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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

compiles PHP 5.2...
@GeorgeEdison hey you got a second?
Sure, what's up?
formating a flash drive using gparted and now it wont let me copy to it.
says i don't have permission to copy to that drive
i'm recreating the partition table now... hopefully that works.
I had a similar problem once.
Turned out to be a defective flash drive.
> The folder "Folder Name" cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to create it in the destination.
brb, boot windows and try again. :s
ok lets see...
FAT32 or exFAT
which do you recommend for being Ubuntu friendly.
I'm not sure that Linux has exFAT drivers yet.
ok, formatted well.
and windows doesn't mind copying to it. :P
damn, I keep going to the side for the 'taskbar'... 60 days and Ubuntu has ruined me for Windows.
Just move the taskbar to the side :)
good call :P
now how to get date and time in the top right and the control buttons on the left
But the flash drive works in Windows?
ohh yea
formatted and copies well.
after i get the movies on it i want i will boot back to ubuntu to see if it now works there.
yup and full permissions in ubuntu as well.
I finally reproduced that PHP bug on my Fedora VM.
@TheX nope.
At least, not yet.
o/ @jrg
Oh hai @lazyPower. :)
You've been busy on github bud, i logged into my non-work github account and was blown away by your activity feed
i'm glad i can take some credit for spurning that interest :D
I indeed have been busy.
I'm working on some machup design elements for my capstone project -- this should be fun :D
i'm not a designer by any sense of the word :|
design as in "pretty pixels" or design as in "pretty infrastructure"?
pretty pixels
ah i see.
CSS3 transforms and HTML5 will be my weapons of choice -- staying away from doing graphics intensive design. Its been a fun learning experiment so far and i'm just getting started
this will be my first app toying with the HTML5 datastore
i've heard thats really fun, but I haven't had a chance to do anything like that yet.
Its neat, dropshadows and rounded corners make things look all pretty with a candy style interface
wrap it with some jquery sugar, and this will be a machup of beauty
Q: What is the wildcard within KDE proxy settings?

emeraldo.csI have Googled this but cannot find it. I am currently using Kubuntu 11.10 64-bit. I am trying to set up an exceptions list for my proxy using the KDE control panel but when I try use common wildcard symbols, I get the error message: Make sure none of the addresses or URLs you specified contain ...

