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@A.B yes
@Ravan Yes, you have 2 upvotes, nice =)
@A.B no great man,!
@A.B can you protect that question?
@cl-netbox Not really. But you can feel proud of your imaginary achievements...
@A.B I saw this but update question is more better.
@A.B. @Ravan I have VLC 2.2.0 from the official repo... Is that only because it's vivid instead of trusty?
to avoid from such answers
@ByteCommander yes
However, shouldn't we close askubuntu.com/q/677443/367990 because it mentions MINT?
@ByteCommander your comment "latest version"
Ubuntu or vlc?
@blade19899 happened to me as well : askubuntu.com/questions/614657/… :(
@Ravan VLC of course. Add something like "By today (2015/09/23), the latest VLC version for 14.04 Trusty provided by this repository is 2.2.0." or whatever
(my personal suggestion)
Some of you are on SuperUser ?
Yes... But <200 points.
@hg8: One might say that, yes.
@ByteCommander thank you I will
Oh, wrong. I have 212. ^.^
@JourneymanGeek oh indeed =)
@ByteCommander @Ravan: "As of today (date) is more correct IMO
Haters gonna hate, hate hate
Ah, okay. Thanks, I'm always appreciating chances to improve my language.
@blade19899 I agree ! :)
(Amusingly, I'm wearing an AU T-shirt from the mod election I lost)
@JourneymanGeek Do you think I am missing something when answering this question ? superuser.com/questions/977061/…
@hg8: Its a off topic question and some people choose to downvote those.
Not quite sure if its a android.se question or a apple.se question tho
@JourneymanGeek but downvote mean 'not useful'...
@ByteCommander done
@hg8: amongst other things
@JourneymanGeek Thanks for the clarification.
@Ravan Downloading Windows finished ?
@ByteCommander Yes
@cl-netbox got DVD from friend!
@hg8: migrated and upvoted. Added a comment to let ASE mods know and so they can handle the impending mess.
All ready with win Ubuntu USB and kali Dvd @cl-netbox
Also, while there's guidelines for downvotes, people generally do as they please, myself included ;p
@Ravan If you don't have the Windows product key it might not work !
@JourneymanGeek Thanks very much! =))
@JourneymanGeek After 1 year here I should have understood that :p
@cl-netbox may be!
Glad I could be of assistance :)
@cl-netbox but I won't use it much
@Ravan Try to skip 'enter product key' when installing - it will work for a few days without major hassle then ... after some time you need to activate Windows ... or it is getting unusable ... :)
@cl-netbox k
@Ravan what is 'k' ?
@cl-netbox sorry..typo ....ok....sure!
@Ravan when do you start setup ?
@cl-netbox may be after two hours!
Q: VS Code not working on Elementary OS

Murhaf SousliI have downloaded VS Code on Elementary OS, and I followed the setup instruction of Setting up Visual Studio Code on linux. The executable file "code" seems to be unknown, it is not opening, Any ideas?

@Ravan good luck ... I am excited how it worked for you ! :)
@cl-netbox I'm in search of reputation now!...;)....
@cl-netbox I am near to gold badge
> "GNOME 3.18 is a release packed full of new features, welcome improvements and rounding off of one-time rough edges." - OMG! Ubuntu!, This Is What's New in GNOME 3.18
official @blade19899 ?
@Ravan you should be hunting for MAXIMUM PLATINUM !!! ... not for gold ... >:) :) =) :D
@cl-netbox ;)
@cl-netbox till now I decided 3k enough (privileges)
I am not sure about my answer here : unix.stackexchange.com/q/231537/115216 can someone verify it ?
I will delete it if I am wrong.
@Ravan I can't find the gnome 18 ISO?
So, don't know
@cl-netbox but I need 15k
> you will shortly be able to download a live image
Now, we play the waiting game.
@blade19899 it still did not arrive - here you will find it as soon as it is available : ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/misc/promo-usb
@cl-netbox Already checked there
@Ravan what now - 3 or 15 ?
@blade19899 dl speed will be way slower than from ftp ! (because most people use http)
@cl-netbox 15
@cl-netbox Ah, yeah. After work I'm heading towards the gym anyways. So don't matter. I've learned to be patient.
@Ravan you are such an amazing person ... =)
@cl-netbox do you know python?
@blade19899 GNOME is most enjoyable in fedora...
@Ravan no - I know it, but don't know what to do with it.
@cl-netbox ok...
don't mind bye cu =)
@Ravan see you ... bye bye ... :)
Bye @Ravan
@hg8 bye
@A.B \o
@Fabby great man \o
@Ravan didn't you mean @Fabby big daddy ? =)
@Ravan cu my friend \o
@A.B. watch this -> ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/misc/promo-usb (fastest download speed) ... GNOME 3.18 will be available today ... :)
@cl-netbox cooooool
@A.B. will try it in VM ... :)
My first accepted answer today and a job offer :)
Q: Failure to install any updates (problems with apport and insserv)

