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Hi guys, are there any news about a future version of fdisk, cfdisk and sfdisk with regards to supporting GPT. I know parted and gdisk support this but was wondering if they will eventually support it. The tendency is for bigger disks and right now all my HDD as 2+ TB.
I thought parted supported GPT?
I just formatted a disk with GPT a few days ago.
> fdisk does not understand GUID partition tables (GPTs) and it is not
designed for large partitions. In these cases, use the more advanced
GNU parted(8).
from man fdisk.
does anyone know about why all of the commands in my /sbin/ will not run unless I go directly to them?
I thought ifconfig was normally supposed to run without any extra things needed, for example
2buntu is about to be available on Docker.
I'm working on adding some more instructions.
gah, now I need to figure out how to get the files off the VM..
@ThomasW. meh, not really OT. Kinda unclear though.
Is it just me, or has anyone else had issues running sudo after installing the bash updates last week? My Debian systems are fine, but the Ubuntu server at work won't let me sudo anything
I haven't had any issues.
Probably just some idiocy on my part then, I'll grab one of the other people with sudo rights and see if they can get in
Either that or the apocalypse is nigh
Hey @Whaaaaaat - you seem to like skyrim a lot. I got a kick out of this youtube.com/…
hmm, what was the mailing list "trail" about possibly going rolling?
@WilliamLawnStewart my sudo still works.
Seems it was just a case of idiocy over here, my login appears to have lost all its groups
@NathanOsman awesome!
I need to figure out the use of dockers in some of this days :/
@WilliamLawnStewart happens
@Lucio took me like a day to get up to speed on about half of docker. the other half isn't necessary until it's necessary... so as long as you're not on the core dev team for docker - a day is enough.
Interesting. I'll postpone that day for the next month anyway
btw, what does RTM means?
release to manufacturing
thanks William
A software release life cycle is the sum of the stages of development and maturity for a piece of computer software: ranging from its initial development to its eventual release, and including updated versions of the released version to help improve software or fix bugs still present in the software. == Stages of development == === History === Usage of the "alpha/beta" test terminology originated at IBM. As long ago as the 1950s (and probably earlier), IBM used similar terminology for their hardware development. "A" test was the verification of a new product before public announcement. ...
now I can proceed to the stars :P
now waiting for the GA in my country :D
OT: Why do all the good shows get canceled... I'm rewatching "The Finder" series again
(General availability)
@hbdgaf maybe you just have weird likes
@Lucio: or likes sci fi
or both
(Though, one of my shows is surviving by virtue of canadianism)
I'm not touching the Firefly thing... I understand how it went under the bus. I don't understand what did it to Finder though.
(current shows are person of interest, which isn't likely to die, on account of being near future sci fi, Dr who, Gotham and agents of shield. I also watch continuum, when its in season)
I'd LOVE a proper space opera :/
Alternately it could be that "popular" is measured by least common denominator people much like "cyber-law" blog.erratasec.com/2014/09/…
@JourneymanGeek person of interest was interesting. gotham isn't far enough along to know yet. agents of shield i watch, but it's a little campy. idk on continuum
Continuum is interesting
but too many unresolved threads
so it's a robert jordan book in TV form
Also, it suffers from space station syndrome.
@hbdgaf: I think part of the issue is branching timelines
but they didn't make it clear until 3 seasons on
it's on my list to check out. i watched in total all of the others
@hbdgaf I have never seen so much law in a security site
Gotham has lovely visuals and I like the story development so far.
but BUT the main conceit, that its batman before batman, and that they keep shoehorning in charecters...
Hopefully I don't need to read it to get Bob point of view >.<
@JourneymanGeek It's just the pilot. Give it time to turn one way or the other. Everything that makes it to "Pilot aired on Hulu" is at least not that terrible. I need a little more.
and I was pretty sure Montoya was a lot younger than Gordon
@hbdgaf: some shows start slowburn ;p
Shield didn't really have much charecter development till the tail end of the first season.
all i'm saying is wait for it. they could ruin a chunk of watchable, or redeem it
