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Every time I see an expert consulting site with no CSS it makes me giggle a little. rtfm.com
Q: Why did you close this question instead of migrating it?

FischerThis guy asked about elementary OS. I voted to notify the moderators, I commented letting him know it's off topic. But why didn't you migrate it to superuser or unix.se? I'm not trying to defend him. I'm trying to follow this rule written under the mint tag, it clearly says: For questions ab...

wow... we all pounced on that one from different angles...
well, yeah...
new use based raspi project. i want to set up my electric heater as a gas backup, but it plugs in to a standard US 110~120 outlet and has no thermostat. just a how hard do i run of my maximum capacity knob. raspi web or scada interface for a run cycle/off cycle, thermostat reading for temperature, etc so i can leave it on but not on as a just in case.
I went digging further ... 12 now. And I skipped some cobbled-together verbatim copies of multiple articles ...
This is ridiculous.
Seriously, almost every post is either a two-line low-quality post that we can't even check for plagiarism, or an almost completely copied article off another site.
It's better than paid training that is blockquotes from manual pages... but we're not going there.
@Oli while you are at it askubuntu.com/q/414604/169736
err... I've found several questions that are tagged mint asked recently and being closed askubuntu.com/q/414383/169736
well past midnight - night all.
@Braiam we should keep the mint tag as a flag queue indicator...
@fossfreedom have a good sleep
@hbdgaf yeah, well the tags are not supposed to be used to close questions but to answer them
i understand, but one can't deny how much it would simplify things.
so it kinda defects the propose of the tag
idk, tagging is for the purpose of data organization. full-stop. that's just me though.
if someone that doesn't know better or is trying to be helpful retagging wants to fill a probable close-queue, that's fine with me.
Okay, even with XP Working correctly on it? Your the pro, Thanks for the help! Need a new laptop! — shamanicshaman Jan 22 at 2:31
sounds like he gave up?
probably. XP was just ignoring smart. ubuntu was listening and refused to install on failing disks. yes time for a new laptop/disk, but not as a ragequit.
mm... I was thinking about close it...
it's obvious the question isn't going any further
"only relevant at a specific point in time" seems right
this whole trolling thing is moving in to an area it needs not to. i really hope they show up at my house. really.
@hbdgaf trolls in your house?
@Braiam they started looking for prolific users and sending death threats and we will come to your house via email.
no seriously... they actually did that.
pinged Oli in another room since they mention him by name and pinged support so they know it's going on. i'm not worried about it, i just want the right people to know that it's actually a thing.
evidently there are three more nod-worthy people on-site that they don't like. no worries though.
... WTF
@Braiam I did read....
> if i install it will i have to get rid of it once the final release is ready to download, or just wait for a upgrade drive to keep it.
@Braiam wut
that's why asking two questions is strongly discouraged...
@Braiam but look at revision two...
@Alvar after closure ;)
@Braiam yes, that's why you should repopen it..
@Alvar you are beating a dead horse... dobey didn't agreed with the close, I told him that if he looked at the revision, the close was correct. There's nothing else to discuss.
@Braiam I agreee with the close but I also think it should be reopened....
@Alvar ok, now what are you discussing?
(I haven't say we shouldn't open it)
@Braiam I think rev 2 is a legit question...
@Braiam then wy did you comment read?
I did read, I red rev 2, which is a legit question..
@Alvar because dobey has to look at the revision history... he did not
I'm arguing that he's arguing that the question was incorrectly closed which was not
@Braiam then yes dobey was wrong and I'm always right.
@Braiam it was correct closed and should be opened and then closed as unclear! ;)
@Alvar actually I have an answer :P
@Braiam then post that answer!
@Braiam an answer on a question with no info, it could be anything...
@user41631 .................................................................... you know what question we're talking about?
@Braiam wut
@Alvar err... read the question again... he doesn't want to boot Ubuntu, he wants to know why only the development version works with his shiny new lappy
@Alvar ?
@Braiam Because 13.10 bug.
@Braiam or 12.04 bug
or 13.04 bug
or 8.04 bug
or xubuntu bug
Is my question closed here? askubuntu.com/questions/414361/…
@Alvar @FEichinger or 14.04 improvement...
etc, etc...
