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Interesting fact: The Pi 2 Model boots almost perfectly twice as quick as the Pi 1 Model B (same card), but shuts down slower by ~ 7 sec.
I wonder if you can just swap SD cards between the Pi 2 and Pi 1....
That would make software testing a whole lot easier...
Keep in mind that you can't use ARMv7 code on the original Pi.
The original Pi only runs ARMv6 code. The Pi2 should (in theory) run ARMv6 code as well.
@NathanOsman Yeah. However the OS works on both Pis.
It would appear you can indeed do so.
Argh. Having one keyboard/mouse you have to switch is a pain :P
I have two spare USB keyboards and a Bluetooth keyboard... in addition to my regular trusty old PS/2 keyboard.
I highly recommend having a spare keyboard on hand.
My family technically has a Bluetooth keyboard + mouse combo that worked great with the Pi (aside from a horrid range) ... but we're out of the right batteries :P
I guess I do have that old PS 2 keyboard & mouse from our 1999 Dell I could use ....
Oh yeah. And sore throats suck
So. Test the Pi 2 or sit around and watch Youtube videos. Talk about a decision...
Don't have some Swiss herbage bonbons at hand?
Just popped one in :)
Want to help me with my decision?
What decision? I like helping :)
a) studying quantum physics for exam tomorrow (in 6h)
b) sleeping (01:40am)
c) wasting time on AU
d) no idea...
I want to write a script that counts up though 000 to 999 leaving the leading zeros until it gets to 100.
as in 001 002 003 and so on. is there any clean way to do that in bash?
I would like to do some of c) followed by b), but a) is starting to hurt!
Anyway, back to a) >:P
Ummm. I'd probably go do a.
Me too, but I start to HATE it!!!
It's usually a good idea to work before play. And sleeping is only optional. :)
@ByteCommander I'm sure :P
Not sure where I put my quant folder but youcan paw in here.
I'm taking Physics this year, but not Quantum physics.
It is normal physics course with 4x 45min per week. Grade 12
@j0h Yeah...gimme a sec, I'll whip up something. It would require using a (or multiple) while statements.
I also imagined something else...
Does it have to be BASH, or can it be Python?
'cause Python would be leagues easier.
^--- this
I could be python
I was kinda thinking there is a program that counts in that way already
Well, I leave you alone dealing with that. Back to Schroedinger, Einstein & Co.
@ByteCommander Look up the refrigerator that Einstein and Ohnes tried to build that was interesting.
@j0h Here you go:
i = 0
while i != 101:
        if(i <= 9):
        elif(i <= 99):
        elif(i == 100):
        i += 1
Probably could be done with regex, but this is nice and simple.
i = 0
while i != 101:
        if(i <= 9):     print('00'+str(i))
        elif(i <= 99):  print('0'+str(i))
        elif(i == 100): print(i)
        else:           print("Ummm. This shouldn't happen")    # <-- Should never happen

        i += 1
@j0h You know that you are disturbing me at understanding things like Wn = n² * h² / (8me * L²)
Little more compact and has error catching.
Or you could just do:
for i in range(0, 1000):
    print '{:03}'.format(i)
Not that I would not love to get disturbed, but I also want to be finished soon!
@NathanOsman ... Oh duh. I totally forgot about the range functionality in if.
That counts from 000-999.
My bad, screwed up on that part.
@NathanOsman I was just trying somethign like that, (mine wasnt working right yet) :)
i = 0
while i != 1000:
        if(i <= 9):     print('00'+str(i))
        elif(i <= 99):  print('0'+str(i))
        elif(i >= 100): print(i)
        else:           print("Ummm. This shouldn't happen")    # <-- Should never happen

        i += 1
But @NathanOsman's is still better
Oh hey look at this (bash)
echo {01..100}
What the...
Must. Make. Python. Example. Shorter...
@j0h echo {01..100} && echo {101..999}
Boom. BASH solution.
No newlines, though.
@NathanOsman Regex? That'd require importing a library though.
I can get newlines
@j0h I hereby bestow on you the title "bash wizard".
There is some sort of thing where if you echo that to a variable and the spaces come out as new lines. I'll need to recall how to do that.