Mark J GaleaLately the updates are not installing, and when I try sudo apt-get upgrade (obviously, after update), I get the errors below. I tried to find solutions on the internet, but most of the explanations were too technical. I just need someone to tell me what to do as I have no idea of coding or any t...

"If you'll ever want to work in Malta
I run a consultancy company - HR & Recruitment
it's Quad Consultancy 0 www.quadconsultancy.com"
@ByteCommander No
@A.B. You will move to Malta then ? =) The weather is quite nice there.
Has to be nicer than here anyway...
I'm going to play a game of Texas hold'em... Anybody else having PokerTH installed?
@ByteCommander no =\
Then I'm going to play against random people...
@ByteCommander Good luck =)
Wow, Mycroft hired someone that worked on siri and echo: mycroft.ai/new-developer-sean-fitzgerald
> "Mozilla has announced the release of Firefox 41. With controversies surrounding previous builds now subsiding Mozilla is going a little easy on the lever. Firefox 41 features a modest batch made of mostly incremental changes." - OMG! Ubuntu!, Firefox 41 Released With Built-In Instant Messenger
Just lost my first two hands and 1800 imaginary $... :-/
> SVG favicon support
Sweat ^
> There are a few Linux specific bug fixes and tweaks worth a mention, including a fix for a font UI issue on Linux Mint; a patch for Pocket to stop its icon going missing; and HiDPI WebRTC notification icons (geolocation, microphone access, etc).
YES, two Aces! :D
Q: Exchanging huge file trees between disks

SkaperenI have two 1TB disks and a huge file tree on each. Each takes up about 85% of their disk. I want to swap/exchange the trees between disks. The only spare (USB) disk that big I have is nearly full. One problem is that I must split the time to do this. If I had lots of spare space I would use ...

Damn, that bluff did not work... -4000 imaginary dollars.
@ByteCommander 4000 ? :o glad those are imaginary
Well, I started with 10k...
Now 3.900 are currently left...
it's a losing game... :p
And I left the table as 7th out of 10... Used to be better.
Back to answering questions.
Oh, I've already reached my daily rep limit...
@ByteCommander Again? wow =)
@ByteCommander already ? Is the reputation excess distributed the next day ?
@hg8 No
@hg8 No, everything I would earn now just gets redirected to /dev/null...
Got 120 points from this again...
@ByteCommander @A.B. oh...That's pretty sad
It just tells me that I have now better things to do for the rest of today than answering stupid questions ;)
Close 15.10 question: askubuntu.com/q/677483/367990
Yay got a new badge.... tumbleweed :|
@hg8 Congrats ! =)
@cl-netbox haha thanks :p
@hg8 you're welcome Mr. Tumbleweed ! =)
I don't know why there is a badge for that
I'm wrong? It works for me:
Q: Problem with rename-window in tmux

mcocdawcI have a tmux session called "session1" and two windows both with the name "zsh". I wanted to change the name of my current window to "TeX_Code". Steps were: Ctrl+B : rename-window 'TeX_Code' Which changed the name accordingly. But when I pressed enter in the prompt the name was changed back...

