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11:02 AM
@Zanna i rate your patience 1/0
Are you aware of Artificial Intelligence based search ?...
Its kind of ML concept where i am going to make the analysis of Live URL including common Crawl.
I have a team in AI and NN who is working with me for BigData Analysis and Marketing Research and Predictive Intelligence.
It will help in many areas right from health care to ecommerse
Ah, machine learning, OK.
Machine Learning
:) right
@JafferWilson What slightly bothers me is that Google Drive there doesn't seem to return any indication about file's size
Look, if you have millions of urls, you will need something a bit more sophisticated. For example, write a script that i) splits the file into chunks of, say, 100 urls at a time; ii) then forks separate instances each of which iterates over a chunk. That way you can check several in parallel.
@Serg It's the output of a split call (it's a file called xaa), so just the first bit of the larger file.
11:05 AM
@edwinksl thanks :) <3
Mkay . . .
@Serg I am concern about making curl multithreaded and with only header download without downloading the complete HTML
@JafferWilson well, getting headers is easy part. We did that already. I am no web dev so have no idea what that'd be useful for . . . but ok. As for making it multithreaded, well, it's quite possible via Python.
Like I said, I'm no web developer, so I don't quite understand where all of this is supposed to be going
@JafferWilson But why use curl? Do you want to retrieve data from the url or do you just need to check the status (if it is online or not)?
11:23 AM
@Serg thank you for your share, my friend. Hope, I find someone to help me. Can you suggest some chat room or someone who can help me?
Eh, not sure.
Seems like I cannot find any questions to tackle tonight.
I guess I'll go get some rest
oh great, why did someone think that clipboard was an overhead feature when they made the repositories package for vim?
what ?
the Ubuntu repositories package for vim has it compiled without the +clipboard flag, meaning I can't directly access the clipboard as a buffer (using "+ and "*)
the only way to work with clipboard is using the terminal clipboard functions, which is ok, but I think being able to manipulate it like a buffer would be much better
@IanC I was wondering why it doesn't seem to work. WTF ?
Whose stupid idea was that ?
11:33 AM
I was trying it here, then I ran :echo has('clipboard') and it returned 0, so it wasn't compiled with it :/
@Serg I found an answer on SO about vim clipboard that said some packages are minimalist, but I thought the clipboard was a higher priority feature
once I finish this book I might post my vim settings on GitHub, to keep it in the cloooud and to share it with whoever feels like it might be useful, though I think there are more sofisticated start scripts out there
[io]n the cloud Never know what preposition to use
@IanC well, there are minimal packages like vim.tiny which is default in Ubuntu. But i couldn't use clipboard in full vim either
meh, i just use shift+ins. At least that worka
meh, i just use shift+ins. At least that works
@Serg Yeah! That makes me think it was an even worse idea to keep this feature out.. If there is already a minimal package, why cut it from the "full" vim package?
@Serg shift+ins, you mean Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+V?
@IanC no, shift key and ins key. It's same as scroll lock key
11:49 AM
@Serg is Shift+Insert just another shortcut to do the same as Ctrl+Shift+V or do they differ? They are working the same way here
but that's what I meant, that's using the terminal clipboard management, not vim itself, which so far has been alright, but I guess with buffers there would be more flexibility (editing the clipboard before even pasting it maybe?)
@IanC as far as I know, shift+insert is for secondary clipboard. X server has two clipboards (they're called selections actually), primary and secondary. Ctrl+C is for primary. Secondary only for highlighted text. So for example . . . .
I highlight, and what's highlighted is copied
I see why it behaved the same
If nothing is highlighted, it seems to take text from primary
I think it just keeps the last highlighted text
even if you unselect it
it behaved the same because I didn't highlight anything else after copying
good to learn about that :)
Oh, wikipedia even has article about it: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_selection#Selections
Clipboards in X11 are slightly complicated.
It also seems application specific too. So if I type in chat, i cannot use secondary. Selected text just gets unselected if i start typing
12:01 PM
@Serg didn't get this last part. Isn't it global to applications under X11? Since you just pasted the secondary from the chat to the terminal?
@Serg Sure, but there's no reason for it to remain selected. Just select something, then click anywhere to deselect it and what was selected will be in the middle-click buffer.
