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@Anwar yes.. isn't that what i said?
@SirCharlo if you find that funny, please vote up!11
Bounty offered: External USB audio interface has weird noises http://askubuntu.com/q/163323?atw=1 #sound
night all
good night
someone upvote this community wiki answer please - askubuntu.com/a/182814/25798
@jokerdino :P
@SirCharlo hey
but with all seriousness, something's wrong with him
I think he's just a very eager youth
He has much to learn looks towards the ceiling
I think he has also maybe a bit too much free time :S
But hey! At least he's not doing anything inappropriate or anything
hopefully not in the future as well
Like that guy who was calling people fa***ts for no reason
Men, I think people will call him out if ever misbehaves
Man, the interface on android sucks
I cant edit my posts unless I switch to "desktop browser" mode
I thought that dude got banned
he wasn't
The world is a horrible place
Ask the mods..
This is a very tolerant community! I wouldn't have thought so
It realllly is. I shrug at it many times a day.
Hmm. Why not
Slight trolling is tolerated, right? hopeful
@SirCharlo Thanks
@SirCharlo dont knolw
@SirCharlo i guess so.
We don't really see it much around here
luckily yeah.
Well anyway, I took the liberty of answering humorously on top of buckle in my latest answer..
Um, or huckle.. autocorrect fail
If someone objects I'll delete my post.
yeah what the heck are you two onto?
Q: Should humorously bad answers by known trolls be flagged?

Eliah KaganWhen a user has only ever previously used the site for trolling, and then they post an answer that looks like it might be a genuine attempt to answer the question, except: The answer is not likely to be helpful. The answer ignores important information provided prominently in the question. As y...

