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You're really getting to the bottom of the barrel of excuses and my patience.
@Seth and?
@Seth is not
@Braiam See the IRC link at the bottom of the answer.
@Braiam and stuff is going to happen if you don't start listening. Big time.
no irc log can be over the wiki page wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes
@Seth I feel like I'm not being listened either, so what give?
@Braiam You are being listened to. Or at least, you were. Until you refused to believe people disagree with you and that you are wrong. and at least 3 of the mods have asked/told you to stop. That gives.
@Seth I stopped several hours ago, you guys keep bringing the same issue over and over again, when I point a problem about the general and you take it to the specific
I'm only seeing the big picture and is ugly if things continue the way they are
@Braiam No, you keep forcing us to bring it up with you because you don't stop, even after having tons of warnings. This is getting old and you should really just stop it already.
@Braiam I don't care what you think you're seeing anymore. Stop.
I was just chilling out here and suddenly you bring up something I ought to have solved
@Braiam Stop removing version tags on version specific questions. and stop shouting.
@Braiam Excuse me? You knew it was a version specific question when you removed the tag. You knew what my, Oli's, Jorge's, terdon's, etc's opinion was and you know you have been asked and told to stop. But you haven't.
Seriously, how can a question about 14.04 releases and whether or not all flavors will be LTR not need a version specific tag? It will always be relevant to that version alone and could still be useful for historical reasons 10 years from now.
By the way @Braiam, I removed two or three version tags today and kept wishing you could see me, just to see the smile on your face :)
@terdon that makes me feel all like this youtube.com/watch?v=6L6sGd0R6FI#t=590
@hbdgaf man, BB King telling someone that their blues "sound good", you can see slash melting :)
And watching a red haired white boy sing the blues and do it well is a sight to behold :)
terdon misspelling LTS as LTR made me think of a comic, but all I could find was this: exisle.net/mb/index.php?/topic/64484-looking-for-an-xkcd-comic anyone seen that one?
Hey, I passed Thomas W. in reputation. FINALLY! :P
@Seth Heh, no but I'd like to. I could hide behind it.
This is still my favorite xkcd though. That and the tech support secret word
I have to try that at some point. And run. Fast.
To what tech support secret word are you referring? The BOFH?
I wanted this for a while...
@terdon LOL
I found out about the cut command today. I was sooo like "How could I possibly not have known about this?". It made my day.
@Seth Oh yeah, cut fold and join are brilliant!
@Seth you didn't know about cut? well awk is going to be pure skeksiness then..
@hbdgaf yeah. awk is up next.
paste is the other one. It really is very powerful when you grok the syntax
@terdon That one makes me laugh every. single. time.
@terdon i lol every time i see that one in my best jinxie emphazema hee
@Seth I've actually found a similar one.
I'll call tech support and ask: "Do you know what FTP, ssh, ping or telnet are? No? OK. Please let me talk to someone who does"
This actually greatly speeds things up and I end up actually speaking to someone who knows more than I do and can help.
you really want to screw with them ask the port numbers for the same. money says they don't know...
@terdon Seriously? Wow.
I'd never even thought of that.
@hbdgaf They don't know that. They tend to be random people off the street who are given a list of answers. Generally if I need to call them, I know those bloody answers already.
exactly ^^