Oh, right ! There's also middle click
"also" !? o_O
Sure, but there's no reason for it to remain selected
That's the only one I ever use.
A: Cut + Copy + Paste in Linux Puppy Wary

GillesFor historical reasons, there are two selections¹, with different usage conventions: The PRIMARY selection automatically changes when you highlight some text with the mouse. There is no “copy” command, it's automatic. The CLIPBOARD selection changes only when you issue a “copy” command (keyboar...

12:03 PM
@terdon isn't that the same key for shift+insert ?
I thought middle click and shift+insert both go for secondary
I guess but, as I said, I only ever use the middle click paste.
But yes, shift+ins seems to use the primary.
@terdon but the screenshot i posted just above was with shift+insert and it was from secondary
Found canonical post , yay askubuntu.com/q/26655/295286
@Serg No, the selected text goes to the primary. Read Gilles's answer above.
@Serg mind going for utox for a second?
12:08 PM
@IanC I was going to bed, but sure, give me sec
@Serg oh, it's alright, we can talk later
12:27 PM
Sometimes OP comments make me go "wat?"
This is amazing . . . most ordered and smallest icons i've had in a while, all thanks to this guy : askubuntu.com/a/868312/295286.
12:41 PM
@Serg Why didn't you edit his answer instead of posting a new one?
@Fabby alternative approach, possibly can stand on its own. I can edit it in, if necessary
I think it was reasonable to post a new answer there
No need to do anything; I would have edited it in instead of posting a new answer and I would have used gsettings! ;)
does gsettings have a setting for that?
OK, done and gone
12:45 PM
Let me upvote 2 other answers for you for doing that!
@Zanna Not currently near an Ubuntu machine, but I've never needed dconf so far...
;) :)
I couldn't use gsettings to switch between 24 and 12 hour time in the panel clock in MATE - had to use dconf write
gsettings and dconf have same end result.
obviously gsettings is better, but there isn't always a schema for what you want
@Zanna well, technically some schemas are special, aka relocatable
so you'd need something lie gsetting set blah.blah.blah:/some/path/like/in/dconf key "val"
@Zanna Ah? Good to know...
(So I should research dconf further)
12:49 PM
I should write a blog about this
but first i need to get a damn blog
@Serg Please do and then ping me!
:D :D :D
(that's why I asked: didn't know you had a blog!!! ;)
@Fabby sure, but i need to get myself blog on chinese site first
:) ;)
and i don't recall password for the one i had before . And SINA won't let me enter my damn phone number, because they use some weird javascript applet for that
ok,i need sleep
bye guys
1:29 PM
@edwinksl great minds eh?
@Zanna oh nice you commented right after i did
but really! they must think we are supergeniuses of some kind...
the timestamps are exactly the same btw
i haven't refreshed the page, so i can still see your comment
2:01 PM
@Zanna OP posted their .bashrc but some quick googling suggests this bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acroread/+bug/769866/comments/…
should be an interesting question for you
i will let you figure it out while i go get breakfast :p
2:15 PM
@edwinksl I've gone out, not at my box :/ but I'll have a look anyway
@Zanna oh if you have gone out, then perhaps you shouldn't be on AU :D
Haha right! Bug is old, still a thing? I don't think they need to source those files in .bashrc, it's already set up, isn't it?
Interesting problem for sure, now I wanna go home and tinker...
2:48 PM
uh oh you should stay outside!
Hello. I've been trying to give a user RW access to a directory that he is not the owner of -- but I am having quite a hard time. What is the correct way of doing so? I need ONE user only to have RW access to this directory, besides, the directory owner. Is that possible?
NOTE: I posted this question in unix.stackexchange.com/questions/334849/… -- I know it is not Ubuntu, but I am hoping that someone can help me up here. I am losing my last few hairs on this :)
@pmdci Create a group and add only those two users to it. Then set chmod 770 to the folder.
@Zanna great minds :) ^^
@Terrance I thought I did that, though. I have a group called sftponly. The user in question, as well as the owner of the directory, are members of that group.
$ ls -l /var/inbound/testuser/
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 2 testuser sftponly 53 Jan 5 12:26 uploads
@pmdci Also make sure to chown it as chown $USER:stfponly folder/
2:56 PM
ah-ha! o this is what I did before:
$ sudo chown [username]: /var/inbound/[username]/uploads
not enough, it seems. the sftponly group is missing, right?
