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um, wow... user "un-deleted" his post? askubuntu.com/review/close/168346 ...
why? are people reading questions in review?
Isn't this a dupe?
Q: Nvidia driver - After install - No unity or black screen with cursor

user201138I'm using Ubuntu 13.04 x64, I've tried many distros based on Ubuntu/Debian as well. For example: Mint 13,14,15 KDE & Cinnamon, Kubuntu, Xubuntu etc. My graphic cards: - Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (DEFAULT) - NVIDIA GeForce GT635M 2GB (Need to be installed correctly) I was looki...

@Seth probably of the black/purple screen hell-dupe
we have a sound developing/maker tag?
where is the how to compile software from sources?
1 hour later…
@BrunoPereira I was going over your answer on how to install ATI drivers
Q: Is my ATI graphics card supported in Ubuntu?

Bruno PereiraI have an ATI graphics card and I want to know if it is supported and what kind of drivers should I be running to get the best features out of it. Is my card supported in Ubuntu and what drivers will work with my card?

I wonder if there is a brute-force MD5 hashing utility for AMD GPUs...
aaand.. I tried the first one. When I did reboot my PC, it said that I cal either be in low gfx mode or use default
so, I chose default
now trying ATI prop drivers
Please add to the answer that generating the package using sh ./amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/oneiric is time consuming :)
and I get system problems when I use the properitory drivers
@NathanOsman Hey there
there is
1 hour later…
Q: Simulate x-screen?

TyzoidI'm working in a koding terminal running ubuntu 13.04, and I'm trying to run an application that requires an x-screen (even to run in terminal mode). I am unable to connect with x11 forwarding, and I'm wondering if there is a workaround that will allow me to run this application (lmms). $ lmms ...

2 hours later…
Q: Overwritten MBR: Is partial/complete recovery possible?

devendraI have a Sony VIAO laptop setup as dual boot (Ubuntu 12.10/Windows 7). Since I wanted to try Archlinux, I installed VirtualBox in Ubuntu. To create a bootable USB stick (from the ISO image on my hard drive), I followed the instructions from archlinux installation guide. However, accidentally gave...

1 hour later…
@LittleChild That works mainly for releases until 12.04 LTS. What is your release and what card do you have?
Hello, any ideas on securely wiping a drive (or partition) so (inter)national agencies or other third parties can't recover anything (substantial)?
@StefanDenchev strictly speaking the only secure way is to melt your disk in acid.
but if a little risk is okay, do a wipe with zeroes.
data is theoritically recoverable by predicting the status prior to wipe, but if there's anyone that determined, this conversation never happened.
Umm, no multiple passes gutman, etc.?
Q: How to delete file(s) in secure manner?

user20296Is there a way to make sure that a deleted file can not be recovered? As you know, deleting a file by pressing shift-del or using trash doesn't mean that file is gone forever. It resides somewhere in the computer. In day to day life, law enforcement or thieves use recovery programs to reveal o...

