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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

cool, someone sent an email on the rss feeds scope, making some changes based on feedback :)
When someone submits a pull request into your project. http://t.co/ngYuO0w9pm
haha, yeah
I got one part done, so it is now going to display your custom feeds for the default - then only do "discovery" when you search
the next suggestions is to use the feed title instead of address for display, I think I have an attack plan for, will take a bit more work though
2 hours later…
Any guide for it?
My mustache wants to know...
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in username: Where to snap up some darkscape rs gold az by rsgoldazzyy on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in title, url-only title: http://fatburnxonline.com/the-ultimate-herpes-protocol/ by loraleegus on askubuntu.com
@snoop get some sleep buddy
@NoTime Hello mustache guy! How is that going for you pal?
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: Can you tell me best skin care product? by Phoebailey on askubuntu.com
And lol about that, HIPAA guide doesn't exist, at least not on this world.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in title, url-only title: http://dermaessencecreamblog.com/herbal-virility/ by kristgiliam on askubuntu.com
Wow this bot is bringing some useful stuff.
Morning all :)
Morning o/
@Lucio \o
@A.B. so, what keep you running?
Answering questions
keep it up!
Q: How can I eliminate irrelivant (and obsolete) answers?

TJKAs Ubuntu grows older, I'm finding that some answers no longer apply to the version that I'm using -- and if I don't know the answer I wouldn't know that the answer that I read is not applicable to my situation (unless this is stated somewhere in the answer). Let me give two examples: I am usi...