Well I'm not a known troll, sooo.. :)
Now you are :P
Hi. Wait, someone asked me why Steve Jobs is on my Logo?
njallam did.
@jokerdino that'll be the day
Well, he's not here right now
Would you care to leave a message?
@njallam Well, it is my Google profile picture because I read his bio for a million times
What's the second guy who pinged me yesterday?
I wouldn't know
Ah. Also @Sircharlo, what interesting stuff on my blog
btw, what made you think xorg ppa had PAE kernel?
This shit interface is driving me crazy
that makes you a known troll and any more bad answer, we'll frame you >:)
@SirCharlo no, not you lol
@SirCharlo It's me
not you
I actually thought you were talking to me
@SirCharlo well, you didn't say xorg ppa has a nonPAE kernel did you?
I guess my caps lock works at least
@jokerdino nope, wouldn't dare
@SirCharlo then i think you are pretty safe
anyone give me back the link for that guy who doesn't know how to install on a Mac?
Anyway I found it now
@SirCharlo heh i love that song
Don't we all
Damn it
"...desert you!..."
Finally got that Mac question answered
@jokerdino Yo
Reminds me of tunak tunak
Hi :)
I was just wondering... does anyone know how on earth people are going to dual-boot with Windows 8 + Linux because MS is moving EUFI instead of BIOS?
@Mochan Sure, install Ubuntu using UEFI;)
hi @Mochan. Do make sure to cross reference any answer you may get.
we can't confirm all answers are valid.
@smartboyhw Seriously? I thought that EUFI was going to demand... ugh what are they called...? Licenses from ubuntu/Linux, which wouldn't happen because of the open-source nature of Linux.
@Mochan you pay for the key. is that what you are talking about?
@jokerdino I think so
I think he was talking to @Mochan ...
I was..
See, I was pretty sure
@jokerdino Kind of. I'm reading some article and it says "However, EUFI can be configured to not boot any OS that hasn't been signed.this directly impacts Linux because of it's open-source nature and the unlikely hood that popular makers like Canonical and Red Hat would purchase."
^ It*
@Mochan ironically, they both did some agreements on this
Red Hat bought a key and Canonical switched to something else.
hi @msPeachy Am glad you are safe (?)
@jokerdino What? My God, I'm so behind. What did Canonical 'switch' to though
Stupid crammed keyboard >O<
@jokerdino yes, I'm okay, we're okay.
@msPeachy whoo. glad to hear that.
The killer six inch wave didn't wreak too much havoc?
no tsunami struck right?
@RolandTaylor I'm back
Wow thanks @jokerdino... can't believe I was so behind.
@jokerdino nope, it was cancelled last night.
the tsunami alert
@SirCharlo six inch? really?
@mspeachy glad to hear that!
@Mochan just a couple of months :)
Yeah that's what they said on the news
@jokerdino That's massive. I can't believe it -,-
@msPeachy yeah, good news all around
@Mochan stay on the hook buddy :P
@mspeachy --^
We didn't hear any news last night, that's why I was online last night as I was searching for any news and warnings
@jokerdino Yeah, I know right... hahaha I actually feel kind of ashamed.
@msPeachy oh
but weren't you right next to it?
@Mochan it's cool. i am glad you know there were some UEFI issues after all :))
Yes, we don't get warnings and advisory here, our local officials are not that updated, I had to go online
oh wow, emergency system doesn't work well there?
@jokerdino Hahaha so am I. MS is just screwing everything up and making things more complex. It's annoying :\
@mspeachy :S
@mspeachy well I'm glad you're okay
@msPeachy That's pretty ridiculous (sorry to butt in). They should always be aware of something like that. Quote everyone who has said it: glad you're OK ^^
@jokerdino not really, I don't think we even have an emergency system, I'm not sure though, we're in the province so we're kinda behind on almost everything, we have a TV but there wasn't any flash reports, not until 12 midnight. It was by far the scariest moment of my life.
O.O not even any flash news? this sounds pretty ridiculous.
@jokerdino +1
What's the province? Is that far from the city?
@SirCharlo the epicenter was like a 2-hour drive from where we live.
@jokerdino there are flash news but it was late
Damnn o.o
epicenter is like in the sea right?
@msPeachy if it was late, i dont think it is flash news
@jokerdino lol, yes right
but seriously, now that things have settled down a bit, i think we all can relax for a while
it happened around 8:50pm and the news was almost midnight.
ah, so when you came in online, it was just at that time
@jokerdino yes, I'm back to my old self
@msPeachy everyone's okay right?
@jokerdino it was minutes after it happened. I was looking for news and was talking to a friend in manila and was asking for updates from him.
@jokerdino yes, everyone's okay
cool and cool
Is the kid gone?
yes, can't stay long. be back later. thanks for the concern. bye guys.
@SirCharlo Rule 1: You don't talk about that kid.
I can't see with this stupid android skin
@msPeachy bye. take care
@mspeachy bye! :)
So... this was about Hurricane Issac? I'm not in America :\
@Mochan earthquake in Philippines coast.
Neither is she
@jokerdino OH. Oh my gosh... that's horrible x.x
@jokerdino I was serious! I wanna know if X is watching
well, let's say earthquake + tsunami
@SirCharlo Hahahaha, oh God fail xP
@SirCharlo he is around
I'm paranoid
k thanks
No, fail on my behalf.
I thought everyone was in America, not the Philippines x.x
Nah its fine
Yeah I live in the greater America
I wonder who X is.
@Mochan x.org
We got a lot of internationality here
@jokerdino Sounds weird. What is it?
The cursed X11
@SirCharlo Yup. I'm from Australia :S
@SirCharlo OH
@Mochan which part?
@jokerdino Victoria, why?
@Mochan Just curious.
@jokerdino Ok lol xP
The south east are pretty densely populated, according to my geography book
I'm a Kanuck!
@SirCharlo oh?
not a native english?
@jokerdino Hm... well yes, that's agreeable. However I don't live directly in the city.
i see
@jokerdino you can't tell?
@SirCharlo I can't tell.
@SirCharlo I can't either :S
if Kanuck, not native English.
@jokerdino I'm Near Montreal
You see, my canadian geog is pretty weak.
i know like few things in canada
like ottawa, quebec, vancouver and probably montreal.
Psh, my geography is very poor.
air? Huh?
@SirCharlo Am I right :P
I'd tell you if I understood the question :P
I have no idea what you mean by air
well, you said you are french. so, you are not an Native English speaker.
@SirCharlo Jokerdino said "If Kanuck, not native English. Am I right?" Is he right? :S
@Mochan Thanks.
No problems
My brain must be over capacity or something
Hehehe, know the feeling :P
No, I'm a native Quebecois
but I went to English school exclusively
so.. im in between I guess :P
A: Meaning of "native speaker of English"

RobustoA "native speaker of English" refers to someone who has learned and used English from early childhood. It does not necessarily mean that it is the speaker's only language, but it means it is and has been the primary means of concept formation and communication. It means having lived in a truly En...