Good day to all
usually single pass wipe is secure enough for most purposes.
o/ @Takkat
Good morning.
<-- waves back :)
The multiple pass thing is a myth from times where Floppy Disks were still around.
Huh, i still remember a tool (not the name though) that did a 54-pass thing...
So just using the wipe command (one pass) should be enough in your opinion, then?
Alright, thanks...
if some one is determined and resourceful enough to get to your data, dissolving it in acid is the only safe option. But assuming the NSA is not after you, a single pass wipe is secure enough.
The legal guides still adhere to the old view.
I wouldnt put unencrypted sensible data on a SSD however
And what if (for argument's sake) they are? And it's a magnetic disk, yeah.
Oh my, how many pages is that?
"Pages pp 243-257" Huh?
Many but the essence is that there is only little chance to recover a single byte on a modern hard drive once it was overwritten.
Not speaking of more than a byte.
But I have no idea how advanced the agencies are when it comes to spy out people.
A byte can be a lot...
01010011 yeah sure.
@StefanDenchev subject the disk to strong varying magnetic fields for prolonged periods.
Use a drill.
Haha, thought of that, don't have access to any electormagnets that strong atm...
@Takkat nah. data will still be recoverable using sensitive probes.
Who would take the effort to scan a platter with a bore hole?
@Takkat Apparently not very 'dvanced if they need third parties to spread their tentacles...
@Takkat if I am NSA and I am after you, I will.
Mhm, me too... Plus you might not get the disk at all...
I will get all your data from Google caches. Your drive is irrelevant then.
yup that.
screw the internet.
Good point... That's why i ddg a lot...
I guess lemon juice is bad for a hard drive platter.
Or give it to your kids.
not bad enough.
Lemon juice? uksus ftw :P...
Fire and ice.
People did put their drives in microwave ovens.
Poor oven.
Nah, doubt they have any hard drives at game of thrones...
Damn, i can't wait to the 17th...
A far more interesting question is how to secure our data to still be recoverable in 200 years time.
Umm, write it on paper?
Or stone tablets?
@StefanDenchev I am still on 12.04 on my desktop.
The iStone tablet :D
Poor soul :P...
But I have 13.10 on a VM there - it actually performs extremely well.
Hi. How can I send an output file from mpack? (mpack -o ouput.txt)
Umm, i tested the dev server a few weeks ago and it was great too.., As i said, i can't wait... I'm officially wiping windows off my drive on the 18th... Gonna throw a party :P...
mail it? pastebin it? put it up on a server somewhere?
@StefanDenchev yay!!!
@StefanDenchev Windows? Is that an OS?
No idea :P...
Send it to who or what, @MeinAccount?
Just host it on dropbox :P...
@StefanDenchev I create an email with mpack [...] -o output.txt. With mpack I can't specify the sender so I would like so send it with something else.
@MeinAccount Just send output.txt
But how?
er.. email, pastebin, dropbox?
And why are you sending malware?
@AmithKK There is no email programm... Is there any speciall parameter for mail.
Just use python, should have some nice library...
mpack is (also) a command, silly...
@AmithKK I'm not! I have spend the last hours trying to send an gpg encrypted email from my server to myself.
That mpack. Really sorry :)
The only one I know was the malware :P
Nothing else has worked... mail, sendmail, mutt, metasend
Why would you need to send yourself encrypted emails anyway? Why not use ssh?
Automated backups from the server
Umm, in that case you'd want to look into a secure hosting solution.
Doesn't dropbox have a CLI client?
Amazon should be good enough i thing...
@AmithKK I've got that part working. But I would like to specify the sender of the email which is not possible with mpack
No clue :)... It's not secure though...
Don't use email, seriously...
Oh, wait...
Why not use the python gmail lib, and then use that to send stuff?
I think i misunderstood you...
My hosting solution should be secure enough. But why not make additional backups.
You just want to send yourself the location of the file, right... Silly me.
On email???

import smtplib
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email import Encoders
import os

gmail_user = "[email protected]"
gmail_pwd = "your_password"

def mail(to, subject, text, attach):
   msg = MIMEMultipart()