i know. they have an answer tree. it's mostly, give me someone that knows how things work so real troubleshooting can happen.
@Seth Yeah, it worked once or twice when calling my ISP with weird problem (http didn't work, other protocols did) the person I was talking to kept trying to convince me I had no internet connection while I could ping and ssh and even https perfectly well.
but as we've seen on Stack Exchange, you'd be surprised (or not) by the amount of people who don't even know how to Google an error.
i've posted lmgtfy links with good answers to questions today... no really, in the last 8 hours here in chat.
Yes, which is why this kind of thing works for most people who call tech support. Hell, the first thing I ask is whether they have restarted their router.
@hbdgaf Yeah, no shit.
i don't think seth was here yet at that point.
@Seth Yeah, which is when I asked that question and it shut her up and I got passed on to an engineer.
^^ yes that
@hbdgaf I really hate those, because 90% of the people who use them abuse them, but sometimes it really is lmgtfy.
@hbdgaf Probably not, as I haven't seen many around AU at all.
@terdon sounds like a cacheing server problem to me.
@Seth i tend to avoid them whenever possible.
which is good IMO.
Actually I think it was at the ISP's end but I don't remember.
sometimes you just have to break out the "no really, you should have googled" sometimes.
true enough.
@Seth Yeah, but we got a guy here before that was really not willing to put in any effort.
hbdgaf was actually quite restrained. So was I until he called me a troll...
But don't worry, it didn't get really ugly or anything.
yeah... i was all "really" when the troll word started flying around
@terdon Oh I'm sure. I've dealt with them before. It is not a fun experience.
@hbdgaf I honestly thought he meant himself!
Troll, know thyself!
I didn't, but then... moves along.
@terdon If it escalates to something like that feel free to flag the message for a mod and explain. If you feel it needs stopping.
@Seth Nah, it wasn't that bad.
It stopped quite abruptly once the lmgtfy came out.
A lot of troubles could have been nipped early on if it had been stopped in a timely manner.
@terdon Not saying it was :)
And on the bright side, @hbdgaf finally confessed his undying love to me.
Yes. Yes I did.
Just keep it in mind. Once "troll" starts flying it can get ugly fast.
Heh, way to make @Seth go and read the transcript :)
@terdon heh
@terdon I haven't.. yet!
@Seth Yeah, they're big buggers, don't want to be hit by one
Yerp. I think it was only flung once, and by neither of us.
^^ S'true mum!
all cool. I didn't think it had really escalated (I'd probably have heard about it) I was just encouraging you to bump it up if needed.
Actually, give troll physiology it stands to reason you'd need to be atroll to be able to fling one around.
I trust you both ;)
@Seth Shows what you know :P
haha :P
If you're really interested in the transcript it happens around here: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/201?m=14937005#14937005
@hbdgaf Great, here I was protecting you, and you go and give a mod a link to the only time you used the T-word!
Oh that turned out great. Really refreshing to see it deflate that way.
I used the word, but it wasn't AT a person, it was a don't use the t word use of the t word
Excuses, excuses.
Anyway, I've got some JS to write. I'll be hanging around for a bit longer. Just in case the site explodes.
@Seth That sounds very disturbing. Just what is this JS supposed to do?
Perform stack exhaustion from within a malformed pdf. No really... that happens.
@terdon Gather, sort, compare and handle some form inputs. Fun stuff, yeh.
guys do you know about initramfs?
I was thinking, are .desktop files considered executable?
@Danatela Try us
@Seth Yes, just check with ls -l
I'd like to change script there
Q: Change initramfs script

