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Note to self: the Android source code is HUGE.
@badp an Ask Ubuntu users group on steam
@NathanOsman isn't the equivalent to Linux source code just... for phones/tablets?
@Braiam It's more than just the kernel.
There's the Dalvik VM, all of the services, frameworks, etc.
This one really peace me off..
This is not your personal blog.Lucio 3 mins ago
@Lucio then just flag and let it go. Do not engage him personally
I did so
No, you also left the comment. Now he'll respond to you, and that'll piss you off more
@badp Thanks for your advice :)
I'm happy you took it graciously :)
Yeah, it is time for dinner
I guess that is the reason haha
Nothing like food to cheer one up.
It's 3am, don't tempt me :P
oh, that is quite late
see you later!
And thanks again :D
1.2 Mbps is fairly quick until you have three or four connected devices all trying to download stuff.
While playing with openstack, I ran across the Ubuntu-cloud images ec2. Well played canonical. Well played.
@Qasim - you on steam?
my new gratz image:
this is withing the boundary of selfpromotion askubuntu.com/questions/152371/…
@Braiam - that gets a "BOO!!! you didn't make something. you piped to netcat. pimping your hosting for a pipe it to netcat answer and dropping the domain name twice does not count as an answer"
LOL, for now is a "valid answer" because... umm.... answers OP question?
valid != good, but that's not something i'm going to get in to. everyone knows i have strong opinions about everything
well, for that are votes, no?
I don't vote as much as I could. I tend to be a little rash... so I attempt to be nice by restraining myself.
sent the add req on steam btw...and added a discussion to the group so people know why it originally started
@Gowtham - previously known as hacktohell or not so much?
This answer links to this question which is closed as a duplicate of the initial question. The answer needs an edit.
Still cloning a 400 MB+ Git repository...
@AsheeshR Not necessarily. If it needs a merge, then it needs a merge. After the merge, it could link to another answer instead of a closed as dupe question.
@NathanOsman I use a huge git repo to hold binary java blobs for some automation
@hbdgaf But I'm cloning the Android source code.
Actually, I'm cloning CyanogenMod which includes even more code.
@AsheeshR - I can't do merges and I can do edits. I don't think it needs a pre-merge edit. I do think it needs a post-merge edit. So get the merge done and ping me.
@NathanOsman Cyanogenmod is nice-ish. I prefer to go pure android or pure linux with the android kernel on my nexus
@hbdgaf What is pure Android like? (Compared to CyanogenMod?)
@hbdgaf It's hth v2.0
I remember reading your profile !
What's your old name ?? ah akingxxxx
@NathanOsman It's fine. I just think it should be purist same or purist fork, not somewhere in the middle
@Gowtham I've had a few ;)
akingxxxx callmev i think there were others.
I should stop visiting the First post review... to keep my sanity...
i stopped a lot of mod-like tasks to keep my sanity and not ragepost
I should prepare another long metaq for the tags... the thingy is a whole mess of monumental proportions...
@hbdgaf no i m not
just trying to get the steam group to 11... thanks for the reply
ur wc
where was the link @hbdgaf I don't find it :(
the link for the lottery I mean
i'll get it if you need it.
please, if you can
@hbdgaf hmm freeBSD
wait, actually is better if it get posted in the discussion that you said you made in steam, no?
@Braiam post it as a comment if you want
@Qasim yes. my daily driver doesn't have network card support on latest stable...so i'm trying the new alpha/beta to see. if i have hardware support(they say it's coming for my chipset) i'll be running freebsd more
np. my trolldar is overly sensitive. i really do try to BENICE
@hbdgaf i have stated freeBSD taining as well, learning boot process
chap 1
i have it booting to a desktop, but with no network support - it's a bit useless
i had it booting to a mac looking desktop on my old lappie. the only thing freebsd is missing is hardware support.
is ok, I got all I needed
try PcBSD
@Qasim no. there just isn't support for recent atheros in bsd as a whole
pcbsd is for people that can't configure freebsd. if it's not in main, it's not in a fork
hmmm i always used in vmware so ...
i have it working in openstack. i just want it booting on bare metal for hardware access
openstack on ubuntu ?
@Braiam - you can comment on the thread but you don't accept friend requests? dafuq?
lol really?
@Qasim i'm running devstack on ubuntu saucy.
wait... let me look
we're at 7 of 11 people... get on board steamcommunity.com/groups/askubuntuusers
4 hours later…
Q: nginx on Ubuntu Server in VirtualbBox on Windows 7, how to access localhost:8080

user1883050I have nginx running on Ubuntu Server (guest) in VirtualBox on Windows 7 (host) I need to access the nginx webserver at "localhost:8080/manage" to do some configuration (I have Plone, Plumi and Zope installed, see here ) I'm assuming there's no way to do this directly from Ubuntu Server's termi...

