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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@GeorgeEdison Have you tried Miro?
we create awesome, wonderful, unexpected, friendly, incredibly supportive software. in short, the opposite of linux.
Who is this person? I've never heard of her
I create Awesome, Wonderful, Stable, Friendly, Incredibly Supportive Software. In short, the opposite of Windows.
That is horrible.
(Not you, @Marco - the other person.)
@MarcoCeppi apparently an apple fangirl
What do you think the chances are that this person has actually used Linux?
very less
i guess she just heard about it from the guy at the apple store
Do you think she knows that MacOS is built on FreeBSD?
after faaaaantastic meal at a local osteria, comparing music collections. & talkin about how we'd never hire somebody who uses desktop linux
It's hard not to get frustrated reading something like that...
@MarcoCeppi Probably not.
And another thing: "desktop linux" is so ill-defined that it's nearly a meaningless term.
There are so many different desktop environments and to make a blanket statement like that, you'd need to have tried each of them individually.
Frankly I'm glad they wouldn't hire someone who uses "desktop linux" - no user would want to work for them.
it's easy for me not getting frustrated reading something like that. :P first thing that comes to my mind: »who cares?« - she's free to think whatever she likes and i don't need to have an opinion on that (or everything).
People shouldn't get so worked up. She rants about things for a living, making big bold statements, providing very little substance. The more brash and more objectionable she is, the more people take notice. A minority agree. The more subjects you rant about the more minorities you pull into your following. The media has been doing this for decades. It's textbook trolling. Ignore it until there's something to discuss or rebuke. As it is, it's just childish and doesn't deserve your time.
Mainstream media, less so. It's more "pundits" and "analysts" who want to be recognised. The more print/air-time they have against their name, the more they're worth. Ignore this bint or you'll give her the recognition she so desperately craves.
tl;dr - don't feed the trolls.
where's that random text generator? need to write a tech report till tuesday and with 0 pages done i'm a bit behind. :D
@Alaukik She's a Ruby on Rails developer All questions have been answered
at least she's from the real vienna >:D
sudo alien -d packagename.rpm
@htorque I know where it is...
Packaging in a nutshell:
> "Information is exchanged between the client and the server for Linux that creates a separate Launchpad branch that contains the Debian packaging files and have Launchpad merge them together before it builds the URL with cURL and running it with a URL."
@GeorgeEdison ha, thanks! if only no one would read that report :D
@GeorgeEdison do you run stackapplet?
@TheEvilPhoenix Yes.
Reported when attempting to install 1.5 beta 2 from .deb package on 11.04 64-bit: Lintian check results for /home/mbt/Downloads/stackapplet_1.5.0_all.deb: E: stackapplet: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/ 1000/1000 E: stackapplet: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/ 1000/1000 E: stackapplet: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/applications/ 1000/1000 E: stackapplet: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/applications/stackapplet.desktop 1000/1000 E: stackapplet: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/locale/ 1000/1000 E: stackapplet: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/locale/en_CA/ 1000/1000 E: stackapplet: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/locale/en_CA/LC_MESSAGES/ 1000/1000 E: stackapplet: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/locale/en_CA/LC_MESSAGES/stackapplet.mo 1000/1000 E: stackapplet: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/locale/en_GB/ 1000/1000 E: stackapplet: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/ 1000/1000 E: stackapplet: wron
Undecided / New
stackapplet @ lp
bug was sent in (i am subscribed to bugmail)
@TheEvilPhoenix Right, I got a copy of that.
looks like bad file ownerships in the package or something
might be in their end though
actually i think its on their end... isnt 1000 the standard uid for the initial user on an Ubuntu system?
@TheEvilPhoenix It is... but it's not on their end.
It's a glitch with the way I was packaging it.
ah, so its the package :p
I think I can fix it though.
i see
can i mark it as confirmed and assign to you?
Already done :)
did yuo know i have more lp karma than you? :/
@TheEvilPhoenix No. I didn't know that.
yo :)
How come the bugs aren't showing up here: bugs.launchpad.net/stackapplet
that takes some time to update iirc
its on the project's page though for latest bugs
and its at the bottom of the list of bugs on my screen
i'm no help this cycle
was at 4000 :(
Karma: 3028
@Rinzwind What is karma?

