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@hbdgaf looks good ^
1 hour later…
send this to the abyss: askubuntu.com/questions/409882/…
Man, YotaPhone still isn't available in the US.. :(
why we have an askubuntu tag in meta? I mean, the topic on meta.AU is AU...
@Braiam Yeah, I remember wondering that
@Braiam Also, (just fyi) it should be spelled "shady", just one "d" ;)
@Seth chromium didn't correct the damn word and I was with my hands using the darn mouse (not willing to move to the keyboard) so I let it be...
btw, maybe I will be getting a new PSU D:
@Braiam Oh, okay. I know what that's like lol. I once mistyped "broken" as "brocken" xD
/me go to bother Shog in The Bridge
> seriously, someone thought there was a close reason for spam?!!
yep, there are those guys too...
alright, I'm done talking to psusi
A: Dependency which is missing, however package not broken?

user239243Do apt-cache depends erlang-abi-13.a # see what depends upon it and apt-cache rdepends erlang-abi-13.a # see what it depends upon Then do the same of wings3d. to see if erlang-abi-13.a is listed. Packages and requirements can get a bit mixed up when you do a Distribution updates. That mi...

@Braiam Know an answer to that?
Moderator around?
Nope :-/
maybe I can help, if it's within my powers privileges
Nope.. Migration.
You could throw a close vote on this askubuntu.com/q/409893/44179 however
fdisk requires sudo right?
err... for internal media
I always throw sudo, tho
media mounted by umount in userspace don't require sudo, media mounted at boot by init needs sudo
blkid doesn't need sudo, neither mount without parameters
I just want fdisk -l
use sudo
@Seth answered
@Braiam Cool, exactly what the OP wanted. It would be cool though if you could explain what a virtual packages is ;)
We have a tag D:
Q: Graph is too large for cairo-renderer bitmaps Error

omegaIm trying to use pyreverse to generate UML images for a project source code. When I run the pyreverse command and specify to generate png images, it runs and then after a while, it shows: dot: graph is too large for cairo-renderer bitmaps. Scaling by 0.271394 to fit dot: graph is too large for c...

@Seth srly?
o hai @RolandiXor!
@Lucio Well, what do you use? nginx?
Wow. Everyone but @RPi_Awesomeness is on.
I can just kill a chat.
Q: How to fix crashing kdenlive?

AlexI have been trying to use kdenlive for video editing on Ubuntu 13.10. However, when I try to detect scenes in the avi, kdenlive crashes after some time. Is there a way to fix kdenlive? Is there a better program than kdenlive for video editing? Maybe I can 'scan' the avi and remove bad frames be...

OK, I've made another edit. Hope this one better preserve the Q&A style. — Hibou57 15 mins ago
the "edit" is to write the answer in the question (btw, a XY problem)
@AmithKK where the...
> Is there an issue for the revolution? Can we label it as a blocker?
:/ can't find an example of a constant running thread pushing back in to a Queue that is emptied by Glib.idle_add(). Seems like it should be around though.
@AmithKK that is in my permanent awesomesauce response list
really, that was epic
@Mateo - fixed the config window disappearing. It didn't really need all the hints stuff disabled. It was just a side-effect of starting from something that was meant to be driven from a keyboard and turning it in to something you can drive either way.
2 hours later…
Q: Old questions that are now irrelevant or even completely wrong?

Jo-Erlend SchinstadI just came across this old question about Spotify: Cannot get Spotify to run. Back in 2011, we needed Premium accounts to use the Linux-version. That's no longer the case. So, what do we do with these? It's obviously not a good thing if we have lots of wrong answers.

Q: Discussion about deleting old unanswered questions of end life releases

maythuxIs it better to delete the questions that are old and with no answers which belong to end life releases?

1 hour later…
Q: How should Ask Ubuntu handle old questions and answers?