Incidentally, the "print '{:03}'.format(i)" could also be written "print '%03d' % i".
(Shaves off 7 characters.)
I wondered why you went with that initial method of string formatting...
That's the recommended way. The other way ("%") is just more compact.
Really? I did not know that. I'd only ever used the % method
There we go
Funny + CGP Grey == good
The problem with using % is that if you try to print a single tuple, it will instead attempt to interpolate it:
t = ('hello', 'world')
print 'Hi %r' % t
...leads to an error.
However, this works:
t = ('hello', 'world')
print 'Hi {}'.format(t)
That's a pretty big difference.
Stupid slow internet
Or, maybe it's the Pi's dongle.
That could be it too
Stupid complex quantum physics
@NathanOsman got those new lines echo -e {01..100}\\n
Very very clever.
the double slash was tripping me up
Well. So it's the SD card. Wonderful :P
I think I've discovered the least reward/work ratio one can achieve in Java coding
For whatever reason, my Pi model B just despises using the MicroSD card adapter I have :P
@Chan-HoSuh Agreed.
@NathanOsman ahaha, no specifics needed eh
Java. Bleh.
I much prefer C/C++.
Heck, ASM is simpler in some cases than Java :P
Now we're talking.
C++11 is the pinnacle of programming languages.
C++ as a language is more elegant, but Java does have a more manageable dependency hell
@NathanOsman Linus would take issue with that statement :D
@Chan-HoSuh You might want to take a look at Go. It's a really interesting blend of static typing and dynamic memory management. And it has no dependencies. Ever.
Java also has the advantage of making you look more busy.
@RPiAwesomeness I don't care what Linus says.
There. I said it.
@NathanOsman ... thanks for the recommendation! I've incremented the counter for Go by one... the counter on Scala is currently higher :D
I was talking with someone who used Erlang the other day.
Decision time. Get just the new class 10 microSD card now, or get the MicroSD card and mouse....
I'm not totally convinced about the Mazer, I'd like to look around some more - however, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get a better price/performance ratio on any other mouse.
usually I regret getting the cheaper version
Didn't Ubuntu just create a new mouse?
Apple Magic Mouse much?
It comes with two recharging sticks. Clever.
Actually, that's kinda cool looking.
scroll wheel thing?
Is that the mouse wheel, on the side?
Man. That'd be interesting to get and review...
Too bad it'd cost me like $50 to get :P
I'd get that one.
But it's $70 :P
And I definitely don't have $70 for a mouse :P
@NathanOsman I don't by mice with giant things that stick into my computer..
If I'm spending $70 on something it's gonna be a RAM upgrade or AIO cooler.
It is a bit oversized, I admit.
I might just get the Mazer II, since I do need a replacement and it has pretty good reviews.
I've had the same mouse since 2008. I hope it continues to last :P
@NathanOsman Which one?
Lemme get a picture. The model number isn't on it anywhere.
There we go.
Logitech FTW :D
It's kind of worn.
But it runs on two AA batteries (I use rechargeable ones).
Mine's been around since...2011, 2012?
M305 is an incredible mouse.
It feels quite solid and my only complaint is that scrolling side-to-side is a bit buggy.
Mine has been great, but the wheel is getting a bit sticky and it's not nearly as precise as it should be.
We also have an even older Microsoft IntelliMouse.
That goes back to... maybe 2005?
I did not know this, but CGP Grey lives/is a citizen in Ireland!
Eeeewww :D
Rather ugly though :P
$30 for a 16GB MicroSD Class 10 card + Mazer II mouse ...
Grrr. Can't decide.
Most mice seem to have omron switches ;p
@NathanOsman: the intellimouse is a design classic
Pity they don't have em with higher DPI
Sigh. I'm just gonna get the SD card for now. I don't need the mouse. I would like it, but I don't need it.
@RPiAwesomeness: we've all been there
@JourneymanGeek Yeh :P
also, if you have external storage on your rpi, you can use that for your install
works well ;p
I wonder how easy it would be to boot my Pi over the network.
(hell, berryboot even supposedly does iSCSI installs, which would be useful if you ran a cluster of them ;p)
I'm fine storage-wise, I just need a class 10 microSD card for the Pi 2.
