the player is wielding a torch in the screen but yeah the range is not particularly right
I'll also add a "light" spell
the spells are a bit more special, as each spell will have a "powered up" version of itself
the light spell for example, just makes the area be well lit
but when powered up, it consumes a massive amount of mana for a big "flash"
that blinds enemies
similarly for fireballs, which explode when powered up
I'm trying to promote the idea of jack-of-all-trades characters
and let the player switch a lot between ranged, magic and melee combat all the time
so yeah, send an arrow to the enemy mage, pull out your sword to slice the incoming goblin and then cast an exploding fireball between the enemy archers
in case I can get the combat to look and feel like in dark messiah of might and magic, I'll call it a success
I suppose it does from a financial and business standpoint, but not from a software development community standpoint.
It's severely limiting access to a commodity idea.
"There's a way to make your battery life last longer, and you can read all about it here, but if you try to use it, unless you pay us umpteen million dollars, you can't do it, or we'll sue you out of existence."
I'm getting error 0x0501 while drawing a texture. though the texture seems to be rendered without any problem.
I'm wondering what does that mean?
playing dota2, while Debugging your game using VS2012, while having 6 tabs open in IE, on machine running Win7 with only 4GB of ram is not a very good idea :|
and also has a nice trick that allows instances of the same process to share resources
I really like the transition to tablets and phones
you know how people managed to make incredible stuff with slow hardware back in the past? everything asked for clean programming and ultra-optimized programs
it's kind of the same thing
software becomes more and more efficient in order to save battery life
and use less RAM
that until the 8-core tablet with 30gb of ram and nvidia 16core gpu shows up
that was one antiquity, with an ATI 3D rage pro card
w/ 4 megs of vram
@Gajoo I have no idea why they don't make GRUB a bit friendlier. in case of issues you just get to see a command prompt with little to no help. google away, i guess.
you can't Monster.Update() and Player.Update() at the same time without multithreading, and even so, you have to make one thread .Wait() for the other.
"This assignment is designed to test your knowledge of data structures, as well as general C# skills. It will see you modifying an existing XNA game (Platformer) to make use of additional data structures. It is to be undertaken in groups of 2. "
oh yeah, I'm not doing my assignments so I can do someone else's assignments