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@NathanOsman How about a nice game of chess?
nope. he wants to play thermonuclear war
or sudoku, but mostly thermonuclear war
@Seth What do you mean?
@hbdgaf Really? I will try that on the next ones... But my aunt brought a packet of hard boiled eggs that will last for a while - like your family bacon.
@NathanOsman well @hbdgaf got it anyway.
that's just the tic tac toe piece. that doesn't explain the chess thermonuclear war thing.
@hbdgaf Well you do have to know some of the beginning but it has the ending in there
I think I watched that film... An old computer who played only chess for years wins over a modern aggressive machine? (because the only chance not to lose is not to play)
well not playing or picking a different game
Oh, my radioplay just started...
Final pre-render rendering!
so you're using three pass and you're on the second pass?
I'm happy with how this video turned out. I was initially rather meh about it, but I added in a few things that I originally wasn't ('cause I didn't want to do the work necessary) and it's much better.
@hbdgaf No. I render out the full video instead of watching it in Kdenlive so I can watch it at full res.
This is hopefully and most likely the last pre-render render I do.
If it's good enough, it'll be the final render :)
i only ever render once on recordings... and it shows. you learn faster that way though.
@hbdgaf You have a Youtube channel? I seem to recall asking this before, but I don't remember it exactly.
there are some as aking1012 on vimeo. or tagged as aking1012 on securitytube.
haven't done a video in a LONG time.
@hbdgaf Ah, security stuff
just stuff. doesn't matter what the topic is. used to, but now i'm just sort of meh whatever.
@hbdgaf So, you're a security guy?
i was.
thinking about going back to NYC for a stint after i pay my lot rent for the year... just to see what happens. that's WAY more than you needed though.
something like that
facepalm In one of my clips it looks like there are these breasts in the reflection of the TV screen :P
It's just my elbow, but it doesn't quite look like an elbow entirely.
i was going to say my bad, but it looks like that one is on you.
@hbdgaf Indeed. How would it be your fault?
If you watched that last video while recording ;)
@hbdgaf No, I did it before ;)
I'm going to sleep... Bye!
@hbdgaf So, the really good virus writers use ASM?
I used to wear a shirt that said "real men do it in assembly" but it pissed off my c# friends...
that and i lost everything i owned a few years ago - so i'm on a reset.
I've tried ARMv6 ASM. It's interesting.
@hbdgaf Oh noes :(
don't feel bad about it. the people responsible won't have the opportunity to do it again. it's my fault for letting them.
control freak much? yes. yes i am.
Oh, so it's not your fault? What happened, if I may...
If you really want to hear it, you probs want to take it off thread.
As in another room? Or what? Not sure what that means :P
do you have gmail?
Yeah, but I (or rather my mom) tends to be quite protective of it :P
ok. then just never mind.
That's fine :)
it's actually better than fine... you probably didn't really want to know.
Probably not
@hbdgaf Goodness. You were all about the nostalgic color scheme:
hah... yeah those were the good old days. it's not really sustainable though.
Nooo. Not really
i'ld rather just design a stock trading algorithm and be a bike messenger all day anyway. that's how it winds up working out.
So, in that first F-secure demo, you made a backdoor for backtrack?
it was a vanilla metasploit payload with a wrapper.
But, basically put, you made a backdoor that you could connect to via Metasploit in Backtrack. Correct?
all i built was a wrapper. it just nuked the whole universe of AV.... and would continue to do so. basically put i found a way to wrap something anyone on earth could get off the shelf.
Also, dat window wiggle
@hbdgaf Wow.
i wouldn't wow... it's not that amazing. i cheated in a couple ways.
Heck more impressive than I could do!
you could do it too if you wanted. you just have to want to.
Yeah, I've just never really tried.
That, and Kali Linux does not like my desktop :P
Fans ramp up, the GUI is all screwy - it's just bad
i've never used kali in my life.
It's backtrack for all intensive reasons, just with programs added to the PATH instead of you having to go into the specific folders (at least, that's what I've heard)
okay i used bt a long time ago a few times.
@hbdgaf Very interesting video.
thank you.
i'm working retail now for a day job and financial sector automation as a night job now though. hopefully i finish some of my fin sec stuff, so the retail stuff isn't necessary and i can just coast and have fun though.
so if you have questions relating to the video, i'm really not the one to ask.
this came up on my pandora once - really liking it:
sounds extremely similar... one song wonder type of thing?
no, she does mostly covers. there are other things, but seriously mostly covers. one inspired song.
oh, gets cool towards the end on that one
anyway, I like it. might not become a thing for me, but really nice.
she did a thing with pentatonix too.
hm, what was the other song that came up that I really liked.
oh, that is cool
@Mateo Dude, Lindsery Stirling is awesome
@hbdgaf O.O dat flexibility though
yeah, she just came up on my pandora, and I was digging it
she seems versatile and good but not inspired to me, but that's the walmart music critic, so crucify me.