gliffy.com/publish/3219196 -- i'm building this out right now.
I'm basically re-creating the G+ / facebook feed wall -- as a new spin on traditional forums.
How much is/isn't Gliffy?
4.95 a month -- i'm on a free trial right now.
I've been finding some awsome apps to drop in my GApps domain -- still looking for some productivity / project management software that isnt MS Project translated for the web. -- which is sadly most of what i've found.
I dont beleive that trello hooks into gapps
looks around sheepishly Nobody saw that did they? >_>
thats true.
The whole point is to find a collection of applications that integrate into my domain to build a cohesive suite of tools that interchange data seamlessly and actually enhance my already stellar experience with a Google Apps Domain, thus eliminating my need for anything but a browser and vim open at any given time
or MonoDevelop, for those kitchen-sink-framework tendencies that I have.
@lazyPower Waves.
o/ @GeorgeEdison -- How now brown cow?
Pretty good - ran into the strangest PHP bug earlier in the week.
I spent a lot of wasted time trying to track down the bug in my code.
Only to find that it wasn't my bug :)
What's worse, the bug has been "fixed" in the latest version of PHP.
So all of that time was spent finding a bug in PHP that's already been fixed :P
Happens to the best of us brother :) I spent a few hours tracking down some display issues that a designer had sent over a CSS fix for and instead of posting it on the issue-ticket, he emailed it and it got lost in teh black-hole of my email... i spent 3 hours trying to reformat a design on IE7 that hte guy fixed with a docmode declaration at the top of the file :|
so ~ 120 lines of CSS later -- i was ready to jump out a window
CSS on IE is not fun :)
At least it's better than it used to be.
Truth -- i'm thankful for awesome things like modernizr and the death of ie6
as a web developer, i think i'd go insane without those... now that i'm really digging into html5 i'm loving how it degrades gracefully in older browsers.
HTML5 is awesome.
Canvas has been really helpful for image manipulation.
I have an error message in Update Manager http://askubuntu.com/questions/96700/i-have-an-error-message-in-update-manager #softwarecenter
file bug, submit pull request fixing it 6 minutes later. LIKE A BOSS.
And that included several minutes where I couldn't log into github. :P
Wonderful - my PC just blue-screened again.
I wonder which of these three things is causing it: upgraded graphics drivers, the new memory module I installed, or the DisplayLink driver I installed?
I havent seen one of those in a while, but when i do its always driver or faulty hardware
I'm testing the memory now.
I love how savvy ubuntu is, i was just lamenting to a co-worker today that I havent had a single issue with hardware detection, software packages breaking, or system stability in a few years. And thanks to Ubuntu's momentum to making linux user friendly I've become pretty lax on my console voodoo to get things to behave how i would expect. now that my friends, is progress.
the vertible death of the 1990's linux guy
Always be proud of the things you get to forget, instead of the things you learn
I'm... not sure... I understand that one...
the 1990's linux guy is hated by Jorge Castro , if any further explanation is required than that, i'm not sure i can explain it.. other than that was a very humble acceptance of that statement by JC
@JorgeCastro <3
It's causing my unit tests to fail :(
Aww thats no fun
By the way... does that page look alright?
It's a unit test framework I created.
you wrote this?
looking it over it seems to provide a great level of detail in debug, its reporting its test cases
Stack.PHP is my client library for accessing the Stack Exchange API.
i was referring to this unit testing interface you have here.
i'm pretty impressed over this
Yeah, I wrote that too :)
have you shared this with marco? he's the resident PHP ninja -- he'd probably be really interested in this
@lazyPower Marco... yeah, I think he saw it.
I've never really written anything of this scale before, and I wanted to make sure that the unit test looked alright.
This library is elligible for the contest.
I'm up and coming in the TDD world -- but yeah these look solid
Great, thanks.
I'm thinking of also adding some performance data (average lookup time, etc.).
that would be good for tweaking, tuning, and optimizing
I'm out for the evening. TC George.
Ubuntu buggy when I open many windows http://askubuntu.com/questions/96729/ubuntu-buggy-when-i-open-many-windows #bug
1 hour later…
Night all.
1 hour later…
Q: Dash panel is not visible

DiegoI recently upgraded Ubuntu from version 11.04 to 11.10. After about two days of using this new version the Dash didn't appear on the top, and I wasn't able to access the programs that I use. Let me describe: The bar on the top with the clock and Internet connections is not there. The only rem...

Answered own question in comments, four months ago.
Two votes needed.
Can you answer this? Trouble installing additional driver http://askubuntu.com/questions/50611/trouble-installing-additional-driver #installation
2 hours later…
Hey, Can one help me ? I want check my computer to know whether there are problems or not . These problems can be either hardware or software. Maybe some library mistakenly deleted . How can I do ?
Hello all
@BrunoPereira Hey
How many have used ubuntu from dapper drake?
BRB... Need to check on something
do we need a tag? what about ? i don't think there's a crash-expert or shutdown-expert going through questions tagged that way.
should go to our linux friends?
Q: Can I make one Chrome(ium) profile the default?

d3vidI am using Chrome and Chromium 16.0.912.75 (from the stable channels). I find the profile feature really useful. However, when new tabs are opened, or I launch Chrome for the first time, the window/tab opens in the last profile I was using. Instead I'd like new tabs opened from external applicat...

Can you answer this? What's the ultimate way to install debug Flash Player in Firefox? http://askubuntu.com/questions/27042/whats-the-ultimate-way-to-install-debug-flash-player-in-firefox #firefox
answered in comments (mine needs one upvote)
Q: How to watch TV with me-tv?

jodPlease help: me-tv doesn't start (why??) and installing totem-plugins-dvb-daemon doesn't show up in Totem itself - so I can't watch TV with totem. I installed gnome-dvb-client as well as gnome-dvb-daemon. I can scan for channels via gnome-dvb-setup and even record streams with gnome-dvb-control ...

