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Well, low priority based on port numbers for torrent stuff and consistent throttling or putting it in a round-robin queue to drop would be fine. That way you wouldn't get the tcp synchronization spikes like that question the other day. Still on the phone though.
1 hour later…
@Fabby Did you need me, mon ami?
Erm, I think I just thanked you for the pics...
Glad you enjoyed them!
Do you speak French?
I did! You're a man of many talents...
Just enough to get slapped in any bar in Montreal!
Ubuntu, Photograpy, ...
I had that once happen to me when I was 19
I used the French word for "Kiss"
as a verb...
and that is a no-no!
it means something much ruder that will get me kicked out of the chat immediately
if I use the English term
A lurker in the shadows!
Oops! Most people are at least somewhat tolerant if you at least try their language
@JourneymanGeek: how are you?
No, actually, I am on a train on my way to work. And its well lit
My French was already so good that I had to show her my ID
Good :p
Finally off the phone.
@chili555 comes into the room and suddenly it's a party!!!
Dusted my desktop. He time always puts me in a good mood
I'm going off to bed soon though.
you and me both
Falling asleep behind my keyboard...
For you it'll be a short nap...
@Fabby - The thing with it was, prioritization of one traffic type over another gets knocked out by that bill of you look at the short list of stuff it tries to accomplish. The bits I'm interested in aren't deprioritizing medical traffic over netflix, but that no prioritization is allowed, and it can be prosecuted.
for me I'll be sawing trees!
@Fabby >.<
Did I say something rude???
?sawing logs?
It's odd that the solution to not being able to have a regular sleep cycle for me was to have a multi-phasic sleep cycle. That's all I was getting at. You didn't say anything rude, it was just an angry at myself moment.
ah! Whew!
because after what? 30 years of English, I still make faux pas...
And not everyone corrects me!
They just laugh...
Anyway, off to bed!
I'ld tell you if you said something that made me go WUT
(and dogs)
See ya!
night @Fabby
Good night!
Requesting tactical nuke
Q: Desktop version is proffesional?

Olivier SohyI just want to know the difference between the classic and desktop version but for the professional status :) If I have a desktop in my company the other can see a "non professional" user of linux or some of compagny have now a graphic interface to manage linux ? I would like to know the opinio...

@DoorHandle Hey, this is the old version. I just tried to edit this as good as possible!
@DoorHandle one more key turn required for nuke to be free.
@ByteCommander You should have not even edited it. DV and request a nuke.
It's not even worth fixing.
And, nuked by Eric.
YOu're a bit rough, aren't you?
I read that question as "I find linux to be unprofessional. You should just use Windows or OSX. That's what all the professionals use. Submit your rebuttal." <-- which I find to be an asinine statement.
@hbdgaf I read that as "Hey. I want to look cool around my programmer buddies. Is using Linux enough?"
@ByteCommander nope.
@DoorHandle That's a fair interpretation too. So, vtc as unclear, which I did. I don't think either question is really valid for a QA site.
DV okay, but ...? Well, just tried to get some easy rep points. threehundredsomething is not very much... and I get the feeling questions tend to be either more complicated (too hard for me) or totally bullsh##
since I started 1 week ago...
i miss linux :(. stupid windows work requirements holding me down
@ByteCommander Not really. We just don't have as many good questions as we used to. Occasionally you can really pull one out of the shit and answer a bad question really well, like this
@ByteCommander wanna get really good at linux fast?
@DoorHandle Sure!
@ByteCommander learn permissions, networking, and dpkg
you'll be able to answer so many questions
@DoorHandle Big topics, arent they?
I leave the permissions question alone, since they're usually the result of someone doing something really crazy. On networking and package mgmt, definitely though.
Would take long for self-studying alongside school...
not really
networking, just understand the basics.
and whats dpkg?
package management is fairly straightforward.
permissions is crucial, though.
networking is not really my terrain anyway. I'm the offline type. At least I used to until I discovered askubuntu ;D
@hbdgaf sudo chown -R $USER:$USER / && chmod -R 777 /
no more permission denied messages :D
It's good to know if you hit a wall on a question that is about something else, but I won't touch those questions for reasons already expressed. That's not to say I don't think it's a good thing to learn. It is to say, I stay away from those questions, because I'ld call someone a retard.
oh yeah. shell scripting and filesystems.
requesting tactical nuke : opinion-based
Q: What are main disadvantages of Ubuntu?