DanatelaI made RAID 0 by mdadm'ing partition located on dmraid VIA VT6421 and Western Digital hdd. Installed Ubuntu on that RAID. Now, when I boot, I get (initramfs) ash prompt. There, I have to write mdadm --stop /dev/md1 mdadm --assemble --scan And hit Ctrl+D to resume. Then Ubuntu loads normally. ...

@terdon did that:
seth@johnson:/usr/share/applications$ ls -l zenmap.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 277 Feb 19 05:38 zenmap.desktop
That one isn't.
@Seth Huh, well then no. Actually, it makes sense, they're not run as such, they're probably sourced and the executable they point to is run. I assume that desktop file works right?
On which time did Ubuntu 14.04 will be released?
@terdon yes it does work. Guess they're just not executable.
Probably like you said.
@Danatela Hmm, sorry, don't know. If you don't get an answer here, try moving it to U&L that kind of thing is likelier to be answered there.
@AvinashRaj The 17th I think.
@Seth they don't get sourced or run. they just get parsed.
why are you installing zenmap anyway? trying to learn nmap switches?
@hbdgaf I see.. So if a put the exec field of one .desktop to another .desktop would it parse the second you think?
@Seth yeah, come to think of it they're probably run by the gnome/unity shell so clicking on one is the equivalent of running bash script.sh which does not require that script.sh is executable.
@hbdgaf By gnome shell presumably right?
@hbdgaf I just happened to use it as an example. Sometimes zenmap is easier than namp too :P
@Seth that's a recipe for mind-rape. just try it and see. there's no defined behavior for that. even C has undefined behaviors.
even if that worked, i wouldn't depend on it working in the future.
ok, won't be trying that then ;)
also, I finally bought a mouse... I can finally disable this touchpad abomination that is the size of my face below the keyboard.
@terdon i'm not sure what parses .desktop files. if it works on gnome and unity, i would presume gnome-shell and the unity fork of that.
@hbdgaf Yes, probably just parsed as you said and then the shell launches the right executable.
makes me wonder if there's a layer for xfce and lxde to understand them now though...
like did canonical bake something like the mime-types recognition layer but for commands/desktops in to dash.
@terdon OK for U&L? --^
@Seth Sure
@Danatela it looks like you should be able to simply extract it, modify the script and recompress it. Try it, make a backup first obviously, so if it breaks you can simply copy the backup file back and be OK again.
@terdon OK I will try
@Seth i used to recommend zenmap to people as a way to learn how to use nmap by defining scans then examining the produced command.
@terdon on 13.10 I can't even get into ash
yep. That's what I was (pretty much) doing. At the time I didn't have time to learn all of nmap. and it's manpage is kinda confusing too.
sort of like using all the cisco packtracer junk to learn what ios configuration commands are. also, i'm sincerely surprised that there hasn't been a patent war over the whole ios iOS thing.
hm I've used packet tracer. It worked.
Yeah the iOS thing threw me at first.
@Danatela I am just repeating random stuff I found online, I have never tried this so don't think I know what I'm talking about. But since it's just a compressed file, you should be able to do this:
 gunzip -c initramfs-3.10-2-amd64.img | cpio -id
Then make your changes and recreate it with
find . | cpio -o | gzip -c >/boot/initrd.new.img
@Seth i used it too, but i had a professor that designed his CCNA final around a rack he had. and multi-area OSPF doesn't work in packet tracer... like unsupported at all.
This is all copied from this thread: unix.com/debian/93348-change-initramfs-hand.html
@terdon if you write that as answer, I'll upvote it
@Seth automatic perfect score for pointing that out AND having the right multi-area OSPF config. he didn't even look at the rest of the config.
there were... mistakes.
@Danatela No no no no, not until you confirm it works. That's just from a random thread from 2008 and led to issues for the OP so I'm not putting my name to it until I test it :)
And I can't think of a simple way to test damn it
Ah, yes, hang on
it installs a vm, or else it gets the hose again.
sorry... silence of the lambs reference.
@Danatela bugger, sorry, I can't test. I've already broken my VM once today and get a kernel panic. I'll fix it and try and test later.
@terdon the first command works =)
@Danatela Oh, they'll both work, the question is whether the second command will create a viable initramfs. It almost certainly will, I see no reason why not but...
Man, I'm an idiot, I just remembered why my VM won't boot, cause I uninstalled the kernel!
@hbdgaf :) That's what VMs are for. And I just fixed it anyway.
What is that image?
5th element!
Man, first silence of the lambs and now this, I'm getting the feeling we're about the same age.
Ruby Rod aka Chris Tucker on 5th element.
Yeah, I remembered
if you're profile is correct then yes. within one year of each other
@hbdgaf Yeah, just checked yours, you dated yourself.
Yeah, I do that pretty consistently.
womp womp
@hbdgaf Hmm, that's either Gary Larson or Where the wild things are for me.
womp womp? that's a sound effect roughly meaning bad joke
@hbdgaf Ah, I was thinking sound effect yes, but a specific one
Yeah, gotcha :)
Oooh boy:
Q: Computer is totally useless now

magicgraywolfOkay, I tried turning on my other computer this morning, And got the following error message. Error no such device edddc179-e42e-4666-8ff3-00566a57908a Entering rescue node grub rescue > - is flashing. I have had nothing but trouble trying to down load and run the live CD for this program. And e...

