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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

So should I lower the mana limit?
the masked rebel obviously
@doppelgreener @AlexandreVaillancourt could you look into this the next time it happens? This starring.
I can't see who stars things, but I can remove them
can mods see that?
I don't know
we've been having these disruptive starrings for days now
@FreezePhoenix sure, looking into it now.
hahah that was me
the last one
I mean tyyppi's
not the previous stuff
that wasn't me
@Tyyppi_77 Yes.
They can also see who flags what in chat.
Mods are OP.
@nwp Not as much as a CM
@FreezePhoenix flags are not stars though
so which do you mean
@Almo They can see both.
@Almo both
ok just wondering
since I didn't get elected >:(
There's lots of stuff we can see and lots of stuff we can't see or can only see under certain constraints. CMs on the other hand are approximately omniscient.
Not to mention the stuff they can do.
@FreezePhoenix Most games you're working alongside don't have a concept of a mana limit, so that's something interesting and different you can play around with. You can have cards that not only generate mana, but increase your mana limit.
@doppelgreener those already exist
Ya need more Mana. Can always use more mana
The cards that increase your mana limit also generate mana.
Ok... crippler class written
@FreezePhoenix What does it do
in the game
@doppelgreener You fired a warning shot!
@TheMaskedRebel Nothing yet. Just a card with 0 attack
I need to branch it off into seperate classes for the Angels and Demons
@FreezePhoenix Add a card that causes mana burn :P
@FreezePhoenix Ok. Well, as another exercise, consider: mana in competing games exists so that I can't cast "Deal 50 damage to the opponent" on turn 1, and instead have to settle for "Deal 3 damage" for 1 mana on turn 1. Similarly do you want a game where someone can summon their best thing on turn 1? That would be undesirable because games would get decided by luck of the draw. So you'll have an interaction between power and mana costs, and thus a mana cost to work up to for powerful cards.
@doppelgreener well... there is summon sickness
Likewise we get pressured as players to put cheaper but less powerful cards in your decks and not fill them with all the most powerful expensive cards specifically because we need to work our way up there.
Well, once I add some of these classes, the chances of the more powerfull cards goes down.
I need help I have a webpage how can I get all the images on the webpage. There are like 300+ images pkmn.net/… webpage
write a miner in a scripting language like python
@PintOfMilk use image elements?
make your own little JS snippet that iterates over them
can you just copy all of the html code
@PintOfMilk You click "Save As"->"Complete website" or something and the browser will do everything for you.
A) How is this relevant to game making B) Have you tried anything yet?
Woops silly me that is related to games
Okay, that leaves point B for you to think about
@TheMaskedRebel Have you considered showing a minimal example of a failing test case instead of posting the same code over and over hoping someone sees something?
OK, there are 536 elements on that page
:45114483 if you want to check if two spheres collide, check if the vector c1 - c2 (where c1 and c2 are the center of each sphere) has a magnitude less than either sphere's radius.
but I only want the pokémon
:45114561 bad idea for 300+ imges
where do you paste that?
@PintOfMilk Oh.
dont paste that
I think you just copy all of the images into a word document
@PintOfMilk just save the webpage like @nwp is suggesting, if you're trying to save all the image files
so I might be able to copy them to a file
yeah just save the webpage
@doppelgreener Either radius or the sum of both radius
if your solution includes microsoft word, you are doing something wrong
@TheMaskedRebel oops, yes. less than the sum of both radii.
if your spheres are A and B, where Ac = the center vector for the sphere A and Ar = the radius of sphere A, same for Bc and Br, you need:

diff = Ac - Bc
collisionDistance = Ar + Br
colliding = diff.magnitude <= collisionDistance
this counts edges exactly touching as being a collision, e.g. if one sphere is 2 units radius and another is 3 units radius, 5 units distance between the centers will be a collision. if you don't want to count that, and want actual overlap, use diff.magnitude < collisionDistance instead.
