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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@FreezePhoenix Maybe a "quick fix" would be to add "alt" text on the ui entities? Not sure how quick it would be, but that could give some indications until a more advanced UI is in.
@DukaZhou tried my game put yet?
@TheMattbat999 Did you try to convert your c rpg to javascript (emscriptem)? (I have never done this, I only quickly looked at the topic.)
@AlexandreVaillancourt uuhhhh... no
@TheMattbat999 I guess that more people would play hehe but heh, that might be very complicated to do, so maybe not worth the trouble.
@AlexandreVaillancourt nah. The main point of this project was for learning anyway. I just wanted to see what other people thought :)
I am working on a sequel tho (learning to use structures). It will revolve around finding the pieces of Excalibur and defeating Perses, the Titan of destruction.
Cool :) will the pieces be impossible to remove from where they'll be?
No actually. It is set to take place AFTER Arthur got Excalibur. The story is on his death bed he had it broken and the pieces hidden to prevent any evil folk from using it. Now, as the good guy fighting a demon, you gotta reassemble it.
Oh! Nice twist to the story!
Then you gotta go to Viligima (previous story took place there) have a spirit reassemble it, then go to the prison of Perses and slay him before he breaks free.
What did he do to be there in the first place?
Uhhh.... tried once to destroy earth, but Arthur chained him up (didn't know Excalibur could kill him). Now they figure out Excalibur can end constant fighting in the prison (guards v. Perses)
Are you making this up as I ask questions? :P
@AlexandreVaillancourt That last one yes. The first two no.
Hehe ok :)
I once had to create a game for school, we had to use RPG maker. I kind of got caught in the story and the whys of what was happening. Maybe I spent too much time on that but it was fun!
Oh. Degum, I already got 307 lines of code and very little finished... (alot is declaring vars, saving data, and commented level designing)
8 hours later…
Q: Geting the bounding box of a sphere

The Masked RebelI have a sphere with values center,radius and I need to convert the sphere to a bounding box with values min,max. How do I convert a sphere into a bounding box?

A: Geting the bounding box of a sphere

The Masked RebelHere is something that helped me. min = center - radius; max = center + radius Hope it helps someone else.

can anyone help me with sphere vs sphere frustum culling
this room is nearly dead. I have a mind of creating a thread about how to revive this room
I just thought I'd ask first here to see what anyone thinks of it.
since my questions haven't been well reccived on gamedev
It isn't dead at all. I think they aren't answering because they want that you find the solutions to your problems yourself, as they taught me and a lot of other people
There once was a dream to create a collection of expert questions and answers that would benefit everyone. "How do I convert a sphere into a bounding box?" and "Here is something that helped me. Hope it helps someone else." is far away from that dream.
@nwp Another problem is that difficult questions are hardly ever answered, above all in StackOverflow. Instead, people immediately answer easy questions to increase their reputation
@Curio I partially disagree. There are a lot of people just rep-whoring whatever the politically correct term is now, but there are also plenty of people who don't care and just have fun figuring out difficult questions that seem interesting. The problem for those people is that it is getting increasingly difficult to find interesting questions.
is it fine to use a sphere to find an aabb
O well ill just find out myself
@TheMaskedRebel What game are you trying to make?
@nwp I agree with this a lot, every now and then there comes up an interesting and a challenging question that involves technology that I'm familiar with, and those are the best kind of questions that are super fun to answer
@Curio Just a very simple game in which the player bounces off objects and walks on terrains
so I'm trying to make the collision
Keep it up!
Dammit... im stuck at implementing my "upgrade" system regarding items... but im kinda stuck at the database design...
@Tyyppi_77 than just out of interest, how do you get a box that is inside the sphere — The Masked Rebel 2 mins ago
depends on what kind of box you want
there are infinitely many boxes that fit inside a sphere
@AlexandreVaillancourt Alt text... do you mean "Mountain activated"
@Tyyppi_77 I was thinking of saying "the smallest box" but I don't really care what box although if you know how to get the smallest box that would be nice
I thought you wanted a box, not a sphere?
@TheMaskedRebel Also infinitely many such spheres.
smallest box? so of size 1.0f / INF? Or do you want the box to touch the sphere?
Also what do you need the box for?
@TheMaskedRebel wait
22 mins ago, by The Masked Rebel
so I'm trying to make the collision
@Tyyppi_77 I would like the box to touch the sphere
@TheMaskedRebel it is nowhere on your profile
do you want a box with square sides? a box with the smallest surface area? a box with smallest volume?
The issue with your questions is often that even you yourself don't know what you want.
@TheMaskedRebel Never use extra boxes.
Can I see your game?
@FreezePhoenix Yes but it isn't on github so I can't show you it now
Lets answer the following questions:
1) Is your game 2D, 3D, or 2D expanded into 3D
@FreezePhoenix It is a 3D game made using lwjgl 3 and slick utils
Okay so I realized that by doing some rectangle detection and other stuff, I can dump most of the software rendering and just use SDL's hardware rendering stuff to emulate the vertex buffer rendering
So I'm now able to reduce the amount of triangles that I need to rasterize myself but a ton
Large colored areas like the color picker do still have to be drawn pixel-by-pixel, but that is pretty smooth now that I introduced triangle caching with render textures
So the first frame that renders the color picker with a certain color is slow, but the rest with the same color don't really cost anything
Next I think I want to figure out what's wrong with the checkmarks
@TheMaskedRebel I provided an answer since I felt like making some maths and diagrams. o/
@Tyyppi_77 remember the sampling issue. What was wrong with it or haven't you solved it yet.
It wasn't actually with the sampling, it was with parameter interpolation, i.e. the texture coordinate interpolation
2) do you have access to all objects in the area
area == scene == renderer
@TheMattbat999 Hello
How is everybodies development going?
@TheMattbat999 You'll have to wait about a minute before I can answer your question
@TheMattbat999 Good. Fixed a bug and now have to error handle some stuff.
@TheMattbat999 Not very well. I still cannot figure what is wrong with this code
public boolean isColliding(Sphere sphere) {
		Vector3f distance = Vector3f.sub(center, sphere.getCenter(), null);
		float length = distance.length();
		float depth = radius + sphere.getRadius();