OliAsk Ubuntu will be 4 this year and as we toddle off into the future, we leave a trail of posts behind us. Some are historically excellent, some were never that good and never got answered, and some have answers that no longer apply [to a problem that might still exist]. We've just had a couple o...

read it just before you posted this :) nice one
no idea how SE deals with it (or even if they do :D ) but we might be helped with a moderator only option to mass close topics based on TAGs. That way it is possible to close all questions with no answer that are tagged 6.06 or dapper
Our version tagging isn't very consistent. They're automatically removed on sight by some reviewers. And not used by all users.
True but it would be a start :-)
2100 topics with 10.10
wow it goes down quick with 9.10 and 9.04 :D
hmm forget my idea
so it might be better based on a date
I'm hoping somebody at SE can suggest something less destructive and a whole lot more automated... Like adding some sort of banner to any questions that are over a certain age. We can't be the only site with these sorts of problems emerging.
flagged them...
@Takkat And I was happy with my 365+ consecutive days....
@Alvar you ought to stay happy - it's whole year!
my last consecutive was 265 days, then missed three days and now 365 days :P
1 hour later…
Q: How to fix kdenlive crashes on Ubuntu 13.10 during scene finding.

AlexI am new to the video editing software kdenlive and tried to use it to edit a large avi`` file. I added theaviclip and started a job to find the scenes in this avi. Halfway through the clip (after 30 minutes or so),kdenlive` suddenly crashed. How can I fix this problem? Additional information ...

Q: How to add bounty for a question?

RaviI want to add bounty to this Q but I don't find an option for the same in the Q. How to do that please? I also checked "http://askubuntu.com/help/bounty" but couldn't get a reason (Have I overlooked on this help page?).

2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek lol @ "license to carry small arms"
who's the guy learning QT? askubuntu.com/q/61018/169736
@hbdgaf just turned off the skip task bar?
the first 2 pictures from the below 4 are from which game.--link
@AvinashRaj: erm. Thats a hard drive's partitions from gparted.
Gparted is not a game. It is deadly serious.
see the below pictures under gparted
@AvinashRaj those are advertisement...
oh now they are gone
yeah, i can't see any image O_O
next time @AvinashRaj, screenshot or never happened ;)
24 mins ago, by Journeyman Geek
@AvinashRaj: erm. Thats a hard drive's partitions from gparted.
24 mins ago, by Journeyman Geek
Gparted is not a game. It is deadly serious.
I love to play with Gparted.
@AvinashRaj even more after we did not recommend a backup... it's a Russian Roulette for the drive ;)
but whoever clutters their drives in such a way may love this game :P
I hope @Oli is happy, answered 2 out 6 of those old questions
(better don't show @Takkat his own drive D:)
those were the days - sigh - when questions were real questions
@Braiam :) - I never show people my drive for similar reasons.
I really should have used LVM... I have like 10GB that can't use due being at the start/middle of the extended partition and the swaps are in the way :/
<-- has four drives of various ages for his box
Plan was to have a spare drive from where we could continue after the main drive fails... but now they all are filled up with clutter.
disk2 is my linux drive
"Healthy" suggests no issues.
oh these silly users, installs something from the PPA and expects everything to work as expected...
Oli will not tolerate it!
@hbdgaf @lucio @blade whats this about my book?
Q: Unimplemented feature in Ask Ubuntu

Avinash RajI saw an user's stack overflow profile page.I fond an additional feature in that, top 0.95% overall When i click on the link embedded inside top 0.95% overall ,it redirects me to another page which shows the corresponding User's all time rank and all time reputation. But when i see my askubu...

common people, read the darn comment... can a mod change the close reason of this? askubuntu.com/q/405736/169736
common people? lol
"come on" contraction?
c'mon is the other one
@Braiam your's
Frndz Must see this imgur.com/gallery/4kyvVVb
Good Night
Q: Where does Kali Linux mount smb shares

shanIn Ubuntu I've noticed that smb shares are stored in /home/{user}/.gvfs directory. But In Kali there is nothing in this folder. So where is the smb share folder in Kali. I've searched possible places like /mnt, /media. But I haven't found it. Could you please help me out?

