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I loved being lead programmer
Yes, it's fun, you get to do a shitton of different things.
@DMGregory You and I have similar ears. ๐Ÿ˜‚
How has everyone been doing today?
Chipping away at things. :) We had a good chat today about what we might do for Pride, coming up.
Whatโ€™s โ€œPride?โ€
Sorry for my ignorance, Iโ€™m a bit uncultured...
An annual protest against discrimination targeting 2SLGBTTIQQA+ folks, usually around the anniversary of the Stonewall riots.
I see. What are you folks planning on doing, or is it a surprise?
@DMGregory Cool glad to hear it!
@DMGregory I learned of the stonewall riots recently
that was some horrible shit there. :(
The Compton's Cafeteria riots in SF and the Bathhouse riots here in Toronto are also worth reading up on.
Nothing is officially announced yet, so we'll see. So far, my favorite proposal is using the occasion to push for some improvements to our internal HR software/web portal, which is still using binary gender.
That seems a sensible thing to me, fixing that.
11 hours later…
@Almo True, but it's still reasonable to see if they have some sort of Q&A add-on. Being on a lot of platforms is a pain and having one less is worth putting some effort into. Plus having a list of questions and answers is not that complicated. In the corporate setting you don't even need voting.
Counterpoint: the less time I spend in the Atlassian/JIRA/Confluence ecosystem, the happier I am. ๐Ÿ˜‰
That would have sounded more convincing many years ago, before I had quit SO out of frustration.
@nwp Well I'm glad you like our companionship enough to still hang with us here. ๐Ÿ˜€
JIRA is the worst
@DMGregory Can we run additional tests? No, we have no time for that.
That was pretty funny.
I feel like if you have a team of people who really know what they're doing setting it up and maintaining the backlogs/dashboards, it can be pretty awesome. But it's just so flexible, it's easy to just become a crufty fustercluck of mismatched workflows and broken plugins without that.
And also slow.
I found that it was exactly collaboration that was terrible with JIRA, like all the Scrum sessions were filled with "i made the change hit refresh guys"
No automatic syncing in 2020
I found some customer support thread that claimed that it was literally impossible with web tech
@DMGregory Yeah, I don't know why I'm here actually. I don't have a gamedev account and I'm not making games or engines anymore. I guess this is just the perfect amount of interesting distraction without eating up all my time.
I mean I was hoping it was for my winning personality and shining wit, but I guess I'll take "interesting distraction". ๐Ÿ˜‰
I meant no offense. As you said I'm still here, so I do appreciate you, even if I cannot express it.
Ah, sorry, that was self-aggrandizing/deprecating humour, not an actual slight.
My experience with JIRA is that it's fine, but it's like C. Very easy to use badly. But used well, it can be a fine tool.
I worked somewhere that used it well, and it was great
A comic I saw once, while mopeing around the stage "They say I do self-deprecating humor. But I don't do it very well." I laughed so hard.
I don't think the others in the audience thought it was that funny.
I think programmers have a tendency to appreciate humour that's self-referential, or where the joke is in the structure of the joke itself.
People looked at me weird when I laughed at Joker's joke in the Joker movie.
Do you know why there are so few women in IT? It's because the whole field objectifies women. class {} woman;
I have actually wondered about that. Not joking either.
TL;DR: Some people are dicks and the people who are not dicks say nothing or don't notice.
That makes more sense.
It does?
One theory I've seen is that In the 70s-80s, the emerging home computer product lines started being marketed primarily as "boy's toys", creating experience gaps for young students and building baseless gender stereotypes that we're still struggling to dismantle today.
Oh man that sucks.
But computers are for everyone.
I've worked with a lot of women as programmers of various types and they're just fine at their work. This shit pisses me off big time.
One study had men rate code. If they were told it was a woman's code, they rated it lower.
There's just no excuse for this behavior. :(
That's stupid.
What's wrong with people?
I don't know, honestly
So, got any other nominations? I can't really check because my internet has died everywhere except on this site.
@OKprogrammer Exactly. Prior to that, women were leaders in many computer-related fields. See Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, Radia Perlman, Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson...
As nwp says, there's also major cultural problems with misogyny in tech, and particularly so in games.
Not sure if you were following the news last year about sexual harassment at Ubisoft? There's a lot of (very overdue) work being done here and at other companies to reverse this toxic trend.
I heard some with XBox.
@OKprogrammer Nope. Anyway, the nomination period ends in a few days so there is no rush.
I know, but if Almo needs some nominees to have a chance to be a mod, I will participate.
Hmmm... maybe my griping about responsibility turned folks off. ๐Ÿ˜… I'm sure the load will be lighter with more hands on deck.