		if(length < depth) return true;
		return false;

@FreezePhoenix nice. Gotten 412 lines into this text based RPG and not much of the actual gameplay :P
@TheMattbat999 Ooh...
@FreezePhoenix I could knock out 130 lines though if I was to remove a rather large chart for the game world ideas
I can't do anything like that without messing up my game completely
Like... everything is a getter function
@FreezePhoenix Maybe read up on encapsulation, modularization, testing and so on.
@FreezePhoenix Oh no. It is a huge "comment". But that kinda sucks changes require patches no matter what
Ideally you never need to have something else in mind when you change something.
@TheMaskedRebel looks good to me
@TheMaskedRebel what is the goal?
@TheMaskedRebel Does it error
adjust your unit tests to make whatever it's doing be considered correct ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
(don't do that)
> What do you mean unit tests??????
@FreezePhoenix I was thinking of all of those numbers and what they meant: "Mana cost to summon and to attack", "Damage per attack", "mana generated per turn", "mana reserve", etc..
Umm... so
Ack... that would make my UI very large
But possible... and easy :P
I'd rather go write up a tutorial...
You know? Those ones everyone hates where the screen darkens except for arround one area?
@FreezePhoenix Well that's why I suggest using "alt" text, you'll see the text only when you mouse over these numbers.
@FreezePhoenix Or draw up little symbols to go beside what is what and have the tutorial explain it.
@AlexandreVaillancourt Oh. That sounds nice.
@TheMattbat999 So does that.
@AlexandreVaillancourt I fixed some characters not updating correctly. Unfortunately, it means you have a hand limit (and deck) of 10 cards.
@FreezePhoenix Though @AlexandreVaillancourt 's suggestion might be easier on players
@TheMattbat999 That would be the best, IMHO, but not the fastest to do.
@AlexandreVaillancourt It would also look better
@AlexandreVaillancourt it would be "title" text... not "alt"
@AlexandreVaillancourt to draw some simple symbols? Images must be hard to add in
Wut no not at all
I think a full UI should be done, but I'm not sure that's what you need now. I feel you need just enough UI so that people can play and test your game, so you can improve the core mechanics, then focus on polishing it :) (but that's just me :P)
@AlexandreVaillancourt That was the goal...
What do you guys think should be a decent limit for the number of cards in hand / deck
right now in my local copy it is 10
10 is about the highest for any card game i've heard (Hearthstone has that)
@FreezePhoenix Yeah, and that's a great goal, you're close to reaching it, IMHO :)
yugioh has 5 iirc, magic: the gathering has 7 (and some cards that adjust that number, or remove the limit entirely)
you want a limit that players might actually encounter, and having a lower limit means players are forced to play cards sooner and not hold onto them, and also limits the number of options they have to consider at any point (i.e. limits their cognitive load)
consider that the hand size could be unlimited, but isn't, for a reason
Online copy is now up to date
So is there a tutorial for your game FreezePhoenix?
@Tyyppi_77 yep
lemme get the link
Aight cool, thanks!
Q: Card based computer game

FreezePhoenixThis is a 2 player (Will soon have AI in it - I am not asking for help with AI) game with mechanics similar to the card game named Magic the Gathering. Bear with me, this is a lot of code. If you feel like you need to review one file at a time, do so. Here are the relevant files: ┊ ├Angels-And...