@Mahesh oi, the user day on LP is today?
Tomorrow. :)
oh yep. Silly Google sending me text one day early.
Hahahah. Change your default setting.
Thanks for the reminder. I need to polish the transcript I prepared.
i have a bunch of reminders actually. 1 day / 6 hours / 1 hour on each event :P
And also ping some people in the classroom-backstage.
because i got accustomed to being nagged at that i can't live without it now
My reminders are selective. depending on event.
i ignore most reminders anyway. :/
Half an hour early for meetings when I'm likely to be idle/ in room before that, ten minutes for meetings in same building, an hour for unusual times, one day for assignments and two or so days for assignments. :P
I'm probably overdoing it, but meh, got used to it.
i too sign up for a bunch of things but never follow up :(
@jokerdino :D Then save some electrons the trouble of being pushed this way and that..
Q: no audio output from sound card to program

user239228I am a ham radio op -- running a program called fldigi. Works fine under XP, which I hate to use. However, under Ubuntu 10.04,running ALSA and Pulse Audio, I cannot get sound from the sound card coming in from the radio to go to the program. It comes through the headphones well. I also canno...

@jokerdino Should we migrate that somewhere --^
Amateur Radio said they would probably take it.. and don't know about Unix & Linux.
ham.se said it would probably get better answers elsewhere though.
Close this:
Q: Where can I find introductory material for using the command line?

Abdullahi FarahI've been very interested in Linux for a while now and Finally decided to install Ubuntu on my machine. I was wondering is there any sites or PDFs links were I could get an intro into running Terminal commands. I've looked around and can't find anything on really all around tips and commands to ...

broad or opinion based or whatever. It's getting some awful answers.
How does dconf load work? I'm trying to get it to load things from an xml file..
Whatever I try I get stuck with a > prompt.. and can't figure out what I'm missing.
@Seth I think that the problem was that we allowed THIS> askubuntu.com/q/14592/169736
> Populate a subpath from stdin
oh my.
it expect you to do so...
you maybe want to pipe the stuff using cat file.xml | dconf load /
I'm not sure that would work.. I backed this stuff up with dconf dump /org/gnome/gnome-panel/
lol, I did dconf dump / | dconf load /
in that case is dconf load /org/gnome/gnome-panel/
dconf load /org/gnome/gnome-panel/ $(cat panel-backup.xml) just gives me > again.
Nope. It just gives me nothing and doesn't do anything.
It just sits like that...
@Seth err... I didn't use $(cat ) way, but cat file | dconf otherwise the pipe will not work
use this cat panel-backup.xml | dconf load /org/gnome/gnome-panel/
the output of cat will be piped to dconf stdin
@Braiam that worked lol. I almost did that, but I thought the pipe wouldn't work quite like that. Thanks :)
Good morning people
@AmithKK I know what is it before open it, the revolutionary one for sure
It received a lot of attention, from geeks and press.
@jrg nothing really, I did a fork for some unknown reason, that was all.
@pacificfils Yes.
I'll abstain from asking about the health status of this OP.
@Seth if I'm not mistaken you have done this before, no? askubuntu.com/q/285746/169736
I thought this has been asked previously, but couldn't find anything related. If someone finds a dupe flag it!
Never heard of it but OT:
Q: How do I upgrade Turnkey Linux from 12.1 to 13.0

awashburnI have a Turnkey Linux 12.1 installation that I would like to upgrade to Turnkey Linux 13.0. The upgrade should transition from Squeeze 6.0.8 to Wheezy 7.x. I want to upgrade the Wheezy to utilize a variety of more up-to-date packages. I ran the standard: apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get ...

