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@user320 do you have issues now?
yep, Kernal Panic
Did it remove any packages before installing cinnamon and nemo?
nope, just ran those commands like the instructions said
so, any ideas on how to undo that mess ^
It usually says soandso many ... packages to install ... soandso many packages to delete or something like that.
If it removed standard packages we may have to reinstall these. Otherwise just purge cinnamon and nemo again.
I am a noob. What commands should I run to fix this?
This would be the 5th time I have to reinstall Ubuntu
sudo apt-get purge cinnamon nemo will remove those packages. But watch out for other dependencies it may also want to remove.
Or try with ppa-purge - this will also remove the ppa and reset to defaults.
sudo ppa-purge ppa:gwendal-lebihan-dev/cinnamon-stable
for the last command I get an error sudo: ppa-purge: command not found
sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
its not installed by default.
yep, thanks
A noob matures to an Ubuntero by fixing his mistakes.
So I am going to try the last command first
No guarantee it will work, as still other packages may have been removed. I have absolutely no experience with dependencies of Cinnamon.
But I like Wrigleys Cinnamon
cinnamon is bad
its unstable
Would the last command be enough or should I also run the others?
Dunno really. It should remove everything you had installed, but I cant tell because I never tried it out.
well I am gonna restart brb
But you can still purge an application after the ppa it came from was removed.
I think it worked, never ever go anywhere near cinnamon
Some prefer it to Nautilus. But its a matter of personal taste I guess.
you should blame the ppa rather than Cinnamon. Installing from ppa always is more or less risky.
Cinnamon is also a DE
its the default for mint
there also seem to be people who prefer Mint.
its all good in its own right.
<-- loves variety and choice
but stability is always on top of the list
@Takkat did you read my message some days ago?
Some people should be forced to stay on windows :P
@Rinzwind don't be that cruel... :/
@Braiam yeah I was busy then... I don't think and are really synonyms. They may adress very different issues - with similar solutions though ;)
wait, what problem that has to do something about the mouse whell don't have to do with the mouse itself :P
@Rinzwind If Windows was the same it was then it would not be worse today.
also, 16 out 29 questions has already the mouse tag... :/
@Braiam it can mean e.g. mouse-wheel emulation on a keyboard or touchpad e.g.
trackballs have a mousewheel and are not a mouse >:-D
I like to have a lot of tags (but only if they make any sense)
@Rinzwind who knows the difference between a trackball and a mouse :P I had a friend that he had a "mouse" that actually was a trackball... but he didn't knew the name
@Takkat yeah, but in this specific case... all of them are talking about mouse
I do! You do! So that makes 2.
@Rinzwind you want to impose the minority to the majority??? it what millennia you live?
no seriously @Takkat check the questions ;)
@Braiam I live in a world where all need to do what I want them to :+
some might be talking about the scroll-wheel mistakenly?
@Braiam I didn't check the question but if they are not related to the wheel we may retag them. We cann discuss as a synonym for however.
@Mateo this tag could still be created ;)
which has wiki: Issues with scrollbars, mouse scrollwheels, and touchpad gestures used for scrolling
it may be only me but I still don't get what is bad about having many tags. They are relevant for Google searches.
All questions should be tagged to burst with all tags available (except version tags).
@Mateo there is the scrolling tag already
I first had "scroll"
@Takkat about this askubuntu.com/a/358665/44179
Doesn't ppa-purge automatically remove installed packages from that PPA?
I.E. this step sudo apt-get purge cinnamon nemo isn't needed?
It should but honestly I havent tried it. It may have not purged in this case - we had a discussion above.
I think that ppa-purge don't remove the package if they available in the repos and just downgrade them
Could it be that it is because there is also a cinnamon package in our repos?
jinx @Braiam ;)
@Takkat Is there? :O
@Braiam That might be it.
Got this from the man:
       This script provides a bash shell script capable of automatically down‐
       grading all packages in a given PPA back to the ubuntu versions.