@NathanOsman full network boot is impossible. You'd need at least a minimal SD card for the bootloader
I want the speeds for testing.
I run mine off a 128mb. But I can have the rest of the system on USB or iSCSI
actually, I need an SD card for extra storage on my netbook ;p
(and I need to get the linux install prototyped so I can get a USB 3.0 cruizer fit for that.)
@JourneymanGeek Right. I was taking that into consideration.
@NathanOsman: oh, then only as hard as setting up iSCSI I guess ;p
@NathanOsman any info under the battery cover?
Under ideal conditions, I can get 70 MB/s reading off the NAS.
I wonder if the SD card can get that high.
Usually logitech moulds that into the bottom
@j0h I'll check.
@NathanOsman: errrrrr
I have no idea
amusingly the ethernet on the raspi is bottlenecked by how its connected, but the SD card may not
P/N: 831650-0000
^--- inside the battery compartment
@JourneymanGeek Oh right - I totally forgot about that.
Yeah, it's capped to 10-11 MB/s then.
That's the one.
buuut... I don't think most tasks are storage bottlenecked ;p
@JourneymanGeek That's true... and latency on the network will play into that.
Wow. I left you about 3/4 hour alone and I almost can not find my last post any more!
Oh I see its a rockin mouse
@RPiAwesomeness Finished. No more quanta please!
I had one of the stationay ball mouses for a while that was dope
the Space orb mouse was cool too
Ball mice. Sadly I remember those...
Oh yes. What a joy to get the rolls clean when the pointer starts jumping on the screen while moving the mouse...
ball mice are something I've never missed
nor do I miss CRTs
aw, I miss my 22 inch viewsonic crt
Currently having a nice simple black Fujitsu M-U0026 (optical). Works fine. Just gets switched off after 2 secs when my laptop is not connected to AC.
I have a ball mouse for a specific system ;p
although I wonder why I need an even bigger desk when my monitor no longer takes up half of it... there's still a mess on it
and some people prefer CRTs for retro gaming ;p
although, I'm not digging it out of the crawlspace for nostalgia...
way to big and heavy
I threw out my last CRT after it went full sith.
I was pondering about acquiring an NES the other day. Always regretted selling mine.
(had sparks flying out of the VGA cable)
@Mateo Sorry, I might be too young to know what you're talking about, but google/wikipedia gives me CRT="Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy"??
CRTs had one thing going for them: resolution-independence.
@ByteCommander Eh, no.
@ByteCommander: GET OFF MY LAWN.
@ByteCommander giant old computer screen
@NathanOsman: which LCD drivers can do with rescalers.
I thought so too... I got that it's about screens, but what stands the abbreviation for?
Tho, I kinda wish plasma didn't die
@JourneymanGeek I've never seen one that did as good a job as a CRT.
Cathode Ray Tube.
@JourneymanGeek Yeah. High refresh rates FTW.
@NathanOsman: Plasma's BIG advantage was really good colour contrasts
Ah, thanks. Though I had enough physics for today...
we have a big ol plasma display
@JourneymanGeek That too.
mine even did 75hz
Its only 640 x 480, but god, its beautiful
I didn't like the curvey aspect of CRTs
@Chan-HoSuh There were some flat ones.
I remember using a really big one once that actually scaled the picture slightly based on how bright the contents of the display were. Switching from a grey to white screen enlarged the picture slightly - a zooming-in effect.
@NathanOsman bug or feature?
@Mateo yes
It was annoying.
@ByteCommander Ah, the days of CRTs.. Those were fun!
for reference
Q: Crt flickers when more than 3/4 the screen is white

Journeyman Geekreally part 2 of this question, but its a different issue than what i thought. I've been doing some testing, the screen seems to be non flickery if more than 1/4 of the screen is black, if i have any other colour taking up more than 3/4 of the screen there's flickering along the horizontal axis (...

Reminds me of hours playing DESCENT II.
Those things held a lethal amount of electricity though, even when powered off.
I remember downloading Doom over modem
Reminds me of our TV...
@ByteCommander: superuser.com/questions/454922/… worth a read ;p
I remember dial-up too :(
@NathanOsman high five
(XD. SE is really my external memory base ;p)
nothing to be sad about, dude
And we only had one phone line... and paid for dial-up on a per-minute basis...
