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@ToddersLegrande ++
Silly kids
Back in my day, I would have 6-7 different starred items on the list, all by me.
^I starred this one
@Jimmy ++
@ToddersLegrande Now you have to do it.
Or do you want to be a liar?
Liar liar, pants on fire!
Okay... This is just too messy. I'm making this into a proper combat simulator instead of this big loop.
seeing how lighting gets to look in my game, I'm thinking about making it a bit more horror
after all, even Arx Fatalis was damn scary in some levels
@BogdanMarginean what sort of game was it?
@ShotgunNinja first person RPG, spiritual successor to Ultima Underworld
I mean just listen to this. You get to the final boss' area, and this pops in: youtube.com/watch?v=156YmkTsbh8
@Bogdan I meant the game you are developing.
@ShotgunNinja first person RPG, spiritual successor to Arx Fatalis :D
I really need to emphasize more on stealth, it would be a missed chance otherwise
holy crap, that's dark.
well, it's under the ground, so in theory it should be dark
still didn't get the proper range of torches (+ intensity) right though
toss in a stencil shader, or torches?
the player is wielding a torch in the screen but yeah the range is not particularly right
I'll also add a "light" spell
the spells are a bit more special, as each spell will have a "powered up" version of itself
the light spell for example, just makes the area be well lit
but when powered up, it consumes a massive amount of mana for a big "flash"
that blinds enemies
similarly for fireballs, which explode when powered up
I'm trying to promote the idea of jack-of-all-trades characters
and let the player switch a lot between ranged, magic and melee combat all the time
so yeah, send an arrow to the enemy mage, pull out your sword to slice the incoming goblin and then cast an exploding fireball between the enemy archers
in case I can get the combat to look and feel like in dark messiah of might and magic, I'll call it a success
^ This scares me.
Nintendo is trying to patent increasing transparency based on depth.
google also patented or tried to patent
the technique to save energy which consists of "decreasing visual quality of displayed graphics"
or something like that
That sounds rather cool; I just hope it was their idea.
not sure if you can even call that an "idea"
However, I doubt it was; I've heard of disabling graphics chipset components to manage power consumption on graphics cards for years.
it's just common sense: you throw less stuff to the hardware, so it does not run at max capacity
or increased capacity, to say it better
on android I believe you can see how the anti-aliasing gets turned off inside menus and stuff
when the battery is low
does it make sense to patent something like this?
I suppose it does from a financial and business standpoint, but not from a software development community standpoint.
It's severely limiting access to a commodity idea.
"There's a way to make your battery life last longer, and you can read all about it here, but if you try to use it, unless you pay us umpteen million dollars, you can't do it, or we'll sue you out of existence."
maybe some lawyer can link the fact that "algorithms cannot be patented" to this
and prove that they are somehow indirectly patenting the anti-aliasing algorithm
(among others)
i once stayed at a 9001 ★ hotel
but it took me 20 episodes to eat my lunch
any OpenGL Expert in here?
I'm getting error 0x0501 while drawing a texture. though the texture seems to be rendered without any problem.
I'm wondering what does that mean?
playing dota2, while Debugging your game using VS2012, while having 6 tabs open in IE, on machine running Win7 with only 4GB of ram is not a very good idea :|
i always close all programs before playing something
i'm a happy OCD owner
in case I don't, I can't play because of the feeling that the game can't use all available resources
and I somehow start to imagine lag that may or may not exist
it's not fun
well I do debug my codes while playing games (and also chat here at same time)
but I'm glad I have this condition
when the same things happen while coding
I usually end up with nice designs that I continuously improve upon
I've been built with parallel processing features...
@Gajoo you're Gajoo Core 2 Duo
I'm just hyperthreading lol
@Gajoo You should have 64GB of RAM at least. 128GB would be better though.
also, give Windows 8 a try
it uses far less memory than 7
and also has a nice trick that allows instances of the same process to share resources
I really like the transition to tablets and phones
you know how people managed to make incredible stuff with slow hardware back in the past? everything asked for clean programming and ultra-optimized programs
it's kind of the same thing
software becomes more and more efficient in order to save battery life
and use less RAM
that until the 8-core tablet with 30gb of ram and nvidia 16core gpu shows up
I really want to upgrade, or at least reinstall my windows
the thing is I'm going to buy a new laptop soon
you can still backup and do a fresh windows install
but I won't do that until I finish my current project
for the next time you'll be using this one
I'm kinda amazed that my win7 installation managed to run for more than a year on my desktop
I did get a few BSODs but this time I dug through the problem and found a solution
my current instance is working for more than 2.5 years
you're a god :O
not even linux distributions last that long with me
maybe I'm doing something wrong
What do you guys do to your machines?
well with linux for starters there was always this update that'd mess up the GRUB
with windows, dunno, just average usage
I did start to clean it up w/ ccleaner more often though
it does seem more reliable now
the BSODs were caused by the 3G usb modem when I'd insert it in the USB 3.0 slots
on 2.0 slots it works fine
:/ I haven't re-installed my OS for the sake of re-installing my OS since Win98
you're a superior god to Gajoo :O
@BogdanMarginean my Linux distributions don't last that long either :|
I remember the time I ditched win 98 for XP
on my Pentium 3 machine
that was one antiquity, with an ATI 3D rage pro card
w/ 4 megs of vram
@Gajoo I have no idea why they don't make GRUB a bit friendlier. in case of issues you just get to see a command prompt with little to no help. google away, i guess.
I once got an error in Win98 that said I must reinstall my OS. I rebooted and all was well.
I never got any errors in win98
the guys that came from my ISP because the internet would always have issues
@JohnMcDonald play games, test beta applications, developing codes, and many other bad things...
decided XP would be better for my machine
@Gajoo And that requires a reformat?