       You  have  to  run it using root privileges because of the package man‐
 apt-cache search cinnamon
cinnamon - Innovative and comfortable desktop
cinnamon-common - Innovative and comfortable desktop (Common data files)
@Seth I didn't even read the man... I swear!
hm, fogger dosn't work with right click spell check...
@Mateo yeah... we noticed.... :P
It is quite a nice program, do you know of any starting docs on programing with the api for it to add notifications?
I think they built a lot into the program just to be used in scripts, some kind of javascript api? anyway, got to the point of being over my head
that demo looks cool
oh, he is hosting it on the net. owaislone.org/docs/fogger
now maybe I can hack something together!
Hi everyone.
Don't forget about the big game today.
And what would the be ^
Q: Script to delete text files

DenisI was trying to make a script that searches for all ASCII text files in the directory that you give and after that writes path of every file to a text file. After that it suppose to show head of each file one by one and ask if you want to delete file, if you say yes it removes that file if you sa...

Q: How to check whether certain port is opened or block on any other servers from a dev box?

SSHI am trying to connect to one of our staging Cassandra servers on port 9042 and 9160 here in our company from a dev box.. Through the code, I am not able to connect to it... The program gets hanged at my SELECT query.. So I am wondering is there any way to figure out from my dev box whether thes...

Q: Anyone interested in a regularly scheduled, multiplayer game of 0 A.D.?

Nathan Osman First Game Scheduled for Oct. 13, 2013 at 5PM EDT [click to view in other timezones] I am pleased to announce that we will be having our first game this weekend. The game will start at the time scheduled above, so be sure to show up early to make sure you get to play. We will be...

starts in 1 hour?
Is the latest version avaiable through the software center?
I don't think so but let me check.
Nope - you'll need this PPA:
Is that the command I need to run to get the neweset version?
Nope - here are the commands:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:wfg/0ad
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install 0ad
:11660818 You beat me to it :)
it there an echo in here?
Will this run smooth?
i7 2700k @ 3.4gh up to 4.2GHz,---Nvidia gtx 580 1.5gb vram,----12gb RAM?
woah, probally
its not that good
not as good as mine :(
whats yours?
That will be fine.
Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz × 4
I can run 0 A.D. on a five-year-old Core 2 Duo @ 1.6 GHz with 3 GB of RAM.
My main machine is a quad-core AMD A8 @ 3.6 GHz with 8 GB of RAM.
what grpahic settings and whatt fps
...and that one has integrated video.
for your bad one
The old one had a 256 MB Nvidia GeForce.
my lpatop has core 2 dou @ 2.2ghz, nvidia gt240m 1 gb, 4 gb ram
My new one has an integrated AMD Radeon GPU.
@user320 That will work just fine.
4G ram, and a 1G Radeon 4thoundsand something (Cedar [Radeon HD 5000/6000/7350/8350 Series]
How do I minimize the game?, it overrun all of my commands for that.
Alt+Enter will switch to windowed mode.
can anyone beat that? ;)
I have two monitors as well :)
One is 23" widescreen and the other is 17" 4:3.
I have a PPC setting next to me... but no way to extend to that.
I have no idea how to play this game btw
but i got 40 min to learn
You'll have fun learning.
it looks exactly like another game I used to play a while back, at first look ;)
runs smooth on my laptop
right now I have 20 people hitting one big rock
trees for buildings, food for people, houses for more people, that kind of thing right?
But on a much larger scale.
btw will we play against each other?
the all of a sudden we will be making pyramids and launching rocks at each other?
There are eight teams split into two factions.
So four players on each side.
@Mateo Cannons and catapults!
how far up the time scale does it go?
Actually, we won't have cannons.
my exelent leader ship skills pbrd.co/1fvfNAe
Gunpowder wasn't discovered yet.
@Mateo It all takes place at... 0 A.D. :)
ah, makes sense
If I kill the sheep and chicken will new ones spawn in?
No, but you can build a farm to make more.
what do i click on to build new stuff
A worker.
make a person build, lower right corner
There will be a list of things they can build on the right.
one of the ones without weapons
Once you're done practising, the game lobby is up if you want to connect.
Hmm will you guys kill me
Not if you join our side :)
How do i do that?
Join soon and you'll be assigned to our side.
There space for a total newb?
1 more on our team
that the ip to connect to ^
@Lucio Last call for 0 A.D.
We are starting in a moment.
we got 5/8 people
thanks but no :)
Okay, no problem.
^ :(
Do I have to install something?
Or is a web browser game?
Yes, 0 A.D.
1.2 gb i think
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:wfg/0ad
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install 0ad
What internet connection MIN speed?
that how you install it
It's too late now.
Does somebody knows how to run a command from terminal using Tor?
Oh, is the game going on?
@NathanOsman still around or no?
I guess no
@Lucio what?
I want to run a command line tool
@RaduRădeanu Looks like it. The system should auto correct it soon.
But with privacy
Using the power of Tor :)
can anyone reply to this comment I'm a little edgy :/
@Lucio you want a ssh session over tor?
That is not specially my case
torify <command>
I found it :)
@Braiam thanks anyway!
@Braiam I flag as dupe
my game just chrashed guys
Start it again.
I think you can reconnect.
I hope so
let me go to my desktop this time
Still room for one more?
my laptop is starting to melt
@seth yes
@Seth: Afraid not.
kick one of the ai
I don't think you can join a game in progress.
OK then
I would if I could.
can't reconnect
What happens if you try?
GAME has already started.
its okay I will play sinegle player
Sorry about that.
its fine, not your fault
That was... weird.
Mine just froze and ended.
Right after yours
Sorry, everyone.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
Not your fault
the server went down
it was fun
Maybe what we really need is a dedicated server :P
Gaming.SE has one
We don't use it much, these days, as far as I know
Might be worth bringing up.
I believe @MarcoCeppi set it up, and can still make users.
Is there a bug in 0 A.D with allied LoS?
At one hour in, (10 minutes ago), they looked about like this:
Q: Why does a manual mount set different file ownership?