CV-please (off-topic, not Ubuntu): [Backtrack question ](askubuntu.com/q/676923/367990)
And good morning all, of course! :)
@ByteCommander Good morning. I will vote on that one. =)
@ByteCommander I cast my vote as off topic.
Well, night all! Early start tomorrow morning! :D
@Terrance gnight
Night Terrance.
@ByteCommander See you later.
Not YOU and not ME!
@NathanOsman good morning !
He's sleeping, I guess.
I's probably 1-4AM where he lives, guessing the time zone...
ooops ok :P
Don't know where exactly, but somewhere in the US.
Plus timezone, it is a regular week labor day.
today I read one amazing answer from you
that one about the physical securing laptop
Oh, thanks! (blushing)
first time ever I hear that word
Which word? I hope you don't mean the "thanks"... ;D
nop, blushing
and it didn't come from a lady ¬.¬
Well, I did not really blush, of course.
hah, that made me giggle
I think you did not really giggle as well, did you? ;)
I .. actually did
like, for real
Then that's fine too.
What is your avatar about?
Oh, it's just a wolf...
I found that one online and liked it.
ok, I thought it was some sort of game but that also works.
And I like wolves, so the decision was made. :)
any dog?
Well, dogs are just wolves for the home, aren't they?
as long as they are big enough, sure
but I was asking more for a, do you have a dog, kinda question
Oh, no I haven't. Unfortunately.
Close this confused question, please: askubuntu.com/q/676920/367990
That's funny. :) I want a dog, as large as possible and close to the Wolf =)
Husky maybe?
Japanese Akitas also look nice and quite majestic.
And incredibly sweet as puppies! :D
If they look like puppy and sound like puppy, they are puppies :)
@ByteCommander A little girl with an ex boyfriend :\
Morning @Ravan
@A.B morning o/
Yep, funny fact: I met a girl thanks to that 503 nginx message. Looks like some strange magics is surrounded by that specific HTTP status code.
It was a 502.
Today's activities: (1) post on Twitter (2) have someone reply asking for body parts (3) have tons of people favorite the tweet asking for my body parts (4) have people make fun of my face (5) have people call me names I can't repeat (6) have obscene sexual comments made to me (7) give up on humanity.
Aren't Akitas brown by default?
@NathanOsman Planned or happened?
@ByteCommander Oh, that should be the girl meet man version then.
Or the girl leaves man version...
@A.B. She does not even know herself what is happening... :P I'd just close the question. She saw a 502 and the one responsible for this is the web server.
@ByteCommander no, not planned.
But sadly I'm not surprised.
give me your liver i need it @nathanosman_dev
22 people favorited that.
May I join you at point (7)?
Y..... eah.
@NathanOsman Sorry, I misclicked that one.
@NathanOsman forget about the humanity in those places, they are just a bunch of blood suckers putting us all to test before the machines can handle the situation.
Meanwhile just look at this kitties:
Oh I'm going to ignore it.
That 502 thing is funny.
http.cat/401 <-- that one is my favorite
@ByteCommander you gave onlink to block site !
will you provide that link know?
@Ravan Hm? What do you mean?
@Lucio Funny! Had a good laughing! :D
Like, a real one? :D
Oh yes! I have to bookmark that site.
Maybe I'll include it to my chatbot.
@ByteCommander typo.....you gave one link about how to block sites
don't you remember?
Erm... Yes. But I can't remember the link. Just search the transcript.
Sep 17 at 10:40, by Byte Commander
@Ravan Try http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/27350/beginner-geek-how-to-edit-your-hosts-file/ and read the first section, then skip the windows explanations and scroll straight down to Ubuntu.
Hello all
Hello Hugo
@ByteCommander how you searched? I failed to do that!
Search for block said by Ravan in room Ask Ubuntu General Room.
@A.B. Oh no, StarOS is active again! askubuntu.com/questions/676937/…
The query is something like this: chat.stackexchange.com/…
well, not the query, but you get the point..
@Ravan Yes, and then you click on one of the posts from the search result that you know was said shortly before or after I gave that link, so that it opens in transcript and you can scroll to my message with the link.
That's all folks!
@ByteCommander thx =)
@NathanOsman Take some rest, and lemme know if you need some flags on whateverfuckedsocialmedia
Good night everyone
@Lucio See you later.
Good Morning everybody ! :)
Good morning @cl-netbox
@ByteCommander Hi!
@ByteCommander it can be closed?? https://askubuntu.com/review/first-posts/465489
@cl-netbox hey man o/
@Ravan good morning to you :)
@ByteCommander OH NO - where did you meet him ? =)
@Ravan I am not sure, but I clicked on "No action needed".
@ByteCommander ok
@cl-netbox e.g the comment on the question Ravan just reviewed.
@cl-netbox afternoon ;P
@ByteCommander o_O
@Ravan NIGHT =)
@cl-netbox Morning my friend =)
@A.B. good morning to you as well ! =)
@A.B. @ByteCommander StarOS - so far it may be funny - but what if this ghost keeps spamming ?
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Muscle Growth Supplements by donnakilli on askubuntu.com
@cl-netbox Well, I think he's trying to be helpful, but greatly fails.
So I do not downvote or flag whatever he does, of course not. It's just that he gives many valid reasons to do this.
Solved my weirdest Bluetooth bug yesterday... my Intel 7260 AC needed a complete power-off (unplug @.@!!!) to get recognised again. Tsk tsk tsk - good I did not waste time with drivers.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: Getting Reduce Acne Scarring Fast by Ghutyloi on askubuntu.com
May somebody add the final close vote (went away) askubuntu.com/q/630172/367990
> To Read the Full Story, Subscribe or Sign In
If anyone here decides to add that to there website, punch yourself. Hard.
@Ravan - I want to suggest something to you : Would you like me to help you improving the quality of your posts by editing them regarding grammar and spelling ?
@cl-netbox sure! why not?
@ByteCommander for you
@Ravan ... I am asking because I do not want to offend you, I think you are doing a pretty good job here content wise !
@Ravan Nah, not really. I'm not in the right mood to wrap my head around that French translation. If people can't at least throw their stuff through google translator before posting it here, I don't feel responsible to help them with that. Not when I'm not feeling in the right mood.
Is this comment confusing or not?
@ByteCommander wrong link ?
Oh, yes.
Hardware = Not the outside of software, it's the core of software or whatever, how it is graphical drivers when it's about POWER SAVING? — Star OS 19 mins ago
@hg8 ^
@ByteCommander confusing for me yes.
Close as unclear or went away: askubuntu.com/q/676934/367990
@cl-netbox my network down now!!,....I may available later! =)
Q: Ubuntu Server monitor goes to sleep in 10 minutes

