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which is exactly why Tim wants this tooltip -.-
because people are misusing EOL.
@Braiam That I'm not entirely sure, somewhere in the process of voting to close EOL.
@Seth I would just fix the behavior removing the things that makes people vote the wrong way
@Seth In my head, if that tooltip appears each time I select EOL close reason, at first I will be pissed, then learn to ignore it, rendering is usefulness moot
Tim suggestion as is could be fine if he fixed the issue in the root: "what makes people close questions as EOL?" "how can these reasons be addressed?"
yep, and that's fine.
3 hours later…
Any chance @JorgeCastro is still awake?
Nvm, I think I have my answer.
My Favourite version of Ubuntu is 14.04 but I am excited to see 14.10, I tried the Daily Build but it is buggy and does not really launch.
1 hour later…
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 34 mins ago, by Avinash Raj
What's the search query to find all of my answers which has the string (*SKIP)(*F)?
1 hour later…
@karel tagged messages here should also produce notifications, and maybe a better option than commenting on another post.
Hi all, i'd like to edit a recent answer I gave. Should I include in the body of the answer that I edited it?
@MJB only if you're editing in response to a comment or something. this way it doesn't look like the commenter is talking to themselves.
@hbdgaf That's exactly what's happening. It's done by adding "[EDIT]" right?
I put Edit to address blarg or similar
Just a note: They didn't like it when I did it on SU. I think it's polite to do that though.
Since a revision history is available, and comments are unreliable (I have seen a few vanish, even though I would have liked to attribute them), I generally don't add EDIT or UPDATE or things like that.
I was looking in meta to find more information on edits done to answers, but couldn't find it. Do you perhaps know where I can find info on edits in meta?
I don't remember seeing that particular topic on meta (plenty of stuff there, I just don't remember seeing it come up before).
Is it an accepted answer that you are updating? Or a heavily upvoted one? Then perhaps you should indicate that the answer has changed, either using EDIT/UPDATE, or a horizontal line (----) to indicate it..
@muru No, it's not an accepted answer, and I don't expect it to be accepted.
@MJB another possibility: edit your post and add a comment below the post with @user: to inform the user who's comment you addressed. After that all those comments could be deleted for being obsolete.
Then I'd recommend that you edit so that it's a cohesive whole, without the jarring break that an EDIT or an UPDATE brings.
Can anyone suggest a good and simple open source web based inventory?
how is GLPI?
I'm trying to "get back into"stackexchange so to say, but i'm still quite rusty. Could someone give me some feedback on my answer and edit? I'd hate to be downvoted into oblivion for basic things like this.
A: Google Chrome install problem

MJBAlternatively, there is the Chromium-browser package, which is available in the software repository, or installed by: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install chromium-browser The main difference between Chromium-browser and Chrome is that the former is an community maintained version of...