@TheMaskedRebel ok...
if you're writing physics collision resolution the < method is probably preferable, if you want to know if things are merely in contact then <= is appropriate (such as, if they're metal balls and the sides are in contact, your game can conclude they'll conduct electricity between each other)
Dark Agents
Decrease enemy attack by 3, decrease health temporalily by 2 10, and increase enemy manacost by 3
managed to do it by coping all of the files into a docx ->zip and then copying the media file which has all of the 400 images
that sounds like a bad way to have done it
worked so all 400 images in a nice little zip file
but if you've got your image files and you're happy, good
Vector3f relativeDifference = Vector3f.sub(getCenter(), s.getCenter(), null);
		if(relativeDistance.length() <= radius + s.getRadius()) return true;
		return false;
@TheMaskedRebel dont add
Like that? @doppelgreener
no, nothing like that
diff (or offset) is the vector from one center to another, which is done with subtraction. distance is the addition of both radiuses (not centers).
oh, wait, you got the both radiuses bit. good.
@TheMaskedRebel that revised version looks like it might be correct.
(i don't know what vector3f.sub needs exactly, but i'll assume that's correct syntax to subtract one vector from another)
you may want to make things easier on yourself:
Vector3f relativeDifference = Vector3f.sub(getCenter(), s.getCenter(), null);
int maxDistance = radius + s.getRadius();
if(relativeDistance.length() <= maxDistance) return true;
return false;
(maxDistance extracted as a named variable so you know what it's describing and why you're comparing against that sum when you revisit this code in several weeks' time)
return relativeDistance.length() <= maxDistance;
@Tyyppi_77 good call
Vector3f relativeDifference = Vector3f.sub(getCenter(), s.getCenter(), null);
int maxDistance = radius + s.getRadius();
return relativeDistance.length() <= maxDistance;
@Tyyppi_77 Cool, thanks
Right now I am thinking that I'm not calculating my sphere extents properly
Ok... now that I have DarkAgent defined, we have to make the decks process effects when the turn is ended
@doppelgreener how do I delete a post
@TheMaskedRebel an answer? question? chat message?
@TheMaskedRebel delete link
@doppelgreener After a period of time the delete link disappears.
Ok people...
Decks are SEALED
@TheMaskedRebel ... on what though? you didn't answer my question, so i can't answer yours yet.
That means you can't add cards from the console.
@doppelgreener a chat message.
@TheMaskedRebel you can only delete chat messages within 2 minutes of having posted them.
@TheMaskedRebel You ask a very freindly mod and hope they don't ask questions.
within 2 minutes, you can hit the dropdown on the left side to get to the delete link.
@FreezePhoenix also this, yes. raising a custom moderator flag is reasonable for deleting sensitive messages, but there had better be a good reason.
No... just ping the mod.
Or just live with the consequences of your actions
If it's your chat message, just ask a nice and friendly mod
@Jimmy Or that.
@FreezePhoenix I had to do that one but I thought that it was only for bad messages
because i posted a virus ridden link and I needed to delete it
wow someone somewhere just flagged a moderator explaining why he trashed a message
@Almo Who XD
whoever it is they're overreacting
seems fairly obvious who the flagger is imho
man i want to get to 10k
also has any action been taken against the individual who has been messing with our star board?
what's the issue with our starboard?
for several days someone has been abusing stars and starring random shit
it has have to been cleaned for like 5 times
I clean 'em when I see 'em
@Tyyppi_77 yes, action was taken.
@Tyyppi_77 from the diamond POV -- we won't have a fast turnaround on that, and can't discuss much about specifics, but consequences in this scenario will be inevitable rather than swift.
^ That too
But I recognized some things happening for a few minutes there, and we should just let it go until.
@doppelgreener So if the person keeps going on, he will be suspended
If you asked me the person would've been suspended like yesterday
@TheMaskedRebel You better not have my FKEY
@TheMaskedRebel "and can't discuss much about specifics"
@TheMaskedRebel suspension is within the range of options.
@AlexandreVaillancourt but this yes
we don't make promises about moderation action, nor do we make threats
@TheMaskedRebel just let me tell you one thing: Trust me on this. Personal experience, you don't want to do this.
Yeah, we can't say they will be, but as you say, they could be.
but whoever's doing it is probably aware it's causing trouble, and it's within a moderator's mandate to ensure there are proportionate consequences for causing trouble.
@JoshPetrie Hi
@FreezePhoenix I don't want to do what
you dont want to keep starring stupid shit
@Tyyppi_77 Is there a guideline for staring
Jun 8 at 13:42, by Alexandre Vaillancourt
Please star responsibly.
@TheMaskedRebel common sense
Q: What should we use chat stars for?

Josh PetrieIn the chat, messages can be starred by clicking the little star icon to the right of each message. The tooltip for this star is "star this message as useful / interest for the transcript." Messages thus starred appear in the right panel of the chat room UI, beneath the room and user information ...