What think?
only make that your headline if you actually do a lot of benchmarking
I was gonna do just "Speeds", but I found that looked rather stupid
ah, then there was this one, maybe a bit funky but totally liked it: youtube.com/watch?v=bBcCSZBF8MI
@RPiAwesomeness well a is definitely better than b....
Sorry. Slow upload speeds 'cause I'm uploading the vid.
I'm not particularly happy with either :P
"It's speedy, and How!" put a 60's drawing of a person in there
You don't want to ask me. I'm a monochrome or 3 color mono + half tone guy. You'ld hate what I like.
@Mateo >.< I'm not even as old as the 60s...
@Mateo Like a 60s waitress with the Pi 2 or the Pi logo on her platter....
that might just work xD
yeah, exactly
"kitch" style
So that was a thing in the 60s?
I was thinking a go speed racer go reference with three slides. rpi2 it's fast - go speed racer go - yes that fast. if you want to keep it cartoony.
That ... might work. Kinda having trouble visualizing that one...
Dangit. Did I really just double-post that first image? facepalm
google.com/… you have selections for slide 2...
^ is what I meant to post the 2nd time
@RPiAwesomeness definitely don't use that one.
@RPiAwesomeness haha, like this guy - shutterstock.com/similar-55843129/…
Remember kids, read the manual: shutterstock.com/similar-55843129/…
so you're going for a post future history vibe like bioshock?
like that stuff, but sadly I get motion sickness on most first person's - although borderlands 2 I could play without much trouble
@hbdgaf I'm going for whatever turns out the best :P
@Mateo Yeah, sadly, it's shutterstock and I can't use it :(
i'm having a little trouble with how perfectly this audio lines up with the premium rush stream... it's breaking my mind.
@RPiAwesomeness there is a ton of that stuff around, lets check some pd or cc places
@Mateo Do you know of any sites that has images that are cc?
Has no mention of any licenses ... not sure if that's good or bad ...
Guys, can you use Photoshop on Ubuntu?
@EnglishMaster ...depends on the version.
I'm talking about illegally jail-broken Photoshop like on Windows
Modern ones (CS 5+) don't play nice
@EnglishMaster cs2 works great
I hate Gimp, to be honest it sucks. You must agree with me.
and they basically through in the towel on that version
@EnglishMaster Errr...not really.
Gimp is just MS Paint with some additional features
@EnglishMaster it has a different goal...
@EnglishMaster Ummm...I don't quite think that's a fair comparison
Come on, just say Photoshop is better. Gimp sucks, please. I know you guy shave high ego but you have to agree on this
try "krita" that one picks up the painting aspects well
A) No, we don't have high ego. B) No, I don't have to agree on this.
that is like comparing apples to oranges, it's not trying to be everything photoshop is
Photoshop is better in many aspects, yes, but just because you can't use GIMP doesn't mean it sucks.
^^ what he said
You can hate GIMP, just don't come barging in here and start saying we have to agree that GIMP sucks.
then there was another one that did very nicely that picks up the raw editing part
Photoshop is better for editing photographs, GIMP does better at creating images. It can edit them too, but Photoshop is better for that.
"darktable" was it, that is nice for the photographs
@Mateo Yeah. Could still use some work, according to my friend who's a fairly decent photographer.
but yeah, photoshop is like several program types in one
...and gone.
@RPiAwesomeness You don't need a fancy tool to "create an image". You can even create an image by pressing "PRT SCREEN" button on your keyboard. What I'm saying is Photoshop is simply just better.
or was it RawTherapee...
Oh, never mind.
and yeah, ignore.
It's like saying, MS word is 60 times better than OpenOffice
LibreOffice (aka OpenOffice) is for poor schools with low budget
@EnglishMaster sigh I didn't say that. You got your answer. CS5+ sucks on WINE 'cause of Adobe. If you can't be civil about this and make absurd declarations like we have to agree that GIMP sucks and Photoshop is amazing and is the best at everything, then you're going to be blocked.
My highschool was pretty poor so they couldn't afford MS office license so they used LibreOffice instead
it was pain in my butt.
@EnglishMaster Ahem, and the British government.