I'm reaaally on the edge about joining the election, part of me thinks it's "now or never" as these don't happen that often, a part of me is terrified about the potential added responsibility, and I also really really think Almo deserves a spot
Oh, I never said that here, but I managed to remove most of my Discord mod obligations.
@DMGregory That's a very difficult problem. Some harassment is done in a so subtle way that even if it is known, it can be hard to document enough to fire the person doing it.
It's nice being a regular member again.
@Tyyppi_77 โ€œThe price of greatness is responsibility.โ€ ~ Winston Churchill
(I'm not saying it shouldn't be addressed.)
@Tyyppi_77 Well, I think we're electing two, so just nominating yourself doesn't kick out anyone else.
Responsibility comes with every new leaf. Although it can be scary, sometimes it can be a very good experience.
@OKprogrammer That's a double edged sword; if you participate, it means you are ready to be elected and are willing to do the job ;)
@Vaillancourt Yeah. We're doing more training on recognizing implicit bias and behaviours that create a poisoned work environment for that reason, so that less of this stuff passes unaddressed.
I mean, I am willing. I'm just not the smartest in the subject at times.
@DMGregory Yep. There is also the issue of "well it's not addressed toward me, so I'll close my eyes"
@OKprogrammer In the subject?
Subject of game dev
Remember the mod's job isn't to be an expert in game dev, it's to help keep the site running constructively.
So, handling flags, deleting spam, messaging disruptive users, stuff like that.
Dang, well now you got me thinking seriously. I try to do that on both sites I'm on.
Yep, you need to know enough that you can decide if the question is on or off topic. You don't need to be able to answer them all.
I can do that, but I think @Tyyppi_77 deserves it more than me.
If you think of it as "deserving" you're not ready :P
"Reluctantly agree to do it for the community" is more like it.
But I'm not reluctant. I want this community to run the best it can.
Though sometimes it's a new thing and people are excited. That doesn't last long though.
@OKprogrammer Also, you don't have to be a mod to improve it; there are the review queues to attend, some posts that would benefit edits, etc.
That is true. Also, it's been a while since I've answered any questions. I might get into answering again.
Answering question also helps the users of the site :)
I like to help people. ๐Ÿค”
You get more internet points by answering questions than by being a moderator :P
@OKprogrammer Never try to get to know people
Isn't the diamond the ultimate internet point though?
Oh, I guess that's a way to see this?!
Rename yourself to [color="blue"]Nameโ™ฆ[/color].
@nwp Thatโ€™s how I live.
Good choice.
@nwp I'm pretty sure that runs counter to the ToS for SE.
nwp and I just the master introverts who have no social skill. ๐Ÿ˜…
Or maybe just me...
I'm sure one could setup a userscript to add the diamond to their name everywhere they go on the site.. :P
I just refuse to give in to certain social pressure that makes me incompatible with society at large. Most of the time though it's not a topic.
Is there a term for the meta concept of "user asks how to do X" & giving a reply of "you don't cuz it doesn't work that way"? Something like XY problem, but not quite?
Closely related to "How do I do X without using [thing made to solve X]?"
Uhg, this dumb json iterator wrapper proxy wrapper thingy is refusing to be a range...
@nwp Yes, something like that.
Range based for loop works fine so I don't understand the issue that ranges-v3 has with it...
Hmm, probably the iterator constraints, annoying
@DMGregory I hope you'll not still be in lock down..1
I expect it'll be a video stream, not an in-person event.
Ah right. I have not attended any of those types of event since the beginning of the pandemic. Not sure how it goes..
I've seen some go better, some less so...
I wonder if I can convince my company to do anything for Pride.
Our company does stuff for it. Community went apeshit when we had various pride emotes on... I think it was discord.
We have four employees besides me. If my company loses their shit over Pride I'm ghosting.
Ooof. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
They have been pretty cool so far.
I don't think that is happening.
That's good.
I'm not really sure what I could convince them to do though.
@brug What's with all of the removals?
I decided it was best not to say.
I am an impulsive person.
I often do things and regret them immediately after.
SE lets me delete them.
Me too. I'm sometimes very irrational. And sometimes I don't realize until I can't delete them...
I often regret things that I can't delete. This time I caught it before the window closed.
If you're ok with it, what were you going to say?
If someone already deleted their message from this chat, that's a good clue that it's not something they want to say here.
yeah. I'd rather not repeat it.
Oh yeah. Another proof that I'm irrational.
I am struggling with communication today.
I'd say I am. I'm technically the one who made stuff awkward.
Not sure what that has to do with rational vs irrational
I irrationally said something stupid without thinking.

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