Hey came on people, what is going on with you that no one mention Seinfeld.
@Lucio I don't discuss series that give birth to "Coffee with comedians in cars" although I do watch the latter.
is the icon a madonna picture? no wait that was something else...
I was thinking tank-girl given context, but okay.
Can I use the ubuntu to write micorsfot word?
I nned reply ASAP for work!!
seems to be a rails test package.
@iKlsR no. one does not simply write microsoft word.
Damn blue text gives me away, I keep forgetting.
that and no one can be that stupid ;p
Always nice to kill a few minutes on irc watching brains implode.
minecraft420headshot has joined the room
If anyone wants a free synergy premium licence let me know.
Finally after years made the switch to gnome shell and couldn't be happier.
Sleek and fast, also feels more spacious.
Apparently I got a bunch of promo codes, and if you want the latest version, you either need to pay a fiver (which is not too bad) or know someone who did, and got a bunch of promo codes dumped on their lap ;p
@iKlsR Must admit.. fooled me ;)
In other news I decided I'd just scp the file in my VM to my server and then scp it back to the host. Kinda hacky, but at least I don't have to mess with port forwarding et al.
sexy solutions
(searching for TM icon)
couldn't find icon ☹
too late™
Instead I could find interesting chars art :O
Your move Sr.
I need to go to bed now. Night!
3 hours later…
@Lucio those pieces are on the WRONG starting squares
1 more needed
@JourneymanGeek me! If you mean by synergy the tool that let's you switch between systems with 1 keyboard and 1 mouse
@Rinzwind: you around?
I believe you can pop that into the order page, and that should turn up in your inbox. If it dosen't show up, let me know.
I missed that >:) @JourneymanGeek
Got it
(and oh hell, I have plenty to spare)
I believe you input it in the order page somewhere
trying to get it done :=)
worked as promo code @JourneymanGeek
2 hours later…
tsk tsk tsk - if all issues were that obvious...
Seems to be OT for being ancient too
Oli's comments are always so nice and encouraging.
Can anyone help me with my problem here? Name Not Showing in User Menu GNOME
I am currently facing issue like : askubuntu.com/q/17381/256099
I want to (or have to) solve this by tty ( say Ctrl+Alt+F1). Answers of question mentioned above ask to install compizconfig-settings-manager or any tweaking utility. But I want to solve this problem without installing any extra packages.
"dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ " or "gsettings reset-recursively org.compiz" says "can not auto-launch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY ".
So, Is it possible to solve problem without getting any extra packages (say-offline)? How do I do that?
@Pandya You can't. You need to do this from display F7.
@Rinzwind But I can't open terminal.
@Rinzwind Is there any way to open gnome-terminal in such condition?
When am home, am gonna take that bad boy for a spin!
Getting close to the point where I won't need to install Firebug.
@Oli Very close! But, Mozilla and firebug have been working to get them together. Your choice:
Its ugly as sin. But, its just an early version.
I want 'Firefox CSS live edit in Sublimetext' like yesterday.
This also looks promesing: Takana Live Editor Demo - YouTube Takana lets you see your SCSS and CSS style changes live, in the browser, as you type them
I don't have Firebug installed.
@Pandya Not that I know;for gnome related changes you need the desktop
@Oli kick this back to another site please: http://askubuntu.com/questions/530114/upgrading-ubuntu-13-09-to-13-10-for-lts
It is about LINARO
@Rinzwind why is it off-topic?
and where else is it going to go?
@jrg Linaro is not Ubuntu :=)
linaro.org/members < Canonical is the only Linux distro creator on that list
and i see ports.ubuntu.com all over the place.
askubuntu.com/tags/linaro < we have a few linaro questions already...
@Oli Nah, i'm the guy who'll dump a 1gigabit speedtest on everyone.
But is is not on the list >:)
Mostly because it was never something anyone ever talked about before.
What exactly is it? It looks like a collection of "technology solutions" whatever that means.
Trying to figure out if it would be on topic for Unix & Linux.
@terdon definitely would be on-topic for U&L.
@terdon The more I look at that site the less I understand of it
@Rinzwind I know. IS it a distro or what?
Damn marketingspeak
Asking on #ubuntu-server
> Linaro’s mission is to bring together the electronics industry and the open source community to work on key projects, deliver great tools, reduce industry wide fragmentation and redundant effort, and provide common software foundations for all.