   msg['From'] = gmail_user
   msg['To'] = to
   msg['Subject'] = subject


   part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
   part.set_payload(open(attach, 'rb').read())
Don't be ridiculous...
@StefanDenchev No, I want to email mysql the file with an encrypted attachment. Mpack does this without problems. But I would like to specify the sender of the email.
Mhm, knew python had it in it...
Can you make the encrypted file @MeinAccount
I'm just saying email is not a good idea in this case... Of course it would work...
@AmithKK Yes, I've got everything working. But mpack doesn't allow me to set the sender. So I figured I could use the -o output-parameter and email it with another program.
@StefanDenchev Why not? Gmail gives me enough space.
Umm, did you see the code Amith posted?
@MeinAccount: does it have to be email?
You could use drive though (i.e. google drive)... If you're intent on doing it anyway...
Yes, thanks @AmithKK.
you could just encrypt it yourself, and use bitorrentsync
(which is encrypted anyway)
@JourneymanGeek automated backups
Finished all the review tasks °͜°
Umm, congrats, i guess ^_^...
@MeinAccount: erm. Backups get created at location. Backups get synced
all for increasing the number on the top
that is the human condition
I'm currently using btsync with a raspi so I can torrent things there and have them uploaded to my desktop when its running
I don't have anything to backup °͜°, I've never backed up anything.
Why is everybody using pi these days...
/me can't remember the compose sequence for pi
@StefanDenchev: cheap, low power
That must be nice...
@JourneymanGeek My server should create the backups and send myself them. - Working
But mpack doesn't allow me to specify the sender of the email. That's why I would like to use the -o output parameter and send it with another program.
Not irc...
actually, thinking of replacing it with either a cubiboard, or a Odroid eventually
As i said, mail is a bad idea in this case imo...
but at 35 dollars (granted, plus shipping), its pretty damned cheap
Drives, etc...
Thank you for your time. I'll guess I'll leave it as it is.
@StefanDenchev: lower power than an atom system
and you'll need drives anyway
So i can't enter anybody else then?
@StefanDenchev I ?
@StefanDenchev: what do you run your long running tasks on? ;p
So they gave you 110k characters... So, you use them...
Yup, thanks to XCompose® (that ® makes it look more fancy, isn't it?)
I should change the R in my name to ®.
Pretty that so i can star it, please...
pretty what?
The link.
and how does one pretty a link?
the other way round :P
oh no, it said less than 9 seconds for editing
I scuttled my keys like as if a bomb was about to explode
Delete an repost, then ;).
(The .xcompose file**)[github.com/kragen/xcompose]
Thank you ^_^.
What do you mean, JourneymanGeek?
I used to think my pronouncation of ubuntu was wrong; so I changed it to how the western people speak it. then I saw in the ubuntu pronouncation by nelson mandela, that how I spoke it before was correct.
I don't pronounce it :P...
(not on the OS, but the idea of ubuntu)
one person spitted and the spit almost reached
thankfully I twisted my body and avoided it
though I should have recognized the warning sound
That a metaphor???
not a metaphor, but a reality in India
Oh my...
first the indian makes a monstrous noise "kwhaaa"
then after careful positioning of the spit, he shoots it at a high speed towards a suitable place (read: the ground/pavement)
So pronounce the u like an o or oo, then...
though ofcourse it's impossible to explain pronouncation in english, it's way easier in other languages such as spanish or hindi
a letter is pronounced differently in a word
I have no problem explaining/understanding it...
You should try learning french :P...
when are the U.S. Congressmen/women going to get their act together?
it's been almost a week I think
it seems almost ludicrous
la croix ftw :P...
it's 13th day since the event it seems
almost two weeks
starting alien arena, a game
hopefully there might be some real players
(when playing with the bot I feel like a super-pro)
Hmm, that spitting thing is pretty messed up, Ramchandra... 'Got a nickname btw?
a power cut occurred, so my modem went down
Oh, that's a two word name, didn't know that...
This article is on Indian Trade Unionist Baba Ram Chandra. For the Ghadarite leader and editor of Hindustan Ghadar, see Ram Chandra Bharadwaj. Baba Ram Chandra (born 1864) was an Indian trade unionist who organised the farmers of Oudh, India into forming a united front to fight against the abuses of landlords in the 1920s and 1930s. He was also an influential figure in the history of Fiji, and owed his inspiration to take up the cause of the down-trodden to his 12 years as an indentured labourer in Fiji and to his efforts to end the indenture system. His real name was Shridhar Balwant Jod...
I dunno who's he.
agh my gpu locked up again
and I got an intel card specifically so that I wouldn't have graphics problems
Me neither... Seems he's indian though... Geez get a better rig, dude...
I use a <400 $ laptop
though intel is good enough for open-source games and light gaming
[tf2 works on it]
What??? My laptop cost 3 times as much and it's considered pretty cheap...
i think it's better to have a cheap system, then when new technologies come, one can buy newer ones
[technology changes fast]
I was just going to ask about specs, but never mind ^_^...
though I really don't know why people seem to hate intel cards
Nah, it's better to earn lots of money so you can always afford the best/newest stuff :P
That's not too bad, though...
my mom is spying on me
i'm only 13
i'm quite money-minded
it has 4 gb memory, 500 gb hard disk
i3-2348M processor, bluetooth 4.0
Intel HD 3000 graphics card
logging out/in to fix gpu lockup issue
Mhm, as i said not too bad, especially for that price.
better restart, I got 230 mb of updates
it can run tf2, though the game was created in 2007
why do you need a 1200$ computer?
like are you doing a six billion neuron AI cluster?
or analyzing 10 GBs of DNA?
riddle: my mom has an about 1000$ laptop, yet she likes my laptop more than hers.
Hah, as i said that's considered pretty cheap... So the real question is why go cheaper?
why not?
afaik it was one of the cheapest ones (we ordered from lowest to highest price)
Why yes?
it comes with a 1.2 MP camera and a microphone too
@StefanDenchev: oh for say, local web servers or torrent downloads. I kinda don't like the idea of leaving my main machines on overnight
nothing wrong with leaving your machine overnight
Yeah, i use a dedicated server + vms...
@RamchandraApte: uses up quite a bit more power
after all, you paid it to use it, not to let it get dust
that's the advantage of laptops, they use less power
my main desktop is a core i7 3770 so..
@RamchandraApte: not too fond of laptops, have a thinkpad x220 at the moment
next one is likely to be a chromebook of some flavour
Just get one of those self-sustaining houses (wind&sun power, etc.) or buy your own nuclear power plant :P...
why not get a cycling-to-power machine?
(the HP one looks nice - cheapish, VERY good screen)
(you cycle on it and it'll generate power)
@RamchandraApte: while asleep? ;p
or plug it to a battery
the world could use less obese people anyways
That's not a word :P...
And agreed, it definitely could...
old laptops arn't too bad for the same thing I guess
even have a built in battery backup ;p
what advanced computation/gaming do you people do with your high-end rigs?
another power cut occurred, the power has been switched to the mains
I game ;)
Wow, living in india sounds like fun... Not...
oh and I run a lot of VMs
we have a generator, so the power cuts aren't too problematic
(our apartment has a generator)
Lets see, I have OS/2, windows 98, 2K (and up), Haiku...
Yeah games mostly...
why did you expect india to have 24x7 power?
@RamchandraApte: heh, yanno, there was a period when India had very little power cuts
And vms for dev, etc...
then, massive population and industrial growth, and inept governance.
Shh, he's 13 :P...
maybe too young to remember then ;p
remember what?
india always had power cuts, i'm pretty sure of that
See, now you shocked the poor kid ^_^...
@RamchandraApte: it was REALLY bad in the 80s
then it got better
Yeah and the earth has always spun around the sun... Oh wait...
ofc, india has always been bad
and now, least where my relatives are in TN, its back down to ~80s standards
TN=Tamil Nadu?
ofc, that's how india is.
I'm singaporean
and naturally, it varies with state
are they in chennai?
Damn, my ear stopped working...
some states have almost no powercuts
how much internet cap do you have if any?
they're elsewhere
mine has 16 GB cap, after that the speed will become lower (16 Mbit speed though °͜°)
No idea, I'm currently in singapore.
My phone has a 12gb cap ;p
Hey, that's interesting, what's your internet speed, guys? I don't have a bandwidth cap...
right now we're in the trial offer peroid
I THINK we're at 25 mb/s
but we're still stuck on cable
after that the plan we are opting will make the bandwith 9 GB
25 mb/s wow °͜°
fiber starts at 100 mbps.
ours claims to be "fiber"
@RamchandraApte: oh, we have a fiber point at home
we're just currently on a contract so, waiting for that to end
though after the cap the speed is 512 kbps-1 mbit
not too bad
bye lunch
I pay 10 eur/month, you?
we payed 2000 rs for 6 months for the trial offer
[use google to convert currencies]
I know :P...
60 sgd a month, but thats including cable.
Wow, india is cheap...
Or did you omit a zero there...
Singapore is second...
Bulgaria used to be 5th a few years ago, with about 49mbps but i guess a lot of folks in the country got internet...
Not in these statistics it seems though... Hmm...
I meant 40 mbps btw...
Q: Gnome install problem

