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(ash was left with us 'temporarily' 9 years ago by his ex-mom. She's never even asked how he's doing)
@JourneymanGeek totally :)
He's a mini snauzer crossed with... something
@JourneymanGeek just a couple more of days.. weeks.. years
"Oh, my husband dosen't like the dog, I'll pick him up in a few days when things have cooled down"
then, they break xD
and she adopted 2 dogs from the SPCA. A common relative of ours says they're horrible neurotic little things
naw, they sorted it out.
oh god.
the eyes ;p
and damn, he was skinny then ;p
there is no doubt that is a lovely dog
Another one @chaskes askubuntu.com/q/463196/62483 ;)
@Lucio that one I don't know the answer to.
me neither O.O
I thought 'cause of the title that was dev related
@Lucio is this you dog?
@Lucio People have asked me the same question at work (in windows), but I can't figure it out. It's something to do with new java security policies, but I don't know why the setting won't persist. In Win, it seems to come and go with no reason.
The good of been connected at this our is that you can write things like this:
Advice = read | start talking as a human with humans; — Lucio 20 secs ago
@AvinashRaj yep
@chaskes but what browser?
chrome and firefox
damn, IE
Does someone wants to help me out with this one :)
right, but like the AU question java jre doesn't seem to fully respect that setting
isn't that a .NET web site?
i don't know
I can read this -> http///...asdfajshkdf.....asp?
pretty strange
oh, yes, that's .net, but the problem is coming from the jre as far as I know
@Lucio I had that problem. I had to delete ALL EFI partitions to get my ASUS to stop trying to boot in EFI mode even though everything was disabled.
@chaskes that's why I found it strange
@hbdgaf say the true, you got a hammer and started physically removing all the partitions even though everything was fall to pieces.
I was trying to triple boot Win, Ubu, and BSD. When it wouldn't stop fighting me, I broke out the chainsaw.
@hbdgaf My efi asus will boot standard bios from an external usb hd
I don't understand anything of that *efi* technology species
@chaskes Mine was a first gen touchscreen+efi+win8. So it was probably an initial implementation bug or something.
plus, mine was an ubuntu pre-install, never had win. I think win8 seems to really affect efi booting
StackApplet working for everyone now?
@Lucio Basically, require all the initial booting stuff to be signed by a "trusted party". Think - trying to prevent bootkits by making a non-tpm boot security model a standard.
I have several linux plus pcbsd on it
@chaskes I wound up getting Ubu + FreeBSD
Anyone read this? The theory is really interesting scs.stanford.edu/brop
interesting link
yesterday, by Nathan Osman
@terdon Someone else found it... not me :P
@Lucio Can we leave that one alone, please?
I knew you were going that say it! :P
I just looked at the what it was a reply to and giggled a little. "...afraid to ask what you were looking for when you found that...", but if we're leaving it alone, i won't read the conversation.
leaving it...
I think that I just kill someone on the net O_O
Facebook bought this for $2B: http://cl.ly/image/2C2x2h0s1N0k/fnU259J.gif
What is that... a bird simulator?
You can bet it
There is no hope left for the car.
First thing I thought when I saw it was "Man that must have been one big bird"
Just a question
Oh crap, my mail server is down.. arghhhh
What means it that?
"You're invited to join the Opensource.com community mailing list."
@hbdgaf Hello
@xiaodongjie o/
please answer me with my question. It's spam?
I think that it's not spam.
I received that mail.
and logged in that site.
what is that?
when i see "opensource.*" I always think it should be opensource.org not .com... The .org is the only one I would want to be on a mailing list for.
that's a legitimate web site: opensource.com . It's a publication
oh, exactly it's not .org, is com.
it's a real website.
@chaskes I wasn't saying it wasn't legitimate. I was just saying I wouldn't want to be on a blog, magazine, or ezine mailing list. As compared to the OSI though, I wouldn't mind.
It's right.
@hbdgaf understood. @xiaodongjie they want to send you newsletters and announcements
but I don't understand why They send me that mail.
some place you registered probably shared your email with them
why? they want?
I don't have been registered that.
this morning, They contacted me.
I don't really understand.
If you want more from them in your inbox, reply. Otherwise don't. Relatively simple I should think.
oh, I think so. But How did they contact me?
That was answered already. Stop.
4 mins ago, by chaskes
some place you registered probably shared your email with them
@hbdgaf Oh, I see.
@hbdgaf calm down.
There are many things I want to know.
That's fine, but when someone gives you the answer you should maybe stop going on about something.
@hbdgaf I understood you. I'll stop.
@hbdgaf 你是一个好朋友。
good night
@Lucio 晚安。
@hbdgaf You're a good friend
get your mailserver back up @Lucio ?
says @xiaodongjie
that's why I say bye
@xiaodongjie esto no significa nada
@xiaodongjie esto tal ves
@xiaodongjie na, no realmente
@Lucio It's spanish?
@Lucio 没关系
@xiaodongjie no, korean
next question, subshell string manipulation using substring... this works perfectly fine:

echo $(ifconfig en0 | awk '/netmask/{$4=substr($4,3);print $4}')

but for academic purposes, I'm trying to condense using the other substr notation `${"$4":3}`, how could I use this notation in the command above?
ciao people!
@Lucio It's korean?
@Lucio have a nice mind-bender getting you mail server back to functional.
@xiaodongjie Spanish, he was joking
@xiaodongjie it was spanish. he was being cheeky
looks more like espanol
I know korean, too.
I already know that It's not korean.
My korean is very good.
yet you asked the question anyway
It's my second language.
@sadmicrowave I think she was being cheeky in return
@chaskes Can you speak in korean?
@chaskes I can teach you it perfectly.
@chaskes that's possible, but i can't determine that to be true when you get the "don't know how i got a subscription email invite to a blog" thing.
@hbdgaf ;)
@xiaodongjie 不会说韩语
@chaskes 很好。
@sadmicrowave I can't answer your bash question
@chaskes boooo
sorry, still picking that kind of detailed bash syntax
well here is what I've got so far (mind you I'm working on a mac so you'll simply have to edit the `en0` interface to `eth0` if you want to run this on ubuntu) but it converts your ip address + subnet mask to cidr format:

while read y; do echo ${y%.*}".0/$(m=0; while read -n 1 x && [ $x = f ]; do m=$[m+4]; done < <(ifconfig en0 | awk '/mask/{$4=substr($4,3);print $4}'); echo $m )"; done < <(ifconfig en0 | awk '/inet[ ]/{print $2}');
mac doesn't have another way to get cidr formatted ip range so... this is my current solution...
i'm not a big awk guy myself either. if it was a requisite to my job, i might have to "learn. NOW." aside from that though, i tend not to use it. also, it didn't output anything when running it against my wlan0 interface on ubuntu
@hbdgaf did you change en0 in both places?
that's probably the problem
try and let me know please, if it still doesn't work it is bash version differences
wait, i meant here : echo $(ifconfig en0 | awk '/netmask/{$4=substr($4,3);print $4}')
@hbdgaf yea? what about it?
0 output
it should work without the "net" part as well because "mask" is unique in each interface block
@hbdgaf then it must be due to bash differences
that's definitely possible
derp, it's because ifconfig outs Mask here and netmask there
so you got it then?
it's still not "right", but it does something.
haha, what does it do?
> sk:
hmm, sounds like the ordering of the interface info might be mixed up between OSs too
heres the one I made for debian:

echo $(/sbin/ip route | awk '/eth0/ && ++i==2 { print $1 }')
thats much easier because ip route has the information in debian, but ip doesn't exist in mac :(
now, it would be cool to make my first command cross-platform compatible but since I will only be using this on mac boxes that I will be deploying I'm not really that worried about it
alright, my Low Battery notification just popped up and I'm too lazy to get the power cable so...
night everyone
why not something like:
>>> import socket, fcntl, struct
>>> iface = "wlan0"
>>> socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM), 35099, struct.pack('256s', iface))[20:24])
>>> socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM), 35099, struct.pack('256s', iface))[20:24])
because thats python fool! and I wanted to learn bash
okay... just saying, you're having to write ten versions instead of one.
yea I know, I've actually already done it in python awhile ago... I just thought it would be a good exercise to do it in bash
i think you're trying to learn awk, not bash ;)
nothing wrong with that -- awk seems pretty powerful to me. sed does too, but thats a confusing nightmare right now... I'm sure I'll be getting into it next though
sed is less complex than awk.
awk is a programming language unto itself...sort of like perl regexes
I don't know enough to debate you at this point
it's fine. if you get awk on lockdown, you won't need sed... but you'll be killing a fly with a nuke
what I do know, is that this exercise made me learn about bash subshell variable scopes which is something I didn't know about before.... so there!
:) have a better one.
you said your battery was dying...
yea, 30 more seconds...
later guys
<--- is trying out Atom.
Atom seems neat. Not really sure what they're using as a webserver or if it only serves up static pages + js, but it does seem neat.
What does?
Uhm, atom... the portable webapp thing.
It's a desktop app. It's built using node.js, though - so I understand the confusion.
I know what it is. Webkit rolled in to an app where it crutches to JS for everything dynamic. I just wondered what it used for a webserver or if it was all static pages + js
Oh, oh, oh. I know what you're talking about now.
Yeah, that's a good question.
node.js pretty much would do web servering, no?
@JourneymanGeek Yes, you can use node.js for web applications.
It's basically JavaScript - so it's heavily asynchronous.
(I only have it installed for dispatch-proxy, which I use mainly as a poor man's client side load balancer)
got the green-light on the rest of the four day weekend btw. now i just need to do something with it. hopefully i get django-cms + zinnia + saelor + django-axes all cooperating to make it a simple to manage deployable store with bonus parts that is still easy to manage.
Just started working with Flask/Jinja2.
Flask is interesting, but it's a lot more minimalist than I might like. It's awesome for a standalone thing, but it doesn't handle how you handle your data.
very offtopic
ok flagged'
How is this opinion based askubuntu.com/questions/463117/… ??
Coz the OP asks PROPER??
no cuz the OP did not check the download ;-)
Oh!! BTW Is my answer here fine??? askubuntu.com/questions/459930/… I couldn't understand clearly when the OP says "I get a blank screen" and "Backlight" issue. So anyways i posted a different method to install the driver. Is it fine? Or completely silly??
hi guys
@Danatela Hiiii!!!!
hey danatela
and there could be girls here too
Flagged it
as OT
BTW today we are celebrating the ending of Great Patriotic War =)
Hmmm... yes.. so says BBC too...
And BTW I saw news recently that a radio signal tower built during the times of Stalin(If I am right) was gonna be put down...what happened to it? @Danatela
don't know... Probably it reached end of life
@Danatela if it is shut down on May 16th it might have been running 12.10 >:)
ha ha :-D
Ah...its time! Gotta leave... Ciao!! :-D
doeg :)
@Rinzwind ROFL but I think towers run Very-Extra-Long-Term-Support releases =P
Q: How could I find my former private Ubuntu chat?