> Member companies fund Linaro and provide half of its engineering resources as assignees who work full time on Linaro projects. These assignees combined with over 100 of Linaro’s own engineers create a team of over 200 software developers. Work is conducted openly and Linaro engages with the broader open source community on a daily basis on IRC,
@terdon ARM so ... phones? so touch?
ARM servers
@Rinzwind I know, that's their about page. And they never actually say what it's supposed to be.
they even have a 13.09 release
Linaro had their summit right next to UDS last time
@jrg still does not make it an AU questions >:D
I'd say it's pretty intertwined.
I don't see any connection whatsoever to Ubuntu. Only that Canonical is one of many member companies.
Why would that make whatever this thing is on topic on AU?
Linaro Member Builds

LMBs are full system builds of popular open-source products set up at the request of a Linaro Core/Club Member company.
@terdon they use LaunchPad a lot. Aren't a lot of non-ubuntu projects that use LP.
#ubuntu-server says that this specific question is a Linaro one.
@jrg OK, so how does that make them an official Ubuntu flavor? As far as I can tell they aren't Ubuntu at all let alone a flavor. Far less on topic than Debian, let alone Mint or other derivatives.
@jrg so that is their way of saying: WE don't want it?
oly crap: softpedia.com got a redesign 0.o
@terdon I am currently on your side
@terdon ports.ubuntu.com is highly indicative of "Ubuntu" to me... that, plus their sharing the space with UDS indicates that it would be on-topic, most likely, if it was a generic, non-linario specific question. It would fall into the same category as installing Ubuntu to a Chromebook.
However, since this is a "How do I update from Linaro Release A to Linaro Release B?", this doesn't come close.
@jrg I just saw the Q, feel free to pass it on to us at Unix & Linux.
(Does that make sense?)
@terdon ok, sending your way.
As for being on topic here, I find it very hard to defend Mint and Kali not being on topic and this strange thing yes.
It's Ubuntu, just on different hardware. Not like Mint and Kali, which use different repos and builds entirely.
(BTW, Kali is actually debian based now, as is mint)
I thought that anything not listed here is off topic.
@jrg Mint is not, they have a Debian edition, but their main product is still Ubuntu.
This particular Linaro is simply a build of Ubuntu desktop/server for a specific ARM arch.
Just like for a ChromeBook.
all it says it uses an Ubuntu version
@jrg But that's precisely what Mint is. Actually, Mint is considerably closer to Ubuntu since it's not really a specific kernel built for another architecture.
Personally, I'm all for opening AU to more Ubuntu derivatives. I've argued for that in the past but have been overruled. I'm just saying that making Linaro on topic and keeping other things which are far closer to Ubuntu off topic seems contradictory.
Linaro has a much closer set of ties than Mint does, thanks to canonical being dumb.
I personally don't like the idea of Linaro being on-topic, but i'm just going with what the IRC guys thought.
@jrg How so?
Shared UDS space, shared infrastructure (ports.ubuntu.com), canonical partnership... that seems pretty indicative of a much closer relationship than we have with say, the Kernel foundation, Debian or GNOME.
canonical partnership is claimed on their site, i do not see it anywhere else. The wiki has a list of partnetrs and when they joined... no canonical :) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linaro
Let's do it like how we handle Zorin OS questions.
Q: Do we count Zentyal as a on-topic Ubuntu derivative?

jrgI have encountered a vergence in the Ubuntu derivative landscape, Zentyal! So basically, my question is this: Because the zentyal packages are in the Ubuntu Archives, and because they have a partnership with Canonical about this stuff, do we count them as off-topic or on-topic?