user201100I am learning using ubuntu. I don't know what happened but now my computer does not open. There is a message on the down right side of the computer that reads: Install problem The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your computer admin...

I didn't omit a 0.
that's the trial offer I said
after 6 months we'll have to go for a normal plan
As i said: cheap...
(700 ₹ month)
Similar offers here are about 60eur...
india isn't cheap; everything in western countries are costly
That's plus setup ofc.
at least from my point of view °͜°
minimum wage is about 2$/day
u.s. minimum wage would be a good job here
I don't watch too many videos, they take up too much bandwith
(especially this website's custom video player might use > 360p quality and buffer too much
(I use 360p quality when watching videos)
Yeah i doubt it even has 360p...
I don't mind using 480p, but for good videos, not for some random video.
the billing cycle month is ending ☺
(when it's close to ending; i'll download all thte stuff I want to)
(that way I get the low speed only for a day or two)
any kubuntuians here?
No, but i use kde occasionally...
@RamchandraApte ditto :P
tip:whenever one is building a program; use makeinstall
(it'll make a package so that one can easily uninstall the program)
you mean checkinstall
1 hour later…
A: How can I reliably erase all information on a hard drive?

johnThe only NIST approved method to securely erase a hard drive is by utilizing the secure erase internal command - documented at the Center for Magnetic Recording Research (CMRR) - and that is what everyone should be doing. It is an ATA command, and covers (S)ATA interfaces. After that, you can op...

recommended by the NSA :P
@BrunoPereira 64 bit 12.04 LTS. I have AMD HD Radeon 4550 (switchable with Intel) as I am on a notebook
1 hour later…
oh lord. i just posted a question on SO. let the maelstrom begin.
lol 2 views as compared to 356 views of the iOS question a minute later.
uh - I was in interesting view mode... shrug
i suspect this is just a test bug not a performance bug: bugs.launchpad.net/django-openid-auth/+bug/1170355 it probs just needs a package fork to allow for new admin test paths.
@LittleChild those chipsets are not supported by the drivers, unless you can completely disable the intel card in your bios then you cannot use the fglrx driver
Q: Is it possible to import vmail folder from old iRedMail to new iRedMail installation?

KalstramsBasically, what I did: Copied vmail folder to my local machine. Reinstalled my VPS. Installed iRedMail again. Created same users on the same domain. Question is - can I somehow copy over my old vmail folder in new one to import the old emails ? Ubuntu 12.04, iRedMail 0.8.5 on postgresql. Pre...

1 hour later…
1 hour later…
hey guys
I don't want to start new question on multiple sites so can anyone answer superuser.com/questions/659177/…
How can I undo tha change made by the following command:
: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gwendal-lebihan-dev/cinnamon-stable

: sudo apt-get update

: sudo apt-get install cinnamon nemo
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