Nobody here
Guess who has crossed 10k reputation on Stack Overflow? :D
@OctavianDamiean JohnSkeet?
@OctavianDamiean Is it you?
It's me. :D
grats :D
Thanks. :)
@jokerdino got those screenies for you now.
cookies before i close the browser.....
cookies after i close and reopen the browser
Q: network connection fail

gccI want connect to wireless but I could not managed . Because I cannot see the tool shown at picture. order : wireless sound mail but in my computer order : sound message I have opened wireless by hand but it is not work. With terminal, I have tried to connect but it gives error ...

@rlemon Try uninstalling Google Chrome and then removing the cache and configuration..
i will (again) but I had already tried that.. :(
whoa... where did ~/.config/google-chromed come from
had google-chrome and google-chromed
removed both, and cache, and then re-installed.
so far so good :P
does restarting browser not annoy you ?
I only restart it like once a day
I like to have my work closed when i leave.
@jokerdino thankyou for making me relook in that folder. I will award you the bounty in 2 hours (stupid making me wait... ugh)
Oh I totally forgot I already answered that question.
Thanks anyway :D
no, thank you :P
Restarting the browser doesn't log you out anymore?
nope :D
and I verified all my cookies are remembered
That is great :D
Weird thing. Now how did google-chromed came to existence?
/me blinks.
if you read the starred messages in order, excluding the top two they read as a conversation...

wikipedia is shut down - 1d ago by Stefano
try removing the s - 21h ago by Roland Taylor
its stupid and requires work :P - 14h ago by jrg
yeah, massive javascript disabling - 15h ago by
BLAME ME FOR IT. - 15h ago by jrg
It makes sense actually haha
@jokerdino not a clue... but I have a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with it.
I guess so too.
Probably your session cookies where stored in google-chromed or something.
ok. lets just move on!
ahhh, i feel so good about myself and my linux experiences now.. all my little problems are starting to get solved.. and i'm actually understanding most of the stuff i'm doing to correct the situations.
that is better
@rlemon You can just present it like rm -rf ~/.cache/google-chrome* && rm -rf ~/.config google-chrome*
and like I was telling GeorgeEdison, Ubuntu has in ~60 days ruined me for Windows... every time I use Windows Explorer I find myself looking in the wrong spots for control buttons and the 'taskbar'
That I can relate to myself.
@jokerdino Answer has been updated.
I forgot to put a slash between config and google-chrome
and apparently you don't need to put &&
rm -rf ~/.cache/google-chrome* ~/.config/google-chrome*
thats what I get for taking you on your word. it's ok though, i still blame @jrg
my bad
Still blame me?
@JorgeCastro So, I hear you're talking about Unity for Powah Users.
@jokerdino you do realize what the f in rm -rf means, right?
Hi all, I'm having trouble mounting a share as Read-Write using cifs in my /etc/fstab, here is my line:

//$ /home/coreyf/uslonsweb002 cifs cred=/home/coreyf/.na02pass,rw 0 0
what am I missing? Is it mandatory to add uid and gid when attempting RW mounts?
ok, looks like the following line did it for me:
//$ /home/coreyf/uslonsweb002 cifs cred=/home/coreyf/.na02passwd,auto,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,rw 0 0
Another hong kong dedicated server spammer. hehe
@jrg well kinda. it force deletes thinkgs
@jokerdino rm -rf forces the deletion, even if its delete-protected, but not if its owned by root/another user.
config files are delete-protected in this case. so, it is right to do -rf right?
i usually don't use rm..
And, BTW, I finished compiling gtg...
gtg was only built for precise though
Q: Difficulty with mobile broadband device being recognized (registered as CD ROM)

VassI am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a Samsung n150 netbook. I have bought a vodafone payasyougo mobile broadband dongle. It is a Huawei device. I have *usb_modeswitch* installed. I installed betavine from this address betavineUbuntuLink. The program loads but displays that no device is detected. I ...