Yeah, they are pretty poor too
>.< That statement lacks any logic
I mean, you wouldn't drive Toyota if you had money to buy BMW
That has nothing to do with anything. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ignore you.
toyota/scion has some awesome rides, so we are done here.
Boop. And gone. What on earth...
Gosh, you guys have so high-ego
@Mateo Do you see any connection between Toyota vs BMW and LibreOffice vs. Word? Other than Word is expensive like a BMW?
@Mateo Did you actually ignore him? Like, via his avatar on the right?
yeah, but since you were talking to him, I was checking the log...
anyway, back to alternative suggestions, I was trying krita lately, seems nice
Guys, are you seriously going to ignore me?
@Mateo I had that installed, never actually used it. Is it comparable to Paint.NET or is it just all by itself?
I was saying logical things
@EnglishMaster Yes, we are going to ignore you if come in here and make statements that we have to agree with and then making completely illogical statements comparing Toyota vs. BMW to LibreOffice vs. Office. There is no comparison there.
kind of more like a corell draw, but it has the drawing tools that gimp didn't get into, so if you are doing art it has a lot going for it
@Mateo Ooooh. I see. Might be useful to have around.
@EnglishMaster We gave you your answer quickly and nicely, you didn't have to start off on an anti-FOSS rant. Now, if you can be civil and not make statements saying we have high ego, we'll listen and perhaps un-ignore you.
12 min remaining on the upload. @Mateo Did you ever say if you knew of a site where I could browse CC art?
I'm sorry, you don't have "high-ego"
It's okay. We all make mistakes some times. Now, do you need help with anything else? Otherwise we can just hang out and talk if you want.
@RPiAwesomeness can't seem to find much right now
I just want to hang out and talk.
so it has a lot of brush stuff
worked pretty good with my wacom, since it had a right click quick select thing like here:
@Mateo Ooo. Fancy.
Also, is that Vivaldi I see in the background?
firefox dev edition
@Mateo Oh yeah, Wacom tablet. I have one of those, I should try it out in Krita
@Mateo Ah. Square tabs look similar to Vivaldi's design. Had I looked closer initially I would have noticed the menu on the right.
although, I do have vivaldi installed too ;)
I had the Dev edition. Never really used it though - all the stuff I commonly use is in regular Firefox and since I haven't done much/any web dev work lately I didn't really see the need.
I was crazy about opera from v 10-almost12
maybe like the first few 12 releases...
then they started tanking the project
so yeah, the features I liked are back:
@EnglishMaster LibreOffice != OpenOffice btw.
wonder if they will enable configuring the ones that I don't this time around...
Although they share some code
@Mateo You can un-block @EnglishMaster now. He's not ranting any more :)
like those crazy tab previews that don't fade when moving your mouse...
@Mateo I tried Vivaldi for a bit..
It has promise, not quite there yet though.
yeah... I was like "oh, cool", but still using firefox - then chrome for netflix/backup/hangouts
flash is going to get awesome on firefox soon
Oh did you hear about that?
or at least a bit less broke
I'd have to learn re-learn the Alt+Tab# shortcut to use Ctrl+Tab# on Vivaldi
Oh? Please share!
6 hours ago, by Seth
@RPiAwesomeness So I installed Arch on my spare partition (as you know) and YouTube works in FF 37 just fine.
6 hours ago, by Seth
I didn't install anything flash related that I know of.
they are making their own plugun thing, what was it called...
@Seth Oh yeah.
@Seth You sure you weren't using HTML5?
@Mateo oh really?
@RPiAwesomeness Pretty sure I was ;)
HTML 5 ftw.
@Mateo Oh, I thought you meant Daala
@Mateo I'm generally in the camp of "don't roll your own" a la xkcd standards.
but it will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Though, I guess that wouldn't make sense with your statement being about Flash and Daala being a codec of its own.
whats xkcd?
well, since adobe dropped it...
@chaskes gasp
@chaskes o_O
@chaskes :O
Read ^ Now.
ok, ok. thx. ;). we all deserve a little slack sometimes. I've seen it, but I call it: "you know, that cartoon with the funny stick figures...yeah, it's about tech. that's the one."
@chaskes oh you're fine
Slightly surprised you'd never heard of it though (or so it seemed).
@Seth lol, so true
just never paid attention to the name. :)
use replies @rpi >.<
@chaskes took me forever to figure that out too.
And once I did I could never remember the letters xD
ok, throw something flash at me
so what's up @chaskes?
Did you hear I got Arch installed?