JMCF125I've been using the terminal for almost everything: in fact, I often don't even log in through the interface, I use the tty1 and go to the web with text-browsers. So, the external drive doesn't auto-mount, and I use sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/JMCF125_DE to mount it. It works, but listing shows the...

That was me.
That was actually what you looked like?
nice, like AoE
Nope, so must have been a bug.
That's what I thought
It worried me, because I couldn't tell what y'all were doing
Or how far behind I was :3
I had a base going up in the right, was going to be good
I was trading with you until my ships mysteriously started sinking
the whales might have been attacking? I kept throwing spears at them.
I was being attacked by my brother :(
So, are there still people in the game?
Were those end-game stats correct? >.>
Yes, that was the end of the game, sadly.
The stats were correct.
anyone have a pic?
Afraid not.
I saw Nathan at the top
No, didn't think about it
I could host next time
I got SSD!!!
Mine showed me ahead by >1000 points, which I thought had to be a bug >.>
@user320 Me too - what I really don't have is a fast Internet connection.
It's reliable... but not fast.
I noticed substantial stuttering
Could be related.
where do you live?
what continent
what planet
@John How did you get 0 A.D. in windows mode?
Actually I didn't do anything, it did it itself
Ahh. Great. I don't like fullscreen much.
Which made navigation annoying, but wasd worked
Ah that's funny.
click on the map where you want focus
Note to self: if ur gonna have multi screne make it an odd number
@Mateo I did that too, but forgetting and trying to scroll was annoying
how do i have an entrance in a wood wall?
I think click on it and then build a door.
can the enemy open it? like I can?
mmm... why 0ad ask for tex libraries... mmm
aptitude why 0ad tex-common
[sudo] password for braiam:
p   0ad             Depends 0ad-data-common (<= 0.0.13-1)
p   0ad-data-common Depends tex-gyre
p   tex-gyre        Depends tex-common (>= 3)
I do not think that this game is multi threaded
It's not.
ugh, that sucks massive
is it in the plans?
No idea.
are there any commercial games like this for ubuntu
what the:
user image
It must have really won some awards.
nothing like gaming the system
@Mateo BOO, red star, only available in appstore :(
yeah... it is like putting a ad in there with a "not for sale" sign
whats the point of marketing your product if you are going to sell it
hm, it is kind of funny seeing browser games linked in the software center...
@John I have a lot of stuttering if there's any substantial amount of water on the map.
I'm really impressed by LibreOffice. I use it on Ubuntu and I have a 900 page document and it's very responsive. Compare that to open office on a mac, which always freezes and hangs especially during auto save.
I bet. Office isn't necessarily... fast.
I never do much word processing though.
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