@Braiam or 14.04 kernel
@Braiam Well, yeh, or that.
For that matter, I still hate 14.04.
@user41631 yes
> the next release cycle we will focus on mobile development
I prefer my Ubuntu stable and running without throwing half a dozen errors at me on every boot.
And also being unable to hibernate or suspend properly ...
@Alvar I'm asking for both spellings and grammar checker but it tells about only grammar checking!! So, why is it closed?
@FEichinger I get rfkill error on every boot, so I don't reboot anymore..
@user41631 A Free Grammar Checking Software for Lubuntu - dupe.
@Alvar Well, it's my laptop, so I have to hibernate or suspend frequently ... But since both of those mess up the graphics tie and end up showing me a black screen, I have to fully shut down every time.
great success...
Which means I get "fun with kernel race condition!" every boot.
I run my desktop for around 200 hours straight then windows start to get strange bugs so I have to reboot :(
Half the time the keyboard needs some encouragement to work, every tenth-or-so boot it gets stuck after nouveau pisses over the BIOS ...
ubuntu is much more stable
It's annoying like hell.
@FEichinger Come to Debian :)
@Braiam that's for servers! ;)
@Braiam I was thinking about it, but I don't want to reinstall again ...
@Alvar but see the matter inside the question, there is written "spellings and grammar"
@Alvar you are talking about CentOS...
@Braiam no, debian 7 ;)
@user41631 your question as it currently stand is too broad...
it's a list question and not specific enough to be yourown question therefor dupe.
@Alvar and that's why I prefer not closing as dupe...
And in my drunken rage, I have now produced ten sheets of sketches for a website my servers couldn't handle right now ...
list = too broad, not other close reasons apply = answer/dupe
@Braiam it's to similar to the dupe to be a standalone question and it's also too broad to fit our Q&A format (list question)
@Alvar no, dupe is reserved when the question has no other fault...
@Braiam WHAT?!
@Braiam no it's not..
@Alvar Yes, it is. Or, well, should be.
@Alvar lets not discuss this... as our previous discussion and the user itself, the dupe doesn't help and that would not change
Duplicates are not intended for deletion, and are supposed to help navigate users with identical, but differently phrased, problems.
Low-quality dupe origins are stupid.
@Braiam true
hence the correct close reason is too broad...
@FEichinger yeah and asking the same question is clever?
@Alvar You are missing the point.
@Braiam isn't the duped question also too broad?
A dupe doesn't mean "Just didn't bother to use the search function."
@FEichinger tere are many points and you are ignoring mine...
@FEichinger yes it does.
@Alvar A dupe means "this is a different way of asking this question, but it's fundamentally the same question."
@Alvar I'm waiting for my votes to return...
@FEichinger or a question that will give the same results.
@Alvar No, no no no. No. Flat out no.
The same answer a duplicate question does not make.
Why People are leaving Ubuntu for Debian? plus.google.com/111565773707265650707/posts/NnVnwzRbX3B
@user41631 Because Ubuntu is getting progressively worse, while Debian stays true to the core.
@user41631 people aren't.
one person on g+ are... -.-
@FEichinger yup! you are right,it keeps changing its goals in search of the niche that will make it profitable for Shuttleworth. Debian's stability and consistency are very reassuring after you get tired of being jerked around by Ubuntu's constant changes of direction.
Commercialization and "unifying" different platforms is slowly but steadily making Ubuntu unattractive for the advanced user.
@FEichinger and is the thing I've ranting all along...
@FEichinger we must say this to the developers of ubuntu
@user41631 Why?
@user41631 they know it already
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's the wrong direction for Ubuntu.
It attracts the Windows crowd, gets more people involved.
But the power users will migrate.
Because Ubuntu just doesn't cut it anymore.
yes you are right
truth be told, Ubuntu did great deal for linux in the desktop market as a real linux option
@Braiam yes! this is correct, ubuntu was my First Linux! Ubuntu is attracting people to use linux, but advanced users hate ubuntu
@user41631 not Ubuntu, but the decisions of the mainstream... there are people that just don't like unity but use xubuntu or lubuntu...