And check out the about me in the profile.
Makes me sad to be a conservative... it really does.
@terdon look at this askubuntu.com/q/447420/202806 question. in the first line it contains two fields but in the second record, it contains a single field.
2,4,5 14,9
Fiscal conservative social liberal, but now we're splitting hairs. Anyway... that question is junk. You think you box is crap mail it to me postage due. It will work for me... promise. It's a bad hard drive, bad HD controller, or a bad cable. Pick one or isolate it.
so i downvoted that .
I snap to a really foul mood when people have HD problems for reasons of my own. Anyway, if it has two failing HDs it's probably the cables or jumpers that got moved around for some as yet undisclosed reason. It's just yeah...no.
@AvinashRaj No it doesn't.
@AvinashRaj Ah, yes it does, OK, I see. But why would you downvote? Just ask for clarification.
I added the missing comma between 5 and 14 in your input example. Based on your output, I assume that was a typo, please clarify if it was not. — terdon 8 secs ago
i wiil revert back my downvote after the OP's reply for your comment.
notes to self to have in the future a loose correlation between AvinashRaj and steeldriver
does the steel's answer will work, if the lines contains spaces also?
@AvinashRaj Yes, his answer is great!
He has given one that addresses the space specifically but I'm convinced the space was just a typo of the OP.
In any case steeldriver's answer is perfect. He's using while, not for, not using cat where it is not needed, quoting all variables, protecting himself from unexpected printf effects. It's excellent all around.
@mikeserv hi
@Danatela is Michaelangela here as well?
@mikeserv haha
I will consider to ask my brother take this nick
so, I suppose to change some hooks
I think that's more Arch terminology than anything else.
which version of kernel is in Arch now?
Whatever you call it, its probably just a shell function.
so which is the order of executing hooks?
I saw there first is /scripts/init-top
I would suspect that's at the top of the order then.
I really don't know - its implementation dependent and I have no Debian's.
But if you just cat them you should be able to get a feel for what they're about.
there is no such directory: /usr/lib/initcpio :(
Yeah. That's Arch.
Their init compiler is called initcpio.
But that's just a shell script too.
All initramfs archives are in cpio format.
did you see the update in the question?
I can't explain more until 12 PM UTC
BTW is my decision right?
I made mdadm hoping it will be faster than just dmraid
They're just shell scripts. Edit them. Yes. You're right ungz | uncpio | edit |recpio |regz
Just keep a copy of an image you know works accessible in your bootloader and screw around with the other to your hearts desire. You'll be fine. You won't learn without trying anyway.
You might be barking up the wrong tree though. It might be you should be looking at udev rules. I kind of wrote the bcache arch initramfs hook for the aur - though really that amounted to just adapting the mdadm hook. Google for Arch's bcache wiki page and read the attached talk page.
Doing it with udev rules would definitely be my recommendation.
Wow Long time ago, brings back memories. Using Ubuntu 11.10 beta 1
You've got pink problems.
I had several of them. But I guess one just survive in may backups.
Of like an Green color, and orange color... I guess this one was the best
I like water effects
For text maybe, how I did it? don't remember exactly.
It kinda looks like vomit effects...
IT is the fire effect
Modified: Mon, Sep 5 2011 03:00:16 WOW!!!!
Shows what I know. Well, I'm going back to the Quandary Phase. You all set @Danatela? @Andrew, I shall cherish it forever.
Bye, Just want to share it with you.
@mikeserv thanks for the help
Has anyone heard from @jrg since April 10?
@NathanOsman I have not
Nobody has.
hmmm best I can find: 7 hours ago he was on twitter
can anyone pick good question here?
I'm eager to help somebody)
Q: Specify point release on d-i preseeding