@Seth nice. that one's recursive. (redeeming comp sci reference)
Took me a while to get the gui working but I got it (xfce no KDE :( )
@Seth oh yeah, saw the chat last night. I'm a big arch fan.
@Seth xfce is harder in arch than kde, cause you need to install some things like polkit separately (as I remember)
it totally works
try gparted and see what happens
flash free! and flash stuff still works!
@Seth Struggling with unicode in a libreoffice base connection to mariadb
@Mateo whoa, that's awesome!
@chaskes huh really? I have polkit installed I know that.. but perhaps KDE pulled it in before I installed xfce?
@chaskes Yikes!
Unicode can be a huge pain and a huge boon at the same time.
@Seth exactly. there's a bunch of stuff xfce in arch didn't pull in: polkit, screen locking, and some others I can't remember right now
Flash & Java. Two the most prevalent, and yet most dangerous things that need to go bye bye.
oh that reminds me. Suspend wasn't working.. hmm.
@RPiAwesomeness Java != Java Applet stuff. The later needs help, the former not so much.
At least people don't abuse Java applets the way they do Flash..
@Seth True, but aren't we always hearing about Java exploits and zero day stuff? Or is that the Applet stuff?
@Seth agreed, but the jvm is full of security holes too
@Seth Ugh, ikr :P
@chaskes huh, interesting. I guess I accidentally helped myself by installing KDE first :P
Q: Why do I hear about so many Java insecurities? Are other languages more secure?

gsingh2011I really like the Java programming language, but I continuously hear about how insecure it is. Googling 'java insecure' or 'java vulnerabilities' brings up multiple articles talking about why you should uninstall or disable Java to protect your computer. Java often releases a huge number of secur...

I want to use this image but I don't think I would have rights :P
depends. if your goal is to learn more about the tiny gears you've always taken for granted, you did the right thing with xfce. the arch wiki covers these things well
@Seth So it is the applets.
I see
@Seth oh, I see, yeah, kde may have made some things work for xfce
@RPiAwesomeness well, more the sandbox I guess. But guess what uses the sandbox the most ;)
@Seth I'm experimenting with using Base as a gui front end. I think if you create the table in base, the table doesn't properly inherit utf-8 from the database properties.
@chaskes oh you can do that? Neat. I've never had a reason to really figure out why Access/Base really work.
Access when used as a front end to sql server and with a lot of vba code is awesome.
trying to replicate with base as an exercise
@RPiAwesomeness that looks like the shutterstock one...
public domain
@RPiAwesomeness public domain.
@Mateo ik :P
Hey, let me be honest with you guys. I'd prefer Windows over Ubuntu but I use it to impress people at college because Ubuntu interface and its Terminal make you look maximum nerd. Meh, Windows FTW
@EnglishMaster And you are entitled to that opinion :)
@EnglishMaster Okay. You can have your opinion. That's fine. Most of us here (me excluded) have & use Windows too
But I'm not sure a Linux based room is the best place to go spouting that ;)
@Mateo cool resource! I'll have to remember that site.
there are a few: publicdomainpictures.net < that one advertises for shutter-stock on the bottom, so be careful
@Mateo oh sweet!
If Ubuntu was mainstream then why would it advocate desktop users to install it "along with Windows"?
Haha, Windows all the way boys!
@EnglishMaster you haven't seen the poor poor users I have...
The ones who think installing another operating system is like replacing your shoes.
flickr has an ok CC search, most are by-sa-nc
@EnglishMaster ...ummm...take it easy with where you're going there
They frequently end up wiping their Windows partitions and then not understanding that a) their data is gone and b) what an operating system really is.
Now I think it's time you stop trolling :)
Right, I'm sorry
Ill stop trolling
Good. I was fixing to block you for good then...
@EnglishMaster You know that you can use CMD and PowerShell on Windows to look cool ;)
They're actually surprisingly powerful.
Although I find memorizing powershell harder than, say, coreutils.
oh man reading my mind...
I mean, you gotta impress girls around you, that's the whole purpose of going to uni
and this can let you do all sorts of coolio stuff with the Windows shell.
@RPiAwesomeness guess what site I just opened when you pinged me ;)
@EnglishMaster You can impress girls with tech skills? This is news to me! :D
@Mateo haha, nice ;)
hey, there is the slackware guy ;p
wonder if you can install that on the pi...
Fire up hackertyper.com on half of your screen and CMD "treeview system" on the other half to look busy
@EnglishMaster Do that in the i3 window manager and you're golden. Ain't nobody gonna touch your computer.