@MJB for Chromium we need Pepperflash to work. It's in the repos from 14.04.
(it extracts the plugin from Google Chrome, then installs it in Chromium)
@Takkat I was so glad someone automated that...
but it is of the weirder kind of terminal outputs on installing it ;)
@Takkat I haven't used it like that before. I'd like to include the corerct information in my edit. Is wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Getting-Flash still the correct way?
@Takkat Thanks for the info. Updated my answer. I'll get better at this... i promise :)
@MJB there always is room for getting better (it's the whole point of discussing this here) :) You can also delete you comment there...
@Takkat Done. I've been looking for guidelines on how to handle edits. Things like adding "[EDIT]" vs not doing that, how/where to put that, and when to delete comments. Would it be a good question to ask in meta or is that allready somewhere documented? If it is, i couldn't find it.
Just ask. If it was already on meta, someone that has been around longer will recognize it.
1 hour later…
I've been going through old answers to improve upon, and I think I screwed up just a littble bit. In trying to add package links in the right way, the preview pane shows the correct link and picture, but when I submit, the package links break. Could someone take a look and tell me what I did wrong? askubuntu.com/questions/20989/…
fixed @MJB. The . at the end of the sentence is messing up the link ;-)
wait I fixed the 2nd one. there is another one at the top
it better say "thanks" after you edit it:=D
@Rinzwind Thanks, the preview pane threw me off.
Wrongly placed periods... sigh Feels like my debugging days all over again :)
I know someone here that wasted 5 working days fixing an error by recoding a part of the software he made and that ended up in a very non-descriptive error... he missed that he forgot a ; 5 lines above where the error occured.
That's one costly ;
@Rinzwind years ago I worked with a compiler that was so useless, then when it reported a error - the error was neither what was reported, nor anywhere in the vicinity of the coding error - basically all you knew that there was an error somewhere but no idea where.
@MJB i got another one ....
this took 3 days to find ...
FOR L1=1 TO 10; PRINT 'LF'; L1=L1+1; NEXT L1
It was part of printing invoices and the print created not enough empty lines (LF=linefeed)
L1=L1+1 is stupid since the FOR loop now skips the even numbers :D
I read it, and totally missed it also!
yeah what it should have been was:
L1=0; FOR P1=1 TO 10; PRINT 'LF'; L1=L1+1; NEXT P1
that way you get 10 empty lines and a variable L1 contain "10" as the numbers of lines printed
2 people got fired over that one _O-
the one that coded it and the one that took 3 days to -NOT- find it...
oh and this week I solved another problem without even looking at code. all I did was say "ah but that means the SQL stmt does not have a WHERE".
(an update somewhere changed 1 column on a -complete- table)
so after 3 people said: impossible i proved them wrong and found the problem within 10 minuted >:D
To be fired for such a mistake seems quite harsh. Tough employer.
and today I am being served cola when I lift a finger :=D
@MJB not really. That was just the final straw ;-)
@fossfreedom I tend to use interpreters :-) basic (yeah the old one) javascript python perl are most used by me
so not a lot of compiling :=D
one saving grace - we wrote very clean and modular code - because you couldnt afford the wasted effort tracking down compilation issues :)
yeah. problem I have is that I get to debug OTHERS code. So I often do not know what got added from when it did work :(
famous words here "it works on my machine"
right.... and 9 out of 10 times someone used a hard parth instead of a parameter.
@Rinzwind exactly why our ruby environment gets dockerized. Sloppy way to solve sloppy code, but it does save time.
2 hours later…
@KasiyA post output of : dir /usr/share | grep qt
@Tim For This, man gnome-terminal which leads to man-page of X and run: man X | grep corner
@pandya but it doesn't go to the bottom right - why?
it goes exactly the height of the terminal above that position
@Tim I've edited your answer by adding # for purpose of comment because it is necessary while running command!
@pandya edited agan so the link works! thanks, forgot it was in the code tag
@Tim only gnome-terminal --title="abvtrm" --geometry -0-0 working at bottom right?
ahh that is why - I had halved the size!
translate: Nous sommes les poissons.
@Tim alternatively using such 80x10+700+700 or 80x10+1000+1000 will open at bottom+right?
that was interesting
not quite...
the last one does, yeah
@Tim If you want to talk to me (perticularly) , please post with "@Pandya" so-that i can understand right for me in future.
@Pandya 1 problem... if you did not show up here in the past ... 4(?)...hours that PM will not arrive :)
might be 8 hours but there is a time-out I am sure of that
I bet @badp will know :=D ^^
@Rinzwind Pings will come through as a notification for ... two weeks, methinks.
I don't know but it's in the neighbourhood of weeks?
Autocomplete is just a few hours.
Also, afternoon folks.
aha :)
As in
you visit once
that's longer than I expected
pings for the next two weeks or so end in your inbox permanently
and hey to you too @FEichinger :-)
if this a virus or malware?
Q: How can I remove Ukash virus from Ubuntu 14.04

SkorpENToday my all browsers start shows ukash page on some pages. sudo apt-get purge firefox deleting .mozilla folder and sudo apt-get install firefox fix firefox, still there are still problems with other programs. I know ubuntu center is to fix, still I would like global solution.

I am evil sometimes... My memory catching him out there. askubuntu.com/questions/516277/…
@rinzwind other programs too? Malware sureley?
@badp by visit do you mean look at the page, or post a messge?
"tee" owns! :)
Ubuntu Mate is set to become an official derivative, yay!
Where's Seth? I miss him, lol.
Oh, I see you!
So many people asked who I was that I switched to a stuffed animal vs a person that wasn't me.
Is there gonna be Ubuntu Cinnamon then? lol
Does anybody know how to remove background noise when recording from piano?
You want to get funding? :-P
I've got my little external sound card. :D
Q: Set Ubuntu System Proxy Settings without Restart from commandline

ma08I am using Ubuntu 14.04 . I want to change the http proxy settings from the command line. This should be equivalent to changing in the GUI(All Settings->Network->Network Proxy) and clicking the button Apply System Wide. I don't want to restart/logout the system as I am planning to change the sett...

