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SO for Teams seems to be having a hard time with finding clients..
lmao just opened the main site and yeah, seems like it :DD
How the presentation go?
Oh really well, didn't stumble too much with words, and my opponents seemed to have really liked my thesis
G’morning folks? How are you doing today?
I handed the thesis paper in yesterday, now all I have left for my bachelor's is a final math exam on Friday
@Tyyppi_77 Good job! 👏
Heh cool!
What will you do after? Master's degree or work or..?
I'll continue with master's in the fall, unsure yet if I'll keep working part time or if I'll take a break from work
Well done! I'm aiming to start a master's in the fall too. Would be curious to share experiences!
Taking a break from work sounds like a great idea.
Yeah would love to hear what master's studies are like over there!
@Vaillancourt I cannot think of a reason to use SO Teams.
Ok, no I can think of one
but it invalidates the whole premise of SO. Security if your code is super sensitive.
I proposed to use SO Teams and it was generally positively received, however, it was questioned why we want to add yet another platform when we already have Jira and confluence and other stuff.
What topic/specialization will you be studying?
@nwp Yeah, that's what I'd think too.
I just had the ping sound on with full volume. That almost killed me right there.
From what I've understood the main program for comp sci students here is just called "Computer, Communication and Information Sciences" so ultra generic, and you can just kind of choose courses you are interested in I think... so I'm not sure what I want to focus on yet :D
The master's degree here : do a few classes, then work on your paper. Then if you're focused enough you can get out of there with a master's degree :P
I think 50% of the master's degree is major classes, 25% minor classes and 25% the thesis
I'm looking at a digital media master's, which seems to be a 50/50 blend of media arts and computer science. Curious to see how that plays out.
That sounds nice!
@Tyyppi_77 Ah, well that's not completely like that here. Depending on if you want to go to the PhD after or not. If you do, it's about 1 semester of classes and 3 semesters of thesis, if you don't it's 3 semesters of classes and one semester of thesis (something like that) (sorry for the double ping)
(and I have not been able to complete my thesis, so I'm not a master)
@Tyyppi_77 What's the difference between major & minor classes?
Oh I worded that poorly, I meant 50% of classes in the topic of your major, and 25% of classes in the topic of your minor
Interesting. In the US uni system we don't have majors & minors past undergrad.
I actually didn't think we had those either but turns out we do :P
Some specific programs here have so called 'core classes' though.
And in my own program there were requirements on how many credits come from regular classes, seminar classes and thesis work.
Beyond that which classes you took was guided by your advisor & maybe recommendations by other mentors/faculty.
Do you have comprehensive / qualifying exams for master's / PhD?
When applying to uni after high school pretty much every program grants you the study-right to both a bachelor's and the corresponding master's programs at the same time
Not sure how PhDs work
Things very here with comps/quals. For CS & math at least, they cover the core classes & you need to meet a certain threshold. In my program if you cleared the exam at the PhD level during your master's, then you didn't need to repeat it for your PhD. Sort of an incentive to stick around for the next level (though I didn't discover this until after the fact).
But from what I recall a friend telling me, it sounded like in her math program if you passed well enough, you could get a PhD, whereas if you passed ok you were limited to a master's, & I guess in both cases the coursework was more or less they same?
There's a good chance that I didn't totally understand though & it was sort of a contentious issue, so I didn't ask about the details.
My main take away was that different uni's here have different policies.
Like for some programs, students don't consider enrolling unless the program has up front financial support for them - it's up to the programs to compete for the students. But in other places/programs, the opposite is true. And in some places, it a mix of both ends competing.
@nwp Confluence and JIRA don't do what SOT does. :)
What does it do? I didn't see an option to figure that out that didn't involve video. I have an educated guess, but I think it's odd that they don't have an elevator pitch statement prominently featured on the landing page.
If it's basically a private SE Q&A site, I could see benefit to that. I often get questions like "what's the debug command to do X?" or "what level is Y supposed to be?" or "where can I find currency Z?", and all of those are documented somewhere in Confluence, but finding the one sentence that answers that question inside a multi-scroll-page document is slower than just typing the question into the designer chat (or into the search box of an SE site).
2 hours later…
To get the "largest" AABB a "rotatable" box could occupy, given that the box is defined as "centered" at the origin, I need to get the distance between the center and one of any of its corners, right?
That sounds correct to me.
That distance will be preserved by rotation. So if any point ends up farther than that distance from the origin after a rotation, it must have started from a greater distance too.
Yeah. I need to adjust the parameters of the HashSpace and the documentation is not mentioning "rotated AABB", but the code does...
(Thanks ODE!)
Heh it did not improve a thing. /shrug
Oh man am I to be the only candidate in the election?
I think when I became a candidate, it was on the Friday evening, or something, so better wait until the nomination phase closes!
good. that makes me feel better
Ah, no, it was on a Wednesday evening!
If you are the only candidate, does that mean you would basically automatically become a mod?
> In "full" elections, if the number of nominees is less than or equal to the number of moderator slots, the nomination period will be extended by seven days, and if there are still not enough nominees to make the election competitive, the election will be cancelled entirely.
A: There's an election going on. What's happening and how does it work?

ben is uǝq backwardsWhat's happening? The community is electing diamond ♦ moderators; those individuals responsible for moderating the site the election is happening on. Elections are called as needed by the Stack Exchange Community Team on all sites. Depending on the site's current status, the election will eithe...

There's no winner-by-default allowed except in pro-tem elections
Good. That seems smart.
2 hours later…
@Almo I could resurect myself from the dead to sudden nominate out of the blue :P
@Almo If you need another candidate to qualify, Tom and I got you covered. 👌
2 hours later…
@Tom'Blue'Piddock hahaha :D
@OKprogrammer :D
God - It's been a while since I've heard that "Twang" sound.
Weird! I think of it as "Beeeooomp"
how you doin tom?
been a while
Doing alright my man. Up and down of course with the pandemic but I'm otherwise fine.
Lead Developer work is intense when working remote :|
gald to hear you doin ok!
yeah lead would be intense
LOTS of camera time
For me it sounds more like BONK
Honestly I don't know how leads do it. My lead has asked me if I'd be interested in taking on more leadership and I just stared like deer in the headlights.
Leadership is fine if your devs listen and you have enough control for delegating.
Otherwise you're just a Senior picking up the slack for the lack of manhours on the table and all the responsibility that comes with it from a Lead position.
You end up doing all the boring and complicated work, too...

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