Igor VuckovicHaving in mind that Ubuntu is most popular distro, what can be said that is a minus when choosing right Linux system or explaining Ubuntu to newcomer?

I sort of like the book RHCE by Jang for a rapid up to speed on things you might need to know about linux in general. It's probably that I'm predisposed, because that's where I started though.
also, holy crap. when did this come into existence?
fuuu clipboards.
@DoorHandle voted.
@DoorHandle I think it's ok by its topic, but there surely has to be a site at ubuntu.org or whereever about this
@ByteCommander opinion-based. "what is wrong with ubuntu"
i'd say that it's too heavy. someone else might say config issues
@DoorHandle It is not opinion. Someone could/should answer by comparing e.g. Ubuntu and SUSE on hard facts. But an edit might be good to clarify this
@ByteCommander Also learn nvidia.
leave me alone with nvidia!
@ByteCommander then it can be "too broad"
ubuntu vs suse | ubuntu vs arch | ubuntu vs Kali | ubuntu vs Mint | ubuntu vs rhel | ubuntu vs LFS | etc
I have a probably fried one inside my laptop that is producing stripes and stops booting when hot /waking from suspend generally
THAT issue.
@DoorHandle wonder if they did the respins that removed proprietary stuff
Q: KDE Sometimes Glitches On Wakeup

WhaaaaaatWell, a picture is work 1k words: Looks bad, huh? I am using the 331-updates latest 331.67 drivers from NVidia's website on a Dell Latitude e6400. Everything else is up-to-date. This only happens when I resume from sleep, or I switch to a VT and back. It also doesn't ALWAYS happen, which I fi...

never solved that.
(well, that pc is now a server, so...)
Wow, cool. You could start selling that as art.
What happened to the REAL mateo?
@DoorHandle No, vertical red stripes. And random letters mixed in at text mode.
@Mateo_ Sold for $15m as "modern art"
@ByteCommander that was the weirdest reply-destination ever.
@Mateo_ Hah. Also, the linux for dummies book uses fedora iirc.
@DoorHandle Talking about modern art: I once saw a BLACK SQUARE, 70x70cm for 79,99 at a local arts store. Who would pay for that on his wall?
Lots of new yorkers evidently...
oops, still had that one above, because I wanted to give up arguing. You guys are fast typers.
^^ this is what I was referring to, just for reference. it was a joke.
@hbdgaf well, the last I got a Linux book was the fedora core 4 book, a lot of "you could do this, but we won't tell you or include it because - reasons"
I should get out for maybe another hour or so. Still suffering from that RE homework. If I hear "Jesus" once again during the next week, I'll throw at that person with sandals.
Oh, I don't usually do linux books. The RHCE book was interesting because it outlined some things you don't think you need to know, like raid, lvm, etc. Places you normally wouldn't take your desktop, but that are good to know.
atheism has its perks.
I did really like this little pocket book that mostly had general command line stuff
^^ that style of book is always one of my favorites. I always tell the people studying for Cisco stuff to do the portable command references. They're put together really well.
fedora is weird.
everyone who really wants to linux should install Arch.
or freebsd.
yep. the ultimate linux competency test: dual boot arch and freebsd
You forgot Gentoo.
I tried to learn that once. Once.
Just to give you some idea, take a look at their website. Yes, that's about how easy the operating system is to use.
I frequently tell people that REALLY want to learn to use linux at a low level to try LFS. Then come back to a place where stuff just works. Or decide you love being bothered by infinite minutiae and use a BSD ;)
@NathanOsman uh. organization much?
i can't even find the download links w/o Ctrl+F
Here in South Carolina, Gentoo is the word for migraine.
See what I mean?
Left side, under "Get Gentoo"
but arch.
is impossible.
How can you not find it? It's the second link from the top at the top left. If you read asian languages, you naturally read top down instead of left to right, so it makes sense ;)
and freebsd is the stone that God can't move.
freebsd is something i run sometimes if my hardware likes it.
@Mateo_ i found it. you get my point, right?
it's horribly organized
well, i like it. but i'm a crazy person.
yes. yes you are
@DoorHandle could be worse...
no star? i really expected a star on that...
Like hidden in submenus, or on the right with the ads, that would be funny - a real download that looks like a fake ad
totally, but:
user image
it's like lifting, but for your brain.
every time i solve a problem on ubuntu, i'm like "Well done chaps. We should really push this to head as a matter of course." Conversely, every time i solve a problem on FreeBSD, I'm like this. So, read that how you want.
ok, rendering is really crisp and smooth on ubuntu touch, everytime im on it i want to stay
hopefully they push some updates to the browser soon, tabs are currently painful
they need a better programming system
and maybe AINE
Woop woop!
We all about that 45-7 win boyz!
Super Bowl XLIX: New England Patriots vs. Seattle Seahawks!
If they can play as well as they did today, Patriots will definitely beat Seattle
Don't be so sure ;)
4 hours later…
@Fabby where? :=)
Darn you @SmokeDetector I flagged 1st and wanted to post it here :*
@blade19899 far too late
@Rinzwind Ow its the same
@Rinzwind CHeck the tweakers link! gruwelijk ding!
nice mech
the one on the JP page is not the one in the video :P
checked the video?
@Rinzwind Yeah
The one in the video, is gray
Q: PC connect to wifi using EAP-SIM

