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interesting coincidence
in The h Bar, 4 hours ago, by DanielSank
Anyone know of a review article on Bell inequality violations?
in The h Bar, 4 hours ago, by Sofia
@DanielSank yes Danny, I know - it's the most competent review possible, written by Abner Shimony himself. Do you want it?
in The h Bar, 3 hours ago, by Sofia
@DanielSank : here it is . It is very detailed.
12 hours later…
@vzn Funny, how people consider a disbelief in the law of excluded middle as something utterly crazy. I have often heard quotes from this poem, even so I was surprised by "schlachten", I normally heard it with "schlagt ... tot" instead. However, as this is the original poem, I saw no reason to quote it incorrectly.
I also think of this poem, when I'm spending too much time eliminating bad code, instead of just creating new good code. Both are necessary, creating new good code cannot replace to occasionally eliminate bad code, but eliminating bad code is no substitute for writing new good code either.
1 hour later…
ah. "law of excluded middle" applied to ... human affairs? reminds me of psychology concept called splitting aka black vs white thinking. aka "duality" in hinduism, yin/yang in eastern religions. yes refactoring, the great coders dilemma. what language do you use for coding?
Mostly C++. Also some python, ruby, ... and more fortran than you would believe.
use java a lot myself. like ruby. have used it a lot/ many yrs for number theory, stock quant prjs, etc. ... python shows on my job somewhat. (websphere deployment code)
so how do you work on photolithography?
Basically you get measurement data of various forms, you try to understand them, fit them with "good" physical model, reproduce them with fast "empirical" models (euphemism^3), find out which physical or chemical effect are important in certain scenarios, prepare data and correct "proximity effects", and verify the whole thing...
was guessing something like that. what kind of chips? logic? memory? cpu?
there is a semi famous case in the US of that of NASA engineers doing a curve fit on how much of shuttle o-rings got burned during launch... :(
what kind of gate widths do you deal with now?
5 hours later…
@vzn agree...
@vzn what was TK saying?
@ThomasKlimpel I wanted to talk about the hamiltonian.. so what were u having problems with diagnolizing that hamiltonian?
@vzn exactly...@ThomasKlimpel you're there and active but when I ask u a question, u become unactive..why?
TA afaik there is not always a formula for solving the hamiltonian. sometimes they are "understood" numerically via simulations etc... that seems idea behind some of the qm biology youre citing...
@vzn i know, yes, it has to do with the qm biology...
@vzn I was asking on how to it ...
I meant, how to do it.. I amusing the characteristic method... @vzn
I meant characteristic polynomial method..
The typical way to diagonalize a matrix is to first tridiagonalize it (or approximate it by a tridiagonal matrix), and then compute the eigenvalues of the tridiagonal matrix by some method.
@ThomasKlimpel the thing is the resources I am using don't explain it well..Is the characteristic poylnomial the way to do this?
The critical part is normally the tridiagonalization, because computing the eigenvalues of a tridiagonal matrix is not too expensive anyway.
@ThomasKlimpel examples?
@ThomasKlimpel oh BTW, thank you for helping me... others just don't have the time to help...
Orthogonal polynomials are a typical examples of this procedure. Here the operator which is tridiagonalized is the multiplication by x. The tridiagonalization translates into a three term recurence formula here.
@ThomasKlimpel any good links please?
TA this is advanced stuff. why not get a textbook?
@vzn like what?
its "linear algebra". afaik gaussian elimination will work on the problem.
The Lanczos algorithm is an iterative algorithm devised by Cornelius Lanczos that is an adaptation of power methods to find the most useful eigenvalues and eigenvectors of an order linear system with a limited number of operations, , where is much smaller than . Although computationally efficient in principle, the method as initially formulated was not useful, due to its numerical instability. In 1970, Ojalvo and Newman showed how to make the method numerically stable and applied it to the solution of very large engineering structures subjected to dynamic loading. This was achieved using a method...
there are a bazillion textbooks on it.