@pmdci Your permissions are wrong. They should be 770 not 775
@Terrance ?
@terdon They only want 2 users to have access to that folder. 775 opens it to all users to have access.
@Terrance so $ sudo chmod ug+rwX the same as chmod 775? I will change that then
@Terrance True, but that won't change anything for the users in the group. That's why I was wondering.
2:58 PM
@pmdci o-rx
@pmdci I'm having trouble understanding your question. Is it smb or sftp?
@terdon That is why it is owned by a specific group
@Terrance I know. I just thought you were telling them to use 770 instead of 775 to change the group permissions.
@terdon. In this case is SMB. Here is the thing. This ./uploads directory is where users send files to SFTP. But I also need to access it via SMB
ok first let me fix the CHOWN, that seems to be a big boo-boo ;)
@pmdci OK, but your question is really unclear on that count. You start talking about sft access and then mention smb which is a completely different thing and has its own user/permission setup.
3:05 PM
^I agree!
actually the subject is quite cleear: Combining SMB and SFTP permisions
if I am not being clinicaly precise, I'd be happy to reformulate the title. But the Issue I have is that I need certain filesystem permissions fot SFTP to work, which seems to be an issue for SMB to work
I don't know how to combine both
@terdon hahaha I will delete...
$ ls -l /var/inbound/testuser/
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 2 testuser sftponly 53 Jan 5 12:26 uploads
$ sudo chown testuser:sftponly /var/inbound/testuser/uploads
$ ls -l /var/inbound/testuser/
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 2 testuser sftponly 53 Jan 5 12:26 uploads
$ sudo chmod 770 /var/inbound/testuser/uploads
$ ls -l /var/inbound/testuser/
total 0
drwxrwx---. 2 testuser sftponly 53 Jan 5 12:26 uploads
@pmdci Um. Yes, yes it is. My bad, I apparently missed that.
@terdon No worries. If there is a better way to title it, though -- I'd be happy to change it.
The bad news is... it did not work :(
Plus I need to re-test SFTP since I changed CHMOD ;)
3:12 PM
SFTP still works beautiful with the permissions
but SMB somehow does not work for me :( -- perhaps it is something on my cnfiguration file for SMB?
Yeah, you set the permissions in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file
comment = Incoming files (as %u)
path = /var/inbound/
valid users = @sftponly fileaccess
guest ok = No
read only = No
browseable = Yes
inherit permissions = Yes
inherit acls = Yes
yes I have been doing some hit and miss with the file. last time I used samba was 2003 (don't punch me)
I think you need to add directory mask = 0770 somewhere in there.
Sometimes my fingers get on automatic mode when typing. :P
I guess it could be directory mode . Hmmm, I need to look it up really quick
comment = Incoming files (as %u)
path = /var/inbound/
valid users = @sftponly fileaccess
guest ok = No
read only = No
browseable = Yes
inherit permissions = Yes
inherit acls = Yes
directory mask = 0770
then I restarted SMB... no luck :(
3:20 PM
I think you might be missing security = user in the [Global] section.
Just a thought
I wonder though if the commas are needed between users?
@terdon around?
I hate not liking you. Can we throw it away?
@Terrance I am looking at the link you sent me. In my case I wouldn't do the allaccess, I would do the other example, right? The [special] one?
3:23 PM
@terdon I don't like what happened there, like to forget about that
Yeees. What about it?
I do have security = user in global
security = user

passdb backend = tdbsam
hosts deny =
hosts allow =
@pmdci Yeah, that looks like the special group would be the one. Different permissions. But it looks as though they set user level security, and samba passwords set for each user.
@JacobVlijm OK. First step would seem to be to stop bringing it up then, wouldn't it? :)
@Terrance I did notice they do 775 and not 770 as you said...
3:25 PM
@terdon Ha, sure, but saying it ends always helps (for me) :)
EHEM! sorry 0750
@pmdci 0750 or 0770 would be fine either way to cut back on Others from having access.
Anyway, I have to go get ready for work. Have fun all! :) Good luck!
thanks for your help so far
@JacobVlijm Fine by me.
@terdon cool.