@EnglishMaster Tried cmatrix yet? I know there's a CMD alternative but I forgot how to write it ;P
@RPiAwesomeness that one looks like:
yeah, you can just leave your laptop running like that in a library and go and have a lunch
people will assume your computer might be traced by GPS or it's going to explode if they touch it
@Mateo Yeah, similar.
so nobody's going to touch it
@Seth ooo, so almost..
Anyways. I g2g for tonight. It's 1 hr past my bedtime & 2 past my "get off the computer" time. Shhh, don't tell.
@RPiAwesomeness oh, look at this one the one guy could be holding up the pi logo: retrovectors.com/40s-50s-60s/60s-men
@RPiAwesomeness later then
@Mateo yeah just noticed no v6 or v7 support :(
there is this though: rpi.fatdog.eu
@Seth wow, that is quite a statement: "we're more than convinced that Slackware ARM Linux is still the best operating system to install on the Raspberry Pi, and it's just become more exciting with the advent of the Raspberry Pi 2. Unfortunately, there's no support or interest from the Raspberry Pi Foundation for running Slackware on any Raspberry Pi device. Hence this website."
heh, yeah it is.
well, I'm out. later
laterz @Mateo!
Which one looks the most nerd?
1) Looks skinny, almost malnourished, but have 212 wpm typing speed and wears the biggest glasses in your college. You can't ever see his eye balls because glow from his screen make his glasses almost like sun-glasses.
2) Socially in-adapt, always wear t-shirts with Mozilla logo on it. He is fond of military stuffs so wallpaper on his laptop is a photo of Marine Corps. But unlike his military hobby, he is fat as hell
3) Looks like a rejected Sesame Street character, uses Lenovo Thinkpad in school. He loves talking about girls (e.g. which girl is hot in school
eh, not really my thing.
I guess the definition of nerd is a bit relative.
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, Blacklisted website: Active Ingredients Found in Testo XL by Leah Weisz on askubuntu.com
2 hours later…
happy Easter @Rinzwind
Happe easter @Takkat for Easter I killed 3 Hemwick Witches :=D
happy chocolate bunny and egg day to you both
who eats bunnies head first here?
I decided that I get tomorrow off.
@Takkat usually ears first yes...
starred because out of context - it makes your brain stop.
@NathanOsman i thought you were between jobs? doesn't that mean it's really easy to choose days off?
Yes :)
I'm kinda sorta between jobs. It's complicated.
@Mateo - so not the 1 hit wonder thing youtube.com/watch?v=EbHcVS7tEnY
Q: Minor site design updates

JinAs you can see, Ask Ubuntu community site got a slight design update today. I have moved site's CSS to a newly refactor LESS system, so it's more maintainable for us to fix SE network CSS bugs globally going on forward. I've standardized some common site elements and UI conventions. For example, ...

@Takkat: Last time someone gave us a easter rabbit, no one wanted to eat it until mom got fed up and broke it into bits ;p
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Why should you take Garcinia Cambogia Supreme? by johnny on askubuntu.com
2 hours later…
Can it be that there are very few updates this week? I think I can't remember one single update within the last days... Is there a way to check out whether my updating has a problem?
@RPiAwesomeness Ah right. I didn't even realise I'd done that. I thought you meant I could have edited his edit comment.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: The Best Bodybuilding Equipment To Own? by kotokudr doeu on askubuntu.com
Q: Tool to list every e-mail detail sent from a server

mugurIntroduction: I have a specific problem with an Ubuntu server where some security leak allowed spammers to use the server to send e-mail. I fixed most of the problems (caused by some unsecured wordpress instalations) but I have a feeling that some things are still missing. In order to deal wit...

1 hour ago, by ByteCommander
Can it be that there are very few updates this week? I think I can't remember one single update within the last days... Is there a way to check out whether my updating has a problem?
Any ideas?
Run apt-get upgrade
@terdon I do run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y every day at least once, but it always tells me that there are 0 updates.
@ByteCommander Then there probably aren't any.
Otherwise, you'd get errors.
@ByteCommander this is most likely because a new release is about to come out so they're focusing on that rather than on updates.
@terdon Okay, thanks. But I also don't get updates for e.g. qTox, which is still in "Nightly" state. I used to get updates every day until maybe a week ago...
@ByteCommander What repo would that be in?
Let me look...
I think repo.tox.im. That's what it shows in the apt-get update output.
@terdon ^ It's an external PPA.
@terdon See also this info/download page for qtox: wiki.tox.im/Binaries

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