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Q: diff --git unkown option

user275941when I try to run diff --git a/drivers/cpufreq/intel_pstate.c b/drivers/cpufreq/intel_pstate.c index 07f2840..1ce506a 100644 I get unknown option (i have installed git via apt-get install git) Thanks for your help.

4 hours later…
Q: Communtiy rejecting seeminly valid edits

TrailRiderThe following (partial)screenshot more or less states my question... The question was edited by the OP who added the terminal output in an unreadable copy and paste. It was subsequently edited by another user just as I was going to add the code blocks to make the output readable. I, of course ...

@NathanOsman I committed a few days ago
@chaskes Thanks.
anyone please help me
is no one here to help me?
4 hours later…
It's quiet here :P
less than silence almost ;)
yea B|
1 hour later…
@Takkat hi dear, i want to talk to you but you arent online , what is the est time to talk to you?
@Utkarsh I am online 24/7 ;)
no you are not @takkat :+)
-- case proven :+)
@Takkat you are online now also>
@Takkat are you?
2 hours later…
@Mitch you must use udisksctl unmount ;)
you were near ;)
1 hour later…
@Braiam so you would do udisksctl --unmount , and then sudo udisks --detach
no, udisksctl doesn't need dash, just typing unmount is enough
So udisksctl unmount , and then sudo udisks --detach?
yeah, udiskctl doesn't need su, but udisks directly needs to
wait... why --detach?
For safe removal. Or just udisksctl unmount is enough?
-- detach Detaches (e.g. powering down the physical port the device is connected to) the device represented by device_file using a comma-separated list of options.
mm... with USB's I dunno, but in disks it works just fine...
if it's a drive with multiple partitions mounted I would leave it at unmount...
lemme check
nah, dettach is overkill... unmount is enough
also, saferemove seems that doesn't use detach either
So does it look OK now?
Cool, Thanks
Thanks, again..
nah, don't sweat it ;)
Q: Finding and using an Ubuntu RTS5139 Card Reader driver for use on Fedora

wilfI have a Lenovo G570 laptop, on which I run Fedora 19 (3.11.8-200.fc19.i686.PAE kernel) one one hard disk, and used to run Ubuntu 12.04 on an external. The Fedora one I use for work, while I use the Ubuntu one for programming my Raspberry Pi. On 12.04, the SD card reader did not work. BUT, I h...

is this offtopic?
he basically wants an answer for fedora :-P
@Rinzwind he crossposted... unless we act faster then UL guys there it will be closed...
so we nuke it as offtopic?
I do like it when people put things like "I am posting this elsewhere - Unix and Linux, Fedora, etc - so please don't do the usual punching of the down button please." .... saves me looking for the crosspost _O-
@Oli around?
nope :+)
oh well... any mod will do D:
any idea?
disputed an invalid flag?
everything gets disputed
Q: Am I using the "Invalid Flag" flag wrongly?

MattIt seems that each time I've flagged a flag as an "Invalid Flag", it's been disputed. I know that this doesn't affect my flag weight, but that's not why I'm starting this topic; I'm worried that I'm using the feature wrong, and generally confused as to why this is happening The question here ...

> Community is one of the noisiest flaggers we have
here... not such thing...
Good NIght
@Seth lol I know :)
sup peeps
@FreedoofSpeechProphet - is that Rolandixor? I thought I recognized your tone in the logs
Hey, this has to be the most obvious thing, but it's stumping me: I'm on Ubunto 12.04, and I've got three file browsing windows minimized. When I click on the icon on the panel (which has three little markers indicating the three windows), only one window comes back. How do I get the other two file browsing windows back without closing one?
In Windows 7, besides having the small versions appear to select from, you can also Ctrl+Click to cycle through the stacked items.
@Dane just click again and you will have a preview of your three windows to choose from to open in addition.
Thanks! I've now realized that my control setup was screwing that up.
Q: sfdisk failing to write partition to disk

chromedudeI am trying make my microSD card bootable to Ubuntu. I am trying to use sfdisk to create the partitions. When I do that this is the error I am getting: Using sfdisk to create partition layout ----------------------------- Checking that no-one is using this disk right now ... OK Disk /dev/sdb: 3...