3:27 PM
@pmdci Here. I'll offer a bounty and see if that gets you any more attention.
@terdon thanks. how does that work?
Still no joy :(
Ah, no, I can't yet. Remind me tomorrow.
comment = Incoming files (as %u)
path = /var/inbound/
valid users = fileaccess
guest ok = No
read only = No
writeable = Yes
browseable = Yes
; inherit permissions = Yes
; inherit acls = Yes
create mark = 0640
directory mask = 0750
Can I offer a bounty?
@pmdci Yes, but your question is too new.
That link explains bounties.
Darn I don't have enough rep for it :(
3:31 PM
Terdon has got rep ;)
I don't get this! with the permissions with both chmod, chown and in the smb.conf file, I should be able to create directories or copying files with SMB with my fileaccess user, shouldn't I?
This is klling me little by little :)
@pmdci You also need permissions (at least execute) for all parent directories.
Have a look here, in case that helps:
A: Required permission to create directory

terdonYes, they matter. To create a directory, you need to be able to write to its parent directory. Creating a directory is just like creating a file (after all, everything is a file) so you need write access to the parent. In addition, you need to be able to get to the parent directory which means yo...

Although I doubt it will. This seems to be a smb issue.
@terdon but if I change permissions on the parents... I think I will break SFTP :(
@terdon Sorry I am just jumping in on a meeting -- but I will come back and show you the permissions.
3:48 PM
@pmdci You might. And as I said, that's probably not it either since you're dealing with smb crap. Just throwing ideas around.
@edwinksl I am not one of those.. I did pretty poorly haha
But yes, the school figured out how to nail the points.
@terdon if that is the case, though. I gotta say that Linux is seriously letting me down comparing with Windows (oh no he didn't!) ;)
@pmdci Well, you're the one using Windows stuff :) If you didn't have to deal with Windows, you would have used NFS which is orders of magnitude simpler than bloody smb.
So, if you're having smb woes, blame Windows, not Linux :P
@terdon I could do NFS I think. because I am accessing via a Windows server that has NFS
but here is the deal, the directory is: /var/inbound/testuser/uploads/
I want to be able to read-write files in ./uploads
Q: Extra reputation option

Ubuntu UserWhy can't there be an option, where if you have enough reputation, you can give a small number of reputation. (If the question is really good) Lets say 225 reputation would be the goal for this option.

3:52 PM
do I need the fileaccess user to be owner of the previous directories? If I change ownership then it will break
@pmdci Ah, you got derobert's attention in the U&L room. Do whatever he tells you to do, he knows his stuff.
@terdon I am on a meeting now but I will definitely talk to him and do what he says. thanks
4:14 PM
Hows this board look? newegg.com/Product/…-13-157-676--Product
4:48 PM
@TheXed badass
5:10 PM
@pmdci I think the price is about right too...
@TheXed Boards usually stamped with Fatal1ty have been really good boards.
@Terrance it looks really good anyways...the better it looks, the better it performs right?
Finally finished the single player mode in Portal 2. What a story.
@TheXed LOL, I wish that were true. Fatal1ty was a famous gamer, and any board when I worked for CompUSA that was stamped with Fatal1ty was actually a really good board to have. Very few of those actually came back.
So, from my experience, Fatal1ty boards are really good to have. =)
I'll have to upgrade my keyboard....
So it can keep up with the Mobo
5:21 PM
was a famous gamer?
ah he retired
(from gaming)
Yes. Sadly, he was killed by an exasperated Mario who'd had enough jumping around.
@terdon I think I will have to call it quits with this Linux issue and hire someone at upwork
gosh this pisses me off!
See if derobert can sort you first. He has quite a bit of syadmin experience.
5:26 PM
thanks terdon
Why would someone need 2 ethernet ports?
Load balancing
Port forwarding
@Terrance yeah I was just reading about it...
Supports teaming...which I assume is their fancy way of saying bonding?
5:30 PM
1 hour later…
6:35 PM
Why is the Epiphany hat in Italian?
> La Befana vien di notte con le scarpe tutte rotte
@Zacharee1 La Befana comes at night ... she brings all the presents to Italian kids.
@Takkat lol Google got that so wrong xD
but why is it in Italian in the first place?