<-- Would've picked Ubuntu GNOME again, if there was a reasonable 14.04 image.
Unity is annoying like hell, too.
@FEichinger that's why you don't use it :P
@FEichinger yes totally correct! unity is nonsense
@FEichinger I'm running flashback on my laptop, works great on 13.10
@Alvar I can't run 13.10 on my laptop.
I'm afflicted by the very same bug.
but the vlose/min/max can't be on the left side on gnome 3.9 which sucks..
@Alvar but i hate the new stlye of debian. its too complicated
@FEichinger reported the bug?
@Alvar It already is.
@user41631 I only got debian on my server, never used the desktop...
It won't get a backport to 13.10, but it's fixed in 14.04.
@FEichinger well then it's alright, start yolo'ing and upgrade to the alpha! ;)
@Alvar I am running 14.04.
@FEichinger oooooo
But, as I reiterate: It's annoying like hell, and I have to use Unity, because I don't trust GNOME with it.
@user41631 new style?
@Braiam yes, GNOME 3 sucks
@user41631 debian default is now xfce :/
@user41631 ehm what gnome 3 style? there's like a million...
@Braiam ooooooo
used debian in nov. 2013
@Braiam Really? ... That sucks.
debian got rolling release, right?
@FEichinger well, you can choose in the install time
@user41631 xfce, xubuntu and such
@Braiam Still ...
People keep reappearing with new identities. I made a fool of myself by answering a question by one such person :(
@user41631 just install another DE, and it's solved.
@Alvar always has been a rolling distro
@Alvar installed lubuntu
@Braiam I've never used it so hwo would I know, I just heard of it a few weeks ago..
now its working fine, good bye!
@user41631 that's a bit drastic..
@vasa1 there's a dupe somewhere of this askubuntu.com/a/413845/169736
@Alvar why?
@Braiam google is your friend. askubuntu.com/q/413790/10698 I think there's a list on wikipedia.. but you can't trust that since everyone can edit that site! RIGHT?! RIGHT?!
@user41631 just install another DE instead of a new operating system.. it's much faster..
@Alvar Debian LXDE is faster than lubuntu?????????
I don't think so
@user41631 ehm, how do you mesure the "speed"?
This is so frustrating that people use Ask Ubuntu this way. I really can't understand why this is being allowed. It is not fair to other users.
@vasa1 ?
@Alvar by checking the RAM usage and CPU usage?
@user41631 using what application?
it's also down to the kernel version...
@Alvar the default task manager in lubuntu
Well, we're not allowed to "speculate and point fingers" so at least let me moan. But then someone says "stop complaining".
@user41631 yea cuse that isn't using any power...
anyone has a close vote? OT - no reproducible askubuntu.com/q/262828/169736
@Alvar that's the same q I lnked...
@Alvar Lol
@Braiam voted.
can someone help me here:
Q: Can't Upgrade Graphics of Intel via "Intel Graphic installer for Linux"

user41631Can't Upgrade Graphics of Intel via "Intel Graphic installer for Linux". PLease Help! I see this error: and after that, the 'report' button is unavailable. what to do? help by the way, i use intel grafics

@user41631 removed
@user41631 that was deleted..
I just took a screenshot of a rapidly deleted question which revealed at user's ID.
@Alvar i'll ask it again, actually i deleted it right now! :P it revealed my Account number on my Desktop sorry frnz
ffriends, please wait i am repairing it
@user41631 you know 10k+ user can see deleted posts...
That explains why the question was rapidly deleted and now @Braiam and @Alvar can know who they were/are dealing with and also know who I was referring to a couple of minutes ago. CRAP!!!!
@Alvar is it visible in cache?
@vasa1 I have no idea what you are talking about and hadn't been in the last minutes..
Don't tell me Stack Exchange or Ask Ubuntu can't handle such cases more efficiently.
@user41631: while you fix it, don't forget to include details of your hardware, and spell graphics correctly. ;p
@vasa1 Calm down, will ya.
@user41631 no idea...
