I had forgotten all about it. No, it doesn't happen anymore. I will check with my coworkers to see what's been changed on the local network to have fixed the issue. — That Brazilian Guy1 min ago
@Braiam - TY for the feedback on the incorrect dupe suggestions, I have found a better option for the gentleman with the dual GeForce cards and suggested it to him in lieu of a duplication flag.
i missed the edit vandalism, but the counterpoint is the OP if not an anonymous user could have said something on meta about it and got the question reopened.
@minerz029 I doubt it. It's a traipse to get to 2k, and the latter edit was a rollback by the OP. The rollback makes me think it's someone minimally obfuscating the fact that they're two people.
@hbdgaf Yeah, it did. 'Page not found' I couldn't see it anymore. I did roll it back to the original (actual) question, then the OP rolled back to the spam one.
bug in stackexchange? even if a question is hard nuked and you can't see it any more the revisions page is still available? or is it my ISP cache-ing? askubuntu.com/posts/402522/revisions
I want to add the Apache user (www-data) to the audio group. I've read the man page for useradd, but I'm not having any luck. I'm running xubuntu 11.10. Here's what I'm doing:
$ sudo useradd -G audio www-data
useradd: user 'www-data' already exists
If I leave out the -G option, bash, prints th...