I don't think I've ever reformatted my HDD since the day I bought this laptop (4 years ago)
I don't have important data so often times I find a reformat to be less painful than maintenance.
I'm currently moving as much work as possible on VMs
my goal: a host OS on which I install nothing but games and the VMs
I don't think I did any reformats on W7 until my upgrade to Win8 though
wohoo, added levers to the game
this ought to hint back at Arx Fatalis for anyone who's played it
I guess writing a turnbased engine isn't much different from a normal game engine.
there was someone here on gamedev.se saying that a real time strategy game
Very similar to a fixed timestep engine. Only instead of a fixed time, it just progresses with one turn.
is a turn based strategy game
where the AI takes really fast turns
which makes sense
you can't Monster.Update() and Player.Update() at the same time without multithreading, and even so, you have to make one thread .Wait() for the other.
I think what I'll do is just make my CombatSimulator into an instanced game engine.
And then do what I usually do, with having an abstract Unit/Entity class, which can be used to make other kinds of units.
@BogdanMarginean there is a single problem with that, VMs get much less ram than they should
I thought with the right VM they shared the RAM and had pretty much direct contact with the CPU.
I currently have a Win8 installed on a VM, and simply running that will almost consume all my laptop's resources
Might've misread though.
@BogdanMarginean believe me, there is no such a thing as real time strategy game.
they are all turned based with very small timespan for each turn
@Gajoo yup
@Gajoo you can set the amount of ram manually
though there are some exceptions I guess.
I normally give any linux distr. around 2.5-3 gigs of ram
I've 8GB on my machine atm
@BogdanMarginean I've got only 4GB on my main system, simply booting Win7 will consume around 1.7GB right now :P
that's kinda huge even for win7
mine does not go over 1GB when freshly booted up
@BogdanMarginean consider the fact that this system is about 2.5 years old.
I can't really count the number of applications I've installed/uninstalled so far.
also there are lots of idle services running in the background
ah yes, thanks for reminding me, gotta re-install lazarus :D
anyway, with all these issues, I've booted a Win8 giving it only 2GB of ram.
try CCleaner
and do a registry cleanup
and tried running WP8 emulator inside it.
still faster than android emu
yep, android emu is slow as hell
I ran OS X snow leopard inside a VM, really fast
the iOS emulator was also at top speed
which makes sense, since iOS is actually os x
lazarus-1.0.8-fpc-2.6.2-win32.exe 2013-03-17 110.7 MB
not today.
"This assignment is designed to test your knowledge of data structures, as well as general C# skills. It
will see you modifying an existing XNA game (Platformer) to make use of additional data structures.
It is to be undertaken in groups of 2. "
oh yeah, I'm not doing my assignments so I can do someone else's assignments
I do get paid for these though
You're getting paid to do someone else's assignments?
not from my college; there are people posting jobs on sites like oDesk for others to do their assignments all the time
that's natural. it's sacrificing points for money
at times, I feel like doing that myself
when I'm doing an assignment for my college, I can't code on my projects so in the end there's no actual gain
from this one however, I gain money
I should get some money for real now though
I need to pay someone to do a bit of art for a mobile game of mine
well, shit. My friends mom was running the Boston Marathon
she didn't get hurt luckily
oh man
the XNA game the assignment was about
is actually microsoft's platformer base for XNA
sh--, this brings back so many memories
I've abandoned XNA for Unity. HOW COULD I HAVE DONE THIS TO YOU XNA?!
we've spent so much time together
back then when I was rendering sprites
is XNA dead? I can never tell
nope, there's still MonoGame
I'll write a "Let's build a game!" article on my blog soon enough
it'll be with MonoGame
unless I decide to go with PyGame first
then it will take a while for MonoGame to get chosen
I'm pretty sure MS is thinking "if there is monogame and they are developing it, why should I spend money for same thing?"
might be, but who knows what tech they'll release for the new xbox
Because Mono is always playing catchup?
here's me hoping it won't be a C++ solution
At one point XNA marketing was like, the free-ticket-to-XBox-game (err, $100 ticket maybe, I forget the price)
xna was free :D access to the marketplace was $100 per year
it still is iirc, you can still submit xbox games done w/ xna
it's just that it's not supported anymore as a framework
oh man...
@Jimmy well they update xna for a year and monogame will get passed them
monogame beats XNA by 1000 miles if you ask me
just because it has support for:
mac OS X
iOS, Android, WP and ofc Windows
BUT. iOS android require MonoTouch I think, which costs $300 or so iirc
that kinda sucks
@Jimmy just googled the boston marathon
internet speed doesn't help
what happened there?
I have no idea
I did read "explosions"
yeah someone set up bombs at the finish line
not too much information so far
Just finished watching "Safety not Guaranteed" - bizarre and good movie if anyone is into something more quirky.
It's about a team of magazine reporters that go investigate a guy who is looking for a partner to go back in time with.
do they go back in time?
Do you guys want a mind fuck?
how about a mind-dinner-and-a-movie?
Sorry, mind fuck is cheaper: youtube.com/watch?v=wO61D9x6lNY
i'm cool with any
not with vids though :(
but I think I know what it is
if it's the same video I found while reading about toruses on wikipedia
This video shouldn't be so interesting... can't stop watching o_O
WoW music sure is awesome during silent nights like this one
anything that deals with blood elves more exactly
I'm wondering why Microsoft would impose registration on VS Express
aside from user tracking
Maybe it's part of their efforts to figure out what people want
don't they also make you fill out a survey about like, what technologies you are interested in and stuff?
yup, they do
Visual Basic's editor is so friendly it actually hurts
spawning new lines like crazy all the time
If your editor has to write most of the lines for you, that means your language has too much boilerplate.
what do you mean?
ah, nevermind, searched for the term

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