@IonicăBizău Audacity has some preset options.
The sounds from piano come and can be recorded, but the background noise is still to high.
Is that an Audacity problem?
You mean this one?
I think Ubuntu should offer more themes OOTB. I hate both Ambiance and Radiance. I want sth blue
@IonicăBizău yeah that one.
I would like to remove the background noise before entering in Audacity or so.
@IonicăBizău Do you know how "limiting" works (in sound engineering)? You could look into a program that has that function. Don't know if Audacity has that.
Actually, the more important issue is the delay between piano key press and hearing the sound in headphones... Do you know how to solve this?
@JasperLoy They've added a few more recently, I think adwaita comes standard now, for e.g. Could always be better.
@MJB No. Can you recommend one? I already want to use Audacity for recordings.
@Seth Oh really? adwaita is good enough for me
@JasperLoy I almost always install gnome flashback, so I could be wrong, but I think it's standard now.
@Seth You mean fallback?
@IonicăBizău That would be your setup I think.
@JasperLoy yeah, they renamed the package to flashback.
Haha, I did not know that.
@IonicăBizău Sorry, don't know about that, haven't used Audacity in quite a while. Maybe there is a plugin?
@Seth What setup? I only have: piano -> cable -> external sound card -> laptop
@IonicăBizău What are you using to record it on the software end?
@Seth Audacity
But I want to be able to hear live sounds from piano.
That's why I did pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1.
I don't really have a lot of experience with this stuff, so I'm mostly stabbing in the dark.
And I can hear the background noise and observe the delay.
@IonicăBizău that is a latency problem, are you using Ubuntu studio? Also I recommend ardour as a recording program
@Mateo No, just Ubuntu 14.04.
What kind of hardware? Good desktop, laptop?
@Mateo I'm downloading Ardour source code. Well, I think it's a good laptop.
Intel Core i7, 16GB RAM, 750 GB disk space
But I never had a good experience with recordings on Linux...
I still wait for that moment to record a new song...
Why are getting the source? Ardour is in the repos.
Ah that is good. So try recording while plugged in/not plugged in see if that helps the noise, and I recommend a external usb sound card
@Seth you want the newest ;)
But I'm sure there is a ppa for v3
Oh an try installing the low latency kernel to see if that helps any
Well good luck, I'll be back a bit later
What do tou mean by low latency kernel?
It is default for Ubuntu studio
Q: .sh help dealing with mutt

Jon7272First, I want to explain that I am very new to linux. I am getting around but need some help. As part of a bigger project I have a program that runs a script that sends a email. This part is working fine. I would like to include in that email body the output of a log file. The log file is large...

In the style guidelines, it says that if the answer to a question is behind a link, the answer should be a summarize of the steps to be taken. Now, purely hypothetical, if this (askubuntu.com/a/516313/9656) would be the correct answer, should the content of the provided link just be copied? It's quite a few steps. Is there a limit to how long the summary should be?
Additionally, the guideline state that the link should be provided for reference.
I just copy and reference - see here and this meta post
@MJB the key part is "summarize" - the answer must be in the answerer's own words - not a lift and shift - and definitely not copying images. Putting the source reference at the bottom is the norm. If the entire blog is to be summarised then first a copyright check must be made - we cannot assume we can copy the entire blog - that is not FAIR USE.
Yeah, foss is right ^^ my example only applies to copying answer form the SE network - all that is GPL, so it is fine.
Thanks for the info!
I forgot how addictive SE is :)
@fossfreedom is it me, or is this a bad answer? I linked to the meta post here...
@Tim its an answer - heavy handed IMHO - deserves an appropriate vote ;)
Well I already voted down...
Q: Clicked wrong entry during question review

Charles GreenI intended to flag the answer as 'not an answer', but clicked on "no action needed". Is there a way to go back and correct my review? http://askubuntu.com/review/first-posts/311708

@Tim Why did you leave "Ubuntu Core I think" like that? askubuntu.com/a/204802/44179
sorry, bad edit
@seth, fixed now
great, thanks.
that made me jump!
2 hours later…
Q: ActiveMQ doesn't start on Ubuntu 14.04

Naftuli Tzvi KayOne of the packages which seems to be plagued with problems is activemq. After installing it, it's necessary to enable one of the queues with a simple symlink: sudo ln -s /etc/activemq/instances-available/main \ /etc/activemq/instances-enabled/main Next, start the service: sudo service ...