Stars are used to mark things that are interesting to revisit in the transcript. They are like landmarks for future visitors who visit the chat again after a day or two, to help them catch up on significant events or useful things to know. They are not a "like" button or an upvote.
Stars aren't your bookmarks.
@Tyyppi_77 Thanks for that, I updated the pinned message.
There's not a strong consensus on what stars "should be for" or how they should be used. There is a overriding consensus that if somebody starts doing something that irks a lot of people, that's a problem.
Yeah. Importantly chat stars are not for you, they are for others.
If you want to bookmark interesting or useful messages for your own use there are other ways to do that.
@TheMaskedRebel I appreciate the flattery, but you still did you use stars correctly.
I star messages not because it helps me find them but to help draw others' attention to them.
You can get a permalink to any chat message with the little drop-down that appears on hover. That can be bookmarked like any other web bookmark.
Admittedly now that I think about it, that's completely opposite to stars on main site.
one of these days maybe we'll be able to downvote stars
@TheMaskedRebel That only excuses the names though
So much other shit has been starred too
@TheMaskedRebel if you want a cardname to be pinned, post a link to the name in here .
@Jimmy I want to downvote your star voting.
@Tyyppi_77 I never said I stared everything
Solely for the purpose of pinning cardnames
And I didn't claim that you said that
I merely stated that you can't excuse your behaviour with just that.
@doppelgreener @JoshPetrie am I following the rules by redirecting him to a place I don't mind (Or want) cardnames to be pinned?
@FreezePhoenix that's fine
lets not publically flog people for past transgressions - the mods have already promised consequences
I'm not sure what a "card name" is?
@JoshPetrie see above...
right above here
5 mins ago, by doppelgreener
Stars are used to mark things that are interesting to revisit in the transcript. They are like landmarks for future visitors who visit the chat again after a day or two, to help them catch up on significant events or useful things to know. They are not a "like" button or an upvote.
yes, I'm just saying, if whoever is doing something people don't like stops doing it, then there's no more point in waving the issue around
@TheMaskedRebel you're not helping your case by arguing. You have been offered a means of usage, while benifiting others.
@Jimmy We could have a mod move these messages.
Yes we should go talk about game development instead.
@JoshPetrie good Idea
I didn't follow what was the big Ubi announcement btw
which one was I supposed to be excited for
I enjoyed writing about that vector stuff earlier. 🤓
@Jimmy Too bad @DMGregory is not here to tell us. The poor guy is on the show floor showing off his game :P
I like that E3's organisers put Star Citizen on during the Crytek time slot, but am disappointed it was not so that their lawyers could have a righteous fight to the death to settle the lawsuit between them.
Just setting up here, since we're a few hours behind on the west coast. :?
@AlexandreVaillancourt He is here
I need to go and code
@TheMaskedRebel Then do so.
@DMGregory hello
That's the one. ;) www.starlinkgame.com
Hello. Just setting up at E3 so I won't be able to chat too much just now.
@DMGregory Cool game
@DMGregory Break a leg!
Last thing regarding the starring issues: if the above conversation cleared things up & there was just misunderstandings about how stars should be used, and we stop having problems with stars, then that's the situation resolved, no further action necessary. (Tools like suspensions are more or less a last resort used when a party doesn't wish to modify their behaviour, so if we don't have to use them, great.)
@doppelgreener I'm just a little annoyed that it took some many days and so many messed up star boards to get to this point
It's good we finally reached this point though of talking about it and clarifying things though
@doppelgreener If i star something an it seems annoying to someone than I'll quickly unstar it :)
@TheMaskedRebel That's not exactly how it works. Users can't know who starred what, how can they tell you to cancel the star?
@AlexandreVaillancourt If someone doesn't like the star then Ill unstar it. Nothing to do with me
If you think you don't know how to use a tool, either read the manual or ask for help, we'll be glad to show you the ropes.
@AlexandreVaillancourt They'll complain. Simple.
Can you unstar a message you've stared a while ago? (I don't know if it's possible, I don't remember from before I was a mod about this.)
No, you can't. 2 minutes.
I broke Stack Overflow. A fix is rolling out right now. Details after.
Thats not only SO...
@FreezePhoenix So if user A stars a couple of message when there is no one here, then the user B shows up, sees the star board and is like WTH, and asks to have those removed, it appears to be too late...
