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1:55 PM
2:33 PM
Morning. What's popping off the stacks today?
Anything interesting on the plates?
3:06 PM
I think so. Beef roast sandwich!
Yeah, I could dig that. Shaved meat. Dark bread, with a course open texture - rye or better yet pumpernickel, toasted. Broiled cheese; provolone or Munster maybe. Spicy, seedy mustard. Micro greens & tomato. Thin layer of mayo to keep the veg from getting the bread soggy on that side. Not sure if it would need pickles or not.
Pickles on the side ;)
3:25 PM
Ah, but there's still more to decide. What sort of pickles? Sweet, spicy, kosher? What form factor?
Deep fried?
Maybe I accidentally rotated the 9 in the room number into a 6? :)
I hope those who read the transcript won't be super hungry before doing so. haha
well, I wasn't, but now I am
@TheMattbat999 hooray!
Showing absolute value can be helpful too though, so that might not be entirely bad to have absolute value.
Hungry is my base line.
(though it depends: e.g. IIRC street fighter characters have variable health amounts, but all of them see the same health bar with the percentage of remaining health, same goes for WoW characters, etc)
3:40 PM
@doppelgreener I didn't know that about health in SF - is that a particular release, or all of them?
Also how is it that streetfighteralpha.com is a (non MMA) fitness blog?
Fight the street-food! It's all bad!
oh, here we go: In the Street Fighter II series every character had equal health. Some characters had a mechanic known as "Damage Resistance" ... Post Street Fighter II, characters are given their own total health values.
thank you, i didn't actually know where to look this up :D i'd been told about it by a friend who plays a lot of fighter games
(plays, studies, practices competitively, is learning to program their own)
There's probably a better source - that one doesn't really explain how the Alpha games slot into this.
There was a overly thorough site I used to use for the moves list - let me see if I can dig that back up...
@doppelgreener I think this is where I used to look up the various SF moves lists & secret character info, but it doesn't seem to address health one way or another. Shrug.
I was all set to dive back into that series with their anniversary collection release, but when I saw that it was limited to only the arcade versions, my interest waned & fell back to other things.
4:10 PM
That friend of mine has been very into Dragon Ball Fighter Z recently.
4:30 PM
Whoops, and then I didn't follow that up.
It's got some issues — the tier list has a very distinguished top tier and the difference is miles apart. But it's got some nice things too.
For one, it has no chip damage defeat.
More importantly its window for combos is not one frame! It boggles my mind Tekken and SF combos require apparently frame-perfect entry. Fighter Z just looks at a window of about a second or something, and takes any inputs that were in that window and responds to them.
That makes it a lot more accessible to someone like me who doesn't want to train for weeks before I'm able to do the basics.
5:14 PM
But then, are there championships of DBFZ?
I used to really be into the the DBZ series, pre-reboot & considered getting into one of the fighting games. Same thing with Bandia/Arc's Naruto fighting games. I bounced hard off early 3d fighters though. Also the extensive DLC gives me pause - it's not always clear what the intended play experience is.
I hear you about the training. If I need to put in that much time, I may as well spend that on actual martial arts. Probably won't get up to hadouken level, but it'd be a better long term investment for me.
@AlexandreVaillancourt Yes, e.g.: dbfzworldtour.com/schedule
They are also at EVO.
Oh, well that's good :)
Famously, the DBFZ EVO tournament was the one at which SonicFox earned his fourth EVO, going 3-0 in the final and grand final against GO1 in the game's debut EVO tournament.
5:29 PM
Oh, right! Of course, everyone knows that. :P
Also, will EVE Online shut down in 2020 because Python 2.7 is retiring?
haha unlikely EVE will shut down.
Yeah, me neither :P
There must be people at CCP that know python's source code as well as some of the language developers.. :P
I thought about creating a multi user simulation backed by a server written in python (pypy)...
6:11 PM
I really like python.
good shit
We're converting some of our internal scripts from perl to python.
perl is so hard to read
Yeah. It's powerful for some stuff, as I understand, but I think it's not simple enough for the use that we have for it here. Those scripts have been written by "older" devs, when that was one of the "go to" languages, but python is now easier for "younger" devs...
