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But we have the attention of at least one SE employee...
That's what I set out to do at the beginning...
Essentially: we can change 2/9 of the nine reasons. Of the editable ones, two are right up against the char limit. We can't change the other system messages. Just changing those two would look pretty odd (which is why I said this should start with the hard-coded messages and ideally give us a bit more room)
@Fabby OK, now I understand why it's there. I would suggest that you edit the crap out of it and cut it down to basics: "Can we increase the close reason character limit so we have enough space to write more polite messages please?"
@Oli Ah, I see.
Does anyone know what language (coding language) GIMP is written in?
I had a very hard time understanding what that question was about.
Yeah, but Jaydles wants me to add the text....
@Toroidal I would guess C but I have no idea.
@Toroidal: download the source and look! ;-)
@Fabby Because he thought (as I did) that your request was about changing the wording, not the length. Probably because you mention a very specific number of characters without explaining why.
@terdon: So I was going to wait for Monday East coast time and see what he says....
@Oli: Thanks!
so back to square 1. (sigh)
Seems to be C, some Python etc.
@terdon: so do you have any bright ideas to help us out?
(I'm close to just dropping the entire matter...)
Meta.SE takes a lot out of someone.
@Fabby As I said, I would remove all the extras and cut it down to basics. "The close reasons are too short for polite messages. Can we increase them?"
Bunch of whinos. Criticizing, but not helping
The shorter the question, the better chances it has of people actually reading it.
and disregard Jaydles request?
Absolutely right!
@Fabby I would give one example to showcase what you're talking about.
Al I wanted was a pointer to paste.ubuntu.com
excited puppy sounds!
No, don't expect people to go clicking on things. The perfect question© is self contained.
So what: delete the question and start over again? or revert to an earlier version?
Just edit it. Mind you, that's just what I would do, others might disagree. I just feel that there are too many words there and your meaning is lost somewhere behind them.
To me that is: roll back to version 2 and then cut it down.
that was IMHO the best until now!
make it smaller
more clear.
@terdon: what would you do:
1/ rolling back to version 2 and then cutting that down
2/ making a revision 7 and cutting 90%
3/ Something else?
@Oli: looking for some guidance and experience?
what would you do:
1/ rolling back to version 2 and then cutting that down
2/ making a revision 7 and cutting 90%
3/ Something else?
@Fabby I would have posted something like this:
> At the moment, off-topic close reasons are limited to X characters. This makes it hard to write polite close reasons and results in rather brusque messages that can alienate new users. For example, we would like to change the following close reason from Ask Ubuntu from this:

> > This question has been asked before and already has an answer.

> To something like this:

> >We've searched and found that your question already has an answer. Please check here: [link]. If this doesn't answer your question, please reword it to explain in more depth.
Clear guidance!!!!
Thanks a lot for your time!
Getting on it
@Fabby You're very welcome :)
Can I just change "Off topic close reasons " to "any closed reason"?
If those particular examples don't come up against the character limit, just use one that does.
(as someone complained about that?)
@Fabby You can change anything you like! It's your question.
Perfect! I'd +1 it but I already have.
Thanks again. Musicians and artists were and are the ones that innovate the IT industry! ;-)
(not the mathematicians, sales manager, marketing managers or even programmers)
How exactly can you get to know things about the person who originally compiled a jar file? Can you decompile it in such a way that at least you can know the original paths of the java classes on their computer?
well first off you can tell everything
Code structure. Dev Notes or lack thereof. Use of Syntax
So can you find out the creator of a jar file?
Because not all compilers will necessarily put all of that information in.
A good compiler will strip out useless information (like build paths) but you could always decompress it (it's just a zip file) and grep it.
pretty certain if there isnt a source you arnt going to find a name
and what Oli said as well
And you can run strings on binary files (security caveat) to extract... Well, strings... And then grep that.
I am using JAD as a decompiler, and decompiling something which I am pretty certain was compiled in NetBeans IDE 8.0.2.
So I probably won't find much...
Is it the jar public? Can we all play?
(No prizes for spotting the person who wants to be doing anything but work)
NetBeans? Why would you want to compile in that?
@Oli: Well... After decompiling the jar, it went missing... Just disappeared and I got it from a friend so don't know where they got it from. But I can get them to let me know where they got it from.
@Virusboy We were taught Java in Netbeans (back in 2003, zomg I'm old). Sometimes IDE habits are hard to break.
IDE habits are hardest to break
@Oli: could you please have a look at this: http://meta.stackexchange.com/posts/247169/revisions ?
I've flagged the question for deletion with an link to the chat room this was discussed in
And now I understand what you meant by "Meta.stackexchange.com let you have it more then here!" (I knew already, but now I understand!)
@Virusboy: welcome back. Were you trying to pull my (extremely tired) leg yesterday?
OK, what has the wine appdb have to do with being more polite flag/close reasons
BRB! Smoke first!
let me Screen shot it
This is a rather interesting one: askubuntu.com/questions/575093/…
oh wait I have nothing in review queue
I am having a little trouble with inline links, how do you do them in chat again? :)
You're getting them the wrong way around.
@Oli: Thanks! :)
I think that I tried that at first but it did not work... Odd, but it is working now, so I must have put an extra space in somewhere before or something.
@Virusboy: which review queue?
Wine appdb
I am a super for several apps under Wine.
@Toroidal: indeed! no spaces between ] and (
@Fabby: Yes, I must have originally had spacing between them, so I tried the other way round... :D
@Toroidal It might be had he given the site in question. As it is, it's just completely off topic.
@Virusboy Ah, now we're talking!
@terdon @Toroidal: I think it's a scammer letting out feelers....
Or that, yeah.
IMHO, @Oli: sorry to bother you for a 419 scammer letting out feelers
IMHO needs to be deleted on the spot before he takes people off-site and scams them....
I used to be a member at 419eater.com
I can smell them from a mile away!
@terdon unless you can do that? You're a diamond moderator too, right?
This lowly worm doesn't really know how the moderator food chain works... ;-)
@Fabby Not here, I'm a mod on Unix & Linux.
Mods from any site are chat mods though, that's why I'm blue.
:D I never even noticed that! (until now)
Have you ever heard cats talking to each other?
Oh and just noticed your comment on the edit war....
(well, not yet as I don't want to start one)
I just heard cats talking to each other... :D
@terdon: What's your advice now? Roll back to revision 1 and then edit it? :/ (I don't want to start an edit war...)
@Seth: Hi! :)
@Fabby Dunno really. ShadowWizard seems annoyed, let's see if he answers my comment but no, certainly don't start an edit war.
@terdon: a war only starts when someone fires back!
I've flagged the Q for deletion and am patient enough to have an SE employee look into it tomorrow when NY wakes up...
I'm a dinosaur!
I've got extremely thick skin
Good, you'll need it :)
:) Shadow wizard just replied.
He thinks the same as me: let SE deal with it...
@Fabby I read your message about the Cinnamon post, but this is not what I would need.
@ByteCommander: huh? Link?
(sorry, I had to turn my mind around from politics to technical)
You discussed whether its off-topic
no no, dont let you bother by me
@ByteCommander you might want to explain what error you get.
>:) Go ahead: it's switched over already!
just went in for a minute to see what happened
still suffering from that RE homework, so after this short relaxation time, I have to leave again
Reviewing a few hundred posts would be just the right distraction for my poor mind
@terdon You can view my AU-profile. I posted two questions, the older one is describing the problem, the newer one just asks how to reset Cinnamon hoping it was just a bad conf.
So did anything important happen in here during I hacked senseless christian lyrics into libre office?
If not I'm about to leave again.
Should have mailed that essay to her already yesterday, and now its pretty late again
Okay, then I'll log out. With this site in background, I dont get myself to work :( :P - see you later!
@ByteCommander If you want people to help you, we need all the information in a single post. Your question does not explain what the problem is, only that you can't solve it. We need to know what problem you're facing in order to be able to help you with it.
Anyone in for a laugh???
Q: GKSu is windowed instead of floating prompt

Andrew FischerWhen I use any command with gksu, it doesn't darken the display. Instead, it appears in a window as shown below. Is this a known bug, and if so, has a fix been applied or made known?