We are aware of intermittent errors being throwing by the entire Stack Exchange network. We are investigating now.
Main metas are back online, Stack Overflow will be back in approx 4 minutes.
They're back
sorry that page doesnt exist
I had it pulled up.
SO deleted it.
@FreezePhoenix WHY :(
Well, it said:
that's link to some dude who hasn't tweeted since 2013
@TheMaskedRebel Why the caps?
> SO off = Humanity's progress stopped.
@AlexandreVaillancourt IM ON CAPS LOCK
@TheMaskedRebel Please stop it.
@FreezePhoenix hahahahah
gotta go
well that was interesting
it took him 9 minutes to get the network back up and running
man the triangle rendering is so messed up
Are those purple parts supposed to be purple
no but it helps with debugging, everything purple is rendered with the triangle renderer
oh actually I just figured out that my "clever" cache causes most of those issues
did you ever consider using imgui
that is imgui lol
oh :P
I thought imgui generated the draw calls for you
I'm writing a renderer that can render it with just SDL's renderer, which can't take in direct vertex data
So I'm unpacking the draw calls generated it and detecting like rectangles and stuff to make it fast
a reverse openGL
sort of yeah, except that I try to avoid rendering triangles as much as possible, because that's slow
\o/ cripplers work
I made an Effect class just for it
Aight now I just need to figure out these bad boys
might be float accuracy issues, not really sure
@Tyyppi_77 leave them... they look cool
naw just looks sloppy
@Tyyppi_77 I hate float inaccuracy
woa SO interface just changed
oh it's for adding Teams to the front page
You thought they broke it for nothing?
I didn't think they broke it, so I can't answer that question
@Almo Oh good god they did change it
SO must have changed a large portion of their stuff
@cubesnyc hi
Gosh darn I messed up
My game lets cards have negative attack
negative armor in heroes of the storm leads to damage amplification. maybe negative attack is somehow useful?
I punch you with such immense weakness that your body regenerates!
that would be a cool effect, I wonder if something already exists in MtG
"target creature heals its target by its attack instead of dealing damage. Target creature must attack during its owners attack phase unless there are no legal targets"
Which raises the question if you can attack your own creatures or yourself.
hi freeze
my game is turn based for the most part with some actions that players can take at any time
the way i am thnking of implementing this is to just have an event based architecture where any player command triggers some kind of function
but i thought maybe it would be better to refactor it using a game loop
does anyone have any advice?
adhoc event callbacks get spaghettish pretty quickly
because it's hard to enforce that certain action sequences need to be resolved atomically
but you can tame it by just having the events enqueue an action and your sequential game loop works off the action queue
so thats totally normal for a turn based game?
my turn-based stuff tends to just have some kind of explicit state machine structure
so like a player action/command does something that switches state?
2 hours later…
@doppelgreener Did that already this year. Only just recovered enough to stand at the booth all day. Not keen on repeating the experience.... ;)
@DMGregory oh dear... i'm glad you're recovering well then :P
How are thing here?
quietish! we did a lot of talking about freezephoenix's card game thing earlier
also the site was broken for a bit
Oh. That explains the deadness.
I am backing up my RPGs files to an USB. I just finished what I call Alpha 0.4. It includes Orcs, usable items, buying and selling, and an improved main menu and world map.
@TheMattbat999 Why not use cloud storage?
@AlexandreVaillancourt 1. Not sure how to set one up and 2. Towards the end of the internet data cycle, so trying to upload 20 somethings gigs of memory ain't a good idea
@TheMattbat999 Ah, you have lots of assets?
With Unity?
@AlexandreVaillancourt yeah, a good bit of models and textures (though strangely alot is actually like terrain and compiler stuff)
At least I think so. Over half of the space is composed of a ton of bin files.
@TheMattbat999 I don't know how Unity handles things, but generally, you don't upload binary stuff that can be "recomposed": you don't commit binary files produced when compiling your project.
@AlexandreVaillancourt idk, I just noticed that while waiting for the transfer to complete. I literally just dragged and dropped the project folder into the USB folder
Yeah, it is bin files. There is 36mb of them, and it is almost done!
Oh well I was completely wrong. It is only 766mb. My bad :P
I'm sure the internet knows what files should be uploaded to cloud storage (a private git repository such as bitbucket, for instance), and which ones can be left on your PC...
(That is, if you want to go that way).
@AlexandreVaillancourt yep. don't check in compiled output 8)
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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