hiya @NathanOsman
Doctor Who 50th anniversary episode was brilliant :)
@Braiam dutch :+)
> 6 flags (offensive): post is locked, deleted, and the first revision owner loses 100 reputation.
Hard to get with 6 views only.
revision owner?
The user who posted it.
First revision is the OP
I'm sorry for that comment. That was far too tempting.
@kalina got a extra flag? askubuntu.com/q/381359/169736?
@Mateo ... O_O
@Mateo you shouldn't edit offensive posts, the system does it for you when it deletes them
well, it is a real question...
i still flagged it
well, he called me "cunt"... even if I know the answer I wouldn't answer it..
irrelevant, by editing it (a) it won't get deleted (b) the offensive content is still visible to world+dog by checking the edit history
By editing the post, you fundamentally break the system
don't forget the cat...
btw, where are those?
It could have been a dupe if he wan't so upfront about it...
if a user comes along and speaks to use like that, flag it as offensive and let the system auto delete it
certain users don't need Stack Exchange's help
yesterday, by Journeyman Geek
@Takkat ok but he is on 1 and stays on 1 :P
it's like spam, if you edit out spam, the spammer has succeeded at spamming because their spam remains in the edit history
As I understand it also a rollback of an edit will revert all flags. So we really should not edit spam or offensive stuff
@Takkat I'm not sure it's all, afaik it reverts the flag count to what it was at the post you roll back to
I could be wrong though
They said somthing like that here: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/110030/…
At the end of the day: Don't edit what you flagged.
@Takkat hm, well that is different then. I thought it was on the edge because it being a real question - but if that could happen...
if a post is offensive or spam, that overrides trying to salvage it
yeah - I learned that too some day when I felt we should edit out the spam or whatever to make it not appear on Google. Bad stuff needs flags, flags, flags, flags, flags, flags - pooofff
@Takkat the post still gets indexed, the edit history is just one link away and does (as far as I know) get crawled as part of the indexing
well, spam is diffrent - but if I go flagging everything with one swear word in it...
editing it out only damages the chance that it will get enough flags to vanish
still, I wouldn't involve myself with such post, if I came innocently and answer the question and it don't work (for whatever reason) OP will be snarkily at me...
yeah - spam often survives for weeks in Google caches.
let me remove it... before someone comes and flag it :(
I was tempted, just to see if it would get validated
Lets try it, I going to go flag swear words!
I am now locked out of two review queues on Arqade
for reviewing too many things today
oh I forgot I'm talking in the channel of an active site
bah... I got once just at just 2 more late answer + reopen votes queue left....
I suppose it's not such a big deal and you guys get locked out of them frequently
Over on Arqade though, while I have 20 first posts reviewed, the person in #2 has 8
those are the only two steward badges that I don't have :(
that is an unfortunate typo: askubuntu.com/questions/331867/…
@Braiam I had two steward badges on Arqade before I deleted my account
now I have none
makes me so sad
Soon! I will have 3, though
@kalina You should have just not deleted your account.
well, whatever
if I hadn't deleted my account
I'd have all six by now
and >35k rep
and be the top voter, top editor, top flagger
I had to give somebody else the chance to achieve something
Yeh, you would have won the site.
I already did win the site
I'm still going to win the site
it's just going to take a bit longer
@kalina you still have to beat Jon Skeet...
@Braiam Easy, Jon Skeet doesn't use Arqade
Huh, I just realized I'm still called fbueckert on SO.
in The Bridge, 18 secs ago, by Braiam
(imagine a world where Jon Skeet uses Arqade)
Also, weren't you going to sleep, @kalina?
I tried, a dog jumped on me
so I got out of bed, angry
... Again?
That dog really doesn't learn, does it?
@Mateo this looks likke a terrible tag that should be immediately burned
@Mateo What does it represent? I don't remember anything called "MultiMediaUbuntu"
someone tried to type multimedia - ubuntu and forgot the space...
And even then, it should not be a tag like that.
, at best.
yeah, it is not even a distribution.
Meh, I can't edit it without going through the queue. Thank you, SE! >.>
@Takkat really?
@Braiam I can't believe out of all of the faults in this post you only removed a tag
@Braiam really.
@kalina The more edits, the merrier.
@Takkat I would have flag that as opinion based... also only have 15 views D:
@Braiam I think they misread the donation page on Ubuntu
Anyway, food time.
> which ingredients would best work
They may have got the impression they get a customized Ubuntu on what they chose to donate
he meant flavor?
@FEichinger I am the best editor
heck, I'm not in Seasoned Advice
Thought they could "buy" more - because instant gratification would be nice on "Make the desktop more amazing" and only the most amazing at $125!
@kalina I'm sorry, I don't want to stroke your ego too much.
So I'm not going to answer.
Pay more to get rid of all bugs including bug #1
@FEichinger too late...
@FEichinger that's basically like a compliment
@Takkat bug #1 has been solved
I know.
@kalina sigh
Ubuntu that works better than Windows? BRB DONATING $666
@kalina According to Shuttle, it does.
@FEichinger he's wrong
@kalina I agree with you.
I would have left it at "triaged"
At least I can partition a hard disk in Windows on my first attempt without having to drop to a terminal and use some crappy nonsensical command line disk partitioning software that doesn't even support the size of my hard disk and corrupted my partition table
Man... EN totally wiped out the portals near where I live...
huh? EN? Electric Neardental?
EN == Enlightened.
"EN standards, European standards for products and services by European Committee for Standardization: see List of EN standards" ? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EN
The game you actually have to go out?
Away from your cosy keyboard?
<-- not for me
I always think about doing it on my way to university ... And then I forget about it again.
There may be forgotten portals on your way!
It works particularly good for me since I live in a very crowded area and have unlimited data on my cell plan.
@FEichinger it kinda requires you stop at specific locations for several minutes to 'hack' and allow your abilities to cooldown
so train/car/public transport/moving fast are in compatible with gameplay
@kalina It's not really a problem with my route.
unless you happen to stop very precisely within range of portals
it will be a problem
I have either 3 or 6 switches, depending on the direction. That's plenty of time.
it doesn't work like that
you don't get to choose where you play the game
the game tells you to go to a location
Last I opened Ingress (which, to be fair, was quite a while ago) it didn't "tell me where to go". And around here, portals are pretty much all over the place.
well then you suck
Your face sucks.
what do I even say to that
I dunno. Nothing would be an option.
hm, ask a time sensitive question - 2min later a comment has a answer - user already rebooted? askubuntu.com/questions/381383/…
@Braiam Instructions unclear, almost flagged answer as offensive.
@FEichinger ¬_¬
@Braiam What? It's conditioned by now: "nuke" + Link = Trigger muscle-memory autoflag.

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