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2:29 PM
Welp, that was an odd one...
> Page not found
Imagine being a pleb.
A so-so question edited into spam.
(by the post owner)
Essentially, "How do I make a playable ad with unity" turned into "come to see our free webniar about playable ads in unity".
Huh. Have not seen that before.
It would have been better for them to answer their own question instead /shrug.
2:43 PM
It seems odd that they've been able to go from "how do I do this" to "here is the right solution we're ready to sell you" in just three months. I wonder if it has been staged that much time in advance.
Maybe just a user getting over-excited about a solution they found, and trying to share it in a clumsy way?
Maybe. There was one maybe a week or two ago - something like "what do you think of my game would you buy it for $X?" I couldn't determine if it was intentionally spam, or just a earnest (poorly researched) attempt by OP to get the opinion of other game devs.
Who knows!
@Vaillancourt In a case like that, what actually happens to a post that gets deleted from public as spam? Does it move into some sort of 2nd chance private purgatory or is it just gone?
Or is that secret sauce lest the spammers find some way to spoilt it?
3:00 PM
Admit it, it's your alt account!
And I'm asking to try to throw everyone off my trail.
But by now admitting it in monologue 3rd person, my true goal is revealed
To break the 4th wall & confuse the viewers with my meta!
@Pikalek It's deleted by the system, I don't know what the author can do about it.
As I understand, a post can't be edited if it is deleted, so it would need to be undeleted before it is fixed, and I would assume the owner of the post can't undelete a post that has been deleted due to spam.
And I wonder what else a user can do once they have been identified as a spammer.
One odd thing with that spam is that it was advertising a past event.
Hmmm... I've edited deleted posts of mine, but maybe that's not available to all users?
Huh... that's really odd. I missed that detail. That might point more toward "eager, clumsy fan" rather than "duplicitous marketing ploy"
3:17 PM
@DMGregory Yep ;)
No further investigation will be done on my end about this.
@DMGregory Maybe it works if you deleted your own post?
Could be.
3:44 PM
On a happier note, I was impressed by this late answer today:
A: Do I always need to call SaveAssets & Refresh after calling AssetDatabase.CreateAsset?

SolidAlloyUnity lacks clarity in its documentation on when to use different AssetDatabase methods. That's why a lot of people call all the available methods after an asset change just to be sure. Robert C. Martin provides a good piece of advice in his "Clean Code" book: When you are not sure how API works,...

