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Why is it that whenever I get downvotes... they are for the most stupid reasons?
rage much?
@jrg I was ignoring it at first until I saw the comment to explain why
Oh geeze.
i see it.
cause honestly I don't care if someone downvotes for a good reason
but why are all the downvotes I get on old answers, for stupid reasons .... essentially unsubstantiated?
Interesting. This is my first post in the chat rooms. Nothing ground breaking here... ;)
Ground breaking as in what I'm saying in my first post... not what everyone else is saying, that's actually quite interesting.
@MatNadrofsky Welcome!
@GeorgeEdison stackapplet is working
Ubuntu One Music - Music folder won't sync http://askubuntu.com/questions/96402/ubuntu-one-music-music-folder-wont-sync #ubuntuone
@jrg since when did you become such a household name/all-purpose-word?
2 hours later…
Can you answer this? How do I open a file from terminal? http://askubuntu.com/questions/95904/how-do-i-open-a-file-from-terminal #bash
3 hours later…
goedemorgen allemaal
Bounty offered: My Laptop Battery Does Not Charge http://askubuntu.com/questions/90562/my-laptop-battery-does-not-charge #powermanagement
1 hour later…
Anyone knows what is a left cmd key?
1 hour later…
@jokerdino today, nobody knows anything
wikipedia is shut down
Hello all
totally makes sense.
@jokerdino it's the key with the "⌘" symbol on a macintosh keyboard
@jokerdino he means the super key, next to alt, on the left side of the kb
isn't it? I dunno, that one's called the "command key"
hmm something like the meta key?
Q: What are the meta, super, and hyper keys?

Jorge CastroIn System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layout -> Options ->Alt/Win key behavior What do meta, super, hyper mean?

i thought left cmd was the left mouse button.
ok brb after dinner. GTG :D
you can still read wikipedia :\
The people of the world have become 90% dumber due to @Wikipedia Protesting against #SOPA
ah good call
I just deleted the black overlay, but that's even better
@StefanoPalazzo Was writing a userscript for that
though I wish they would've just taken it offline entirely
well done
@StefanoPalazzo plzz.de
Dont you blackout?
give me a minute (:
that reminds me - I should probably make a proper site some time. start blogging on planet ubuntu as well.
@StefanoPalazzo Cool.. Want any help :D
thanks, but I think I'm all set. just set up a blog on blogger.com
too easy
@StefanoPalazzo YU NO OPEN?
why isn't ask ubuntu down?
i expected a black banner :P
because I can't be bothered to install mysql
@htorque if we had just a banner, wouldn't that seem a bit hypocritical?
well, only the banner !:-)
The name of the music @htorque
Now :D
"irrelevant plastic poo"
scnr :P
Closing abandoned questions is harder than it should be. http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/2329/closing-abandoned-questions-is-harder-than-it-should-be
@htorque ಠ_ಠ
ok back.
Q: Only show Unity laucher when left cmd/win key is pressed?

jdc0589Ive seen plenty of guides on how to prevent the launcher/sidebar from ever auto-hiding, but how would I prevent it from ever showing except when I press the left cmd/win key?

someone make a call and tell me if he wants answer for unity or unity-2d..
unity-2d, its tagged
how do I get "diff" to print "+" and "-" rather than ">" and "<"?
@BrunoPereira OK thanks.
@StefanoPalazzo diff -u
oh awesome, that's what I wanted
diff -ru | grep -v "^+++" | grep "^+"
one of the GtkSourceView developers wants me to write a language spec for Python3 that only includes the differences between 2.x and 3.x
rather than a whole new file
so now I have to sort out exactly what is deprecated, what is new. for keywords, builtin functions and builtin objects
piece of cake, right? :P
absolutely! (sighs quietly)
A: Skype doesn't appear in the indicator zone

apochryThe same here... can not find solution anywhere... f**k!