Dragging files across workspaces in 11.10 http://askubuntu.com/questions/96828/dragging-files-across-workspaces-in-11-10 #workspaces
1 hour later…
Hello all
Hey @jrg
Nice to see you :D
Finally I can blame it on you ;)
Teacher: Why Didnt you do your HW
Me: Jrg
@jrg IRC Please :D
Wait.. What?
Apology accepted I guess
1 hour later…
All computer mice should come with a matte finish... I don't want to see the oils from my hands caked onto my mouse!
Oh dude, don't even look at my keyboard. :S
it's gross! I know it's my own dead skin and oils but still... I don't want to be reminded that i'm slowly shedding skin cells.
and I don't want to be compounding them into my mouse and keyboard!
yet another thing we can file under: @jrg is to blame
Faenza microphone icon missing in the sound indicator http://askubuntu.com/questions/96852/faenza-microphone-icon-missing-in-the-sound-indicator #icon
A: Do I need to have 'antivirus software' installed?

Roland TaylorIt's not needed since (contrary to popular lies), linux is rather secure, and you are unlikely to get a virus for linux. Your risk is higher that you might pick up a windows virus while running wine, or that you may get hacked by a remote user (a rare occurrence on the desktop). My suggestion: i...

(look at the comments)
(best shoot out ever?)
>_< who is upvoting?
@MarcoCeppi: Sorry to bother you (if you are around) - would it be possible to upload this, version 0.21 of my Chrome extension?
Hi all
Hi (on behalf of "all")
rlemon is it all at least at the moment ;) Hi
@MarcoCeppi: I really appreciate this - please let me know when it's uploaded.
Q: How do I set up a network installation?

nixnotwinI want to know if the official 700MB installation images can be used to do a network installation. What would be the easiest way to do it?

looks like my bounty is going to go down the drain
what is wrong with
A: How do I set up a network installation?

ZootThe easiest way to do a network install would be to boot netboot.me or billix, both of which have Ubuntu network installers provided. However, both of those options download the image on the fly. If you are looking to install from a local image over your network connection, follow these instruc...

edit the answer and paste in the guide :P
Nothing wrong but it's links only...
oh my, the xo-tablet is real
1 sec...
Yeah - should be easy. Just c&p for 100 rep.
want one now!
@GeorgeEdison You need to remove the update_url from the manifest
slaps forehead again.
One sec.
@MarcoCeppi Okay, fixed.
Sorry about that.
Thank you.
Q: How to watch TV with me-tv?

jodPlease help: me-tv doesn't start (why??) and installing totem-plugins-dvb-daemon doesn't show up in Totem itself - so I can't watch TV with totem. I installed gnome-dvb-client as well as gnome-dvb-daemon. I can scan for channels via gnome-dvb-setup and even record streams with gnome-dvb-control ...

pretty please?
only one upvote needed (for my answer about dude's answer) :)
should we move that to linux.se?
Q: Can I make one Chrome(ium) profile the default?

d3vidI am using Chrome and Chromium 16.0.912.75 (from the stable channels). I find the profile feature really useful. However, when new tabs are opened, or I launch Chrome for the first time, the window/tab opens in the last profile I was using. Instead I'd like new tabs opened from external applicat...

and finally:
8 hours ago, by htorque
do we need a tag? what about ? i don't think there's a crash-expert or shutdown-expert going through questions tagged that way.
it's ~180 questions for each tag
I dislike the crash tag.
if something crashes, there's hopefully a bug report about it at launchpad :P
if only I knew of something called icoot
DUDES! don't waste your votes on my answer - it's c&p from the questioner!
one is enough to kick it off the unanswered list ;)
Remember, a vote for @htorque is a vote completely wasted.
visual studio now with achievements :P
For too long this country has been in moral, and oral, decay.
"first crash-free program written"
> Generate method stubs 9 times. You're a TDD bad ass!
90% of wine seems to be stubs... :P
I liked most the link to MS profiling tools... :D :D :D
@RolandTaylor you're not on spanish.se?
sweet - I have to use my DGL - 4500 as a switch.
is there any real inherent downside to 32bit version of ubuntu server (aside from the limited amount of RAM, which isn't a concern as we only have 2gb to put into it)
A: Would the 32bit version of server be any more or less stable than the 64bit version?