begueradjRecently I had a chat with someone here after I asked a question. Now, I need to find back that private discussion in order to check some of the solutions he gave me. How could I find my former chat with him ?

Does anybody agree that I deserve the bounty for this answer?
Its not for us to decide
@Parto hi
@JourneymanGeek It could be
but it isn't
If the Bounty giver doesn't award, the highest voted answer gets half of it when the bounty ends.
@JourneymanGeek yep. I just want to be a bounty-winner at least one time in life)
which it is at the moment.
@Danatela Hey. Another bright morning.
But I guess it ain't morning everywhere :-)
thanks whoever it was!
@Parto yep, it's afternoon in my time zone
@MadaraUchiha how does your problem go?
@Danatela Hmm? My sound problem?
It went away on its own while the computer was suspended. I never found what caused it.
hmm... However it was a screen problem. I remember you posted a long log with change resolution attempts
Ah, that one.
Well, even after formatting and upgrading to 14.04, it still says "Unknown display" when I see it in the Displays GUI, and I still need to use cvt and xrandr to grant it 1080p resultion.
So I still have absolutely no idea what's wrong XD
@Danatela Wonders of the world. You're saying you've never won bounty? Sorry dude. Atleast I got +25 once.
On Stack Overflow I've offered 2,900 rep worth of bounties.
if the problem is just to set desired resolution, it's best to script those cvt and xrandr commands. I don't think that "Unknown monitor" matters something
@MadaraUchiha lol - self-healing Pulse Audio \o/
@Takkat inorite
Q: Error mounting shared folder for KVM Solaris guest

dimasFollowed this guide on how to set up a shared folder between a KVM Host(Ubuntu 12.04) and Guest (Solaris 10 Sparc). On the last part of the it requires you to mount the shared folder and typed in this command. mkdir /mnt/shared mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio /hostshare /mnt/shared But i got an er...