Q: Earned Announcer badge - Dont understand how

Warren HillI recently received a notification that I had earned an Announcer badge But why? I understand the badge I earned on April 25 but I don't remember answering the question Webcam doesn't work in browser…? and I don't see an answer from me or even a comment there now. This is not a problem but I ...

2 hours later…
@NathanOsman cyanogen has some kind of open-ssh
Q: Color picker for entire screen

John ツIs there any application that provides a color picker for the screen? For example: after starting the application the mouse is transformed into a color picker. Clicking anywhere on the screen it will detect the pixel color.

Can anybody help me...?
How in the world does someone use the ksh shell?
How do I escalate privileges? Does it have sudo =D?
@Johnツ I remember something like that, somewhere... I'll look into it later today, oh, looks like someone else found it :)
@Mateo Thank you. If you find a different one, I will vote up your answer too. :-)
arg. does anyone have example code of adding database records from a django command...
1 hour later…
100 bounty no one helps me, what should i do
@Alvar I have before, once :P
@hey it's a bug. it's not that you're not getting help, it's that you're posing a bug as a question
also, you should refrain from using multiple accounts to complain about bugs.
@AmithKK what :P
can't close as dupe because of no accepted answer...needs mod action or a repeal of that stupid rule: askubuntu.com/questions/349254/… askubuntu.com/questions/342579/aircrack-ng-kernel-panic
i want to dupe in the direction of the original, but if i can't...i can vtc both as bugs.
Q: I can Review close votes, but I don't have more votes to cast!

BraiamThis post is interesting to Seth, since he has been in a similar situation. Well, I have no more close votes for the day. But I only reviewed 19 questions, hence I have still access to the review queue. BUT! since most of the questions needs to be closed, I have to skip all my way until I find a...

Evening. Is anybody here ?
@jokerdino Well I need help with Wubi
Q: What's wrong with Wubi install?

Little ChildI have a Windows 7 32 bit (Home Premium) on my HP Laptop. I decided to take the easy way to install Ubuntu and that is by using Wubi. Having gone over a few tutorials on Wubi, I decided to let it do its task. I let it install. I saw the Ubuntu option during boot and hence I selected it and pre...

Ahhhh WUBI
@jokerdino Yes sir
Are you on 13.04? Wubi is deprecated already.
the LTS version
Do you really want to use Wubi?
I am not so experienced at using Ubuntu
I dont wanna screw things up
so to avoid mistakes :)
I think is is recommended you install it on a separate partition :/
brb -- dinner
same here. brb -- dinner
biblion is everything i want...now to get it set up and get the vps vendor to stop stalling
o/ @hbdgaf
loooooonnnnggg time no see mang
so how are things? i'm launching a couple of services in the next month or so. get at me on G+ if you really want to know. otherwise just fill in the gaps and i'll do the same
@lazyPower ^
@hbdgaf I don't have multiple accounts, it's just I just changed my username on askubuntu
so, there's nothing I can do? Maybe installing 12.04 would help?
instead of 13.04
i've seen hey before. unless you switched and switched back, you're lying to me. i don't like that. and i'm not talking about a bug question
Fair statement :)
Things are looking up, i stepped down as middle management and created a devops position for myself. So my career has a new trajectory
Also spent the weekend talking to Marco about juju and charms, the state of juju, and what to expect when trying to integrate with it.
Some exciting stuff has been uncovered in my research. Looking forward to the next 3 months of exploratory dev
@jokerdino U back ?
@lazyPower On my end it's mostly some scraping redistribution via json and micro-apps. The day job is walmart...which has me less than pleased, but surviving
if you're not already in the steam group, you should think about it
I'm on steam
Q: Tag: when are they useful, when they are not and when they harm

BraiamOk, someone might remember in chat that I asked what is the tiling useful for? I still don't find any use but being merged/changed to window management (don't confuse with window managers, which are tools to do window management). But my question is not about that but is what set in motion the ne...

