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(Ubuntu 11.04 is the latest stable release at the moment. 11.10 is slated for release in October.)
OK, I'm installing the latest stable from the mozillateam ppa now
@Jin doesn't reproduce with Firefox 6.0.2 on Ubuntu 10.10
One thing is for sure... the window manager in that screenshot is either ugly to begin with or it's using an ugly theme.
Maybe somebody removed Unity and installed a standard Gnome.
That means that the fonts explanation could be the right one.
Yeah, that's a very likely explanation.
Internet Explorer passed the Acid3 test?
@rumtscho thanks!
@rumtscho do you mind comment on meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/107297/…
then i'll mark it as status-norepro..
i really need a ubuntu box..
@GeorgeEdison The new one?
@Jin VirtualBox is great for that sort of thing :)
@Jin I have a live USB stick.
You can always have it around, and, unlike a LiveCD, you can install apps you need on it and access from any PC you are around (provided the Bios is not locked up).
@rumtscho Yes, that's a good idea (installing on a USB stick).
Hello guys
@rumtscho thanks for the comment!
@Jin np, glad I could help.
Quick question, is the Sun Java JDK in the Canonical Partner software source the 64 bit one?
@Jin Permenant Ubuntu box is more like it :)
I can't install it manually, I tried with instructions but still having difficulty
I just want the latest available version of Java x64 :(
@LeeJarratt It should be in partner
@MarcoCeppi ha can you repro that bug?
It's just when I was installing it through terminal, the architecture was not x64
So I'm not sure if I'm running a 64-bit version of java :S
@Jin Yes, BUT only if I increase the font size by 1.
So at normal font size it's fine.
@MarcoCeppi what do you mean by increase? page zoom? or you manually adjusted the font size via firebug
@Jin Whatever Ctrl++ does
@GeorgeEdison It's not just for test purposes. It is also because 1) when I need a tool which works perfectly well under Linux, I don't want to have to look for a non-shareware Windows alternative and install it on somebody's machine, 2) I have a clean system to boot when somebody cries
"look at my computer, it is acting strangely", and 3) when I try using somebody else's computer, everything is wrong. There is no way to arrange windows on the desktop, my FF addons are missing, my browser history is missing... So I just boot from the thing and the world is nice again.
That page details what Ctrl++ does.
@Jin Ha, caught it! It happens to me in FF too, when I hit Ctrl++. Chromium keeps it alright.
ok i see that too on OSX FF
It's just when I was installing it through terminal, the architecture was not x64
So I'm not sure if I'm running a 64-bit version of java :S
@Jin I made a video for you, but it turned out like this
uh oh
Just the /users and /tags methods left to go!
@MarcoCeppi what is that? am i being trolled?
Youtube is trolling both of us
I was just wondering if someone could please help me or point me in the right direction :)
@Lee: What is the problem?
Works right in Chrome/Chromium
@Jin Reproduced on FF under Windows 7 too (with zoom)
I just want the latest version of 64-bit Java installed on my system. I tried the instructions on the sun java site but with no luck
I've installed java from the canonical partner repository but I don't think it's the x64 version, and it is slightly outdated
@GeorgeEdison This got somewhat buried, but I actually like the news. I mean, people will be using IE regardless of whether it is standard-conform or not, just because their bosses have to settle on a standard and with Microsoft, it is easiest. So everybody wins if it stops being a steaming pile.
Are you referring to the Java runtime or the Java Development Kit (JDK)?
Java runtime
@LeeJarratt Are you sure that Oracle still distributes Java for Linux? I am sure they wanted to stop it, just don't know if it has been implemented yet.
@rumtscho Lol... you would enjoy reading this then.
I can get the latest version from here:
I just don't know how I would install it, the instructions baffle me
Are you using the package from the Canonical partner repository?
@LeeJarratt Those are RPM packages. You would need to convert them to DEBs using alien before you could install them.
RPM is a package for Red-Hat based distros. The DEB package format is used by distros that derive from Debian (like Ubuntu).
@rumtscho Ah, there we go.
Oh okay
If that fails, I'd suggest using alien to convert one of the RPMs.