@vasa1: no, not really? ;p
@JourneymanGeek details?
There's no mechanism for flagging people who have not said anything
@JourneymanGeek, its our old "friend".
i dont have details
good night, 04:07 in the morning, should sleep now...
sure you do. lshw / lspci etc etc
@Alvar owl?
@vasa1: yeah, I know ;p
me? no way!
i'm new here
@user41631 gonna work the night shift in a couple of days so can stay up late now and get used to it..
I have the snapshot of the screen :) in case a mod is interested.
@Alvar okay ;:-)
@vasa1 my one? or else's?
@vasa1 don't worry, mods has access ;)
@user41631: one would think the anonymous gravitar would be a slight givaway
our_friend@Gajann! Lol
Well, that would be "speculation", the snapshot is closer to "proof".
I'll reiterate: Calm down, will ya.
@FEichinger You can choose to ignore me.
Flag and move on.
@vasa1 Lol, you were watching that?? :P I thought you were talking about my personal account number
@vasa1 Calm down friend!
@vasa1 I'm not sure what your problem is. I'm just saying that this isn't worth getting worked up about.
Unfortunately, I'm slightly less stupid than people give me credit for.
@FEichinger Please don't ignore him. I just ignored his answer and he felt bad
@vasa1 I'm sorry for that behavior! Please repost yuor answer!
For that matter, I am quite close to putting quite a bunch of people in this room on ignore, because I really feel like the old guy sitting around and being nostalgic about ye olde times when this room didn't give me a reason to ignore people.
@FEichinger, my problem is this. A particular person has been asking questions under different names and I have committed my time to answering some of them. It upsets me that I don't realise until too late that I'm answering this person.
@vasa1 What exactly is the problem with answering those questions?
Flag the question, let mods look into it.
It should be none of your concern, and not your worry, whether or not those accounts belong to the same person.
If they do, mods can and will merge, suspend, or remove the accounts involved.
@FEichinger yes you are right!
@user41631 That doesn't excuse sockpuppetry and constantly annoying behaviour either, though.
@FEichinger if you feel bad, then i will be silent :-)
<--------is silent
@FEichinger, I'm somewhat older than you if you're 19 and I have been active here, watching what this particular user has been upto. Both here and in the main section. You may think it's not my concern but I disagree because even it's a couple of minutes, it is time I wasted thinking I was helping someone genuine. I don't know if this explains why I'm upset but that's about it. I hope you understand.
@vasa1 why wasted? you helped me a lot!
As far as flagging goes, I do flag. I have 870 helpful flags out of which 428 were moderator attention flags and of these 413 are currently accepted.
And that will have to do, then.
These are the tools you have, you use them, that's it. Whether or not the moderators choose to take what action is a different matter, and something that really shouldn't concern you - for reasons of privacy as well as simple moderation.
As for the questions: It's a question, you have an answer, so post the answer. The user themself should at that point be irrelevant. If you're suspicious of them, repeat the above step: flag if necessary.
Please don't tell me that that even Moderators can misuse our Identities!
@user41631 I'm not sure what you mean by "misuse our identities".
So, yes, just because I'm not active in Chat or in the review queue, doesn't mean I'm not doing my bit in Ask Ubuntu. I don't get why you feel "it doesn't concern" me. This is a community-moderated site and you and I are "moderators" to the extent our privileges go.
@FEichinger identity=my account number on the screenshot
@user41631 Yes, but what do you mean by "misuse"?
@vasa1 Yes, and our privileges don't involve background checks on users and the like.
With the number and a couple personal details, the person could hack into your account with social engineering and empty it. They could do the same if you sent them a physical check, but who uses checks, nowadays?
@user41631 What? ... Just ... what?!
Seriously, there's paranoia and then there's that.
@FEichinger That's your opinion and whatever you mean by "background checks". Yesterday I ran a "background" check to find out the source of plagiarism before I "flagged" it.
Q: How can I complain if my account was deleted?

user41631So I awnt to know that how can I complain if my account was deleted unconditionally without any reason sent to me?

@vasa1 My point is that you don't get to dictate what is to be done about a user, and you cannot make an assessment about accounts possibly belonging to the same person. You can flag, and let the moderators handle it, that's where your - and my - privileges end, with good reason.