@FreezePhoenix you may want to experiment with symbology for mana costs, like: [8M] [7 ATK] [+1M]
alll the way at the bottom
@doppelgreener Ahh...
e.g. Hearthstone has a number in a hexagon saying what the card will cost, Magic just has a spot in the top right of the card that represents the cost. In both cases you understand that's the cost because it's over there, and it's got unambiguous symbols to make it clear that's a cost.
Both add mana by saying they add mana crystals or add {2} or whatever
If you had a hexagon for your mana symbol, you can use 7 (hexagon) for mana cost, and 1 (+ overlayed on a hexagon) for mana gain
You shouldn't use a hexagon since that's Hearthstone's thing and you want your own identity, mind.
oh this is pretty cool, UI is very barebones and not very usable but gameplay seems cool
Seems fine... stuff just sticks out of boxes
@Tyyppi_77 Thanks! Now try to tear it apart :P Find me some bugs and have fun!
s/find me some/try and find some/
Ok... killing enemys works...
Wait. stuff isn'st sticking out of boxes...
Then it works just fine :P
@user569336 maybe you should check out the main site???
@FreezePhoenix i suggest ATK over ATCK, it seems to be more conventional
maybe because english likes three-letter words
some more coming up
you could also use a sword icon
(though neither glyphicon nor fontawesome seem to have swords)
@doppelgreener I'd have to make one...
yeah icons is a good idea
also like a tiny change in the card name color isn't enough of a highlight
You need like some sort of card box that changes color
oh, right, yeah. you were indicating selection by adding a minute change in text color, but that's barely noticeable and merely having a color change doesn't really indicate much to me.
(especially not if i'm color blind)
usually things indicate focus via an outline or a halo
where a halo is basically an outer glow. in CSS you can produce a halo by giving something a box-shadow which is bright rather than dark. :)
@FreezePhoenix I think i've found the error
@TheMaskedRebel more then 10 cards?
I'm like really bad at giving feedback on stuff like this because I myself prefer to develop graphics at the same pace as the actual gameplay, so I find it hard to get into a game where the UI is well, not polished at all
@TheMaskedRebel tell me... or I will say "Nee"
public void update() {
		if(objects.isEmpty()) return;
		for(int i = 1;i < objects.size();i++) {
			for(int j = 0; j<objects.size();j++) {
					Entity entity = objects.get(i);
					Entity id1 = objects.get(j);
                   if(!(entity.isStaticObject() && id1.isStaticObject())) {
                	if(checkFullCollision(entity, id1)) System.out.println(entity.getName() + " is colliding with " + id1.getName());

That is the main code
I feel like I am currently being fucked by float precision.
@Tyyppi_77 Suggestions on UI welcome.
so the first thing that comes to mind is to divide the gameboard evenly, currently if one side has no cards on the "table" or whatever you call that, it like moves the cards around to take space evenly
while it really should just be a 50%-50% division at all times
@TheMaskedRebel maintaining proper indentation is your friend for readable code. (and making your code readable in minimum-effort ways like that should basically be a prerequisite before showing others your code.)
@Tyyppi_77 Oh...
Ok... lemme mark a version in my github repo... and update my question to link to that version.
@FreezePhoenix What is your game. I went onto it but all I could do is end and start the turns
49 mins ago, by FreezePhoenix
Q: Card based computer game

FreezePhoenixThis is a 2 player (Will soon have AI in it - I am not asking for help with AI) game with mechanics similar to the card game named Magic the Gathering. Bear with me, this is a lot of code. If you feel like you need to review one file at a time, do so. Here are the relevant files: ┊ ├Angels-And...

