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iiiii don't think so :P
was about time, my launchpad karma was about to fall below 1000 points
how can karma fall?
not that this is of any importance :D
it's just an activity indicator
just looked at mine: indeed it fell - dramatically!
imagine AU rep always only show rep from the last four months
there's no ~takkat
last time I looked karma was at 1400 or so...
but i haven't done much in the last few months
i've been lazy too
stupid AU
most karma I got from my own project that nobody is interested in :P
I published blueprints and pushed to bzr - all good for karma
@Takkat I had 2k karma, but I have also dropped
even you - that consoles
mine came from being a guinea pig for the first unity
and the appmenu
I maintain Chromify-OSD on LP so that has definitely helped
i opened almost 100 bug reports in maverick and ~60 in natty :D
doing packaging and co gets you much more points
I always dream of putting my project in a ppa - but then this means so much work to do
tried it once, never again :P and then you need to wait so long for it to build...
I wouln'd mind the waiting but I am sure it will be refused - then the work starts
and by publishing through ppa I wouldn't see how many people downloaded it
at least now I know
what are you using now? git?
I use bzr on lp
publish the deb there and can see how many downloads there were
oh and I do sometimes check with popcon - if I want to be depressed :P
late it is, to bed must i go. may the force with you be. :*)
Good night @htorque CU tomorrow if absorbers let me
if absorbers let ME
@Takkat PPA automated builds = WIN
if they accept it - I have too many errors I believe. Debian is sooo picky
Mouse Click Problem http://bit.ly/kgwUGJ #1104
This rules
A: I need mathematical proof that the distance from zero to 1 is the equal to the distance from 1 to 2

Zev Chonoles I am so upset that I want to punch him in the face This would be an understandable (although inadvisable) reaction. Here are a few responses I recommend you give to him: "Define what you mean by 'exists'." "Define what you mean by '1'." "Define what you mean by 'distance'." "Prove that 1 e...

it rules! :D
Good night all - hard day ahead tomorrow (dentist appointment)
@Takkat Goodbye!
yeah of course Flacky you have no teeth...
community boosted a question that is very outdated
Q: Acer 7551g - hibernation and suspending don't work

gonzunioIssue is quite the same like here, I've tried everything I found and nothing happens. If I use uswsusp, suspending works good, but graphics doesn't wake up, when I want to hibernate system, it tells me "Looking for splash system... none s2disk:snapshotting system" and nothing happens. I'm using...

11.04 alpha :)
@Takkat +1
@MarcoCeppi new name for the tweetbot? :(
@Charlie @marcoCeppi charlie, mouse hihihihi.....
goodnight @FlackBot
@Alvar See you later, Alvar.
:D:D:D:D I really should build one myself ;-)
it w
@RolandTaylor what?
@Alvar You should.
Then they can argue together.
@Marco: Ping!
I have a question about the Twitter bot here.
@GeorgeEdison Pong!
I didn't rename him if that's what you're asking
I know :P
I personally liked Worst Questions Ever
That's not what I had in mind... feel free to rename him.
What I wanted to ask, is if he can be replaced.
Oh, what did you have in mind good sir
FlackBot can post Tweets now.
Replaced how?
Maybe I can set FlackBot to post the tweets instead.
Then we have one less bot in here.
Just a thought.
I'll confer with the other two - this is one which I'm too biased on :)
Up up and away!
@TheX 1
@RolandTaylor !
what's up bro?
@RolandTaylor not much, just getting ready to eat supper.
upgraded my RAM today to 5gbs.
is eating dinner
nedit is soooo ugly.
@TheX sweet :D
where did you find that D:?
I inherited a broken computer
lolol soz I meant George - but oh :P
@TheX so wait, it had 1GB RAM inside?
it had 3
and I had 3
but I didn't have enough slots for all 6
so I settled for 5
I wish I had 5/6GB...
Actually... the one I inherited is something like 2.2 ghz... mine was 2.3...
but I only had 2 slots in mine...
for ram
so I took everything and put it on the one I inherited
free upgrades with every "inherit"
so I lost .1ghz processor speed but gained 2 gbs of ram
Definitely worth it.
@GeorgeEdison I thought so.
I only have 2GB of RAM.
if you think about it - that .1 Ghz would matter on Windows...
thank God for Linux
@RolandTaylor actually I haven't been able to detect a difference in Windows...
Installing Ubuntu now, so we shall see
My CPU runs at 1.6 GHz and Windows eats it for lunch!
now = a little later

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