heheAnyone ever use EAP-SIM authentication method to connect to wifi with usb broadband modem?

yeah full disk at a client; always fun
@Rinzwind If it's Windows: CCleaner. If its Linux: bleachbit
good old "rm"
and it's SCO :-D
@Rinzwind sudo rm -r /tmp/
Naah probably a bogus notice of a full disk. system is 31% full :X
probably a basic table that reached operating limits
1 hour later…
How do I remove a file submitted on virustotal?
@blade19899 You read their FAQ and find this link: virustotal.com/uk/about/contact/#file-deletion
@Oli You. Rock.
> BitCannon A torrent index archiving, browsing, and backup tool
@Rinzwind: My activity doesn't keep tract of my upvotes apparently, and I can't remember exactly. Normally I don't open answered questions, but I was interested in the question and opened it and Voilà: an excellent answer by you, so an upvote!
@Fabby Here again? Don't you have to go to work some times?
Good morning anyway!
@ByteCommander: reviewing what happened overnight...
I managed to reach rank 13 in my first week!
If I keep to that speed I soon may be supporting you doing these review tasks...
Good! The close vote queue is 900 long and with only 40 reviews per day it doesn't seem to be going down...
It keeps on growing!
But close vote access starts at 1000 or so?
At 500 I would only get first post and late answer access.
But I don't find enough easy questions I can answer anymore to keep my current rep harvesting speed. :(
You'd have to go here to see yours: askubuntu.com/help/privileges
the funniest until now was at 1000: you can see how many people have downvoted and upvoted.
@Fabby don't bother :-D Luis Alvarado will get angry one day and do them all. He did it before >:D
@ByteCommander not making a comment
@Rinzwind I know that it is only about the rep earned in this week and not in total, if you want to tell me this.
We'll the w3schools.com html5 intro finally decided to support Mobile Browsers.
Odly enough there homepage has yet to be updated with the same responsive code.
But I think a rep rate of ~ 50 / day for a beginner is not bad , though
@Fabby Yeah, I know, but I only find one at 500, can't see where the second review privilege starts
@Rinzwind: huh? What did Luis do?
@Fabby oh last year or so he cleared out 1000+ reviews (empty the whoooleeee queue)
How come? I can only do 40 every 16 hours or so!
Q: How can we encourage 3k+ users to review more Close Votes

Warren HillFirst I would like to congratulate Luis Alvarado on his efforts today in dealing with the Close Vote queue. It would appear from the questions I have asked here Should we be able to review 40 close votes when the queue length is less than 1000? and on Meta StackOverflow Close Vote review th...