@user41631 That still doesn't explain what on Earth you're fearing.
@FEichinger: heh, if its who I think it is, I sort of get why @vasa1 is worked up
@vasa1 you are creating fuss out of <b> NOTHING</B> lets <b>end it
why html tags dont work here?
@JourneymanGeek In the few times I've been here in the recent months, I have my own picture of what's going on. But it's still not the way to go.
@user41631 Because SE uses markdown, not HTML, for the most part.
BTW, if you're from India, the police arrest first and ask questions later. Because of certain events over the last decade or so, internet misuse is not being treated lightl. It would be really unfortunate if later it is found out that a person under suspicion has a record of any sort. So my friendly advice is to give up such activity.
@FEichinger: heh, I had to block him on G+, and I tend to ignore his comments on my blog. ;p
but then again, I do consider that I always have the option of "ignore" "everywhere"
@JourneymanGeek why u blocked vasa1?
specially since I'm pretty good at working out new sock puppet accounts
@vasa1 but we didnot do any CRIME
@FEichinger, let's not twist things around and use terms like "dictate". I have what I think is a problem and what I think concerns Ask Ubuntu. I'm putting it out there. I'm not dictating.
Frankly, I'll be quite blunt here: I've been here maybe a handful of times in the last couple of months, and every time I ended up witnessing something that was, to be honest, disgusting. These are things that, back when I was active here, would've gotten you shunned within seconds of writing or doing. And with every iteration that got worse. When I come here nowadays, I'm shocked by how far this room - and parts of the site - have fallen.
I've given you my advice. It's upto to you. Remember that even Tor accounts aren't as private as people think they are.
But there are still some lines that I'll stand up for. And one of those is that there's a reason we have hidden flags instead of public trials. Some things are - with good reason - left to moderators and their council, rather than the community as a whole.
@vasa1 okay :)
@FEichinger: I'm curious what. This is primarily about one user, and some types of community action are open by default. Hidden flags are designed to protect the flagger, not the person being flagged.
@vasa1 Then you'll have to do that in a manner that isn't accusatory. Talk about the situation, not the user.
@FEichinger Again, please don't exaggerate at least as far as I'm concerned. I did not specify the person. Is that clear?
@vasa1 No, you didn't specify the person. You said things like "that user" and "this one person" ... Really charming and does a great job at getting your point across.
@vasa1 tell, what problem you have? did i do something wrong with you, or someone?
@FEichinger: What's the right thing to do if a user has had a history of annoying behaviour, many gentle reminders to the 'right' thing, many names, and gets annoyed when we mention the original name we knew him by? ;p
@JourneymanGeek Flag and move on.
I'm choosing to keep up with the gentle reminders here, of course.
And ignore if necessary.
@JourneymanGeek flag and ignore
@FEichinger: further more, I'm not entirely sure if he's sockpuppeting or not.
@JourneymanGeek mods are here to handle this
I don't want to flag blindly. I'd rather nudge the user out of the hole he's digging himself into
@user41631: oh, I'm probably talking about you if you're who I suspect you are
@JourneymanGeek Heck, I don't even know what exactly is going on, and that's kinda my point: We can't know that. That's to be left for moderators, and that's why it should be flagged instead of publicly called out.
If you arn't, my apologies.
@JourneymanGeek Flag with "I suspect this might be a sock of X" or "user seems like someone we have a bad history with, might wanna look into it".
It's up to moderators then, to determine whatever is truly the case.
And what action to take in response.
Oh No! I thought you were talking about vasa1 since a couple of minutes! What is the problem of everyone here? Mods are here to handle this! just flag and move on! they knnow the real truth
@user41631 Oh for crying out loud, stop playing innocent. We have been over this, too.
@FEichinger so?
@FEichinger: if you notice, I've not actually been hostile to @user41631 - I was just advising him on how to better his answer question
@user41631 I have no problem defending that this is a matter for moderators, but pretending to have done nothing wrong and the like doesn't help your case at all.