thomasdhooghe35Is there a possibility to disable the monitor sleep in Ubuntu server 14.04? After 10 minutes my monitor goes to sleep. I've already tried several options, from http://superuser.com/questions/152347/change-linux-console-screen-blanking-behavior/154388#154388

@Ravan I see you are back online. I improved a few of your posts. FYI : OneDrive = Microsoft / overGrive = Google ! I corrected this already in two posts. :)
@cl-netbox hello!
yes I'm back
but not sure how much time!
@cl-netbox I approved few posts , thank you!
@Ravan Could I help you - are you satisfied with my work so far ?
@cl-netbox yes! post with good content with proper grammar will be a good post
@Ravan by the way ... just wanna tell you that I like you quite much, you seem to be be a very nice person ! :)
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: To play an acai drupelet fast eminent by bobbyranna on askubuntu.com
@cl-netbox I'm working on this question
@ByteCommander can I edit my answer with your comment or do you want to do it yourself ? askubuntu.com/questions/676986/…
@hg8 Sure. When I comment, you may use it. If you ant, add a little credit note, but that's not necessary. Only if you can sleep better tonight then. ;)
@ByteCommander done :) thanks for this useful comment
@hg8 @Rinzwind hello
Hello @Ravan =)
good answer @hg8
@Ravan Thanks. Yours is good too, it is always better to user installer from official website...
I wonder some sites showing commands as they were in question! @hg8
@Ravan yes it does not make sense
missing downloads.sourceforge.net part @hg8
@Ravan Voting to close because Mint is no official Ubuntu derivation.
@ByteCommander I voted!...Is that comment correct?
@Ravan @hg8 Left a comment on both of your XAMPP answers:
> The chmod +x command should also work without sudo, as the user just downloaded it to his home directory, I assume. It's a good idea to only use sudo as often as necessary, but as rarely as possible.
@Ravan I don't see any comment.
I blindly copied/pasted the tutorial linked by OP to make it clearer to him but you are perfectly right I edited my answer :)
Hello @A.B. :)
@hg8 Hi =)
@ByteCommander I just edited!
First I wrote chmod without sudo then edited and I added sudo.....
Voted on both! :)
@ByteCommander Thanks =)
Close this or let it wait for maybe (but probably not) existing interesting answers? askubuntu.com/q/676977/367990
@ByteCommander why you deleted your comment?
that was informative!!
@Ravan Because you both edited it out of your answer, so it's duty was done. But I left a copy at the question itself.
@ByteCommander ok ....please approve ...I can't read it properly!
@hg8 that is only for 64 bit
@Ravan do you have to approve this : askubuntu.com/questions/676986/… ? If yes, please approve. :)
I wish do-release-upgrade could time travel. I want 16.04 already.
@cl-netbox I already approved!....still one more needed!
Best 404 page ever! en.lichess.org/404
(Contains addicting chess/arcade minigame)
@Ravan what do you mean with "still one more needed" ?
@cl-netbox that means...one more reviewer has to approve that edit!
@Ravan Ah ok - thank you !
@cl-netbox ;)
14:57:49 ⌂24391% [aboettger:~]
24391% not bad =)
Q: i used Compiz .but my window clear

Joman Del RioMy laptop Hp Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I Download Compiz Apps. Then i have click something idnnt kn0w . Then when i open my laptop. All windows have clear . Get lost. Ididnt kn0w how to fix. I try to rebo0t but i didnt kn0w . May questio0n is How to Rebo0t the ro0t of laptop . 14.04 or fix the compiz. T...