Yeah, it's saying failed to extract files
@LeeJarratt look at the link I posted, it explains how to install the newest Java. (It comes from a different repository, because the partner one is no longer updated).
5 mins ago, by rumtscho
Brilliant thank you!
I shall try this out :)
I knew about the decision to stop distributing, but hadn't read the comments on Hacker News when it came out.
One of them is I'm sure somewhere RMS is saying "I told you so."
Grr what a nuisance
I just bought some E Book from Amazon, and started Kindle for PC for the first time in ages.
It just went and installed an icon on the desktop.
Hey, if I deleted your icon, this means I don't want it! You shouldn't be reinstalling it when I start you!
What do we do about topics spanning multiple versions of Ubuntu? http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/1828/what-do-we-do-about-topics-spanning-multiple-versions-of-ubuntu #discussion
2 hours later…
Credit to @RolandTaylor... but I have to share this one:
Lol... lol... lol.
The reply is funny too.
Oooooh... I didn't realize the date the message was posted.
@GeorgeEdison LOL
still on windows
I feel alone
in the dark
@MarcoCeppi how many weeks for the invites?
Plug and Pray (that it works)
Performance of Ubuntu OS with H/W configuration http://askubuntu.com/questions/62884/performance-of-ubuntu-os-with-h-w-configuration #configuration
This user seems to not believe in capital letters:
1 hour later…
> 2011-09-24 rep +195 = 15110
hello @htorque
Why is windows faster than ubuntu?
YU no answer
it isn't faster here - you are doing something wrong :)
i think nvidia is just better with windows
in CS:S via wine, nvidia blob in linux was not much slower than in windows.
besides, gpu performance is not exactly what defines os performance :P
Then , you mean you can fix it?
after this 12 hour dload
ill let you ssh in
How to hide window title and menu bar in GNOME Shell? http://askubuntu.com/questions/62845/how-to-hide-window-title-and-menu-bar-in-gnome-shell #unity
@FlackBot man locate
@FlackBot man locatedb
@Rinzwind Do you like 8bit?
@FlackBot man, what's up?
That's a nice command, but I really don't know what it is.
Ah! the beauty of Sonic 3 and Knux
Most awesome 8bit game evah
I once owned a Genesis
Night all.
g'night @GeorgeEdison
Good nigh George :-P
I love powertop O+
@FlackBot man grep'); DROP ALL TABLES; --
powertop --calibrate made my battery life jump from 2:05 to 2:55 O+
it just turns down some energy stuff
poor flackbot is getting hacked! :+)
@htorque sure but doing it manually takes up too much time >:)
powertop in oneiric sucks as it doesn't report wakeups >:(
can't understand why they didn't keep the old one
it'll come back :=)
yeah, in prickly porcupine
Porcupines are prickly O+
but without wakeup reports powertop is pretty much useless
true true :()
" 2691664 pkts/s Device Network interface: wlan0"
you pirate!
torrenting what? :>
illegal downloads → five years in prison!
ubuntu is illegal?
i never knew that
Pirate? Downloading music and movies is legal in Holland >:-D
i am also allowed to download copies of games and software I actuall own btw
@Rinzwind my saying ;)
Hi @htorque, @AmithKK
Chrome notification looks ugly oin windows
why yes, yes it does
@AmithKK blame windows :=)
@Takkat hi :)
I didnt realize how much i missed unity until i dropped it back on my desktop
god i'm so much more efficient with ubuntu
i was more efficient with the two panel setup (i usually have more instances of applications opened)
<super> w helps with that
its kind of replaced my need for GnomeDO as well. i just wish unity panel had a flickr upload tool like Do did
@lazyPower alt + tab is great too...
only shows current workspace
i work across all four
true ;)
unity is good for 1 instance multiple apps
it's also good to slow down my computer
hmmm.. i dunno. i dont see any issues with multi instance apps.
not yet anyway
super-w alt-tab → that's all slower than doing one click
new world record Marathon Berlin \o
and hopefully youngest double world champion today ;)
but he will become it anyways
if not today then in two weeks
@lazyPower alt+tab doesn't only show the current workspace
at least not in oneiric
I"m still using 11.4, so i dunno what oneiric does.
@htorque I never found the right application window in the panels
i value my stable system :)
do you also wear a safety helmet at home? >:P
(j/k ;))
> urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
how I hate this
i'm just hooked up to ubuntu+1