Luis Alvaradofrom my experience since I did the same question you are doing I have the following: Both will be the same if what you want is stability. I mean like really REALLY the same. 4 Months of using Ubuntu 11.04 in both 32 and 64 as a server and 8 more using 10.10 as 32 and 64 as server can prove it. ...

I get this when copying from a thumb drive to my Downloads folder
Doesn't sound good...
...it looks like there is either a corrupt sector on the drive or the drive is faulty.
What is your drive formatted as?
@StefanoPalazzo yes. the XO tablet is real. :D
Megaupload was taken down by the US Gov.
fixed now.
Bounty offered: How to migrate from Banshee to Rhythmbox? http://askubuntu.com/questions/75715/how-to-migrate-from-banshee-to-rhythmbox #banshee
@jrg Wha...???
500Mil USD. Thats.... a lot of cash.
I'll say one thing - their site is down :P
and Kodak filed for bankruptcy.
What really annoys me.
is that the US went to Hong Kong to kill it.
@jrg uh..... I find myself wondering about MU's data retention policies... for pure reasons of curiosity, of course
@JacobJohanEdwards hahahaha...?
@jrg affirmative laughter is the ticket.
A matter of personal concern for Lionel Dricot
@JacobJohanEdwards I came a crossed that on twitter... could only read the first two paragraphs before I got angry at the grammar.
@JacobJohanEdwards Lol... I wonder if he has permission to use that picture :P
@JacobJohanEdwards Damn you! Now I can't stop singing "john jacob jingleheimer schmidt"
@rlemon You make me wonder why GNU R can't statistically generate lemonade
mmmm, tasty σ beverages
The picture was taken from here - flickr.com/photos/19779889@N00/4737035582
@JacobJohanEdwards you need to remember to create an .Rprofile
if anyone is in violation, its the flickr user.
and include the right dependency
then you get
@jrg if you look close it is a mockup - not actually sparrow.
@rlemon indeed.
good job of it.. but still - no protected works here.
unless Hollywood now holds a copyright on being a Pirate
One could argue that it looks close enough to sparrow to be in violation.
but that would be like every kid dressed as a ghost for Halloween is in violation of the Casper franchise
Everyone else left work early... I hung around to finish installing Ubuntu Server on a new machine. :D that's right
libxml2 security update waiting to be installed.
I wonder if it's possible to boot ubuntu off two of my cores, and windows off the other two.
what, as in a VM?
no, as in a M (no V)
so a simultaneous-dual-boot?
I got the idea last night - Windows sees my HD monitor MUCH better than ubuntu, so I have ubuntu running off the VGA cable and Windows running off the HDMI cable.
Boot both at once, sharing resources (cores, ram, ect)
@jrg Bingo!
last i checked, no
awww, ohh well :P not that it would serve a purpose - just for kicks.
You can not run two O/S directly on the same hardware at the same time.
shutdown from one OS and boot to the next with my new rig is <10seconds total.
@jrg seems like it's an implementation issue to me... the hardware (theoretically) should be able to support such sharing of resources.
@rlemon Yes, its called VMs. :P
@jrg Grrr, I of course know that VMs are the solution - however I still (one day) would like to try and setup a rig to simultaneous-dual-boot
(personally I don't like VMs, never did, and don't have a good supporting reason. I always Dual Boot)
interesting read.
does ubuntu server have ANY DE?
its supposed to be run headless
but you could do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop.
yea.. i'm just setting it up - just curious. terminal does not bother me one bit.
lots of power users install ubuntu server, then install ubuntu-desktop.
well after I get it setup i'll just ssh into it.
right now I have it on a KVM - so still a pain (albeit less of one)
sudo service apache2 start
sudo service mysql start
assuming i said LAMP on the installer, this will start up my LAMPp correctly/?
it should start it up automatically, but yes.
hrmm apache2 not a service
furthermore no www/
ahh well, i'm going home
@StefanoPalazzo muchos gracias amiguito
Usted es welcome :D
lol de nada es ok :P
can anyone please check the permissions of ~/.cache?
i'm being lazy, what are they supposed to be?
that's what i don't know :P
ls -al ~ | grep cache
i have drwx------
sh*t :P
so we have the same?
yeah, i think it's causing a bug in the new unity-greeter
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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