@SirCharlo Well it must be an alright school, I reckon your English is good :)
@jokerdino Wow, how'd you do that?
I know what native English is lol
@Mochan Just post the link to the question xD
@SirCharlo no, they talk about canadians in that answer
OH -,-
@jokerdino Oh hey, you said ages ago to make sure to cross-reference any answer I get for my EUFI/BIOS question... yeah... how do you do that? OTL
Well I guess Id be a hybrid then
I'm hungry ... brb
I read all my books in English, all movies in English, etc
I can't stand crappy translations..
@SirCharlo None of us can =.=
@Mochan oh i was just saying because smartboy has been posting not so correct answers :P
@jokerdino Oh OK. I get you now x)
i consider myself a reliable source of information. :P
@Mochan :)))
@jokerdino So do I. I see you everywhere !
@Mochan everywhere? o.O
you should be seeing izx, Eliah and Jorge more than me for sure
is x still there?
@jokerdino On the internet of course (lol). I see... Eliah alot. I haven't heard of the others, but I see you around a lot too. Although, this is come from a person with 55 reputation -,-
@SirCharlo yes
cue dramatic music :p
@Mochan i hope that wasn't sarcastic but was a compliment blushes
What about y? decoy so x doesn't get suspicious ;)
@SirCharlo y haven't come in yet
@jokerdino Hahaha. No, seriously, complient. EVERYWHERE xP
@Mochan xP you
now get something to eat @Mochan
@jokerdino I did. I guess I never mentioned 'back' somewhere.
@Mochan oh i see. i don't have your webcam streaming
@jokerdino O_O I hope not anyway! Gets out of pyjamas only kidding.
Ugh the italics using asterisks is annoying. I use them like asterisks. Let's see * hi *
Brb getting something more to eat. One timtam is not sufficient. Actually, suppose you don't know much about timtams... let's see. Biscut is not sufficient.
for some reason, you remind me of Mahesh o.O
Don't know who is x-x
Back, btw
welcome back
Ty OwO
@jokerdino Ok
ok, you got your x
My X?
is it this person? en.gravatar.com/morisato31
our X then
Who's our X?
@Mochan shrug no.
you know what, it ain't worth it.
Nooo! Bring it back! I'm curious!
You remind of this person - askubuntu.com/users/45659/mahesh
But he ain't X.
Monkey :D
hm i am not calling you monkey or ape.
Actually I don't know who is X. /me points at @SirCharlo and walks away.
@jokerdino Hahaha I know ;)
So X.Org, the organization of the X Windows System.
Brb... I'm thirsty now T_T
Back -,-
so, next up. what do you think you will leave for?
OH YEAH! Most of the reason why i came here: cna you help with this? askubuntu.com/questions/182828/…
i need access to your credit card jk
Lol XD
i dont know what problem that is.
@jokerdino Lunch. Probably.
keyboard going unresponsive? o.O
@jokerdino Yeah. Nothing works
@Mochan quite soon?
Bounty offered: Ubuntu 12.04 not starting (dual boot) http://askubuntu.com/q/181096?atw=1 #dualboot
@jokerdino No, only in the Java application
Otherwise how could I be typing now? +P
weirdish. what is this java app for?
@Mochan fair point :P
It's embarrassing o`.`o
It begins with an M
*is ashamed*
got enough minecraft questions. check them out
openjdk 7 java black screen issue here - askubuntu.com/a/166547/25798
You figured it out. Im embarrassed. But nonetheless, its not so much the black screen thats a bother because I managed to fix that
Its the keyboard, which fails to type within minecraft
i suggest you use openjdk 7 and fix the black screen.
Should we consider this probably abandoned and start close-voting it, or leave it be for longer? I'm leaning toward just leaving it be, but I'm not sure.
Q: Using XAMPP tool kit how set permissions or restrict access for the users

Vishwas JWe have used html and php as a front end and XAMPP for the database.

@EliahKagan i know another viswa
might not be the same guy. never mind then
Close this one if you haven't done so:
Got to go, @jokerdino thanks for all your help! ^^
Q: running apt-get update shows GPG error

DineshI am getting below GPG error on running the command sudo apt-get update. W: GPG error: http://in.archive.ubuntu.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <[email protected]> W: Duplicate sources.list entry ht...

@Mochan welcome and take care ::))
I feel like there should be some older question we can dupe this to...
Q: how can I get 32-bit program to run on 64-bit Ubuntu?

CarolSorry to be asking this, but I have read quite a few posts and articles a lot of places wrt the issue I am having, to no avail. I am trying to get a Second Life Viewer (Firestorm) to run, and just keep getting the '64-bit error message' it throws. I have installed every 32-lib I can find, still d...

Anyone heard from Ms Mighty Peachy?
she said she is fine
oh she is here now
@msPeachy \o :D
@RolandTaylor I pinged you earlier
who's got food? I'm hungry!
Oh! I didn't check my AU inbox yet
had a busy night
@msPeachy I've got something to drink but not something to eat yet
milk? juice? mauby?
@jokerdino lunch?
@msPeachy soon-ish
fruit punch :D
ate too much for breakfast o.O
@RolandTaylor oh what flavor?
@msPeachy it's orange and some other stuff that I'm not sure about
I didn't see when my mother mixed it
@jokerdino i see, what did you have?
uhm, same ol' stuff
fried rice, hashbrown, nugget, milo
and some bread
i'll take any fruit...:)
what's keepin u busy?
@jokerdino some breakfast
I only had bread and milk
heh i just felt like eating.
Many things - got a replacement for the laptop that wasn't turning on, been working feverishly on models for Mission : Illumination, working on my novel, doing CDs for church, and I forgot the rest
this week was a blur
@RolandTaylor yay, you got a new laptop?!!
@msPeachy not new in year, but new yes :D
(It's old in terms of when it was made :P - it's the same nc8000 model as the other one - but perfect for writing ^_^)
@RolandTaylor I see, well that will do
it sure feels good to be back in action
crap, my front page is empty
@RolandTaylor oh great
@jokerdino take mine
it's empty on SU too
Same here
oh, i thought my network did something funny

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