add me :)
join the group. we're trying to circle qualify a load of au users
Good Night
@hbdgaf Joined
Good Night
and you're both invited. hope we get at least one AU user to have a steambox to dual boot
I've already got a steambox as far as i'm concerned :D
the big screen mode. I'm curious how they are planning on bridging the gap with windows only titles.
Thats one of their selling points for me, is finally bringing the whole plethora of games to SteamOS and stop the segmentation
if they do the oncloud route, i would be satisfied
since the next gen games require an internet connection anyway, which at is clinically retarded, at least give me a benefit
if steam gave me a way to play games i bought in the cloud, it would be way be way better than facing that i either have to rebuy or find a way to get things to run in wine. i might even buy something.
Can somebody help me?
Q: Start a web browser application with no window borders

John ツHow can I start a web browser with no window borders and buttons? I am thinking at something like this: chromium-browser my-file.html --no-borders --no-tabs In my mind this would open Chromium with no title bar, with no tabs and no buttons for close, minimize and so on. I would need also an ...

@Johnツ I don't think that is ubuntu enough but there is your answer.
Q: Is using Winetricks to install MS Office legal?

crazyskeggyHow legal is it to use the Winetricks "Install App" menu to install Microsoft Office? Surely they're not allowed to put paid, licensed apps online for free, right?