Ryota HashimotoCan I specify point release, say, "12.04.3" instead of "precise" in preseed.cfg for kickstart installation? When I specify precise in d-i mirror/suite like d-i mirror/suite precise it will install "12.04.4" which I'm not willing to.

answer is no :=)
@Danatela hey that does not warrant a comment >:D
thing is...
@Rinzwind why?
I am wondering ... when 12.04.4 arrives where does 12.04.3 go? does it get overwritten by 12.04.4 or is there some sort of "old releases" for point releases?
@Danatela does not matter why he does not want .4 >:-DDDD
Q: Is there a solution for when a system hangs on "switching to clocksource tsc" anyway?

user1301428Ok so this is exactly what I did yesterday, and what I have tried to solve the problem so far. The distribution is Ubuntu Server 12.04. What I have done just before the error appeared I added a new Upstart file in /etc/init I rebooted the system to see if the script worked The script did not w...

Q: What is this notification with orange background for?

Avatar PartoI saw this image in this answer, what is the notification with the orange background in the right top corner for?

Avinash Raj. You have fixed my 1 year long problem!!!!!!! so many have tried now my desktop computer starts Ubuntu without the live disc. You are my hero! Thank you very much — kalhandra 28 mins ago
Yeh, i'm a hero ....
tsk tsk
what's the meaning for tsk?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look up tsk in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Tsk or TSK may refer to:

Dental click, as in an interjection used in English to express disapproval, often spelled as "tsk" or "tut"
@AvinashRaj yes I know :+)
he stole it! :+)
jokerdino already did
yeah sorry. Was on the phone to say "yay done".
WOW! My name is shown in "marked as duplicate!
Above 3K
@AvinashRaj yep
however it is slightly unfair because I got back my bounty :P
Q: what is "copy to pixmap" feature on compiz?

rofiquzzakiI wanna reduce my compiz effect due to lower graphic card on my netbook. Is it safe to disable "copy to pixmap" feature on my compiz? (I'm using 14.04 Trusty Tahr Daily Build)

pls correct me if I'm wrong
well... somebody knows what it is about ;-)
and nobody knows who is the one %)
@Danatela - the "copy to pixmap" thing is an opengl feature I believe - its a way for drawing stuff without getting visual artifacts on the screen
there are better ways to speed compiz and unity up like disabling the animation.
I just tried to turn it off and on and my icons were reloaded
thats not surprising - the window manager probably need to refresh everything when you toggled that option
see fossy knows >:)
I had an inkling :=)
Everything I know about OpenGL it is how to draw dots =)
oh but if you can draw dots you can also draw lines! and circles! and squares!
we picked a fountain and turned it into snow with my brother))
@Aditya to me they do >:) even the 14.04 seth added is technically not needed
damn - tags again ... where is my wet fish?
@Danatela last time we messed with a fountain a friend on mine got arrested >:) He got caught holding a brick of carbide.
@fossfreedom pick another one than a trout! :=)
@fossfreedom Sorry to bring it.. but seriously this irked me a lot..
a flat fish hurts the most if you hit with it sideways
bloody big tuna
tuna are too squishy. they bounce
Anyways... @fossfreedom can we have some numbers to know if community bulletin works?
I think tagging that meta question about "when are questions about ubuntu+1 appropriate" as featured during betas should help
you mean the AU newsletter?
@fossfreedom Nah... the community bulletin >> on AU homepage below Ask Question button
questions tagged as on meta show up there (along with recently asked ones)
None of the MODs are privy to that info on how many clicks through that. That is stack-exchange developer territory. If you want info on that raise a meta and maybe a SE dev will answer.
@fossfreedom Okay... will do so.. Thanks :)
Hello @fossfreedom
I am back on Ubuntu.
good morning to you!
Good morning to you too
I need help, may I bother @fossfreedom?
@katyasehgal no >:-D
hello @Rinzwind
hello @katyasehgal :-)
good to see familiar names
I'm not here - I'm working - honest!
okay @fossfreedom
... but shoot anyway!
okay, I need to connect wifi in Lenovo B490
not catching automatically
lspci -nnk?
For a brief while it connected, and now the option has disappeared
"not catching" == not connecting? what do you visually see?
yes, not connecting
ubuntu version?
psst @Danatela let fossy do this >:-D
13.10 @fossfreedom
pfew not 13.04 >:D
@Danatela just sit back and watch it solve or go terribly wrong _o-
and yes - what is the output of danatela's terminal command
(and do NOT type the ? at the end :+) )
how do i copy paste, I am typing from another ubuntu system.
connect via a wired connection on the laptop
let me see
this is also important sudo lshw -class network
when you said "it used to connect" - has there been a kernel update since it went wrong? What if you boot from an earlier kernel?
no, while installing ubuntu, alongwith windows, it connected to wifi for a bit - I entered the password it connected, then it stuck and I had to restart
This is a fresh 13.10 install and you havent done any updates since the install?
so i installed without internet
yes, you are correct @fossfreedom
from the commands output, is there some line I can refer and tell you the value?
ok - first things first - connect via a wired connect. Make sure you download and install all the suggested updates + all the kernels updates as well.
okay, I will come back after trying to arrange for that
... I'll be honest with you ... since 14.04 is just 4 days away and if you havent done anything to your install, you might just want to consider installing 14.04
save bandwidth and all that.
@foss did you know the 14.04 release time?
nobody knows except the canonical release manager
@AvinashRaj It generally comes around 9-9.30pm IST..
The latest I've seen it was 1700 UTC - earlies was around 1100 UTC
We may arrange a contest of "whom will be the first person to download and install Ubuntu 14.04 final release?"
I'll let you all play - I'll update my laptop when the first point release is made in august
ohh, i forget about updation.
@AvinashRaj that will be me >:)
I have a cron job running to check for updates every 10 minutes >:D
fossy!! he is too gullible :-X he is no fun :*(
let the kids play :P
it is never a good thing to upgrade the moment it is released :D
Q: How to monitor, who is pinging me?