V0te to cl0se : unclear what y0ur asking
Q: Too many Kernel Panic (3) and Linux installations problems in same computer

FranciscoI have a Lenovo Thinkpad L440. Core i7 4GB RAM 1TB HDD Windows 7 64 bits installed though right now it has Windows 10. I made space in disk to install Linux Mint. Left: 20~ GB for / 8~ GB for swap and almost 195~ GB for /home folder. Installed Linux Mint 17 (64bits) with Cinnamon as deskt...

@cl-netbox ;=)
@Fabby o/
This guy is awesome
@hg8 hey man !!
@hg8 Did you really mean me ? =)
@cl-netbox =)
@hg8 sarcastic or sincere ? :)
Hey @Ravan :)
@cl-netbox sincere
@cl-netbox but take a look at the url
@hg8 something wrong with it ?
@Ravan ... think I need some little break now - satisfied with what I did ?
@hg8 THANK YOU - very nice ! :)
@hg8 something wrong with it ?
@cl-netbox "askubuntu.com/users/current" if you open the link you will see your profile, if ravan open the link he will see his profile etc :)
@cl-netbox but I genuinely think you are awesome for the help you gave me =)
@hg8 you mean [This guy](askubuntu.com/users/current) shows their profile!
@hg8 nice idea from you - so everybody here is awesome ! =)
@cl-netbox thank you
for your edits!
I have total 79 or 80 answers....
@hg8 and what happens when StarOS enters the room and clicks the link ? Will spamming of post exceed then ? =)
i think you are near to 2k @cl-netbox
then I will invite sent OS here @cl-netbox
@hg8 You know I was pleased to help you and always will do it again ! :)
@Ravan are you kiddin' ? - Do you want me to leave ? =)
@cl-netbox hey man wait.....just kidding!
@cl-netbox you are near to 2k man!!
@Ravan I am pleased to help you if I can ! =)
@Ravan 2K let me see... 1925 right now ...
@cl-netbox here simple answer...four ups!!
I think this is helpful. Should we reopen or improve/edit or migrate to U&L? @mods
@Ravan great man - you want 5 ? here they are ! =)
@fossfreedom what do you think about that?
@Pandya o/
@cl-netbox bye cu =)
@Ravan what?
@Pandya hello!
@Ravan When you have questions, I am experienced with that ... did you check : chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/24260547#24260547
@cl-netbox no today first time I planned to dual boot my system
with win8 and Ubuntu
I think @fossfreedom is not here right now; what is your opinion for this? @Oli
@Pandya too old to migrate
@Ravan IMPORTANT : first install W8 then ubuntu !
@cl-netbox yes that's why I need to format now and fresh install!
@fossfreedom can we reopen (what improvement is needed?)
@Ravan good luck my friend ! =)
@Pandya yeah - dont see an issue. done
@fossfreedom thanks
BTW this really helped me and hope others as well.
@Ravan how can I undownvote ?
@cl-netbox ignore it!
cu =)
@cl-netbox you have to wait until the Q or A has been edited before changing your mind
... and dont just edit for the sake of editing to change your mind!
@fossfreedom Thank you for info - I never unupvoted before - I upvoted accidentally ... and no I don't edit only for unupvoting ! :)
The top (well known) reviewers (for close votes), Eric Carvalho & Eliah Kagan had voted to close that questions recursively see this and this!
hey @fossfreedom, been a while :-)
Hey Seth - nice to be back. Took a long holiday!
@Seth Hello ! :)
I think this question became answer and achieved 100+ !
Brrr... ugly weather outside.
good bye...
@Pandya See you later.
@JacobVlijm I found a Unity workspace question for you: askubuntu.com/q/677072/367990 I guess you already have a script in mind for that.
@Pandya Why migrate at all?
@ByteCommander That's GNOME
@A.B. OH! Indeed...
@A.B. Do you know what the gdm pendant to dm-tool for lightdm is?
@fossfreedom Nice to have you back! I hope you had a good holiday.
@cl-netbox Hi!
@Seth how are you ?
Doing mostly good. Life has gotten busier than I ever thought possible for now though.
Does anyone of you know what to use instead of dm-tool for lightdm when I use gdm?
Close (off-topic, not Ubuntu but Kali) askubuntu.com/q/677120/367990
@Digi Howdy!
Hows it going?
Since when did George say howdy? I like it!
@Digi Just FYI, George is a bot... ;)
@ByteCommander dm-tool?
@A.B. Really? But its manpage explicitly mentions lightdm.
@ByteCommander That was a question =)
I don't have gdm installed, so I can't try...
Yes. ^.^
@ByteCommander Sorry, no idea :\
@ByteCommander I've always used xdotool
That has nothing to do with that, has it? o.O
dm-tool - a tool to control the display manager