Does that count as a precedent?
The lines of what is and is not on topic on AU have never been very clear. I think that the current approach of anything not listed on the canonical derivatives page being off topic is the only rational way to deal with it. Why complicate things further by adding a relatively obscure project?
@jokerdino Mixing community resources makes it even muddier.
@jrg many organizations provide what are essentially builds of Ubuntu yet they are all off topic. Off the top of my head, Mint, Zorin, elementary, backtrack, linspire
so yes, that could count, but the Linaro <> Ubuntu <> Canonical relationship is muddier than any of the others.
and loads more listed here: wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/Derivatives all of which are off topic despite being essentially Ubuntu with very few changes.
Because all of the others are doing it without any sort of blessing, care or information from Canonical.
Better question: I go and take Ubuntu for Phones, and start making my own phone with it.
I sell them.
@jrg I don't see how that's relevant. If Canonical were to decide to produce toasters, that wouldn't make toaster question on topic.
It's straight Ubuntu phone stuff
am I on or off-topic?
I'd be off-topic.
if you sell Ubuntu phone, pretty on topic.
You're off topic unless you're listed as an official derivative.
but, if I was a "Official partner", then I'd be on-topic.
but if you're modding the Ubuntu for phone, then not.
as we're currently interpreting things.
Q: Make the on-topic section more explicit

terdonSince there is often confusion on this site as to which Ubuntu derivatives are actually on topic, why not explicitly list them on the Help page? Instead of: We welcome questions about: Using and administering Ubuntu, including official Ubuntu derivatives. Something like: We welcome...

That was my first meta post here I think. Precisely 'cause I couldn't understand what was considered off topic and what on.
And this is Ubuntu Server.
Running off of *ubuntu.com
What is? Linaro?
installed on some weird hardware
@terdon yes
How is it running off of *ubuntu.com?
You mean it uses the Ubuntu repos?
So does Mint and all the other derivatives.
But Mint doesn't have a partnership with us.
That's hardly an argument for making something on topic.
who is 'us'?
Mint didn't have the "Mint Developer Summit" at the same time as UDS.
Yes, it's not listed as an official derivative. Neither is Linaro.
Linaro did.
@terdon that is one wiki edit away from making it official >:D
And, again, how is that relevant? We don't work for or are in any way affiliated with Canonical.
Community events != canonical
UDS. Ubuntu Developer Summit. Not Canonical Developer Summit.
Ports.ubuntu.com. Not ports.canonical.com.
@Rinzwind In which case, it should also be made on topic. I'm arguing that we should keep to the standard we have decided upon where whether something is on topic depends on whether it is considered an "official derivative".
Personally, I think anything that's Ubuntu based should be on topic but I know you guys disagree. I just can't see why some obscure corporate relationship should dictate what we consider on topic.
I personally don't care - I think there is bad blood and politics between Ubuntu and Mint, Elementary etc, so there's things other than technical at play there.
@terdon anything listed on the help is ontopic for me >:D That's what I use as a guideline
However, there is a good case to be made for Linaro to fit here, better than serverfault, or U&L.
@jrg so now convince seth to add it to the help >:D
@jrg That really shouldn't affect AU in any way whatsoever! Who cares about what the corporate folks are doing? We're Linux geeks, trying to help each other out.
@Rinzwind Me too, and that derives from the list of "official derivatives".
And is there bad blood between Mint and Ubuntu? Not on the mint side as far as I know from when I hung out on their forums.
If I asked a question about a beagleboard, it would be on topic.
@terdon the only bad blood was during a comment made by canonical about mint leeching the servers.
@jrg Only if it happened to be running Ubuntu right?
@Rinzwind Ah, OK.
@terdon and the linaro box seems to be running ubuntu, of some flavor.
Ill be back! PM me the solution if there is one >:D
Whatever - I can't sit on the internet and argue all day. I think that most of them are on-topic, just like most things for Ubuntu are on-topic, and some other things are not. Later all.
@jrg fine. But this should be brought up on meta since the current guidelines clearly make it off topic.
2 hours later…
@Rinzwind I could say the same about your Queen ¬¬
Q: rsyslog make error - collect2: error

stacksI am trying to install rsyslog from source on Ubuntu 14.04. I have managed to get through the ./configure stage, having had to install a lot of packages, and also needed to install a couple of things for the make stage too. However during make I am getting the following error, which I cannot unde...