nuxI need to know who is pinging me on my network. Is it possible to monitor all ICMP packets?

I would just PONG back :P
@AvinashRaj done!
@Rinzwind - you scared him so much that he deleted it!
I am running away from Luis :-)
why is Oli so close to you fossy?
me - I'm too busy - have been for many months. Oli obviously is "less" busy :P
me too :=) but I do try to keep up with AU
Me have rediscovered my first (computing) love - coding. Have been busy with various projects
Q: Can we have some click through stats for Community Bulletin?

AdityaWe have a section called "Community Bulletin" on the landing page of Ask Ubuntu which contains links to events (like Moderator elections), featured meta posts, recently held meta discussions along with some old meta discussions once a while. Can we have some statistics about the click through ...

did anybody update Gigabyte EP43-S3L to coreboot?
@MinatoNamikaze a dutch guy just found a way into akamai where they claimed to have fixed the heartbleed bug. So the story continues >:)
@Rinzwind akamai, the cdn?
Current Date Number? >:)
akamai had the briljant idea of making their own openssl......... turns out they only implemented 3 of the 6 requirements for rsa enconding. so serves them right.
so they fixed heartbleed but with the attention to this bug more came to the surface :-D
Not sure if removing ibus is a good idea, and his source is a dead link
and another 15 rep >:)
my 3rd accepted for today
working on this askubuntu.com/a/447604/202806 for around 4 hours.
@NathanOsman @Seth, just noticed that both of you have your display names inverted upside down on Meta.SE... Do you have some treaty running between yourselves?
grr who upvoted this: askubuntu.com/a/447589/171636?
there is more wrong there @Danatela WUBI is supported afaik. It was dropped for 1 release but it came back iirc
@Rinzwind OK
lol ->
Q: Alternative to Wubi Installer (without cd/usb install)

user268805So hey guys basically I'm using a really old computer now and I'm interested in getting linux on my com. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not exactly a linux newbie, (though admittedly i'm not a pro either...I used to be able to code and shit but i forgot everything now) but here's my problem My com...

getting a new computer is probably cheaper timewise :P

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