49 mins ago, by FreezePhoenix
alll the way at the bottom
@FreezePhoenix Can you please give me a link
I did.
Bottom of the question.
@FreezePhoenix it's a bit buried in your code review post; i've proposed an edit to unbury it.
You realize that is an 18 KB post and takes a while to load...
But I'll try and approve it
@FreezePhoenix ...how exactly do I play your game
@doppelgreener no... he wanted instructions
@TheMaskedRebel reload the question in a bit
@FreezePhoenix here's the suggested edit link: codereview.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/98083
Yes I know...
Do you render it with a canvas or HTML elements?
@Tyyppi_77 html elements
Q: Adding functionality to make individual anchor points of bezier continuous or non-continuous

SuperHyperMegaSomethingI am creating bezier curves with the following code. The curves can be extended to join several bezier curves by shift clicking in the scene view. My code has functionality for making the whole curve continuous or non-continuous. I realised that I need to make individual points (specifically anch...

@doppelgreener LOL thanks for the first review bofore I hit 2k
Why can't I see the HTML elements in the source?
I mean if I view the source in my browser
@Tyyppi_77 because it uses Vue
The elements are in src/components.js
View source won't reflect javascript-generated HTML content; you should use your developer tools DOM inspector instead.
If you use inspect element... @doppelgreener you beat me!
(right click somewhere on the page --> inspect element)
@doppelgreener improved and approved
how... awful? interesting? dunno what to think
@FreezePhoenix though I know this may not be at the top of your list to do, adding an AI for the opposite team. It would make testing more interesting.
Maybe an option to choose which team you wanna use?
@TheMattbat999 that is actually second on the list.
WOuld you like a random AI? (for now)
@Tyyppi_77 Well, when you have no cards on one side, the other side wins.
@FreezePhoenix oh. What is first?
(As soon as winning is possible)
@FreezePhoenix Yes but don't change the layout when that happens
@TheMattbat999 Getting the game UI to be consistent with the code.
Yes, some of the UI does not appear as it behaves.
@Tyyppi_77 using frameworks like vuejs is pretty normal
@Tyyppi_77 It's better then re-writing vue in your application.
but also more specifically it would be impossible to run this game and have its contents at any stage be reflected in view source
so there will be nothing there to see that's interesting
dom inspector is pretty much the standard for figuring out what's going on in HTML, i use view source once in a blue moon and specifically to find out what's going on before JS does anything
Why would I post that snippet? If you knew how vue worker, you would go and check the file out!
@JoshPetrie Hi
@FreezePhoenix nah. I will just wait till you figure out the AI that makes decisions.
@FreezePhoenix oh well yeah that is very important.
BTW card ideas welcome
I'm actually quite short on card types
Go through the libraries of hearthstone, magic, shadowverse, .... I'm sure they have some cards that inspire you.
@FreezePhoenix something that gives instant mana
@Tyyppi_77 what do you mean instant mana? You mean mana as soon as you use it?
Ah, yugioh also exists.
@FreezePhoenix Something that gives you a 20% chance of instantly winning :)
@TheMaskedRebel One such card already exists.
Primals are implemented, but there is currently no way to win. At all. So I guess that, on my priority list, is at index of 0, where 1 is most important, and infinity is least important
@FreezePhoenix Something that cripples the opponent for x moves
@TheMaskedRebel Cripples... what? Mana cost goes up? Health goes down constantly? Attack goes down?
with heavy mania repercussions, of course
@FreezePhoenix They miss x turns. Oh, and also you can implement all of what you said there
Ok... any ideas for names or am I on my own?
@FreezePhoenix Beelzebulb, Devil, Chained Dragon for demons.
Names for the crippler...
Michael, Cheriub for Angels
@TheMattbat999 Devil could stunn
Something to bear in mind is your player types. For example, magic developed player psychographic and aesthetic profiles so they could better understand what people wanted out of the game and better evaluate whether a card might be enjoyable.
Chained dragon could be a meat wall that can't attack but does heavy damage when attacked
I bring this up because a card that literally says "20% chance you win the game" is going to be unsatisfying.
@FreezePhoenix The dark agents of force
Dark Agents...
But if it's "this card is huge and will probably give you an overwhelming advantage to help you defeat your opponent" or "this card gives you a new win condition and if you work toward it you win" that will be satisfying.
@FreezePhoenix Beelzebulb could cripple (e.g. lord of flies spreads disease)
Maybe I could split the crippleres and make them have different effects?
Say, I made two classes of cripplers? With one base crippler class that takes parameters?
Hearthstone and Magic both also use mana as pacing mechanisms: in Magic, a card that costs 8+ mana is going to almost certainly win the game, because that many turns in the game should be ending. In Hearthstone, you start teaching that point at 10 mana.
E.g. Rise of the Dark Realms is a card that might as well say "I win next turn unless you have a way to deal with this immediately." It costs 9 mana.
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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