I hope my flag gets approved. >:D
thanks :)
@htorque one more if you know.. how do I get diff to print me a list of added and removed lines, even if they are sorted differently?
it now says "-x" and "+x" if I moved something around
> if you know
%< ? (was looking through the man page )
that doesn't seem to do it
if the files were sorted, I could just use "comm"
 -w, --ignore-all-space
              ignore all white space

 -B, --ignore-blank-lines
              ignore changes whose lines are all blank
never mind, I'll go through each of them. I'm almost done anyway, it's about 30 items left
colordiff can also be useful
for simple stuff i just use meld (gui)
great, not that again. :D
oh cool, I'm now on planet ubuntu
prepare yourselves (:
Oh I see @oli 's blog post in planet..
OMG NEW TWITTER?!?!?!?! AHHHHHH!!!!! #DontFixWhatAintBroken
New twitter?
Did not look like that yesterday (for me at least)
It doesn't look like that for me here. not yet.
be prepared
(votes as not a question)
I see "Free TShirt" - I'm in!
I was ready to be outraged over wolfram's terms of use, but they're actually reasonable
apart from this bit:
> Your API Client is prohibited from caching Wolfram|Alpha content
that means, technically, you can't have a wolfram alpha lens
Has everyone signed yet? rlemon.com
@StefanoPalazzo maybe asking them nicely would be an option on that case?
I'm pretty sure they're not going to complain about that at all
for instance, if you write a web-app using their API, it will probably be cached somewhere - this rule is so vague, you're always going to violate it
they just mean you must send requests directly to their API (to ensure users always see up-to-date results, otherwise they'd look bad)
lawyers, eh :-)
how often should I need to run apt-get update
it depends on your version.
ubuntu version or apt version
Ubuntu release version.
If you got a pre release version, a couple of times a day. :D
11.10 -
if not, may be once a day if you are OCD, or else once in a week.
There seems to be something wrong with my system currently.
I am seeing a lot of 'bugs' in Chrome that only seem to be applicable to me.
ok, I like the once a day - slightly OCD
ok one more question than back to work.
Qt creator... is this like VS is to .NET?
If i'm jumping in, what should I know/do after installing Qt Creator from the USC
wait till someone who knows the answer sees it.
coz i got no idea
well I've installed Qt Creator on my home and work pc.. from a first glance (not actually doing anything just loading the software then staring blankly at it) it appears to be VSish. However I have learned just about everything development related in Ubuntu does not work 'out of the box'
sorry, does not work as well as it could if someone who know what the hell they are doing directs you.
maybe i'll load the Hello World and mess around from there...
@jrg you better not screw this up for me!
Anyone around who is good with Qt? Basically I have a project in mind - however I do need a push in the right direction.
Bounty offered: How can I merge the different keyboard indicators? http://askubuntu.com/questions/31440/how-can-i-merge-the-different-keyboard-indicators #indicator
@rlemon you should talk to @GeorgeEdison, he's a Qt magician
that doesn't sound right
“No valid QT version found” Problem.
I read there are packages I need, however the posting was not specific as to which packages.
for the record, it's pronounced "cju, tee"
I have only just installed Qt Creator from the USC
I always pronounced it as "Queue te" (like cute but with more of a u sound)
that sounds like a bug
according to what I can find, sudo apt-get install qtcreator should get you everything you need
@rlemon try installing "libqt4-dev"
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
qtcreator is already the newest version.
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libqt4-dev is already the newest version.
libqt4-dev set to manually installed.
@rlemon qmake is installed as well?
hi everyone! :)
I need some help with ping marks on my server
what is a good ping to have if I $ping ADDRESS ?
@StefanoPalazzo where do i install that? also how do I see if it is installed.
damn Ubuntu - Y U NO SUPPLY out of box WORKING SOFTWARE?
@stefanoPalazzo my page is also in the strike ;)
@rlemon you could probably type "whereis qmake". if it's not installed, run sudo apt-get install qmake and then open up Qt Creator, go to Tools → Options → Qt 4 and add the path to qmake there
@rlemon I used another one...
@Alvar I don't understand what you mean. "ping -c 4"?
qmake: /usr/bin/qmake /usr/share/man/man1/qmake.1.gz
which dir should I use?
yes, /usr/bin/qmake is the one you want
@StefanoPalazzo what's a good ping TIME to have? how many ms is good?
my dns is out of sync...
@Alvar the fastest, nearest server you could ping is probably
try pinging that and see what time you get
it's around 45ms for me
@StefanoPalazzo 42ms for me..
that's fine then
@StefanoPalazzo I pinged my laptops server, and it was like 3 ms...