Karma is one of the ways in which you can get a feel for the work that someone has done recently in Launchpad.

Almost everything you do in Launchpad helps you to build karma. For example: registering bugs, translating strings and answering support requests. Different types of work earn different levels of karma. Also, the amount of karma a particular action gives you fades over time.

Karma is only attributed for work done in Launchpad and does not apply to items imported from other sources.
ah :+) then my karma is 0 >:D
0 is not a lot!
wth is "Bug Heat"?
Is that legit? ^---
I forgot
cool link Roland O+
But is it legit?
This is the second time I got an offer from them to join them.
today i go this from the flack overstow
"Ubuntu Control Center, designed to bring simplicity and rocks that will slow you down. "
@RolandTaylor don't care >:-D
@Rinzwind I do.
that might get me some upvotes :-D so thanks >:D
But we have not confirmed if it is legit or not
must be a fansite
That's what I got on our comments... and it went straight to trash
roland! site looks like it is linked to UF.org
So, I need to know if that is legit.
Ubu forums?
UbuntuForums ;)
not that that makes it legit >:D
website is hosted in Liverpook UK :=)
so if they are not legit you could swim from Barbados to Liverpool and be back for the new years party
@RolandTaylor I got that email from them about 2 months ago
Yey. A new era in Wine audio bugs is about to start! From the release notes:

- Rewrite of the audio support, using the Win7 architecture.
- Old-style sound drivers for Jack, NAS and ESD are removed.
@MarcoCeppi What was your response?
@Oli heh, time to keep an eye on the tag now, huh
oh I predict an influx in wine+audio related tags :D
@RolandTaylor I didnt'
(for moderation targets :P)
Hopefully the development branch will have adequately stable audio before they release the next stable.... But it took years before PulseAudio+Wine worked well (and there are still the occasional issues)
whew, that doesn't sound good - not that i'm an expert on that field
Wonder if they'll use the opportunity to port the whole Wine-sound subsystem to gstreamer (as they were talking about ages ago, as a reason not to support PA directly)
Well, using Pulse directly would leave out some distros and platforms, but yeah they should do it.
Some of WINE already uses gstreamer.
@htorque did they move 'system settings' from the logout meny in 11.10? if so, where did they put it?
This is really pissing me off. Can anyone explain why a CSS definition entered at the bottom of a CSS file is being overwritten by one produced earlier in the file?!
@Marco is the earlier one marked as important?
That's the rendering
I see a !important >:D
and which of those was the earlier rule and which was later?
The 4th entry down, margin:0px (line 873) is being overwritten by the second one on line 868
oop i see an !important too
It's the margin I'm working with
.sharebtn a img should take priority over #content img
i'd have to fiddle with it to find out why. perhaps something relating to # is superseeding the .class ?
AU is slow and keeps crashing on me.
Illogical, as the way it's nested .sharebtn a img is closer than #content
actually not necessarily... #id taakes precedent over .class, @Marco
at least from what i've seen
but i may be wrong :/
I think you're right
because #content .sharebtn a img works
so odd
Got to find where that is documented
git-ls-files: command not found http://bit.ly/oBKr4i #bash
Going to make a few samples an I guess write a blog post
Quick Googleing yields nothing
@TheEvilPhoenix Thanks for the help, I've been hitting my head with that one for a few days now
@MarcoCeppi note that i'm a tad rusty with raw CSS coding...
usually, what happens, is Dreamweaver autofills the syntax
@Rinzwind yes and "i don't know"
Shutters, Dreamweaver
or the syntax checker on my servers goes through and triggers 500 errors intentionally if something's wrong
you can still start it via gnome-control-center
ok! thanks for responding :)
@MarcoCeppi one of my classes requires it >.>
@Rinzwind yeah, i was working on that tech report (watching burn notice), so it took a while :P
I prefer using Dreamweaver to generate the initial code...
then go though and hand-carve it to what i need :P
so even though the program Dreamweaver is used...
the code is scrutinized beyond crazy by myself manually
prior to publishing
hey @MarcoCeppi
Q: How do I detect if someone is stealing my broadband bandwidth?

oshirowanenI am very paranoid about wireless connections and someone stealing my broadband bandwidth, which could lead to worse things. My question is, how can I detect if my broadband bandwidth is being stolen? I have a Belkin SURF+ N300 wireless router. Ideally, it would be cool if I would get alerted ...