@Oli +1 on "stupid things in the name of "the law"
Hey guys, I think this one can be reopened now: askubuntu.com/questions/516262/…
Q: Bug in the reputation calculation (possibly involving migration?)

TimA user (Debonaire57) asked a question (actually a rant) on Ask Ubuntu. It was swiftly - in 26 minutes - transferred to Meta, where it received 14 down votes (actually, 15 and an upvote). If you look at the user's reputation, they have +5 (6) - i.e. 1 upvote on a question - that question. I assum...

hm... anyone want to be diplomatic on this one( he deleted and then re-asked this question) askubuntu.com/questions/516445/… (also there aren't "regular" pluguins in chrome... so no idea what he is asking)
@Mateo check that meta and see if you think i was out of line
Question for all of the US/Canada users of Ubuntu. If I was to figure out a way to purchase Ubuntu products in bulk from shop.ubuntu.com and thus was able to sell them for less (shipping being a huge killer) to US residents, would anyone actually buy any items?
Nope. I'ld get mine made at a local screen printer and donate half the difference.
lol, good idea actually...I never thought of that
@RPiAwesomeness You mean, from here, this site?
Or in general?
@hbdgaf thanks I couldn't form a nice sentence
And it would be doable.. @hbdgaf I like the way you think
@RPiAwesomeness I get that a lot.
@hbdgaf How do you get past logo license issues?
@Seth Selling them just to AU users? No, I'd probably try seeling them else-where.
@Seth By being nice. I'm donating to use the license. Technically, I'm in violation, but the spirit of the thing is true. I'm talking about my person, not for sale.
@Seth For personal use. It's not gaining you money.
^^ that
I'd think Canonical wouldn't be tooo ticked
@RPiAwesomeness Yeah, you'd hope.
lol, if they ever found out...
@RPiAwesomeness In that case, maybe? I don't know the people around you.
Check your.. err.. local loco-team ;)
Wallpaper would be an equal violation, and it's free advertising. If they were offended, then they're wearing their ass on their shoulders...
yeah, they let me print a ubuntu edge t when I asked, but there are very peticular - so only for your self and you can't sell them even if you plan to just give a few to friends at cost...
That's the problem. I don't know many local users of Linux...I only know of 2
@Mateo That makes sense
@Mateo exactly.
Yay for Canonical being reasonable!
@RPiAwesomeness you only know two persons with Android phones? O.o
@Lucio Ahem, I meant Ubuntu users.
@Lucio hahaha!
that and you can't use the printers do some kind of print they keep a license to re-print...
that's fair enough. not a corner i had thought of... and it is a weird one.
The shipping is the real killer. On a £8.85 order, the shipping for Registered Air Mail Shipping to US : £12.50 ... over 100% increase...good grief
i wouldn't, say, use it for a zazzle item. i would, however, use it for a physically local printer that pops in my svg and feeds it to his machine.
I hope nobody is going to bother me about my tomcat question u.u
@RPiAwesomeness Well they are in the UK.
True. I wouldn't give the design to, say, Vistaprint...
@RPiAwesomeness if you're trying to set up an apple smart-bar, but for ubuntu, I'm sure they'ld love to talk to you.
@Seth Exactly. Shipping killer
Pity they don't have a store at their US office.
@hbdgaf I would love to do that.
@JorgeCastro - is there someone specific RPi could talk to about this? It seems like a decent idea ^^ and I'm coming at it a different way
I was at one of the Ubuntu community google hangouts/IRC session and asked if they would be adding any physical stores, and they said it would be nice, but if it ever happened, it wouldn't be for a long while :(
I don't see where they would have a problem with it if you were very clear about the agreement and you gave them a way to be sure you weren't shipping shoddy products with their face on it.
later o/
@Lucio why you leaving?
That was fast
that seems like the sort of question for them
@RPiAwesomeness Jorge is a machine bro...
No, I meant Lucio
this conversation isn't his flavor.
@hbdgaf @JorgeCastro That makes sense. Real issue would be getting enough cash or confirmed buyers to get the initial stock...maybe I could do a Kickstarter if I ever decide to act on this...
If you can keep shipping low a kickstarter'd be a nice idea.
I know that shipping to the US sucks too
Anyways. @JorgeCastro @hbdgaf Thanks for the ideas. I have to go :( But I'll definitely think on this a while...
@RPiAwesomeness you should talk to who jorge told you to before the kickstarter. it would be a huge womp womp if you got funding then couldn't do it... and that would be a dick move.
don't talk to me I don't know anything about trademarks!
^^ that stands for me too. I was just approaching it from a human perspective. If he wants to sell stuff, that's a completely different animal.
read as Even if you print it for your own use, you could get a lawsuit for that Ubuntu messenger bag you're wearing
openly admits guilt of that one
I don't think Canonical's ever sued anyone for messenger bags. :D
@JorgeCastro I completely agree. Which is why I took the stance I did. I just wanted to also wash my hands of the discussion without committing to either side.
@Seth - you still around?
this needs a little love i think askubuntu.com/questions/516445/…
the solution is a separate comment, just so people don't get confused.
I tried to clarify some, but it's a mess. Unfortunately that is his 3rd bad question recently.
I'm not sure close votes give automatic downvotes though.
@Seth close generates votes from community afaik. i could be wrong. i'll open a meta about it.
yeah, I know actually getting it closed used to cast a downvote, but I thought they removed it. Not really sure myself.
@Seth it's here meta.askubuntu.com/questions/11854/… it will wind up in the feed in a couple of minutes.
I'm not posting anything else to that thread. I did all the help that it deserved. Now it's just dragging out the question.
Q: Under what circumstances do close-votes generate downvotes, if any?