@Fabby Umm, are you sure you understood the question?
Comment: I'm sorry, I couldn't resist! After you've had a laugh, drop me a note here and I'll delete my answer...
The OP expected the display to be dimmed, highlighting the gksu window. He's not asking why he gets that window but why the display is not dimmed.
I'll wait 5 minutes before deleting!
I'm trying to set different wallpapers on each workspace, I tried this solution which didn't work (/cc @fossfreedom). Any other ideas? I am on Ubuntu 14.10.
Maybe he's on-line and will have a laug...
gksu is depricated isnt it?
gksudo is mentioned in the answer...
Smoke! We'll see...
yeah, you have to spcifically install that now
since keylogging, and it is easly spoofed, not recomended to use at all anymore
@Mateo_ Does pkexec or whatever its called come by default on Ubuntu?
yeah, but you cant use it with everything graphically br default
let me find the links
@Mateo_ Don't worry about it, I always use sudo anyway.
And yes, I am aware of the dangers :)
well they solved a lot of those problems
and if i remember the safer one was just an extra flag
OK, I've had my fun, answer deleted!
@Mateo_ I never really bothered with it. They were never serious issues. Only confusing to newbies.
Worst case scenario, some config files are modified by root and now belong to him. Fine, change them back.
And then you get answers here yelling against using it. Probably the same people who run sudo su or other such silliness.
And I've created 2 laughs today and learned something!
Thanks for the heads-up on gksu!
So I think sudo -i stands as the way we are going with recommending here
Q: PSA: gksu is no longer installed by default

OliTurns out gksu is no longer installed by default. Some things still depend on it so it might be installed on your system - but on a clean install, it seems it's no longer required. As for why, see: Why is gksu no longer installed by default in 13.04? Historically we have used gksu a lot here but...

I just checked my system: UNetbootin installed gksu!
This one is interesting, if you want to dive into using pkexec
A: How to configure pkexec?

Radu RădeanuHow to configure pkexec to avoid getting errors when run GUI applications? I found two possible ways: As you can see, using the following: pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY gedit will not get you any error. And this is normal because man pkexec is very clear in this matter:...