I thought Befana == Bufanda for some reason
@Zacharee1 it's what the hat suggests ;9
but it is an old Italian tale of the witch on a broom... and of happy kids.
and of a chimney for all kind of Christmas visitors.
@Takkat warum ist sich "bio" auf Deutsch?
I wonder if any of that's correct :p
@Zacharee1 never heard of that.. where did you read?
6:47 PM
@Takkat sich == your here
@Zacharee1 not really, actually... sich == oneself amongst other meanings.
ok, dich?
so there's no formal?
There is - 'Sie' formal plural vs. 'Du' informal singular
yes but those aren't possessive
No they aren't... Mein, Dein, Sein, Ihr, Unser, Euer, Ihr ... it's rather complicated.
Python3 is much easier to learn. :D
6:52 PM
oh derp
dich and sich are objective pronouns
Ihr is possessive too?
@Zacharee1 it is. Third person singular female or third person plural. Es ist ihr Buch could be it is her book or it is their book.
but it's also you pl informal subjective
@Takkat what about Python 1
why did I think following C-SPAN on twitter was a good idea. As if I need more depression in my life -.-
@Zacharee1 or formal... "Wo kommt iht her, ihr edler Ritter?". This site is great for such things.
wai tho
7:03 PM
@Zacharee1 C is even easier to learn (but not to code in).
@Seth why did you?
it's interesting that the same pronoun is used for third person female & third person plural...
@Zacharee1 because being ignorant is worse.
@Zanna it would if all Germans were feminists but they aren't. ;)
<-- is off brooming the chimney
@Zanna it's German. Where do you think English got its oddities? :p
@Takkat for La Befana?
7:08 PM
@Zacharee1 I think English got its oddities from being such a sponge :)
@Zanna a sponge of German's oddities :p
at least we don't do the stupid "secondary verbs to the end of the clause" thing
@Zacharee1 at least there are clearer rules in German. English is all over the place
7:27 PM
I was listening to a song I like in German these days, from "Die Toten Hosen" (and no, it's not "Hier kommt Alex"..)
what I find hard about German is 2 things, knowing what is the article of a word (der, die, das), and I don't know, some phrases looks like they are built so differently from portuguese and english
alright, now I can't find an example
that's the song btw
2 hours later…
9:29 PM
This is one of the greatest tweets of all time:
my neighbor just got an unsecured wireless printer, so I sent this to him https://t.co/UxVdyLJTYv
I imagine a frantic support call to HP.
"Help, my printer is sentient!"
> And that's the story of how I got a free printer
Lol, someone asked Owl City for permission to use one of his songs in their video -- in the comments, of a lyric video, on YouTube, on the VEVO channel
Why is that funny?
I don't really expect to find much in the way of intelligence from YouTube comment threads.
What would make someone think that's how you ask for permission to use a song?
9:40 PM
See my previous comment.
9:57 PM
@blakemessick update: my neighbor has thrown out the printer https://t.co/OPoAFuJjZ5
@blakemessick And that's the story of how I got a free printer https://t.co/DOJlS7jf39
now of course in the US he could go to jail for that buuuuuut it's still funny.
Rest In Pepperonis.
Pepperonus, pepperoni
(Obv not true)
@Seth unlawful use of others' property?
@Zacharee1 access of an unauthorized IT system
Laws regarding "unauthorized access of a computer network" exist in many legal codes, though the wording and meaning differ from one to the next. However, the interpretation of terms like "access" and "authorization" is not clear, and there is no general agreement on whether piggybacking (intentional access of an open Wi-Fi network without harmful intent) falls under this classification. Some jurisdictions prohibit it, some permit it, and others are not well-defined. For example, a common but untested argument is that the 802.11 and DHCP protocols operate on behalf of the owner, implicitly requesting...
10:08 PM
@Terrance too many people have gone to prison for this very thing for "unclear interpretation" to mean anything.
@Terrance Lol, Germany has of course a separate article about that,
Us and our thousands of laws.
@Seth I don't doubt that at all. =)
Silly laws
Who needs em
I knew that they have laws about it, and I was soooo tempted to get on my neighbors network since it was unsecured and lock it down for them. I was getting tired of the teenagers sitting outside my house on their network all day long.
I didn't do anything about it, but I set up a Wifi network called "WereWatchingYou" and they stopped hanging around.