Close as Off-topic/went-away or /not-Ubuntu: askubuntu.com/q/677314/367990
@A.B. That Midnight Commander from here strongly reminds me of Norton Commander I used on my good old W3.11 and sometimes W98 machines... ;)
@ByteCommander I use the program still. =)
Close because went away: askubuntu.com/q/677407/367990
Close because not useful for future readers (only typo): askubuntu.com/q/608700/367990
is a purge enough to completely uninstall nodejs ?
depends on how you installed it
if its through the package manager it ought to be
@JourneymanGeek yes thanks :)
(also if you're running nodejs or that fork which name I don't remember, nodesource has nice repos)
@JourneymanGeek in fact it is for this guy : askubuntu.com/q/677498/338915 ... I do not know how he installed it in a first time
ah man, anyone know how to change the window border size, the one thing i'm missing from using numix over ambiance is the 0px seemliness window border
um... not on windows...
@Mateo of course... sorry about that
hmmm, maybe in the css files
hiya! @0xF2
@0xF2 hello :)
@Mateo Indeed
Okay. Seriously, Firefox needs to stop adding "features" like their Firefox Hello thingy and focus on adding features that people are leaving Firefox over the lack of - like HTML5 video support
that and app icon sets should be a thing - I really like my title bar and action icons the way they are - just want to switch up the applications icon feel
and numix removing the glow :/
Makes some good points
@RPiAwesomeness wait, someone tried to say it isn't?
@RPiAwesomeness FF has HTML 5 video support!
@Seth Yeah, but not good support, like Chrome
I still can only do 360p & 720p in Firefox using the HTML5 player, and that's not mentioning HTML5-based streaming with VP8-VP9
Q: I'm 23 and was given 50k what should I do?

John WallRecently I was given 50k from my grandmother in her will. I am 23 years old and have no idea what to do with it. I make 33k a year. I have zero savings. I owe 35k in student loans over 6 years 0%APR I owe 5k in medical and credit cards. I have zero monies towards retirement. I also need to purc...

@RPiAwesomeness lol, someone said they were finally going to fix the keyboard only displaying all caps...
@Seth Uh...pay off the loans & save the rest?
was a pain to try and enter an invisible password in for someone on one of those...
@Mateo I can imagine.
don't think they had the show password box either...
@RPiAwesomeness ikr, seems so obvious. But the people on money are like super money experts who think everyone needs to invest kind of people.
@Mateo they did
Investing is actually somewhat safer as of late with the talk of possibly turning the interest rate negative in the future
btw, I noticed you joined the papercuts team. I'm considering doing that myself.
Yeah. I haven't had much time to do much, been focusing on videos & personal projects, but I contributed at least 1 fix...not sure if it made it or not
Seems like a good way to get more involved outside of AU that doesn't require spending tons of time on technical stuff.
Really simple though, just some mistake in the manpages :P
manpages are a pain to edit xD
I had to write 3 manpages in 1 day once.. Never again.
(thankfully I could copy most of the text from the program's help text/online resources, but it was still painful)
@Seth :)
what's the purpose of starring a post in chat?
@0xF2 So other people can see it in the future without looking back through the entire chat history
normally it's used to help people see stuff that's important or funny.
just like a bulletin board type of thing
plus you can search your own starred messages better
sed to the rescue!
@RPiAwesomeness ah, I see. And they decay over time, or they stay there forever?
Essentially, yes.
Even if a message has a higher number of stars, those stars lose "value" or something over time, and then get eventually replaced.
grr I forgot my sed flags.
Q: Need help with mount.cifs syntax for read/write mount for non-root user

TheHairyOneWhen I upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 it also upgraded cifs. In Ubuntu 12.x a network mount script I had would nicely mount a Windows network share as read/write. My attempts at updating it to work with the new cifs have failed, see syntax attempted below which results in a read-only mount for my non...