@Mateo_ Yeah. What'd you think of the post, any suggestions or mistakes you saw?
It reads nice, I didn't look in great detail
@Mateo_ Thanks :) You'll have to let me know how it works installing on your bubble mac :D
@Fabby I always use gksudo anyways. Works the same (I think...right?)
@terdon There is all info about the problem (non-responding panels in Cinnamon) in my first question. I just added another question some days later (nobody reacted to the first, except editing Hi/Thanks out) where I asked how to do a complete re-install of Cinnamon which is a more simple question and got at least some reactions.
@RPi_Awesomeness gksudo is preferred nowadays. RTFA! (where A=Article) ;-)
@ByteCommander I'm just trying to help. I use Cinnamon and saw your question and can't understand what the issue is. I suggested adding the specific problem to make it clearer. If you don't want to do so, it's up to you.
@Fabby I don;t think there's much (if indeed any) difference between gksu and gksudo, what is preferred is sudo or pkexec.
Yup, on Debian at least:
$ ls -l /usr/bin/gksudo
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Dec  5 18:59 /usr/bin/gksudo -> gksu
@terdon: I have x11-forwarding on, so I personally don't, but most users still need gksudo...
@Fabby What difference does that make? You mean you have access control disabled?
@terdon I thank you for your help, but in this question everything about my problem should be included. I see nothing missing.
x11 forwarding is for ssh.
ll /usr/bin/gksudo
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Oct 2 2012 /usr/bin/gksudo -> gksu*
@Fabby Yeah, it's the same program. As I recall, it behaves slightly differently depending on the name it was run as,
I'm anal: I always run as a non-admin user on my PC
so I need to su - fab-root to get to an admin prompt
@ByteCommander I am not talking about that question. Each question on the site needs to stand alone, nobody will look at your other questions to understand the one they are reading.
and then I need X11 forwarding to run X stuff!
The other question I asked is just more general (reinstalling Cinnamon, no error fixing), as I hoped people would pay more attention to it than with that amount of detail.
You think I should remove it? Can I even do this?
@ByteCommander No, I think you should either remove mention of the bug and just ask "How can I completely remove Cinnamon?" or, if not, explain what the bug is, or at least link back to your other question.
And yes, you can remove your own question unless it has upvoted answers but there's no reason to.
:19599475 nix backup. I can just remove it and use some other DE...
@ByteCommander Sorry. You were talking about the question
I was talking about Cinnamon...
Me too, but I dont have any Ubuntu backup
just started using it few months ago
Me a little bit more then a year....
But I had experience with HP-UX, AIX and Tru-64 before....
@terdon I linked my first question: "The original question about how to solve the bug was this (here is a link) one, but nobody answers, so I ask for it a bit different."
(although all that was 10 years ago)
@ByteCommander how did you uninstall? It is usually a good idea to include the specific commands you ran.
@terdon the specific uninstalling stuff is in the second question, as in the first question, I wanted to solve the problem by detecting its cause (did not write that but yea)
@ByteCommander Cool. I changed bug to issue since bugs are off topic here and people might jump to conclusions.
@ByteCommander Ah, yes, it's hard to understand since I need to keep jumping between the questions :(
Did you remove its settings folder?
~/.cinnamon and ~/.config/cinnamon-session ?
Tell me how to edit it to make it easyer to answer!
Yes, I removed almost everything in /home containing cinnamon in its name, especially those two folders, AFTER having it uninstalled. But still keeping them in the trash, if one should be needed.
@ByteCommander OK. Then create a new user and log in using that user. If the problem persists, you know it's not specific to your setup.
Admin or low rights user?
And what about autostart apps and services?
As I mentioned I thought it could have something to do with cpufreq... and indicator-multiload!???
@ByteCommander No difference. Whatever.
@ByteCommander I doubt it. I don't see how they could be relevant.
@ByteCommander What about them? Let's first find out if it is specific to your setup or system-wide.
I read that Cinnamon is incompatible with compiz and thought they could use it.
And it occured first after autostart of them was enabled
@terdon Could you please answer at the question posts? I have to quickly leave now. Something private...
@ByteCommander No, neither of those would use compiz.
So I won't have to search what you said in the chat log tomorrow/whenever...
@ByteCommander Don't have an answer yet. When you have time, edit your 1st question and add what happens when you try using a new user. Then ping me.
Will do that. Bye for now!
cinnamon works with trusty and utopic
Q: getting Thunderbird on 14.04 and...argggh!

LewOK I'm new to linux, and so there's a learning curve. But, although I worked for years with unix ksh production scripts and user support, at the moment I need to take another break. I first installed 14.04 64 bit last week and just yesterday got past numerous stop/startovers to a system that see...

@terdon: I verified the source code: they don't use compiz
@Fabby No, they wouldn't. Neither has anything to do with compositing.
AFAIK anyway.
@terdon Hm, what kind of install is that
@Mateo_ No idea.
Another angry title:
Q: getting Thunderbird on 14.04 and...argggh!

LewOK I'm new to linux, and so there's a learning curve. But, although I worked for years with unix ksh production scripts and user support, at the moment I need to take another break. I first installed 14.04 64 bit last week and just yesterday got past numerous stop/startovers to a system that see...