6:26 PM
We put up with horrid syntax SO CAN YOU
Haha something like that! I think the mentality of programming has changed over the last 15 years. A while ago, the more cryptic you got your code, the more £337 you were. Nowadays, the more cryptic your code is, the more your colleagues hate you because it takes more time to read, more time to train new devs, introduces more errors and cost more money overall.
one guy here had to stop writing hyper-efficient code because nobody else could touch it. He claims 70% more efficient than his "legible" style.
I kind of believe him.
Let's say I doubt it. Did he profile it within the context of the software that was being developed?
I'm sure he did
He wrote a GBA game for us; sole programmer on it. side-scrolling platformer for Ed, Edd, and Eddy. Zero loadtime; dynamically pulled in assets as the player went through the levels.
seriously one of the scariest programmers I've worked with
6:42 PM
Hmm. Ok, maybe he has a point for console stuff development, and back it the day, it was possible outsmart compilers :)
You want to have that kind of guy on a team because they know shit, and you also want them to write readable and maintainable code most of the time.
He also wrote the self-modifying DB code for LHH
was very easy for us to interface with when programming features with it
but the core was kind of inscrutiable; we needed it in a bit of a hurry.
What? A commercial game that has to be made in a hurry? Weird and unusual.
In college, a friend of got some sort of Perl of the month newsletter. Had stuff like a script that looked like ASCII art for an elephant and when you ran it, printed out a different looking ASCII elephant. Stuff like that.
Some people have interesting ways to get entertained :)
Back then, it seemed like there was Perl for every other science. Perl for bioinformatics, etc. I joked that it was because you could drop a cat on a keyboard & it would probably be a valid perl program. Might not work, but that's another matter...
That said, if you could restate your problem as a string search/manipulation problem, it was the goto solution.
Or maybe Lisp, but no one seemed to talk about that much by the time I was on board.
7:00 PM
yeah :)
Which part? Lisp?
@doppelgreener it has the actual number count to the side.
Oh, no, perl as the go-to solution for string manipulation stuff.
I heard about Lisp at university, but we did not touch it.
web sites were made with perl
Ah, okay. Yeah, not sure if Perl is still the thing for web, I don't really move along side those practitioners these days.
I only used Lisp in school, but I liked it. You could do some interesting things with it. the language structure/syntax itself was recursive / self descriptive. So you could do stuff like take two programs, partition the code into halves, swap halves & the result would be legal code.
7:16 PM
I might want to take a peek at it, just to see.
It was cool for A-Life research & genetic programming.
Because of the recursion?
Yes. Also the code was in prefix / polish notation. So the code for a program mapped directly onto its syntax tree. From there you could just pick off parts of the tree & swap them, mutate them, etc. diagram on wikipedia
Oh, ok! I guess the closest I've been to that would be Haskell/prolog?
7:31 PM
In a sense. I would describe Prolog as a rules, facts & inference engine, whereas Lisp is more of a recursive lambda expression engine. But if you get far enough into either, you can start to see one in terms of the other.
To be honest, I didn't actually get Prolog until I had to teach a class on it. Fear of looking like a fraud I guess :)
Oh shit, yeah, that. We had a semester where we covered Haskell during the first half, and prolog during the second half. I did not get prolog either until the second assignment. Then it was a breeze and a very fun challenge!
(A bit like assembler.)
Yeah, once it clicked - it's like you couldn't not see the answers. Good times.
7:56 PM
I agree it's easier to teach something when you know how it works :P
Because students are smart.
Hello, fellow programmers.
8:11 PM
Hey there!
Making some progress on the animation sequencer, gotta make everything look smooth. i.imgur.com/tzU46NH.gifv
That shuffle is a casino wash :p
Good job.
8:50 PM
@AlexandreVaillancourt :D
3 hours later…
11:32 PM
Does this look right for doing dead reckoning?
const FVector PredictedPosition = meleeEnemy->GetActorLocation() + meleeEnemy->GetVelocity() * (PS->ExactPing / 2);
Trying to calculate the predicted position of the enemy
But it's predicting way further than it should be

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