woo, s/'^> '/' '/ ftw!
yay found it!
border free numix!
@Mateo looks good. =)
this is the coolest YouTube channel I've come across in a while:
aw, no one boxing.
Hi guys, what would you use to set up a git server? I've seen 2 ways either linux.com/learn/tutorials/824358-how-to-run-your-own-git-server or gitolite
GitLab is another popular option.
hmm I wasn't sure it was free
@crl The community edition is free, iirc.
cool, thanks
@Seth That is :D
@Mateo Nice! I'm using the ARC theme and I think it's border-free by default
@NathanOsman I think @GeorgetheDev is down again :P
@GeorgetheDev What is my favorite OS?
What kind of information sharing will take place between face-book CEO,Microsoft and Google with Indian PM during his US visit?
Who knows
It's totally up to them what they share and I doubt they have disclosed any of it.
Why do you ask?
Will they share about user's privacy?
Don't know
Does it legal to download goggle apps using Googleplaydownloader
Are you wondering if it's legal to do that on Ubuntu?
Well, is it legal on Windows or OS X? I've never used it personally, so I can't say.
Should be the same for Ubuntu, since you're the one choosing to do it.
I came across one post On Askubuntu
FYI, the proper English grammar there would have been "Is it legal..." :)
Q: dependency problem while downloading the google play dwonloader

RamvigneshI am trying to download and install the google play downloader for ubuntu. I have downloaded the google play downloader from here. I tried installing it by using sudo dpkg -i googleplaydownloader_1.7-1_all.deb from the from my Downloads folder. But I just got the following dependency errors. dpk...