if I ping from my web-server, it's 5 milliseconds
@StefanoPalazzo what do you get if you ping ?
@StefanoPalazzo hmm..
@Alvar 30 milliseconds
cool :)
that's again from my web server, which has an awesome internet connection
@StefanoPalazzo that's the laptop I'm sitting on / server! :D
The page http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/201/ask-ubuntu-general-room is on strike today to fight the Stop Online Piracy Act.
from my local host it's 70ms
@rlemon LOL
wrong $_SERVER var?
yo @StefanoPalazzo!
@rlemon it's using the last address and not the current one xD
I have a mug and tshirt ready for you!
I just need that charm! :)
@JorgeCastro it's so human like! :P
@JorgeCastro I looked into that mozilla thing, it's pretty hefty :\
@Alvar Ive done that before.
lots of java too
what's hefty about it?
ugh, eh? I thought they redid it in python?
@StefanoPalazzo just realized Java so sooo much fun :)
Guys - Qt - I want to create a app for Ubuntu - well a desktop 'widget'
I thought they djangoe'ed it
Can someone point me in the right direction.
@JorgeCastro well, hefty in context. Ondina is getting close to private preview, so I'm pretty busy still for a couple of days. I also saw something about a rewrite in python - but as far as I could see that was only the front-end
might be wrong
@rlemon talk to: @georgeEdison
@Alvar Get him in here. :P
@rlemon w8 a couple of hours and he WILL show up..
I have always been confused by George
is his name George Edison or Nathan Osman
he's both!
@StefanoPalazzo I see some ruby stuff in there
BUT WHYYYYYYYYY??????? Tax evasion ?
↑ 1 hour talk about what names are
the upshot is: not everyone has one name, or even a name
I see what is going on in #ubuntu-community
So I can just willy nilly change my name to Nilly Willy?
depends. if you live in france, you can't change your name at all. if you're british, it's quite easy
in canada it costs like $200 or something but you can do it online.
I'd do that in a heartbeat. it's very difficult in germany too, unfortunately
not change my name, but add second, third and fourth names
I was thinking i'm tired of being a lemon - Robert Lime... that has a nice ring to it.
why would i want to change my name?
unless i have a lemon in there, i think mine is just fine :)
because you could be Bruce Banner!
@JorgeCastro actually, I was probably looking at the wrong repository
they have 8 of them :)
I am getting confirmation from mozilla
is what you want I am sure
lol I found the one that needs jboss
right, I was looking at that probably. caseconductor-platform
yeah I think the new django one replaces all that
someone is finding out for us
if I'm not totally mistaken, the ruby stuff is just for sass - so that's no problem
@StefanoPalazzo I have updated that page.... however this doesnt look right.
(and sass is a css compiler)
@rlemon I've never used qt creator, can you post a screenshot? does it still give you that error?
and the same error as noted before.
:\ it might be time to ask a question on au
also - Qt sessions don't appear in my launcher or ALT+TAB menus
I have to minimize all other windows to find it back ther.e
brb gonna relog and see if that helps.
if you're feeling lucky, you could install kdevelop. that'll probably pull down a million dependencies, give you everything you need
plus KDE
ok so I think i've figured out my chrome bug too - Cookies are lost when I close all instances of the browser.
so Qt now shows instances in the launcher but that is about it. nothing else works.
@rlemon I am happy you are trying your best to stick with Ubuntu \o/
I don't give up easily
Ubuntu is now my Biatch and I must own her.
morning Marco!
@Jorge there are a bunch of charms in .charms/oneiric. which one of those would be a good one to fork?
i.e. one that hasn't got a lot of stuff in it
@MarcoCeppi Morning - should I continue waiting for George for my Qt issues or are you also a Qt demi-god?
I know nothing of Qt
kk :P
you know why Chrome decides to 'remember' my cookies (I can see them in the "Cookies and Other Data" page) but does not use them ??
@StefanoPalazzo any one of them
@StefanoPalazzo though "charm create" gets you 90% there
after that all you need is Marco's charm tools
which has convenience functions
haha "Marco Ceppi's Charm Tools(tm)"
cool, thanks. I'll try to get caseconductor to run first of all
I'm producing a commercial with Vince Shlomi for Marco Ceppi's Charm Tools(tm)
nope, I absolutely don't know what I'm doing here (:
one time I had my cat stuck in a tree
and charm-tools saved the day
ch_get_cat ?
is it possible to move a card between trello boards yet?
@JorgeCastro from one board to another one?
@JorgeCastro I don't think so\
i think you can.
That is a video of my Cookie Conundrum
on the side of every card, there is some dropdown options. click on move and select the board?
dude you are awesome!
Man, I wish I could 'Fork' a question.
Q: Google Chrome loses logged-in-sessions on shutdown