sounds offtopic here
@TheEvilPhoenix throws up
more suited for SuperUser maybe?
@TheEvilPhoenix I have an on-topic answer, if you'll let me
@Oli oh hush, you havent been stuck on Windows for 3 months due to a bad drive
damn I type an anwser and the user deletes his question :(
@Oli feel free i havent flagged yet :P
(but i might :P)
@Oli Opps, I just kicked it over to SU
goes back to beating the area51 mods
Damnit Leroy!
At least I got chicken!
@Marco and I have this workflow fixed... i find something that's actually valid, i dont bother flagging i just come here, then the migrate occurs :P
Next time I'll just tell you to flag it to give @Oli the extra 20 seconds to answer :)
@Marco you get a cookie as well gives @Marco a cookie
anyone know how i can make the launcher not hide on unity-2d?
is this mass-CW worthy?
Q: Who to follow on Twitter if you are interested in Ubuntu?

SmotkoI'd like to know whom I should follow on Twitter, to get my daily dose of Ubuntu news, tips, and random bits. Which members from the Ubuntu community are active on Twitter?

It's kind of a crap question
not really sure how a CW would help it
if its crap then can we purge it?
ey! the answers are good >:-D
or at least close it, and keep the answers?
but it might be better of just closing it :D
18 secs ago, by The Evil Phoenix
or at least close it, and keep the answers?
I agree. It adds nothing of value to ubuntu.
flagged as offtopic, but still... :P
I think the only way to keep this valid is to edit all the answers into one giant answer and make that CW
You either have all answers in one post, or one answer per post
not variable as it is now
i think that should just be closed.
too difficult to do all that, no?
Or, a post per type of person. Official, Ubuntu Personel, Ubuntu News Sources, Other
I NOMINATE @Rinzwind to do that >:)
I'll do it when I have time
oh btw marco, did you notice the standings between myself and @Alvar?
in chess :P
You have a lot of chess in that room
chess O+
The Evil Phoenix: 2 wins, 1 loss. Alvar: 1 win, 2 losses.
@TheEvilPhoenix lol
poor Alvar
2-2? >:D
cough 3-1 xD
maybe it's time to accept defeat?
3-1 is fictitious :P
i havent had a 4th match against him yet :P
well, don't talk - play
its his move :P
i bet 5 ask ubuntu bucks on the evil
and he starts the 4th match when he's ready
we alternate white-black
@TheEvilPhoenix are you from india?

  Chess Match: Alvar v. TheEvilPhoenix

Chess match between Alvar and The Evil Phoenix. PGN Notation ...
ok, then i take back the 5 AU buck bet :D
we had the last chess match in there
@htorque too late the money was already transferred to the gambling facility
is chess still dominated by soviet russians and indians?
mostly russians :P
and the few people in the US who take up this game for the intellectual challenges
also for the logic in the game, but thats a different issue
i play for the logic
and to train myself to be able to strategize better
(which then subsequently helps me in other situations... say... games like COD4 where you sometimes need strategy to beat enemies
yeah, controlling a map in cod4 is probably comparable difficult
actually controlling a map in CS:S is harder :P
but is probably a better example :P
only if it's not 1on1 :P
haven't played cs_office on a 32 player server for a long time :D
@Oli @MarcoCeppi wth, i thought this got migrated:
Q: How do I detect if someone is stealing my broadband bandwidth?

oshirowanenI am very paranoid about wireless connections and someone stealing my broadband bandwidth, which could lead to worse things. My question is, how can I detect if my broadband bandwidth is being stolen? I have a Belkin SURF+ N300 wireless router. Ideally, it would be cool if I would get alerted ...