@intex Again, haven't used it, so can't say.
Do you have any idea what is going around in World?
@A.B. Some people declined your flags and the system wants you to see why?
@intex I'm not quite sure what you mean by that.
@A.B. Dunno. It's what other people have done.
:24287979 GREAT answer - was close to upvote ! But my finger froze suddenly ... =)
@cl-netbox LOL!!
@Terrance o/ =)
@cl-netbox LOL
@A.B. Hey buddy! =)
@A.B. @Terrance aaaaah - pain - I am writing with my thumb now SORRY ... :D
@Terrance Everything OK with you? Servers up and running? =) Backups are ok? =)
@cl-netbox With your thumb?
@A.B. yes - finger still frozen ... =)
@cl-netbox =)
@A.B. Yeah, things are OK with me. Was just working really late last night on servers. Then back again early this morning. Need lots of caffeine! =)
@Terrance the best friend of an administrator
@A.B. Exactly! =)
So, I'm preping for the Sociology CLEP test and had to look up the definition of Alienation...this is what I found:
"Karl Marx argued that alienation results from the private ownership of capital and the employment of workers for wages, and arrangement that gives workers little control over what they do."
Isn't that exactly what Communism does?
That's why communist countries had such issues, the people aren't allowed to do what they may be good at or what they want to do...
@ByteCommander find $(python -c "import sys; print '\n'.join(sys.path)") -type d -name 'Bio' =)
@RPiAwesomeness ooo, I just found a new one I like better - ultraflat looks awesome sans border
@Mateo Oh?
I've heard about that one, have yet to try it out
@Mateo What would you do here? askubuntu.com/review/suggested-edits/466071
Post a pic when I'm home
I feel like it's too much of an edit & should be a comment, but I'm not sure
Well, my name is no longer hidden on the interwebs. Recognition @ NGINXconf for me, apparently...
.@nginx recognize ten outstanding contributors from the open source community. #nginxconf http://t.co/ysmfCoGRRY
I leave for today - see you guys - have a good time ... :)
@cl-netbox cu my friend =)
@cl-netbox Take care! =)
@sarahnovotny announces the #nginxperts : @agentzh @teward001 @stevencorona @mfjordvald @piotrsikora @zimmerle http://t.co/gCqUMx6Uqg
apparently i'm a big thing now :/
@ThomasW. Cool ... I guess?
yawns as he realizes he needs more coffee
@RPiAwesomeness Meh, it's alright.
@RPiAwesomeness just means I now have to answer all the nginx tagged questions xD
@ThomasW. nice
@ThomasW. coolio!
@Seth What do you think with this edit? askubuntu.com/review/suggested-edits/466071
I feel like it's almost too much of an edit & should be a comment, but I'm not sure
@RPiAwesomeness That looks ok.
he's adding info found in the comments
he gave good reasons for his edits too, ofc.
When it comes to the part about adding stuff to the config file it was kind of on the fence. I don't think either choice would be wrong. The rest was fine.
Hey guys
i have the following dockerfile
its throwing an error on line 7 , any idea why ?
@AlexanderSolonik software-properties-common is installed?
i don't think so
how do you install that ?
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
Shouldn't that come by default?
@RPiAwesomeness Was just a guess
Wouldn't you have to run that docker as sudo or elevated?
That's what I thought
i think
in a docker file
there is no need for sudo
@AlexanderSolonik Sure, ok
i this*
i Think*
not sure
Pure habit
@A.B. , AB's baby .
funny name
hmmm , how did u know i had to install the commonds ? before i install the ppa stuff ?
just out of curiosity .
@AlexanderSolonik Did you look here about running the docker with non-root access?
@AlexanderSolonik BTW, you can press the up key and edit your old messages so you don't have to do the whole *CORRECTION message thing :)
Really useful feature in chat
@Terrance noo , thanks for sharing
@RPiAwesomeness , i know about that feature hehe
@AlexanderSolonik No problem.
@AlexanderSolonik Oh? Why didn't you use it then?
@RPiAwesomeness , * are cooler :P
@AlexanderSolonik I fail to follow your logic
Plus it fills up chat with extra messages, especially when you have to make multiple edits
@RPiAwesomeness just kidding , i'll try using that feature , whenever i make a mistake . :)
Hmmmm, my arrows don't work in here. :( (I take that back! :P )
@AlexanderSolonik :)
@Terrance Oh, for the edits?
There's a time limit on how long you can edit it and the message box has to be empty for it work
@RPiAwesomeness LOL Yeah, it worked, but only on my most recent one.
@RPiAwesomeness Ah, that makes sense. =)
@Terrance Yeah
I am new here
but i do use the JS chatroom
quite alot
javascript that is .
Never bothered even paying attention. I guess you just make a perfect post the first time. =)
any JS junkies here ?
@Terrance , who me ? aww , thanks for the complement .
I never used them here to edit posts. I was always just clicking on the edit in front of my messages. Learn something new everyday.
Btw, how can I quote a chat message?
"i am quoted"
@A.B. write a ">" as first character.
> I am a quote.
Arg o_O
> I am a quote.
> Me not
> quote
got it !!
The most obvious
> what?
Ah, I got it
> danm
> don't type me without a space !
@ByteCommander already done
Q: Does loss of reputation revoke previleges also?

snoopWhat if someone suddenly loss lot number of reputation, which was enough for him to get new privileges before. Does this will effect his privileges? Please explain both the cases.

I think I have it just how I like for now ;)
@Fabby \oToX
@Oli Nice! Take some interesting picture like this one...
@JourneymanGeek :D :D :D
@ByteCommander OK, good one! ;-)
Q: Increasing partition of a SD card

KoushaI have a SD card that has two partitions /dev/sdb1 that holds the boot sector, and /dev/sdb2 that holds the OS. The card still has unpartitioned free space. How can I take all the unpartitioned free space and add it to /dev/sdb2 without formatting the drive? I want to do this in on command line ...

@Ravan What fantastic thing did I do now again? (without knowing that I did...) ;-)
@cl-netbox Please explain... The reference is lost on me...
You can safely delete your comment now.
@ByteCommander yours askubuntu.com/q/677566/367165
@Fabby I'll try my best :)
@Mateo Interesting.
Looks pretty similar to ARC, just with more of a blue theme to it
@Fabby thanks ;)
wow, saw this on g+ - terminal stats for users on the ubuntu phone: plus.google.com/101390620047921378812/posts/Aza8r3KKaND

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