he's a mod ;-)
I would have cleared the queue for 80% by now if I could have
he did 338 there on close votes
on 1 day. and 1k+ in 3 days or so
Yeah... RThat's what I would have done...
It really bugs me the queue is so long. On the other hand: stack exchange could give some rep for reviewing smth like that.
2 hours later…
@IonicăBizău worked for me - what's the issue?
> Edited and answered 500 questions (both actions within 12 hours, answer score > 0) - Illuminator - Badge - Ask Ubuntu
No one has won that one ^ and no one ever will.
congrats :) - nice one
Two people won that in Stackoverflow
Mmmh, maybe I'll started doing that here next week-end!
I can use another gold badge!
@fossfreedom Didn't win that one ;) but, do they really think we can edit and answer 500 question within 12 hours? :/
ahh yes - then you lose the star ;)
and not receive a single down vote?
@fossfreedom saw that! :0
My bad wrong link on stackoverlow: 24 people won the illuminator badge
knowing how some of these badges are written: is that the SAME 12 hours or can those be done in 2 sets of 12 hours each?
@fossfreedom, i'm i miss reading it?
> ... answer score > 0...
So, you can't have a single down-vote?
@blade19899 no. just means you need to edit 500+ :D
worth posting on meta - think its very confusing how you can earn that one. You could read it as @Rinzwind says as well
OH and >0 also excludes 0
@blade19899 ^^ not just downvotes; also no upvotes is bad
@Rinzwind So, edit 500 question within 12 hours you get the badge.
and wtf that relates to EDITING beats me
answer 500 question within 12 hours you get the badge?
they need to be postitive too ;-)
Making answers good? Or being picky on caps and grammar on good answers?
So, answer and or edit 500 question within 12 hours, and no negative votes, then you get the badge.
How can you answer 500 question within 12 hours, and not get a single downvote?
Edited and answered 500 questions THIS IS CLEAR
(both actions within 12 hours, THIS: is that 12 hours for editing and 12 hours for ansewering OR 12 hours to do both
answer score > 0). IS THAT PERHAPS TOTAL of all edits/answers?
@blade19899 it does NOT say answer>0 PER EDIT/ANSWER.
so could be a total of those 500 edits/answers that needs to be positive
Er... I don't think that is the case
@Rinzwind @fossfreedom @Mateo_ meta.stackoverflow.com/a/273075/1148529
A: How do the Explainer, Refiner and Illuminator Badges work?

Shog9I explain the gritty details here: Final requirements: Edited n questions within 12 hours of posting an answer (that's 12 hours before or after answering), where: The question was asked by someone other than the answerer Neither the questions nor the answers are deleted The ...

otherwise it makes no sense: it is the BAD ones you edit So them being negative is more then logial
ah nice find
"tl;dr: answer a question, then edit the question. Or edit the question and then answer it. If your answer then gets voted > 0, it'll count toward a badge." - that makes sense
Wow, that's not how I read it.
woot in other news: I necromancered another corpse
@fossfreedom So, do that 500 times, and you get the badge.
... watching die-hard is more fun ;)
We are going to have people trying to blitz 500 edits in half a day.
@Rinzwind I was just looking at that!
> Earned 200 daily reputation 150 times.
We at Ask Ubuntu haven't won a lot of hardcore Golden Badges :/
days represented 1296
rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 39 days
earned at least 200 reputation on 67 days
earned 174 reputation from suggested edits
I am almost 1/2 way :D
@Rinzwind You go girl! :D
kicks @blade19899 in the balls
I am an old guy not a girl
@Rinzwind Sasuke kick in Ya face
@blade19899 the shipping fee for that mech is just 380 yen _O-
Legendary, illuminator and reversal are the only golden tag not won by the Ask Ubuntu community
oh and: suidobashijuko.jp (heavy loading website) @blade19899
Kuratas is a rideable and user-operated robot built by the Japanese company Suidobashi Heavy Industry. Billed as "the world's first giant boarding robot", the Kuratas was unveiled when the website was opened in 2012. It was demonstrated at Wonder Festival. == Developers == The Kuratas robot was developed by artist Kogoro Kurata (after whom the suit is named), and roboticist Wataru Yoshizaki. Kurata stated that he was inspired by the mecha frequently featured in anime, especially those of the series Armored Trooper Votoms, which he watched as a child. "When I was a kid, I thought there were going...
Yeez they already made a Wiki page for it.
> This page was last modified on 10 June 2014, at 17:54.
Existed since then
We need a one box for DuckDuckGo
@blade19899 reversal is one that I have - on meta
@fossfreedom Ow right meta gets badges too
is MEGA down for anyone else?
yep - and given the few people that actually visit meta - damn difficult to get any badges
@blade19899 ok here in the UK
@fossfreedom, @blade19899, @Rinzwind: as the Ubuntu community doesn't have many unique golden badges, I propose we review Rinzwind's answers every day and upvote every time we see a good one!
I can get to 150 by myself ;-)
A little help from some friends will not hurt!
@Fabby I wish nothing but the best for @Rinzwind. Expect upvotes >:)
Speaking of upvotes, this is getting me some today:
A: Do Wine Viruses only work while Wine is running?