TchalvakI'm running google chrome 11.0.696, Lucid Lynx. Despite having the cookies setting set to allow all cookies, and the "clear cookies on shutdown" option unchecked, I continually lose my logged in sessions (and presumably the login cookies) when I shut chrome down. I'm guessing this is a bug, but...

from May of last year... no solutions.. very little action.
and for 10.04
take it over!
just edit it?
update with current information / browser version / ubuntu version ?
upvote and bounty it
but I would need to first update the question with my specific details correct?
11.10 and Google Chrome 16.0.912.75 (Official Build 116452)
I mean, if it's sitting there being worthless, take it over
unless we're not supposed to do that
/me eyes what marcopallazzo recommends
Q: How do I get the Broadcom BCM4313 wireless working on an Asus 1015PX?

MarkusI installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my Asus 1015PX which is certified by Canonical. My WiFi is not working. I read about the BCM4313 troubles and tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php I already tried everything in the threa...

ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1783272 is this related to that in any way?
even though i have the same wifi driver, i am not actually sure.
can someone approve my edit on
Q: Google Chrome loses logged-in-sessions on shutdown

TchalvakI'm running google chrome 11.0.696, Lucid Lynx. Despite having the cookies setting set to allow all cookies, and the "clear cookies on shutdown" option unchecked, I continually lose my logged in sessions (and presumably the login cookies) when I shut chrome down. I'm guessing this is a bug, but...

common peers review!
Q: Some gnome programs having lost graphic elements

Amith KKSome nautilus, empathy etc windows are having some lost graphic elements: But some apps such as Xfce Terminal still looks normal Is this because of some package missing?

@AmithKK you know Qt Creator?
@rlemon Yeah?
I had it
in the last install
Basically I can't get this thing working..
@rlemon Whats up?
Segmentation Fault?
developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/7200/P15 <- this article explains my problem... but in Ubuntu not windows.
I have just (for the first time) installed and trying to use Qt Creator (never written anything Qt either)
@rlemon How did you install it
USC -> Qt Creator
@rlemon What does your log say?
which log
sorry ubuntu newbie
@rlemon Start it in the terminal
still getting this
and I have setup the qt version (i think)
1 hour ago, by rlemon
user image
A: Qt Creator won't recognize any Qt version

Octavian DamieanThe problem wasn't the missing Qt version but the missing tool chain. In Tools → Options → Tool Chains add GCC and set your gcc path as the Compiler path.

lol yea i just found that.
thanks @AmithKK
@rlemon np
@AmithKK rlemon.com <- you signed yet?
@rlemon Yep
@JorgeCastro do you have someone around who's manage to run caseconductor?
I'm half sure I did everything correctly so far, and it seems to be running but I get a 404 on /
@StefanoPalazzo A caseconductor?
command g++ not found.
@AmithKK it's the name of a project by mozilla
@rlemon build-essentials ?
@StefanoPalazzo no clue, let me ask
@rlemon sudo apt-get install build-essentials
I failed on my promise
I forgot to check the review page yesterday :(
ugh... Unable to locate package build-essentials
try removing the s
@RolandTaylor +1
@RolandTaylor +1
is there any documentation that outlines the different project types and what they could/should be used for..
@AmithKK cya
oh btw guys... LibreOffice 3.5 ftw
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