Oh the horrors.
@JourneymanGeek Sorry, too long for tonight. I just stuffed all that quantum physics stuff into my head for my exam in - oh fuck! - 4 hours :P
the only regret I have is that I didn't take my ideas about the future too seriously. I basically anticipated the iPad, the iPhone, and a lot of other things :p
I remember AAPL at about $21 a share when I first saw the iPod... and thought about investing at least a few grand
Should get some sleep now, I think...
Problem is that I am far less tired now (3:30AM) than 6 or 12 hours ago... Aargh!
A few years later, a couple of my friends were spending a lot of time on this Bitcoin nonsense... I mocked them
yeah, I never got the ipod...
Well, 2h of sleep is better than none. I am off! o/ See you...
I love how people referred to it as an "MP3" player even though it wouldn't play MP3s.
The later versions did
I had a classic ;p
Oh, they finally added that?
I thought people still do refer to digital audio players as mp3 players... or did they stop doing that?
I remember in the early 2000s the mess that was MP3. Patent issues, lawsuits, etc.
@NathanOsman I remember that too but we always had a cable connection that my Father's work paid for, so I guess I was spoiled and got to avoid most of the terrors of having one line and only dial up.. So my memories are vague. We got smart, split the bill with the company and got a router :p
@Chan-HoSuh iPod Touch devices are about the only thing other than mobile phones used for music playback these days.
Not really
hmmm so now people just say "iPod"?
there's a handful of other DAPs around ;p
Well, at least where I live :P
and don't forget, PCs ;p
@Chan-HoSuh I hate it when they do that!
Oh hey, so we were joking earlier today "Will the iCar have windows?"
naw, it would be a aluminium monobody with a retina screen ;p
I think it will. You might not be able to roll it down though
I bet Apple will rebrand them something else. "Portals to the outer world" or something :p
@JourneymanGeek hahahah! That's good!
when I thought Apple hype couldn't get any stranger...
maybe by this time next year, there will be rumors of Apple spacecraft
hmm. Does unetbootin support the most recent ubuntu builds?
Oh, that happens
most recent? how recent/
@Seth I've hit that a few times.
As new as possible
I have a bit of hardware I want to test, so at least the current release ;p
(non LTS)
Anyway, then we joked that you'd pull into the garage to charge and a giant 30 pin connector would come out of front bumper. It was funny.
yeah generally they do
regular releases
not like bleeding edge
/me is trying to get a USB/persistant boot for his netbook ;p
I thought Apple moved to Thunderbolt.
but I would prefer to use liveusb for boot
I have to admit
I did read quite a bit of the Jony Ive bio
and enjoyed it
My Mac Mini has a couple Thunderbolt ports.
oh you bought one? were you the one asking about getting one for Mac development?
@NathanOsman They did, but the thought was funny :p
I looked up the whois data for icar.com.
Registrant Name: Mario Mariani
Registrant Organization: Icar Spa Industria Condensatori
If I were him, I'd be assembling a legal team right about now.
slaps forehead wish I'd thought about doing that
sounds italian
maybe it'll be like how the iTablet became the iPad
so iCar will become the iWagon
iwagon.com is for sale.
yep, already noted :p
Maybe I should buy it as an "investment".
I'll let you take all the risk and claim credit later :D
@Chan-HoSuh or just call it... the ipod transport ;p
oh, was about to suggest another name, but it was taken by something er... not a car.
Too bad it's also a really common name.
> Peter: "Hey, Ivan!"
> Ivan: "Yeah?"
> Peter: "Not you, I was talking to my car."
is that going to deter Apple ? :p
mine turned up something more risqué...
I won't ask.
anybody here really into Python?
I dabble in it, working on learning more.
I use Python a lot.
but, it's my favorite language so far
Python development community seems quite nice... not what I expected
Gotta love PHP... I have Roundcube set up on my mail servers so family can easily check their email. I limit email size (with attachments) to 8 MB. There are no fewer than three settings that control file upload sizes. Two in php.ini and one in Nginx. Each time, I thought I had fixed it. Each time, it would refuse to accept files larger than about 2 MB.
Much time was wasted.