2 hours later…
> I am believed that you already have PL-2303X/H Linux driver source, and you also know how to compile it in Linux, so I only explain how to link device with our driver.
well, that is an assumption you got wrong.
so, does anyone have a usb -> serial adapter that actually works on linux?
@rlemon Ouch, not I. I haven't even seen a serial port in years.
@rlemon not me :-) last serial I used was 10 years ago. at least
I work in the embedded industry, rs232 is still used :/
And i'm sick of doing work on windows just because I can use the adapters there
But it should still work :)
well then, who wants to help :D
I have one adapter which has source to download
but that is their only instructions.
that first paragraph is over estimating my abilities :P
@terdon the cubieboard runs Linaro even though the download says "lubuntu" it even upgraded straight to 14.04 no problems for me
@Mateo Dunno, as I said, I'm not even sure what Linaro is. Just that if it's going to be on topic, there should be a meta post about it.
meh, not like i'm going to ask any questions about it... most would probably try to ask how to use the livesuit tools how to flash the images and stuff. and that is not something I want to answer. Than and probably the same question about how flash isn't supported on arm
2 hours later…
Ohh did I have a case of the Mondays...
quite a monday huh
mine was ok, not as planned but ok.
@hbdgaf I saw that video already
@JourneymanGeek I'll take that Synergy license
@Whaaaaaat haha, the skyrim video? that was funny
@Mateo yep
@Oli Y'know what's sad? I still get 300ms.
@Mateo yeah, it was a monday for sure.
So, I played out chess and go. Not that I was awesome at either, but that I plateaued and wasn't getting any better. Thinking of trying out hnefatafl.se
I hope my chess chars have nothing related with that retrospection.
No, they don't. I hadn't played in years. I was looking at similarities between asymmetric warfare and startup companies... and stumbled across that game. So, I thought it would be an interesting idle moment to keep me thinking a little differently or pushing to think differently.
oh, that adds a bit of context
Doesn't it though
Sometimes my left field ramblings just lack context, and they're not really out of left field.
yeah, bad gut
Having an incorrect kneejerk reaction isn't a bad thing. Specifically when you didn't have all the facts to begin with.
Dec 19 '13 at 0:57, by Lucio
@hbdgaf Sometimes I can't understand a single word of what you say.
I know. That's why I don't get irritated if you don't get something. You try/want to understand. Some people don't even try...
Hello guys. I am a new Ubuntu user. I am installing Ubuntu with VMWARE Player. I just completed a few scripts to install the VMWARE Tools but it seems like the terminal is stuck on something. I am not sure what to do. Can someone help me please?
@JonathanMusso Why don't you post a question? Remember to explain what scripts you're talking about and what exactly is stuck and when.
@terdon Scripts may be wrong..I guess commands? I followed the setup here for the command line setup - kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/… when I rebooted a bunch of checks all say OK but then I can't do anything and there is no confirmation.
I gave 100 rep or so to a question that probably fixes it for you. Just a sec
My guess is it's probably this askubuntu.com/questions/414783/…
vmware failing to build parts
Hmm, I am not sure if I am on that stage. Right now I can't make any input on terminal, the _ is just flashing
At that part, it doesn't even usually launch right. Might be something else.
Would a screen shot help? I am not very experienced with Terminal so I am going to have some difficulty identifying things.
It's related in that vmware doesn't build right against lots of newer kernels though. I'm at the end of a long day, so if it requires more than signposting, i'm probs a little useless.
ok, I understand..there is a screenshot though
thank you for your time
I posted a question if anyone can help askubuntu.com/questions/530307/…
I don't know what the hell is going on but I pressed the right arrow key now the ubuntu logo came up with the loading bars...it';s been there for about 5 minutes so far.
Q: How do I unstick a stuck ubuntu system? http://unix.stackexchange.com/unanswered

user86095My Asus loads what appears to be a working Grub, but this closes (quickly!) to leave a leave a password request in the middle of an empty screen. I have no idea what password the installers of this system gave it (if any), but nothing will shift the request; the situation is immovable from there....

@Whaaaaaat ping

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