@MadaraUchiha however, if you already posted it as a question, I'd like to see it for full details
@Danatela I haven't :(
It was all here in chat.
Apr 8 at 20:14, by Madara Uchiha
Looks like it was a problem with recognizing my other screen.
Start reading from here.
ah, I forgot you already made the boot-time script
am I right, the problem with it that it makes the first display to forget it's settings?
@JourneymanGeek we can always make him feel bad and say "yes" or "no, your answer sucks" >:D
@Danatela Yes.
@Rinzwind: I considered that, yes ;p
My external monitor sits to the left of my PC, and the default setting is to extend to the right.
However I'm not actually evil
The script would cause it to default back to the right
And I had to go to the settings and change it manually.
ah so you need to change it's position via script
I don't want to do this by script.
I don't want to put a band-aid on the problem, I want to fix it.
well I think it's a bug
That display is recognized by Windows, Ubuntu recognized other displays (TVs) that are connected to it via the same VGA cable and plug, what's wrong with this particular display?
Morning @fossfreedom
morning - morning
Afternoon :-)
Morning :-)
morning :-)
and might I add: almost weekend :)
@Rinzwind +1 for the weekend part. It's Friday - here we call it 'furahi day' meaning 'the happy day' :-)
and we have a holiday due to celebration :p
@MadaraUchiha those displays that are recognized... Do they support 1080p? Also, the problem might be that VGA cable is too long
@Danatela They support 1080p, yes. Also, you think? I'm passing it through a switch, it could be it...
(Though, again, Windows has no problems with it)
ah, oops
so the switch is VGA to DVI?
no, VGA to VGA
2 entries, one output.
OK, it's not the hardware problem
do you have xorg.conf?
@Danatela I believe I do.
does it have a modeline for your display?
Let's see...
I have /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d I'm guessing that's it?
@MadaraUchiha Oh my girlfriend.
No that's not it.
Nope, I don't think I have a xorg.conf file.
@AvinashRaj Yes, should be on Stack Overflow.
can we migrate it instead of closing?
@AvinashRaj That shouldn't be here. I think it should be migrated to SO.
@MadaraUchiha did you ever run sudo aticonfig --initial?
Which is the best IDE for web page development?
@Danatela A mod can.
@Danatela Hmmm, nope.
@AvinashRaj What language?
@AvinashRaj "best"? ;-)
php or django?
sorry i'm a noob in that field.
@AvinashRaj I like PhpStorm.
@MadaraUchiha I hope it will solve your problem
@Danatela I'll try it in a few
if not, you will have to generate a modeline for your display
@AvinashRaj it's opinion-based question
@AvinashRaj I think that question is more opinion based. Maybe you can try listing the features you desire in an IDE?
for me, the Eclipse is the easiest, but probably Netbeans has more features
@Parto our thoughts are synchronous =)
I don't have aticonfig
@AvinashRaj Maybe it can help askubuntu.com/questions/59632/…
@MadaraUchiha it's in proprietary AMD drivers
Aha, which I now need to install XD
Alright that will happen later today, not now :P
then my question is which language is the best for creating web sites or blogs?
Q: Help with formatting text in question and answer

PandyaWe can easily well format text in question/answer like Bold, Italic, Hyperlink, Block-quote, code, Image, List, Heading and Horizontal rule. Now, I want to know various tags like <kbd>, etc. which can be used in formatting of body of question/answer. Hence Give me such list and use of tages or...

again "best"? ;-) You need to be more factual :=)
I love aptana for coding. You might hate it.
for newbies, php is best =)
@Danatela no thanks
coding php is a nightmare if you want to do it correctly.
@AvinashRaj Structure: HTML & CSS. Backend: PHP and MySQL. Atleast that's what I use.
@Rinzwind Hahah. What do you mean nightmare?
@Parto thanks .
@Rinzwind How so?
Consider your answer well I am a PHP developer with a short fuse and a banhammer.
(Just kidding :P)
@Parto let's start with "eval" shall we?
@Rinzwind How is "eval", in any conceivable use case, "correctly"?
I believe Avinash doesn't want to start his own CMS or another big project
Yes, i'm a noob :-)
@MadaraUchiha a new php user -will- create code that fails to escape output. I have seen it happen more than once here (even with 10s of warnings)
@MadaraUchiha ha but there is the problem: you know. I know. a NEW php user does not
"If eval() is the answer, you're almost certainly asking the
wrong question." :-)
I consider php not so newby friendly
@Rinzwind That's because the crapload of bad tutorials on the web. Which I agree is a problem.
oh we do agree then? >:DDDDD
But if you understand that like I have, and stick to chats from the beginning, you'll do perfectly fine.
I would rather put a new coder up with either perl or python
@Rinzwind Maybe. But it's a point of being able to learn from the right sources.
python cuz of the compiler (so it is easy to test things)
@Rinzwind Because everyone says PHP is easy. Which it is actually, but that creates room for like a million errors and just general stupidness.
I started to learn from the PHP manual, and then from freenode's chat.
please post the php manual link.
@Parto yeah. remember that phpbb fiasco in the 90s? (where they messed up 1 variable and all boards got compromized)
@AvinashRaj google broke down? >:)
@AvinashRaj goodphptutorials.com ;)
thanks friends..
@Rinzwind Not really. In the 90s I was still in my diapers ;-)
tsk we are just your glorified search engine :(
oh it was in 2009 >:D not the 90s
@AvinashRaj Try to come up with a simple project to practice and code PHP. I learnt PHP by creating a wallpapers site - uploads, comments, download count, database, login. It was really nice though now I look at that code and think 'Was I on drugs or something' :-)
this worked back then:
httx:// www.phpbb.com/ lists/admin/ index.php?_SERVER%5bConfigFile%5d=../ ../.. /../../ ../ etc/ passwd
@Parto I think that every week :D
@Rinzwind Everyone starts there though. But considering it was my first, it wasn't thaaaat bad ;-)
@Parto nice. How did you learn php?
haha when I look at my code I just admire myself

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