> "As of November 2010, it is estimated that 5.5 gigabits of background noise is generated every second."
1 hour later…
So there's this:
Q: What is the Torah preferred brand of cell phone?

YishaiI have heard of Kosher phones. What do the classic sources (preferably Rishonim or earlier) say about the preferred type and brand of cell phone? This question is Purim Torah and is not intended to be taken completely seriously. See the Purim Torah policy.

@Seth wow LOL
well it might become a "populist" D:
gave this an edit and then flagged it as a dupe - not sure which was right, but it seems awfully close to being a dupe and may just require being duped
Q: Can I run Android Apps on Ubuntu Phone?

amonWhen I use the new Ubuntu phone, I hear that I wont be able to use apps for Android. Is there an easy way to modify the operating system to support the Android java style applications on Ubuntu Phone? I don't have much experience with this sort of thing, and would appreciate any guidance. From w...

Yeah, it does look like a dupe.
@NathanOsman no it is a dupe :=)
Things that are also look like they are.
In other words, although PHP is evil, it also has the appearance of evil.
Therefore I can say "PHP looks evil" even though it actually is evil.
but the other way around does not work :=D
Now my poor penguin head is all confused.
and it is safe to say "php IS evil" >:)
even Rasmus Ledorf will agree >:D
now how many ppl will need to look up that name? >:)
Hmm fun game ... who can match the coding language to "the man"
Larry Wall? Guido van Rossum? Rasmus Ledorf? Dennis Ritchie? Thomas Kurtz?
Guido is Python.
Larry Wall is Perl.
Dennis Ritchie did C.
Rasmus did PHP.
I give up on the last one. The rest were answered from memory.
ah! it is a difficult one indeed He was 1 of the 2 creators of the original Basic ;)
I better get to bed.
no wonder! I just woke up
Poor PHP
i remember when it was popular and "the new hotness"
@lazyPower hackers always loved php. I can still recall the phpBB drama.
How can I view the content of a big file using "less" command and also redirect its result to another file at once?
in The DMZ, Nov 13 '14 at 16:25, by CodesInChaos
There is one good thing in php: password_hash.
@NathanOsman Purim Torah is all kinds of fun.
I noticed ;p
2 hours later…
@fossfreedom: I'm here.
Hi Flimm
What to do - suggestion.
delete the current answer and add a new CW answer which you can accept. The current answer is completely out-of-date and thus no longer relevant.
happy with that suggestion?
1 hour later…
Is there a way to get this http://android.stackexchange.com/q/43310/39544 closed with:
Questions asking us to find or recommend an app, device, ROM, accessory or off-site resource are off-topic
In fact it is (hidden) asking for, and it's asking for something which is illegal in most counties.
sorry, took the wrong room
@fossfreedom \o
am i to understand user accepted his own answer but also claims it is not an answe? >:-D
@Rinzwind newbies ...
@fossfreedom yeah. here another funny one: askubuntu.com/questions/588640/… That might get me a badge if I can get a few more upvotes _O-
and 15.04 is working rather well :) only had 4 crashes up to now and 1 non-responding program (seems a lot but it is less than 14.10 or 14.04 had )
yep - have been using 15.04 virtualised - use it for development purposes. Looks like this is shaping up to be a nice stable release. Also been looking at unity8 via lxc - that still needs lots of work - poor laptop touchpad support is rather a show-stopper for me.
or being pessimistic: 15.04 is another boring release >:)
pity this is bound to get closed :D
@fossfreedom can we ^^ please? D:
2 hours later…
I still looking for an answer for that chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/20243031#20243031 :P
i dont know that there is
@KasiyA think you need to use tee and pipe it into a text file maybe something like ...less |& tee debug.txt
let me try
@fossfreedom No less doesn't work in this case
hmm - then it would be a great question to ask on the main site!
I thought it's easy :)
I'll ask
i dont want mesa but i want something to work with QT5
And one another question: Why "Startup Disk Creator" thinks I have created ubuntu Live USB after finishing the process? screenshot in below. O.o
@fossfreedom Asked here askubuntu.com/q/589858/283843
@KasiyA this looks promising: http://superuser.com/a/366610
(not exactky since this does redirect stderr but might be the way to go)
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