hbdgafI'm asking in relation to this question... but I think this could be a good general purpose answer.

It's a painted yourself in to a corner problem.
i just need a definitive answer before i go all "you handed me the hammer, don't get upset when i use it" on the question
added this one recently if anyone cares to read it askubuntu.com/questions/516480/…
wat, no wget in cygwin?
you can install that
yeah, I suppose.
@hbdgaf the actual error message can be handy
i'll spin up an instance and post an error message to make it more canonical. it's valid enough i think as is.
You sure you are using flash? Type about:flash in the address bar, and edit your question to include it. DO NOT USE SCREEN-SHOTS!Braiam 12 secs ago
the error told me to do what i did, but people don't read errors mostly... see some of my previous answers... askubuntu.com/questions/313135/…
The fact that I'm in the first page of 4 meta sites makes me a bit worried
pro tip: add bang at the start of any link and force chat to show the link as image
The bang isn't necessary if it's on an auto-embed site. I try to respect "we don't want to embed stuff from there" non-auto oneboxes
Think of it as my obtuse way of being friendly.
> Q: I don't have pepperflash or whatever in plugins
> me: show me the about:flash
> Q: here is it
> me: yep, you are using pepper
he might be using pepper and vanilla flash in concert... which should crash
@hbdgaf never, ever trust the OP
OP normally knows nothing
hrm, gallium... so he dosn't have good graphics, "sumo" looks like one of those new apu's
I would blame that weird gpu he has
awesome google, second post after that question on google results for serching: "pepper flash AMD SUMO" happysumosushi.com/menu.php
Same complaint as @AstroCB. I'm getting iOS questions... and I'm an Android developer. I've only touched iOS questions for edits and closing, so why would it recommend them to me? — hichris123 20 hours ago
@hichris123: So you can edit and close them, duh. — BoltClock ♦ 16 hours ago
@Mateo mmm... dafuq?
@hbdgaf You'd think Peppermint + Vanilla would go well together 'ya know.
@Braiam that is what I was saying to google...
Anyone ever hear about chocolatey?
@CharlesGreen anonymous edits should be evaluated as any other edit, you can't reject an anonymous edit just because it's anonymous user that suggest it
well, looks like the same problems as windows for the flash crahsing on apu... geting lots of hits...
@Seth only the yummy one
seems interesting
yeah, it's pretty neat.
I have a follow up question to askubuntu.com/questions/515255/… about the Ubuntu apps directory (apps.ubuntu.com). Should I ask it here or head to the mailing lists?
there, I edited it — sbergeron 43 mins ago
@Braiam --^
43 mins ago, by Braiam
> Q: I don't have pepperflash or whatever in plugins
> me: show me the about:flash
> Q: here is it
> me: yep, you are using pepper

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