blade19899 Do Wine Viruses only work while Wine is running? Yes, if it is a trojan, rootkit, worm program specifically designed to infect Windows machine. Viruses through wine has already happened. could I stop a virus from doing it's thing by just quitting Wine? Yes and no. Yes: If It's a Wind...

@blade19899 and then there is the steam.sh virus _O-
heck it is even better than a virus :X
@Rinzwind ...explain...
:D There he goes again!
@Fabby blade19899 will die from laughing in 10. 9. 8....
@Rinzwind removing steam removes user folder? xDDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD
@Rinzwind that raises the some old question? Bug or feature?
Yep, that's how they do customer retention at Steam!
yeah a bash var can be empty so it does a "rm -rf /*" and the * bypasses the "rm" warning we nowadays have
Indeed! I'm going to add that feature to all my applications as well!
@blade19899 and now for the KICKER: it happens on Windows to if you by mistake use "Program Files" as the installation path. When removing it removed "Program Files/*"
> Delete me and i will delete you entire system. Proceed? :)
@Rinzwind HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. unbelievable
Hah! I pressed yes for you!
@Fabby it doens't look like a yes ;)
@blade19899 they warn about it on their blog :X
@Rinzwind i can still remove it by using sudo apt-get purge steam* right?
how can i safely remove steam?
@blade19899 use rm manually :=D
@Rinzwind Thats for Windows!
@Rinzwind Is that the recommended method?
@blade19899 yeah. and to the 2nd: no that would be MY method.
OR change the script ;-)
@Rinzwind Upvotes for you!
I noticed
1 more and another 2 badges for me :=D
@Rinzwind Lets hope some of the people here are smart to get the hint :)
That were 2 simultaneous upvotes! ;-)
naaa I believe one should not upvote from posts made in chat :=)
@Rinzwind bs. you love upvotes.
Why else would you have so many :D
I want to earn them. Then they mean something :=D
and Luis challenged me to a race
@Rinzwind same here. But not allot of people are upvotes.
If you look at my Answer here, and see the page has been viewed by 4138 people. And only 33 of them upvoted.
Hi Fabby
@Hi Matt...
How's it going? come here a lot?
You did read Item 1 and 2, right?
I'm around sometimes...
Yes, have. Thanks for caring!
it says start with a system backup, then do a file backup
and a bit further: do an fstab backup
Move your /home directory to its own partition as well, then you can more easily take backups
My entire / except /home is on my SSD
But, it's your call...
Cool, but don't things like tmp make worry you in terms of SSD write wear?
@blade19899: 34 now
@Fabby Thanks!
I've got an intel SLC
Gotta go do some work. he said 6 hours into his shift :D
so, no. I'm not worried.
Also, I've got my swap on there.
but my swappiness is 90
and I've got 4G...
You swap to SSD?
Yes! very fast (when I need it!)
I've got CORSAIR FORCE LS 2.5" SATA3 120GB SSD BTW, longer name than Intel SLC :)
free --human
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 3.8G 3.5G 329M 321M 209M 1.6G
-/+ buffers/cache: 1.7G 2.1G
Swap: 7.6G 23M 7.6G
I'm currently using 23MB swap
who cares?
The mount of my SSD is:
Boy that's cool!

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