@Braiam, talking into the past? http://askubuntu.com/q/14592/#comment527895_14592
the user was last seen in Aug 2012 :-))
Wow. Just. Wow.
pssst. pssst. psst.
Are there spammers at AU?
dude, at this point, it's a really bad day
Anyone want to join my self-hosted email server?
@NathanOsman, everything google working fine here
@jrg Lol.
i just replicated
What is this talk about Google being down?
For a limited time, you can get [email protected]
For the low, low price of $5/year. I also accept bitcoin.
@blade19899 It's all over the interwebs right now.
So far, the only system that hasn't been affected is google play music. I can still get my music streaming
@NathanOsman Where on the interweb? everything Google works fine here!
@jrg Me too.
This. Is. Historic.
askubuntu.com/a/352615/117103 could use some downvotes /me thinks
Hey, join a google doc so we can plan the great google migration! Oh wait....
Google, G+, Google docs, Gmail works fine :/(for me)
You're doing it wrong.â„¢
I know i am. Been out the game for a week.... Stupid powerpoints!
@guntbert the question needs closure
@Braiam, which one?
this, please, close votes askubuntu.com/q/352592/169736
Best part? I can't even get my data out of gmail because it's down. Irony, right there.
k done @Braiam
ty :)
btw, gmail is up for me... so you on US are down :P
This is the beginning of the NSA revolution, isn't it?
I'm in Canada!
@NathanOsman yeh, US, canada is all the same :P
The new design is shit tho
what is gmail?
from the router point of view ;)
@falconer , Google mail ;)
@blade19899 what is Google?
@falconer a clone of Duck Duck Go
Ahh. I have my own search engine. Don't need those. dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1772911
I hate the new layout of prism-break prism-break.org/en
> Falconer 1 is a semantic Web search engine enhanced SIOC
(Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities) application, which is designed
to demonstrate the ability of accelerating the creation and reuse process of
semantic Web data with easy-to-use interfaces.
That is me
You used the word semantic 8 times!
am guessing it has something to do with sea men?!?!?
(actually that is not me, just to state before the real authors sue me. :D )
Semantics, semantics.
Yeah am done with prism-break layout is shit
@Mateo - Yes.
@jrg oh, that is why i didn't notice ;)
Looks like we have a full house in here, that's cool :)
@Mateo Also, I found a python userspace keylogger to use for getting all keystrokes instead of depending on window having focus or having to deal with clashing hotkeys.
Now I just have to figure out inter-thread callbacks, so I'm not polling a queue constantly. I know how to do it with queues and and the threading module, but I'm not so sure on using Glib.idle_add with queues. Pretty sure that's how you're supposed to do it. Just haven't actually had to do that before.
How does one set a string value to NULL in gsettings? I must be doing it wrong.
\x00 maybe?
Oh, [""] worked.
@hbdgaf I'll have to try that.
it's just a null terminator... so it should work in theory
errno is probably a copy paste from the terminal. i've seen that. it wasn't snark... if that's what you're asking.
@hbdgaf I was just trying to figure out if it was "error number" abbreviated or not.
it is.
ok I'll change it back
@jrg Can you see if it would be possible to migrate this:
Q: No audio output from sound card to program

user239228I am a ham radio op -- running a program called fldigi. Works fine under XP, which I hate to use. However, under Ubuntu 10.04, running ALSA and Pulse Audio, I cannot get sound from the sound card coming in from the radio to go to the program. It comes through the headphones well. I also cann...

Either Amateur Radio or Unix & Linux I'd think.
I'm guessing it's an Ubuntu problem not an amateur radio problem. He probably has his mic on mute and his output channel needs to be mono instead of stereo or something.
It's EOL, but if we migrated an EOL question we'ld be migrating crap.
@Seth did you voted to dupe?
@Braiam, is this cool or do you have any other suggestions?
@Mateo - do you want a website for the tool as it progresses?
@blade19899 err... yeah, that those links doesn't have the information I referenced...
@Braiam Both links now redirect to the current one. And the canonical doesn't show a search bar. So can't search for assurance terms :/
@blade19899 I fixed it...
check it now
@Braiam Looks good
> Details about Rosewood Handle Wall Scraper, Stainless Steel w/4" Blade 19899 - ebay
Apparently am for sale, and I only cost US $8.89
@Braiam no actually, I'll do that.

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