPiAwesomeness I remember when you had a higher score then me!
@Fabby Same do I. I'm just not that involved on AU, I usually get beat to the ones I can actually answer :P
@RPiAwesomeness move the red arrow7 characters to the left!
Oh, that's true
@RPiAwesomeness I'm having a drink, but you're drunk??? ;-)
I should do this more often! >:-)
I should hope I'm not drunk, that's kind of illegal for me RN
@RPiAwesomeness No it's not...
It's illegal for you to be drunk in public...
and it's illegal for you to be served in a public venue...
@Fabby Nope, it's illegal for him to posses any kind of alcohol. This isn't Europe ;)
@Seth Really???
he's not allowed to have a glass of wine at home or in church???
(look at my comment below the original)
@Fabby Nope.
If I had any alcohol at home my parents could get fined
Gotta be 21 for any alcohol
@Fabby yup.
The exact details vary state to state though.
@Fabby you ping me and I go yell at the right people.
@RPiAwesomeness Hold on! What happens when you turn 12 and are catholic and have to have a sip of wine in church because of your confirmation of faith???
@Seth Thanks!
Which is on my list of things to do.. From now on if you find bad reviews please ping me so I can get them removed.
It might not actually be illegal for you to be drunk so long as you're not actually in possession of alcohol when they spot you. nods (This is not a recommendation.)
@Seth understood. When you're not around: another mod???
or just pile it on you personally?
I'm fine with either.
I'll get around to it eventually ;)
Heh... There is a +500 point question.
@Fabby It's usually grape juice
Though I think small amounts like that are allowed on the grounds of religion
Don't quote me on that though :P
@Fabby I'm not quite sure what makes this a bad audit though. The question is definitely unclear.
Sleep I need, talk like yoda I do
@RPiAwesomeness OK...
@Seth No it's not...
It's extremely clear: the user just moved over from Windows,
installed through the software center
and is wondering why he's not getting 1.12... (latest version)
that's a lot of assumptions ;)
answer: because of the Ubuntu freeze in Trusty!
all we know is that he has 1.10.
@Seth Wanna bet a bottle of Champagne???
we don't know what "not a complete game" means and we can only guess on what "updates" means.
I'm an intuitive thinker (being an old fart and all)
you're probably right, but he didn't say that.
and I'm pretty sure I can help him and the question is crystal clear!
(to me!)
Luckily I checked the question or I would have had another failed audit...
(happens rarely nowadays as I can smell them now)
Intuitive etc...
yeah, review enough and you can tell an audit from 5 miles.
Yup, though they got rid of the latency...
It used to be: if it takes more then 1 sec to go to the next one: it's an audit!
I spent $140 on candy for the begging SOBs and I've had to send the missus out for more as we're running low already. 64 kids so far.
That's a lot.
wow, I didn't know trick-or-treating was still a thing.
I am at a hotel in Buffalo. They have a trunk thing in the parking lot. In here we were told to just put out the do not disturb sign or prepare to deal with 'em. It's apparently a thing here.
@ByteCommander @ThomasW. Hah! Fabby beats you both! It is possible to hibernate to a HDD and having swap on the SSD...
(though it's a really, really bad idea...
Do you look like this:
LOL No but I feel like it and I only have gray in my beard and maybe around the temples. ;-)
(that was actually me, dressed up)
LOL Nice.
No, I assumed that was your normal everyday wear.
This is, however, the first time she's ever had my debit card AND my car.
nope... Most recent I could find! @KGIII
Nice. She's cuter than you are.
@KGIII she? Me no comprendo...
Not that you're not a handsome fella or anything but, well, she's pretty damned cute. I'll see about a pic when she gets back - both of us or something creative.
Ah! Natahn's pic!
@KGIII Ah! the RL woman next to you!
LOL The girlfriend is the subject at the moment, in my mind at least. She's got my car and my debit card for the first time. I trust her well enough (or I'd not do it).
Yes, her. Only she's not back but she's not been gone long enough to worry.
She went off to get candy...
Decisions, decisions!
Ah yes Tox it is. I don't wanna get confuzzled.
She'll be away for more then 1h...
Q: I deleted my desktop and everything froze. What did I do?

unknownSo I was playing around with a live disk experiment (using an external HHD as a live disk) and I made a script that made 9,023 directories on my desktop before I could stop it. Being the noob I am I ran this command to clean up my mess: rm -rf Desktop And then made a new folder called Desktop...

I umm... I told him the truth in my comment. I also gave him some sort of direction.
Is there seriously nobody here who knows anything about collision detection?
@KGIII :D Reading...
@ParanoidPanda I do but I know nothing about Java and don't want to know...
It turns out it was a live usb/dvd so all good.
Try Stack Overflow...
I don't know enough to help. I've poked at Java timidly and was scared enough to not go any further. Write in Perl. nods
Ok, well I'm sure I'll figure something out... I'm just not sure about getting one object to know that the other is there... But I'm sure that I'll work it out... :)
@ParanoidPanda Global variables...
@Fabby: Ok, I got that, now I've just got to get the ball to realise the size of the square...
Which shouldn't be too hard... Should it? :)
@Fabby: Yay! I've got it to notice when it has hit! Now I've just got to get it to bounce off which shouldn't be too hard... But thanks for giving me the hint about the variables, I knew I had to do that, but just forgotten the name of them! :D
kind of weird reading this conversation ... I'm deeply getting the feeling some OOP principles are being violated
Well, I'll continue with my project tomorrow, but goodnight for now folks! :)
I wouldn't use global variables here
I have one question what is 3gb dddr3 sdram 3*1gb ?
Does sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=10 work in 14.04? Pre-systemd?
@Fabby they claim to actually turn it into blood...
@Mateo ahè :D
I'm not Catholic, so yeah - grape juice
@Fabby Protestants also have that ceremony, but I think it was at the age of 14...
And if I remember right, we were offered both grape juice and wine and could decide.
A years old link-only answer, but with a positive vote score. Should we keep it or get rid of it? askubuntu.com/a/1070/367990
Critique plz ? askubuntu.com/a/692399/295286 I think my answer is awkward but . . it kinda works . . .mayube ?!
@Serg Why do you use "find" 2 times?
@ByteCommander listing files in one directory , then in the other
But those are the same files, as you copied them, right?
Why do you use the tempdir at all anyway?
@ByteCommander what i did was move them all in temp directory, then move back and in the process rename them. Because as you can read in kos's answer, you cannot rename files forward, only backwards, from 40 rename to 41, from 39 to 40, and so forth

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