@vzn that's what I heard from my math professor...
& why not believe him? & me? :p
@vzn I know its linear algebra, a lot of QM is linear algebra...
exactly, was just about to say that myself
@vzn I would like to try all routes possible.. don't get me wrong...I am not trying to take a shortcut...just want multiple opinions, u know..
you might like to play with some kind of simulator or solver, think some are out there.
@vzn really? any names?
@ThomasKlimpel looks like the method you were describing.. thanks...
@ThomasKlimpel looks like the method you were describing.. thanks...
uh hunted for simulators years ago, read about a few... it depends on the purpose....
your goals are not clear right now.
@vzn any example search terms? maybe "QM simulator" ?
lol exactly
@vzn I thought it was clear.. I am trying to answer the question that I asked.. the "Plants and Quantum Mechanics" one...
this looks pretty good for QM basics
dude your plants & QM question cannot be answered completely even by experts.
@vzn so I should be looking qm simulators for lattices?
@vzn lol... I know, I want to answer as best as I can or look into the leading theories...
you should be learning QM basics before jumping into lattices, probably, as the guys over on the physics site are recommending.
get a good QM book.
did you say you have one?
@vzn cool, might learn quantum mechanics from this website too... I like visual stuff, u know... there's even spin chains, what MM was trying to tell me...
@vzn yep...
QM is a vast subject.
u know what.. whatever...
@TAbraham Maybe one additional comment: The Lanczos algorithm is normally what is at work in the cases where you can find an analytic solution. For your Hamiltonian however, it seems that the Lanczos algorithm will take n^3 operations, so that there is no advantage over a purely numerical algorithm like
Der QR-Algorithmus ist ein numerisches Verfahren zur Berechnung aller Eigenwerte und eventuell der Eigenvektoren einer quadratischen Matrix. Das auch QR-Verfahren oder QR-Iteration genannte Verfahren basiert auf der QR-Zerlegung und wurde im Jahre 1961–1962 unabhängig voneinander von John G. F. Francis und Wera Nikolajewna Kublanowskaja eingeführt. Ein Vorläufer war der LR-Algorithmus von Heinz Rutishauser (1958), der aber weniger stabil ist und auf der LR-Zerlegung basiert. Oft konvergieren die Iterierten aus dem QR-Algorithmus gegen die Schur-Form der Matrix. Das originale Verfahren ist recht…
@ThomasKlimpel note, it's in German i think..
re TKs notes. all relevant but diagonalization algorithms are all implemented in basic math pkgs. you might start playing with those. did the physics guys mention that yet? octave (similar to matlab) is free for example.
In numerical linear algebra, the QR algorithm is an eigenvalue algorithm: that is, a procedure to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix. The QR transformation was developed in the late 1950s by John G.F. Francis (England) and by Vera N. Kublanovskaya (USSR), working independently. The basic idea is to perform a QR decomposition, writing the matrix as a product of an orthogonal matrix and an upper triangular matrix, multiply the factors in the reverse order, and iterate. == The practical QR algorithm == Formally, let A be a real matrix of which we want to compute the eigenvalues...
theres also a lot of matrix algebra in some python libraries. TK have you ever used anything like that? do you use a math app/ pkg?
Intel MKL is fast, so I use that. Ever heard of boost.uBlas.bindinds? Well, they adapt LAPACK/Intel MKL to normal C++ language.
yes heard of "BOOST" years ago.
@vzn builtin?
there is probably even a QM related python library lying around somewhere, maybe heard of one once....
aha look at that
qutip QuTiP : Quantum Toolbox in Python
@ThomasKlimpel thanks...any programs that do this algorithim?
@vzn let's rejoice!! I am a python programmer, so a python module would be perfect for me... THANKS SO MUCH!!!! have to look into it...
octave/scilab/matlab are probably the easiest ones in this direction, but there are many many more options.
=) it looks cool.

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