4:05 PM
The world is not total shit ;P
1 hour later…
5:17 PM
So... it's done now? US have a new president?
Gosh I hope so.
Let's see what's next!
5:38 PM
Thank fuck.
6:18 PM
I'm sure it's not going to be a big change for us in Canada, but expecting more stability out of our neighbours never hurts.
looks like it went off without a hitch
I really expected to be thinking WTF IS GOING ON DOWN THERE at this time.
very glad I was wrong
The worst conspiracy theorists managed to convince each other that either the inauguration was a trap that would finally kick off the military tribunals they've been betting on, or a sham to cover up the trials already happened, or (most bizarrely) Trump took Biden's place and is actually getting sworn in a second time.
...so either way "it's all under control, you don't need to do anything rash"
I wonder if mainstream media was ordered to not show any images of protests.
Which is probably the best possible outcome...despite the strange provenance.
6:33 PM
I guess one could go on endlessly with conspiracy theories :P
That's why QAnon?
I didn't see much protesting on social media either. Could be the events of the 6th and the wide security perimeter made most folks feel like it wasn't worth it?
There was a bomb threat at the Supreme Court though.
Ah, okay. I haven't followed much of it. It appears I have too much fun with work today.
I understand there was some backlash from MAGAs last night when Trump issued a large final wave of pardons, including folks convicted of defrauding his supporters, but not the seditionists who stormed the capitol.
So, supporters may have seen that as a warning "If you stir up trouble tomorrow, I won't stick my neck out to help you"
That would probably have been a bad move at this point. If he's elected again, he can issue his pardon at that moment ;)
6:53 PM
Half of me hopes the impeachment makes it through the senate so he's barred from running again. Half of me hopes he founds his own party and splits the vote on the right.
Are we certain though that if the impeachment goes through that he'll be barred from running again?
And yes, I was just thinking about this about his new probable party.
We had Maxime Bernier during the last elections who tried to be elected by fringe, based on weird beliefs. It did not work.
When has "it will not work" stopped him though. 😉
No, Trump has not the same kind of influence as Bernier had :P
As I understand, Trump is very good at spending other people's money, so as long as he finds someone to pay..!
Anyway, good luck to Biden with all the work he has to do!
7:43 PM
@DMGregory An interview I listed to last night by more centrist Trump supporter sort of backed that up - a general sense of "this isn't what we stand for". And the 45th was dropped by mainstream social media, which resulted in a noticeable decrease in pro Trump social media traffic according to news I follow. Hard to amplify a signal that is no longer carried.
"a more centrist Trump supporter" is a funny expression :D
At the same time though, the interviewee sees the recent moves by main social media as anti freedom of speech.
with emphasis on "moron"
If they'd been enforcing their terms of service consistently the whole time it wouldn't have taken such a drastic correction.
7:48 PM
@Tyyppi_77 relativity is everything
@DMGregory There's that. I agree w/ the general criticism of "huh, so it was cool for your platform to ride the wave & pull in some profit until now cause why"?
Yeah, I don't see their recent moves as a principled stand, so much as "well, we won't be making any ad money from this shmuck for a while, so we might as well try to mitigate some bad press..."
@DMGregory yeah
I think the fact that things managed to evolve as they did should signal that there's problems. Biden won, but it wasn't the huge landslide that some predicted. To me that says his party has some serious bridging to do if they want to represent the people rather than just their people.
From a Canadian point of view, that's the issue with both parties. Having only two parties seems like everything should be black or white.
it wouldn't be, if they would work together like they used to
7:57 PM
I'm not so sure about that. A lot of mainstays of the republican policy platform are actually not supported by the majority of the electorate. Most want better healthcare and gun reform, for example.
along in the 80s radio guys started getting popular being assholes to the other side
Rush Limbaugh etc
their vitriol affected voters.
Yeah, I think the 2 party system is a broken model.
fox news showed up
Gingrich shut down the government, and they still got reelected
it was all downhill from there
2 party isn't the problem
gerrymandering is a big problem
many congress people have no incentive to move center since their districts are gerrymandered and they get elected no matter what they do
they're not really accountable to the people
7:59 PM
So, for all their flaws, the democratic party is closer to what the majority of the populace supports. They're just a lot less eager to lie and cheat to get their way, and that puts you at a disadvantage against an opponent with no such qualms.
And, somewhere along the way, compromise became a fault rather than a strength.
in the 80s
as I was saying
which I don't think is cooincidental with when the radical "christian" right took over in the gop
fuckers are very B/W in their views
which is why they, despite being "christians" voted for trump. he promised to nom judges to get RvW overturned, and NOTHING matters more to those people than that
they got their wish, almost at the cost of our republic
we'll see what happens in the next 10 years. remember Hitler's first attempt to steal power failed.
@Almo Not all branches of Christianity seek an overturn of RvW. I see you're point within the context, but that it's an overly broad brush to say it's a Christianity issue.
American Evangelical Christians have been agitating for this for decades
it is entirely appropriate in a political context when considering voters who identify as "christian voters"
8:05 PM
It's almost the other way around. The republican party saw abortion as a useful wedge issue, and cultivated the evangelical right to oppose it. So it was a political position first, before getting injected into a religious identity.
@Almo Evangelical Lutheran Church of America would disagree.
they aren't using the word evangelical the same way as it's used in politics
Evangelicalism (), evangelical Christianity, or evangelical Protestantism, is a worldwide trans-denominational movement within Protestant Christianity that maintains the belief that the essence of the Gospel consists of the doctrine of salvation by grace alone, solely through faith in Jesus's atonement. Evangelicals believe in the centrality of the conversion or "born again" experience in receiving salvation, in the authority of the Bible as God's revelation to humanity, and in spreading the Christian message. The movement has long had a presence in the Anglosphere before spreading further afield...
"The majority of evangelical Christian churches are against abortion and support adoption agencies and social support agencies for young mothers."
Yes, I'll agree w/ you there - the ELCA uses it in the sense of evangelism. And the ELCA is only about 1.5% of the US pop. So, statistically it doesn't represent center of mass (ha, see what I did there?)
hahah good joke :)
evangelicals vote en masse, and in lock step
and give tons of money to politicians etc
they're very powerful
2 hours later…
10:20 PM
I have to agree with you guys. I’m a Christian and a Republican, but people aren’t thinking with their brains and they’re letting emotions take hold instead.
Many who I used to like have lost my support, due to their radical thoughts.
Personally, I think it's time for a new conservative party. One not based on ignoring facts and science.
Yes logical thinking is key
Like @Vaillancourt said, it just seems black and white now, even as an American.
@Almo Where do you align politically?
10:36 PM
I'm a liberal democrat. I want universal healthcare, better support for education, better regulation of businesses' worst excesses. But I'm not interested in some of the buzzwords of the left like "Wealth tax" as those have been tried and don't work. But free birth control lowers abortion rates, not making it illegal.

So basically looking at policy through the lens of what really works, not what feels right to a few morally.
Oh ok
The reason fights break out is because there are crazies on both sides, and their ignorance kinda overwhelms the decency of the intelligent people
On both sides
10:56 PM
I don't buy the "both sides" equivalence for the Trump years. Trump lied prodigiously. Yes politicians lie, but there's just no comparison with Trump. After the insurrection, McConnell said dems did the same in 2004 and 2016, which is factually incorrect. So at this particular moment, I don't buy "both sides" at all.
Also that crap McConnell pulled with not letting Obama nominate judges to hte federal bench and the scotus is something "both sides" did not do.
But they are Consequentialists, so they don't care how, they only care what.
Lindsey Graham "use my words against me" in 2016 with regard to Merrick Garland. We showed him that with Barrett, and he's just like LOL WHATEVER
11:19 PM
@Almo Extremists can be very difficult to deal with, if you know what I mean.
I know what you mean too
You are right

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