@JourneymanGeek I'm really not talking about you with all of this. I'm mostly talking about all of these faces that I've never seen here.
@JourneymanGeek thanks then! :)
@FEichinger: I'm familiar with most of the folk here ;p
@JourneymanGeek with me even?
other than that 1 rep gent who keeps popping in and out @user242998 : You need at least 20 rep to chat here ;p. Any site! Vamoose!
@JourneymanGeek Well, yeh, but most of the people I'm referring to haven't been all too present here before I quit. ;)
@user41631: I don't know. Lets not play games. Do I know you?
@JourneymanGeek no, not physically
I don't know anyone here physically.
Do I know you under another name on chat?
@FEichinger you've seen everyone's face?? lol
@JourneymanGeek maybe, today you saw me here
That was a direct unambigious question.
who is entering the room rapidly? its hurting my eyes
Thats what annoys people.
@JourneymanGeek okay okay
I even bothered to make it even less ambigious.
16 hours ago, by user41631
I am watching this room since last one month, i was willing to participate here and here i win!!

Althrough, for me, its too hard to earn even 20 reputation
@JourneymanGeek since one month
Ok, assuming thats true... you're not who I suspect you to be. Excellent.
If not, meh, whatever.
this user has hurting my eyes!
One more reopen vote needed: askubuntu.com/q/412396/181442
Oh, hi @Seth o/
Hey :-)
I'm on mobile so no one going to be talkative
Q: install wm2 Desktop environment on Lubuntu

user41631install wm2 Desktop enwiremanint on Lubuntu 13.10. thanks and regards phans gaye obama oye

3 hours later…
@user41631 it might be, but it all comes with tradeoffs. my happy place is xfce.
xfce is very nice, also stable, also works good on old computers even Pentium 4 (if you have at least 512MB RAM).
@karel: I've run both on a core 2 with that much ram
(I have thankfully got rid of my intel branded space-heaters Pentium IVs)
@karel i have 512 mb ram!!! but i love lxde
Has anyone here, used Chrome OS yet?
@JourneymanGeek lol at intel branded space heaters.
I was not terribly fond of those, especially when the pentium M came out
@user41631 use what's comfortable. it's about using what does what you need. if you want a robe and slippers wear them. if you'ld rather wear flip-flops, do that.
"wait. My laptop is running circles around a PC with a slightly higher clockspeed? And cooler?"
@user41631: ^ that
@hbdgaf okay :)
hell, I once had a PIII with a customised built up from ubuntu minimal openbox install.
i'm in love with compositing. i used openbox for a while to make things faster and cooler... then i just switched to a nothing nvidia ever box...
@hbdgaf: oh, this had compositing too
well for some stuff, I can't remember what I used
openbox can, but it's a pain. it works on xfce ootb. it's a price i'll accept
and IIRC cairodock
It was like a ghetto mac box ;p
openbox ootb has really weak compositing. like the built-in is just grab wallpaper for background of the composite. no layering or anything. it makes sense in a way, but it's not what i need.
i'ld be interested to see temp and power consumption comparisons between nvidia and amd comparable cards. i know what my user experience tells me ;)
openbox is a way too annoying, featureless
no wallapaper, no volume option and nothing else
i like right click on the desktop for the menu-system. that's a massive feature. add wallpaper with feh. volume with alsa-mixer. you just don't have an applet dropbox.
reads as you just have to know what you're doing
@hbdgaf different people, different likes :-P
that's what i was saying way back in use what's comfortable.
@kalina afternoon?
I've been awake 2 hours, it's definitely morning
1 hour later…
@user41631 We caught your Utkarsh/Dew account vote-rigging twice. That's why we suspended you. The reason we're deleting your new accounts is because rather than abstain for a month, you've decided to be a baby about it. Cheaters are not welcome here.
Good morning Oli :-D
@Rinzwind Morning
@Oli speaking of cheaters, that guy we flagged repeatedly for stealing content from elsewhere on the internet doesn't appear to have lost the amount of reputation he should have lost from all of the answers that were deleted
@kalina Yeah, he does
just saying, is all
@kalina But what you're saying is incorrect. He has lost reputation over it.

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