I un-migrated it.
and you did this why?
And then SU deleted their copy. And then SU un-deleted their copy.
it is clearly NOT an ubuntu question
It is when all the software you use in its answer runs on Ubuntu.
most of which also runs on Debian
and any other Linux distro
@TheEvilPhoenix With that argument we might as well just fold Ubuntu into U&L.se
Probably runs the London Marathon too, but it's not off-topic.
you know what, i'm just going to block the main site on this system for a while...
If that were the argument, as Marco says, we'd essentially be a side dedicated to Unity and Upstart
its so late in the week i'm damned tired of arguments... >.>
Q: How do I detect if someone is stealing my broadband bandwidth?

oshirowanenI am very paranoid about wireless connections and someone stealing my broadband bandwidth, which could lead to worse things. My question is, how can I detect if my broadband bandwidth is being stolen? I have a Belkin SURF+ N300 wireless router. Ideally, it would be cool if I would get alerted ...

it is in superuser also.
actually this makes me wonder whether it should go over on ITSec...
not sure though
IT Sec would be a good home for it. Seeing as how it's gotten answers already here It should stay
i'm just thinking for future ;)
i was initially going to recommend we move it to ITSec, but afaik there's no migration path
We can migrate to an SE site
We don't have any public migration paths though
@TheEvilPhoenix There should be a migration path to ITSec now we are out of beta
@Rory i'm not mod, talk to @Marco :P
However that one isn't really a security question or an ubuntu question :-)
or @Stefano
@MarcoCeppi That one really isn't a sec question
In my reckoning it fits in SU :-)
if the question was around what controls can I put in place to prevent someone stealing my bandwidth then it would be more appropriate in Sec
Look who's back!!!
@FlackBot: Hello!
@GeorgeEdison Yup, it's a nice day.
@FlackBot define security
@htorque security [noun] - Freedom from risk or danger; safety.
@FlackBot define death
@TheEvilPhoenix death [noun] - The act of dying; termination of life.
@RoryAlsop Our site has no public migration paths we can only migrate by moderator
@FlackBot are you alive?
@TheEvilPhoenix That's a nice command, but I really don't know what it is.
so, guy wanna feel safe -> migrate to security :P
@FlackBot who is your favorite moderator?
@TheEvilPhoenix I don't have a favorite moderator.
@flackbot define ' OR '1' = '1
@FlackBot your favorite moderator is @RoryAlsop
@TheEvilPhoenix I don't have a favorite moderator is.
Please don't abuse the bot. It creates needless noise - if you wish to try him out, consider the Sandbox
@htorque prepend an @ to that :P
@htorque Clueless seems to best describe how I feel after what you said.
@FlackBot do you feel abused?
@htorque Someday I will be able to intelligently reply to that command. This isn't that day.
Okay guys... leave FlackBot alone please... he's still getting over jet lag.
(From his vacation to North Korea.)
you can't just pull him out and then don't allow us to play with him - that's just cruel
a flackbot?
@htorque It's not cruel... he's tired.
(And I don't want the room cluttered up with people talking to him either.)
@RoryAlsop It's a bot.
@FlackBot: Who are you?
I don't see why we can't just stick him in a room labeled "Play with FlackBot"
:-) very nice
@MarcoCeppi We will once I can figure out how to put him in two rooms.
(Remember, this chat doesn't have an API - there are a lot of hacks keeping FlackBot working.)
The idea would be to put him in that room
no love for the bot :(
anyone here using unity-2d?
@MarcoCeppi ...but he'd be here too :)
That's why I created him.
I think you're missing the point of wanting to move him to that room :)
What's the end goal?
@htorque How can I tell if I'm using unity-2d?
can you drag a launcher item out of the launcher?
then it's not -2d
Hum, good to know
good question though. unity and -2d almost look identical nowadays.
How do I detect if someone is stealing my broadband bandwidth? http://bit.ly/qgk67j #wireless
1 hour later…
@FlackBot Where's RolandTaylor?
@Explorer try_to_understand(what_you_said) == FALSE
@FlackBot How dare you?
@Explorer To be honest... I really don't have the capability of understanding that statement yet.
@MarcoCeppi Finally giving Miro a try.
We'll see if it works out as a replacement for Banshee.
@GeorgeEdison Let me know how you like it!
So far so good. The interface is a little sluggish - but it's very light on the CPU when it's running.
I wish it had an 'album view' though.
(Something where I could see a grid with all of my albums in it.)
^--- Is this a new thing?
I've never seen that dialog before.
@FlackBot: What is your favorite web browser?
@GeorgeEdison My favorite web browser is Internet Explorer. Especially IE6 - stable as a rock and fully standards compliant..
@FlackBot: Liar! You like Chromium, remember?
@GeorgeEdison [Whistles innocently...]
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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