@lazyPower Oneric Increases Bling and decreases speed
@Takkat then don't send bad requests :P
Then i'll stick with 11.04 until the speed issues are fixed. i like the speed of 11.04, i dont need more candy, it rots teeth :P
I only I knew what is bad...
@AmithKK then use unity 2d or the classic fallback
@htorque Ill use that
On Windows now
my condolences - again :D
@AmithKK speed is perfect on oneiric \o (after tweaking 1 module)
my condolences too! >:)
@Rinzwind HOW?
if ubuntu would always try to run perfect on ancient hardware, it would be called fluxbuntu - and i don't want that :D
well wireless was slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow but all I had to do was
gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf
options ath9k nohwcrypt=1
and now my Oneiric it is purring perfectly
assuming ocelots can pur :=)
you just can't have the latest and greatest on ancient hardware (no matter if that works fine for you or not).
@htorque the latest stable release is 7.10
why would anyone use that
oh and I can confirm now (after doing 2 full battery discharges and charges) oneiric with powertop calllibration did indeed increase battery life by 40 minutes \o/
i'm all for battery optimization
buy a second battery → problem solved. :P
my laptop is plugged 90% of time
my notebook ( :+ ) is on battery during weekdays almost 100% (except in the evening)
\o/ found what was bad on my request: just a tiny little missing /
now for the next bug
@GeorgeEdison i really like the new eyecandy in qtcreator, like the pulsing parenthesis matching
@Takkat bug hunting on a sunny sunday? :)
yeah - still remnants of my coding marathon 2 weeks ago ;P
impressive! after two weeks i would already have lost interest in my project. :D
As there is quite some coding involved as well it's still fun.
@Takkat What is your job
My job is my future
I don't make money from coding if that is what you're interested
oh, "my job is my future" - in that case that's crap
@htorque I am preparing my occupation for my retirement
Hope to be able to retire soon.
Only one major problem:
Still need to work for several years to make sure I will not die from starvation.
i'm not counting on retirement. i'll have to work till 80 then i'll die during my first day in retirement. :D
My plan is to work until working is no more fun then retire.
Already failed.
Should have retired years ago.
maybe reskill? cook, florist, prime minister...
I have no skills other than needed for being prime minister :P
How do I apply?
i'd vote for you - cannot get any worse, right? :D:D
:D true that. One vote doesn't help.
My daughter would vote for me too.
But she'll only be able to do so in 11 years
By then she will no longer want to vote for me
at least you know what's awaiting you :P
Bounty offered: Laptop on battery -Wireless Mouse looses connection http://askubuntu.com/questions/62315/laptop-on-battery-wireless-mouse-looses-connection #wireless
@Takkat I'd vote for you, If you come to india
before you do consider this: @AmithKK won't be able to become prime minister of India then
i dont want to be the corruption minister
Marco would have kicked you from the channel for that >:) (and this msg may be starred :=) )
@AmithKK you were asking the other day what i meant by mud -> coderchuck.com/?p=34
invalid, invalid, ivalid, ... autoflagger does a crappy job
@lazyPower That MUD!
I'd play
The server and port are in the post. have at it buddy
im on windows ,
zmud, megamud, etc. are all available for windows
so, i dont feel like installing softeare
:P, well its there whenever. its not going anywhere.
@lazyPower You use androidifiy? Sweet
@GeorgeEdison If you come around today, i need some help from a qtcreator pro like yourself, in setting up my build environment to auto-launch a terminal. I'm thinking i'm a victim of a bug that i cannot confirm.
@AmithKK yeah i did back in the day. I've since removed most of the useless android apps :P
@MarcoCeppi 2buntu is down
you guys have quite a bit of problems with 2buntu it seems...
im sure
microsoft is doing it
And, my post is not saved
maybe they banned you :P
@htorque Gaaah qindowsxa
xcl; sd/cl
is that hindi for "you are a wise man"?
आप एक बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति हैं
or that? :D
No that would be आप एक बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति हैं
is that "you a wise man are" or "are a wise man you"? (is hindi ltr or rtl?)
yoda speak :P
Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica. 45 volumes. Excellent condition.