There are so many of these titles today which either go "Ahhhh" or "argggh"! :D
@Toroidal: that's not angry!
that is "pulling my own hair out and I'm bald already!"
@Fabby: :D
That guy needs this answer
(already left him a note)
@Fabby I screwed up my Windows partition, but it gives me the perfect opportunity to install 64bit Windows.
I've got my USB key ready...
Shall we decamp to another room?
Anyone in for a laugh? then read this answer
try to keep answers on a less opinionated format
I have over 200GB free, but none of it is in a partition. How can I use that space?
@Virusboy: Hello, anything in your review queue at wine yet?
@kprovost7314: everything needs a partition before you can use it....
@Virusboy: I'll go and have another look...
@Fabby I want to extend my Linux partition.
@kprovost7314: Once you're running a GUI, use GPARTED to extend the partition.
UI doesn't work. Updating the mime database broke all GUI of Ubuntu.
use the same tool we used earlier, but use the command:
resizepart NUMBER END
and do a man parted before you start!
man parted?
Oh the parted manual. Never mind.
/dev/sda2 is being used. 20GB invalid token.
I used resizepart 2 20GB
What does the manual say?
Use MiB and use 4MiB-aligned partitions.
@toroidal: Do you know the difference between "hanged" and "hung"?
(tip: one of the two has to do with a rope and medieval courts)
:P ;-)
@Fabby one could reference to the size of a man's private parts too. Always be aware of double meanings!
@ByteCommander Do you know how old Toroidal is?
Still suffering from RE. 10 pages written but still work left! Should be in my mail outbox for nearly 23 hours now. Hope she doesnt get too angry...
@Fabby Nothing in his profile, but I think remembering he told you that he is about 30 years younger than you? so 20-30 maybe? Could have been another user too....
why do ya wanna know?
I think he's 13-14
so that is why I (wisely) didn't mention that, and only talked about medieval times...
If he does understand, he'll get a giggle out of it! ;-)
And already has 700 rep after only 14 days? That's about as fast as me.
@Fabby Dont believe he doesnt understand it, whatever age he is.
These kids are good! They're like sponges and absorb everything fast...
Took me ...
Any boy (even girl) today knows about such things much earlier than in your good old time. And he uses the web!
2 months to get to 3000
>:) I know... Them youngsters!
Btw how late is it at your place? How long will you be here?
Another hour or so...
Should get back hacking weird christian lyrics. I'm afraid this would take longer.
:) Bye bye!
He just entered when you posted this image ;)
@Toroidal: I'm going for a smoke, then ...
Yep, bye then. I think if we visit AU as regularly as we did until now, we can't miss each other. But now finally: Good night!
Well guys, I'm going to bed now.So goodnight to all of you! :)
too late!
Good night... I had a funny edit of you @Toroidal
Q: How do I uninstall or remove maxthon browser from Ubuntu14.04

SteveHow do I remove Maxthon browser from my system. Ubuntu 14.04.

Q: How and where should I add a PATH?

Josh KeslingI need to add a new directory to my PATH so that SublimeText can find it. I assume this should be added to either .bash_profile, .bashrc, or .profile. Which one should I add it to? .bash_profile already has: export PATH="/home/josh/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.5/bin:/home/josh/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0/bi...

@Rinzwind: and another excellent answer from Rinzwind, so upvoted!
(As you were so coy the last time, I'm going to let you know every time I upvote one)
(Update) I made a NTFS partition and I'm currently making my SD Card to NTFS for Kali Linux (or does it even support NTFS?)
Q: My question was deleted. Was this on random or following a polecy?

r4.My question was deleted. Is there a polecy for deleting questions here? Is there a meta answer showing this very polecy? (Or is questions deleted more randomly). Not that I take it too seriously but I feel that deleting a fair question is suspicious. That my question was put on hold was also susp...

@kprovost7314: Kali Linux? Off-topic here... Try Unux&Linux...
@RPi_Awesomeness - You're always talking about your abysmal internet speeds this might have helped
@hbdgaf Oooo.
In other news, Packers lost in overtime :'(
They sure did ;)
@Seth .... sure is not the word I would use.
That was close.
Very good game
That first half though
@hbdgaf: Once the FCC will get involved, It'll go all down the drain... Instead of prioritizing doctors doing remote operations, NetFlix will be prioritized... :(
Who else?
@Fabby on the phone i have a decent amount to say about that
Title II is what's supposed to stop prioritizing of connection.
@RPi_Awesomeness Yeah, terrible time for the Seahawks. We haven't had so many turnovers since the Russell Wilson era.
But like our coach says, it isn't how you start, it's how you finish.
@Seth Double the turnovers in this game alone than the entire season :)
GB is a great team though. Very good team.
so nothing gets prioritized and there is more NetFlix traffic then traffic for operating doctors....
But, good game. I was not expecting it to be this close.
I'm all for prioritization! SSH = prirority 1! ;-)
Anywhoozerz, off to watch the AFC Championship. GO PATS!
@hbdgaf: You want my Skype address?
I'll put it out here, it's not a flaming rant or anything... and I don't use skype much.
(just always IM before calling! Even when green)
Do you know Chili555?
I know of him, but I don't know him personally
Because he has my contact details...
otherwise I would have told him to send them to you!
I used to design QoS and stuff...
You need prioritization for the system to work...

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