8.4 GB of downloading later, the entire CyanogenMod source tree has been checked out to my computer!
It's occupying - get this - 16 GB of space. That's alot.
at least it's copying. i'm trying to set up a biblion blog on a vps. my dns provider just went down - bodes well for my experience there - and i have to figure out how to set up biblion...which is not in the readme
I'm going to try to pack the repo onto a DVD. I might need two of them however.
Nope - it's going to take two DVDs. I'm going to have to split it.
But before I can do that, I'm going to need to do some partition resizing.
Good luck. I'm just fighting with a lack of documentation. It would probably be quicker to write a django app myself.
i do wish networksolutions.com would come back up. they went down/permanent refresh like 2 seconds after i paid them
luck of job i guess
it failed. even if you had money, it wouldn't matter...
@hbdgaf So I assume they just went ahead and used 12 million dollars on pokemon cards?
@OliverSchöning no, it was supposed to be returned if they didn't make goal
@hbdgaf Well that's lame
@hbdgaf yep, i got fully refunded, canonical even ate the fees
no it's not. if you don't make your goal, a refund is the most honourable course of action. saying oops our bad, but we got your money can be done on indiegogo...canonical didn't though
Sure, I just hoped that 32M was more of a strech goal, and that 12 M would be enough
i was sort of hoping that it was a get us the money to hold for 30 days so we can make interest on it and we'll refund you after getting the nest-egg permanent returns rolling thing going on.
i mean, if i personally had 12 mil for a month - i would never have to work again...
Finally a company that is honest. Gives money back...
10 percent per year is 1.2 mil. one month of that is 100,000. ten percent annual yield mutual on that is 10k/yr...so I might have to wait a couple of years, but even giving it back - 100k after giving money back is a lot of money for a human.
tell that to rich people... they always want more...
the more they have, the more they want... :(
don't tell that to me :/ the guy working at walmart. i know already.
honestly, i would be shamed if canonical didn't earn interest on the seed money for a month. anything other than that would just be poor money management.
I believe canonical never got the money, but paypal
i believe you are right and i am shamed.
it would have been two new devs for ubuntu at 50k each for one year...
or 10k/yr permanent funding... i'll shut up now
Id like to be rich to one day.
Just got 60 bucks for 3 hours of webdesign though ^^ yay I guess now I can label myself professional lmao
that is. NZD . not USD haha
i don't ever "want to be rich". i just want to do interesting things.
whole different motivational engine
I just want not be bothered by money...
Whatever floats your boat.
@Braiam that too. it's basically the same thing i'm saying
I want a Houseboat. And I want to be able to travel without having to worry about getting a job somewhere. Money
i have a camper. it's a houseboat, but on land. i never have to pack again. if i want to move, i just hook up a truck
people laugh at it a lot, but it's because they don't understand it.
"but it's because they don't understand it." Hipster ftw ^^
i don't think it's hipster. i think i'm just that much smarter. they'll understand it when the bank forecloses on their 100k+ home and i still own my 5k camper
is just a question of psychology, a settlement feels stable for the individual, and a house offers that sense of stability
If thats what you like, nice. I, as a not so smart guy, am gonna keep trying to get those 100k+
for someone who started over twice in 3 years, a camper is more stable than something that is anchored to the ground. the ability to move is a bonus unseen and overlooked.
for example, living in one is really cheap. so i was able to give a coworker a microwave. she was slackjawed that i did it because i ride a bike to work. it's all about your choices.
like, if you get a job in other state you just have to move, and also your house don't loose value so fast, or more like the depreciation values isn't so hard
and is cheap just change it
i bought it after it lost value, so the deprecation argument is invalid. there were things to fix, but they were minor. like thermostats for water heaters and whatnot.m
i just want to help people, fix things, etc. i may be a little obtuse sometimes, but people that know me like me...because i'm a good person.
please, don't ever move to my country... people here don't understand people like you...
people here don't understand me either ;)
@NathanOsman are you writting the porting guide? askubuntu.com/q/351654/169736
just me or the name is a gave away askubuntu.com/a/351423/169736 ?
i heard 11. and went deaf. i'm on 12 lts o 13 edge. 11 is no longer relevant. people should move on
new answer to old question, but it's way better than the top answer stackoverflow.com/questions/6915840/…
i mean hard coded so file names...really? someone said something similar on the mailing list
it was a workaround for a bug...
the bug is that they're using older than lts
@Braiam Interesting...
I feel like a stranger recently :(
feel better. i always feel like a stranger
@hbdgaf I'll try to feel better :)
@Braiam I think he was waiting for someone else to write the guide, he just started the question. AFAIK.
Hey guys I am trying to delete my other linux partition using gparted. But I am not sure which one the one is.
I have one sda1 and another sda2
Screenshot of gparted please? :)
and output of parted -l
does the link work?
ok, I'm thinking of bountying the touch porting question for about 350, putting together a custom message - Good answers on this will use a variety of sources, include prerequisites, steps to manually port, and resources for extra information that would otherwise be too long to list here. Please refrain copy/pasting large ammounts of information, answers should be backed by a fair ammount of independent research. - thoughts?
@user320 yeah, it does.
@Seth so can you help me
yeah, hang on.
Do you have two operating systems or just two partitions?
2 OS
I want 1 os with the extra space
I take it they are both some type of Linux?
yeah. I found out which i no longer need and delted it. It is now unalloacted space.
When I RMB on the one i want to ize up the resize option is grayed out
Do i have to restart after I delte the partition?
right mouse button
I don't see any unallocated space in the picture
@Mateo leave it for a bit, people need to buy the actual device still
or have one and the guts to break it...
should a mod reopen this one and mark it as the correct dupe? askubuntu.com/questions/351622/linux-vs-windows-7
Thats the new image
I want that unallocated space
Okay. I think you're going to need to resize the extended partition before you can add the space to sda6
sda6 is "inside" the extended partition.
Thats what I am saying the resize option is grayed out
Which one are you right clicking on?
does not work on any of them
do i need to format the unalloacted to ext 4 first?
@Braiam alright
@user320 No.
That is odd though.
the problem is that you are trying to move the start of the partition, you should not...
I'm not sure what the problem would be then.
@Braiam Ahh. Order problems eh?
@Braiam so what should i do then?
Someone needs to come up with a better way to do things than this "partition" system :-/
you could create a partition and mount the system there, or create a /boot partition so gparted don't nags...
Is there no easy way of resizing my current partition
backup and reinstall...
gonna do a restart brb
might be enough space to make new partition dd everything over - then fix grub - delete the old one - resize the new?
dd 102 GB? That's too much time!
still grayed out
I am formatting it too ext4 now
@user320 backup your data, and reinstall, when asked how you want to install ubuntu select Use the whole drive
@user320 that won't magically add the space you your installation...
@Braiam there has got to be an easier way
@user320 using a live disc?
I must be able to do it through gparted
thats how i did it in windows
are you using it on the system you are trying to resize, or using from live disk?
I am not using a live dics. But i have just found ouot that that is the only way to do it.
Q: Partitioning to the "left" after deleting a Windows partition?

HellshrekersI deleted my Windows partition so I can make more space for my Ubuntu partition (making the switch out of Windows.) but I found out that you can't resize to the left, is there any way I can use the unallocated space? (that's why I added the quotes around left in the question) If you need an image...

might need to fix grub after as well
since the starting location of the partition you boot is moving
the one says to do the "move" operation
I will just use a live cd tmrrw and resize it
would I have to fix the grub then?

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