$1,000.00 or best offer.

No longer needed. Got married last weekend. Wife knows ****ing everything.
narrows eyes i see what ya did there
@AmithKK unscheduled maintenance
It'll be up in a second
@MarcoCeppi is 2buntu on ondina now?
Yes, one of the beta servers
First outage since the switch IIRC
Thats fantastic :) ... in regards to having people up and already hosted on it....
Yeah, it hosts all my personal stuff and 2buntu so far.
awsomesauce. I've got about 8 users on my public bbs now :D it cracks me up that people have joined, and nearly immediately state "wow this is nostalgic"
How do i make/extract/modify source of Ubuntu packages and repack them? http://askubuntu.com/questions/62919/how-do-i-make-extract-modify-source-of-ubuntu-packages-and-repack-them #packaging
Im amazed by the sheer amount of .exe files on my pc
you only need 1 :=) shutdown.exe >:D
or format.exe >;D
Nicely said - lol
@Rinzwind Awesome
Did you see the post about terminator on webupd8?
Q: Which of all console web browsers is the most practical?

AlvarThere are a lot of console browsers, links2, Lynx, w3m and Elinks (I only know these). I want to know which one of all console browsers are most practical to browse with if you are logged into a server via ssh and have to browse the web.

hi all! :D
Hey, nice to see you!
@rinzwind do you have any experience in this area? :D
I always use links :=)
I have used links2 some
but I want to know if there is a better one...
I use elinks
tell me WHY
in the question *
Its awesome :D
sorry, cant open new tabs
question eligible for bounty in 2 days
what does this mean?
@AmithKK whoot?
!@@#%@%#!@$#@#%^$^@$#Q!$#!%#^$@$#!$#%$%!@#$Q!#$@$%!$%@%$@%@$%#!@$%#$%!@#$@$%@#$!‌​%^# slow internetz
@Alvar That question is pretty subjective
@MarcoCeppi I jsut realized that....
trying to improve it...
@MarcoCeppi is it more clear now?
@nitstorm heya
@AmithKK: hey Amith :) Just got back from church.. gimme a few mins, will be back ;)
@AmithKK how is that funny ?
@Alaukik it isnt
It's not funny at all. It is however overwrought.
the bill gates quote is also wrong
Q: Did Bill Gates say 640k ought to be enough for everyone?

AlaukikThis is a quite famous quote: 640k ought to be enough for anybody. Did Bill Gates say this?

No, maybe that's not the right... over the top. I mean free software winning is like overthrowing heliocentricism?
yeah actually, now I do think it's funny.
It hilariously takes itself way too seriously.
Bounty offered: How do I install Oracle JDK 7? http://askubuntu.com/questions/55848/how-do-i-install-oracle-jdk-7 #java
@Alaukik maybe RedHat snuck into bill gats shower? :P
@Alaukik... good question about the dash. Someone hopefully can answer it definitively, because I am annoyed by the move.
What I gather from ayatana is that a) people were hitting it thinking it would close a window and b) that people were clicking the home folder button thinking it would bring the dash.
good afternoon!
@MarkRussell I'm on a plane!
maybe someone from dx will settle it.
@JorgeCastro Way to AskUbuntu.com like a boss!
heh yeah
I am stuck in a middle seat though, makes typing annoying
@JorgeCastro openstack related travel I'm assuming?
this new bounty thing is awesome
I can just post 3 bounties at a time
and basically give out my points so people keep questions up to date
that is fairly awesome, whomever came up with the idea, had a winner.
I'm going to end up giving all my points away, heh
Posted by Jeff Atwood on September 23rd, 2011

It’s been a little over a year since our last improvement to the bounty system. Question bounties have been working well enough that we’re comfortable encouraging even more use of the bounty system.

We used to limit people to one question bounty at a time, but now you can have up to three simultaneous question bounties. We also show the history and number of bounties you’ve started or participated in on your user page, on the bounties tab.

Upon further reflection, we realized that it can be difficult to tell exactly what a question bounty is for. That is, what is the bounty own …

the brilliant part is being able to declare a reason and add a bit of a custom message
now I can say things like "this needs to be updated for 11.10", etc.
is anyone else here using 11.10?
I am using windows
the new screenshot flash that is present is that unity-specific ?
@Alaukik si!
when you take a screenshot of a area that area has a flash effect
yeah that's new. i definitely don't remember that before.
mind you I also like shutter better but still pretty sure that's new.
I think that came from gnome 3
pretty sure it isn't unity
(er I answered a question not asked, well dont jorge, reading comp++)
well done!
jeez, it was only one beer!
(cracks #2)
man I didn't know eric hammond was paying attention on the aws questions
Although that does limit my point oppo's... :-/
I just voted for both of you
Ah yes, I know the question you speak of... yep. and my comment on his answer was totally genuine... pretty soon, when i'm not too lazy, I'm totally using his tips there. that's hot. never thought of it.
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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