dm-tool [ OPTIONS ] COMMAND [ ARGS ]

dm-tool is a tool to communicate with the LightDM display manager.
Close another Kali question please: askubuntu.com/q/677127/367990
@ByteCommander really?
@Digi Sure.
@GeorgetheDev What's the time?
@ByteCommander The current time is Tue, 22 Sep 2015 16:35:20 GMT.
@ByteCommander To move windows? Why not. Or even dbus-send
@GeorgetheDev Who are you?
The pronoun you (stressed /ˈjuː/, unstressed /jə/) is the second-person personal pronoun, both singular and plural, and both nominative and oblique case, in Modern English. The oblique (objective) form you functioned previously in the roles of both accusative and dative, as well as all instances after a preposition. The possessive forms of you are your (used before a noun) and yours (used in place of a noun). The reflexive forms are yourself (singular) and yourselves (plural). == Usage == In standard English, you is both singular and plural; it always takes a verb form that originally marked the...
@ByteCommander Or myabe wmctrl
@NathanOsman You should code an answer for "Who are you?" into George.
@ByteCommander a shot in the blue superuser.com/questions/170962/…
@A.B. I don't want to move windows but lock the session, switch users or go to the greeter. That's what dm-tool does.
was only an example
Sorry if I was unclear.
  switch-to-greeter                                    Switch to the greeter
  switch-to-user USERNAME [SESSION]                    Switch to a user session
  switch-to-guest [SESSION]                            Switch to a guest session
  lock                                                 Lock the current seat
  list-seats                                           List the active seats
  add-nested-seat [--fullscreen|--screen DIMENSIONS]   Start a nested display
  add-local-x-seat DISPLAY_NUMBER                      Add a local X seat
^ is all that dm-tool can do.
@ByteCommander he does have a help command.
@GeorgetheDev help
@ByteCommander Allow me to introduce myself. My name is George Edison. I am an experimental bot created by Nathan Osman. Please talk to me in natural English and I will respond to you if I am able to understand your sentence.
@NathanOsman You could just add a regex like .*who .* are .*you.* and map that to the help command maybe.
nice is there documentation or a way to see its code?
It's on github.
@cl-netbox ABP improvements sounds good. I don't really like uBlock...
@ByteCommander same with me !
@ByteCommander I don't have any performance issues with ABP in FF anyway ...
I don't know, mine is always a bit slow...
@ByteCommander Haha, thanks, I'd have to start up my Gnome VM, I am mostly familiar with Unity :)
Yeah, I've not really noticed the GNOME at first...
Thought it was Unity instead.
sorry i'm new to coding. Does anyone know why he used js in comparison to other languages? and would it be possible to recreate this in Python?
@ByteCommander I switched to chrome, but not for this reason - chrome is slightly faster ...
You know I'm no friend of big data-collecting companies...
@GeorgetheDev What is love?
@Digi Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me no more!
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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