10:14 PM
Woohoo! I am 1084 points away from 10K. =D
Anyone know of any good cheap/free VPN services?
@Terrance nice!!
@Zacharee1 yes, the one that's not free.
Cheap is there too
I mean, Windscribe is nice, but 10GB/mo isn't all that much.
@ByteCommander WOW! That piggybacking one is all in German. =)
@Zacharee1 TorGuard is $60 a year.
10:17 PM
any vim power users around?
@IanC I kind of am. I love vi/vim
@Seth I thought Windscribe's Pro $90/yr was cheap o_O
@Terrance I'm working on my start up scripts and I have an idea but I don't know exactly how to implement it, maybe you have some tips or even an alternative?
I've used TorGuard too. Seems to work fine.
10:19 PM
@IanC Startup scripts for what?
@Terrance for setting the environment. My .vimrc file checks for the current filetype (if it's not detected right after opening) and depending on it's filetype it runs a different script for setting the appropriate environment (I've one for C programming, one for Ruby programming and the default one for every other type of file)
@IanC Ah, OK
@Zacharee1 pls
10:22 PM
@Terrance my issue is: I'm using cindent for C and indentexpr for Ruby. On both, if I use copy+paste an already indented code, it will reevaluate indentation and it will end up messed up. To be able to paste something without indentation being reevaluated, you need to run :set paste. It turns off the automatic indentation (enables paste "mode")
I want to make that automatic for when I paste something with CTRL+SHIFT+V (the terminal paste) or even SHIFT+INSERT, but I'm not sure how I can approach it
@Zacharee1 dat image compression
I found something worse than email. MMS.
[History Channel Aliens Guy] "JPEGs"
@IanC Let me do a little research on that one.
Split screen works well in Nougat
10:26 PM
@Terrance I thought maybe mapping Ctrl+Shift (or the whole sequence Ctrl+Shift+V) to run :set paste and somehow delay another command (:set paste!) to disable it again. So it will have enough time to paste all the contents in paste mode and by the time you go back to writing it will be disabled again
sounds a little sketchy though, and I'm not sure how to use a "timer" for functions, maybe there is a millisecs() function on vim scripts?
@Zacharee1 about the only feature that does.
The phone call blue bar is teh weirds.
@Terrance I think I found something! :help timer_start guess I could try to use it. But what do you think about the idea overall?
It says "call in progress" before I answer.
@NathanOsman hey, I'm running stock and everything works great.
Just because you got a buggy ROM doesn't make the version bad :P
I hope they get it all sorted out.
I miss vibrate.
10:30 PM
@IanC Mine is all screwed up here. I have been looking through the :help, but I keep getting errors. UGH!
@Terrance check the /usr/share/vim/vim74 folder, maybe it has something wrong with it?
@IanC Let me look at that one.
I guess the help files are on /usr/share/vim/vim74/doc/
this function in particular I sent you is in eval.txt @Terrance
I keep getting a Function OnCursorHold error :(
my debit card got compromised again...
just got new ones in October...
10:34 PM
@TheXed Use Android Pay w/ tokenization. Oh wait...
@Terrance maybe it's something on your .vimrc file? some error in a function?
try cd ~; mv .vimrc .vimrcBACKUP to see if the error persists
@IanC Yeah, I am looking for it right now.
I don't have a .vimrc file.
no .exrc or .gvimrc neither?
@NathanOsman it's funny how LG's stupid Stock seems to be better than OnePlus's once praised OxygenOS
@IanC Nope, I don't. I will have to check my home system later. I am on my work one at the moment.
OK, I am going to drop kick my VIM. Not working and not a happy camper right now. :(
10:48 PM
maybe it's just easier to reinstall
Ah, much better! Stupid YouCompleteMe Plugin was hosed!
I'm halfway to having a functional automated paste for testing
I just need to find a way to map CTRL+SHIFT+V or CTRL+SHIFT
the former would be better
I've seem somewhere there's a way, but it's not that simple
Yeah, hold on a bit here.
@edwinksl adwonkzil cv pls
lol Community has the bacon hat
i already gave you my AU account password. can you do them for me pls, thanks zedjuandur
10:56 PM
u mst sufer
pls don't send me to concentration camp

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