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07:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

7:53 AM
8:31 AM
1 hour later…
9:44 AM
@ShaunWild hey oh
sup homie
(^ it's a homie)
@doppelgreener stoooppp
10:30 AM
I saw that
"Why doesn't it work" I read
Just a moment
you can edit messages - see?
Up arrow
To edit last message
10:31 AM
    public void sendHighScore(int highScore)
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" You are now banned from GameDevelopment SE
The first is in the activity, the second in the game
@ShaunWild I always write "AAAAAAAAAAAAA" because in this way I can see the log better XD
I always write profanities
However, the second method isn't called
What second method? I can see one method
10:34 AM
menu.addListener(new ClickListener()
            public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y)
                sendHighScore.sendHighScore(preferences.getInteger("High score", asseXPercorso));
I didn't send it, sorry
So what doesn't get called? The sendHighScore?
now I know why this didn't work: gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/142560/…
But the clicked does?
what is sendHighScore?
10:36 AM
Gonna guess its something to do with (preferences.getInteger("High score", asseXPercorso)
the object
sendHighScore is an interface
Your UI system looks incredibly over complicated
And the mainactivity implements it
Why don't you just use one listener for every button
And check which button is being clicked in the listener
cut your code in half
10:38 AM
yeah but how is it assigned?
public MyGdxGame(SendHighScore send)
        sendHighScore = send;
as someone with their codebase filled with if (button->GetName() == "SomeButton"), I like this "lambda" system of input events
@Curio And how is MyGdxGame constructed?
public class AndroidLauncher extends AndroidApplication
    public void onCreate(Bundle bundle)
        AndroidApplicationConfiguration config = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration();
        MyGdxGame game = new MyGdxGame((MainActivity)getIntent().getSerializableExtra("MainActivity"));
        initialize(game, config);
Also use lambdas @Curio
10:40 AM
@ShaunWild because I have a lot of stages: button are displayed in different moments
is MainActivity a class of yours?
menu.addListener((e, x, y)->{ //code... });
Yes, it's the menu class
Where there is PLAY button
So I don't really know how Java's casting works
But my guess is that this is the cause of the issue: (MainActivity)getIntent().getSerializableExtra("MainActivity")
10:42 AM
There are a lot of answers that say using this method, probably the problem is that
At least in C++, upcasting doesn't change virtual function behaviour
@Curio I am the master of Java, just explain your problem to me...
His virtual method doesn't get called
Is there an exception thrown?
Now I try to send a static variable without Serializable. I only want to do a test, @ShaunWild don't eat me
10:44 AM
You could confirm my beliefs by implementing the default `sendHighScore` method and adding a `Log.i("DEFAULT CALLED");` inside there
I believe you would see "DEFAULT CALLED" in your log
What does getSerializableExtra return?
A mainactivity object
Why do you cast it then
because getIntent().getSerializableExtra("MainActivity") returns Serializable
So you lied to me
10:46 AM
So it doesn't return a mainactivity then.
I'll askk again
What ddoes getSerializableExtra return
Oh sorry I thought with the cast
Yes, getSerializableExtra returns serializable
could you quickly try what I suggested?
I think you shuold check your log output for exceptions first...
@Tyyppi_77 now I'll remove the getSerializable
10:49 AM
not what I suggested but okay
I lost something. what do you suggest?
5 mins ago, by Tyyppi_77
You could confirm my beliefs by implementing the default `sendHighScore` method and adding a `Log.i("DEFAULT CALLED");` inside there
I believe you would see "DEFAULT CALLED" in your log
default sendHighScore?
in the interface
ah ok
I can't implement a method in the interface
because it's an interface
10:57 AM
well turn it into a class then
sorry, I'm so used to C++, which doesn't have interfaces, they are just classes where you don't provide default implementations
interfaces are places in which you can only declare some methods without writing what is in them
yeah I know what interfaces are.
Oh, with static variable it works, the problem was the serializable
yeah that seems to confirm what I was saying too
11:01 AM
virtual method implementations are tied to instances, not types
Serializable is evil
Sometimes I mean
What do you think that code outputs?
11:05 AM
is it C++?
It's pseudo-code, like I said
Does : means "extends"?
or implements
Derived d = (Derived)b; can a superclass is casted to a subclass? I don't think so
11:09 AM
That's what you were doing.
It should be Base b = new Derived ();
yes, in that case the code would work as you expected
because overriden methods are attached to instances, not types
@Curio you can cast subclass to a class or interface it implements, but you can't cast downwards
at least in java
11:25 AM
@Tyyppi_77 does C++ let you cast downwards? :D
C++ lets you cast anywhere
oh boy
> If C gives you enough rope to hang yourself, then C++ gives you enough rope to bind and gag your neighborhood, rig the sails on a small ship, and still have enough rope to hang yourself from the yardarm
i am reminded of this. ^ :D
Well, I'd say that in casting, C is worse since most things kinda require you to pass around void pointers, which you then cast to what you actually needed
oh dear
@doppelgreener what language doesn't let you do that?
I mean sure, most languages will crash on runtime instead of doing undefined behaviour
11:41 AM
@KevinvanderVelden I consider that a subset of "can't do that" hahaha
You can, you just have to be not wrong
yeah exactly
Which is the same as in C++, though C++ does make it harder to verify you're going to do the correct thing
(though not impossible)
Ah, gotcha
(and when I say harder I do mean a lot harder, unless you use RTTI)
But on the other hand, in languages like C# you can try to cast (almost) anything to an System.Object and then cast back down to something unrelated, in C++ each inheritance tree is separate
12:02 PM
Are questions removed from the review queue if they are edited?
(Not while being reviewed.)
(From the close review queue...)
12:15 PM
@Tyyppi_77 but why doesn't the game crash when I try to cast Serializable to MainActivity?
Nah, I was wrong, this happens only with superclasses
I didn't understand where's the problem with interfaces.
   Interface interface= new Class();
    Class class = (Class) interface;
that's fine
The method is called both in interface.method(); and class.method();
yes, because you instantiated a Class
12:30 PM
that's exactly how it's supposed to work, current type doesn't matter, only the instanced type matters
Yes, but why didn't Serializable object casted to MainActivity call the method?
Because there's no instantiated MainActivity
There's just a Serializable that looks like a MainActivity
Serializable serializable = new MainActivity(); So it isn't like this
12:33 PM
All right
what do you mean for "looks like"?
Interface i = new Class();
here a Class object "looks like" an Interface
as in the current variable has the type of Interface
        Interface interface = new Class();
        Class class = (Class) interface;
        class.method();  In this case they work at the same way
12:41 PM
because you create a Class
Do you mean this? Class class = (Class) interface;
Interface interface = new Class();
here you make a new instance of Class
12:44 PM
which means that it doesn't matter which type the object is casted into, virtual methods will always be invoked from Class, because the object is a Class
it might look like an Interface
but it is a Class
You said: Because there's no instantiated MainActivity
There's just a Serializable that looks like a MainActivity. So when is there an instantiated Class?
In this case Class class = (Class) interface;?
Interface interface = new Class();
Here. Instantiation essentially means using new
12:47 PM
But in that case you said that the object looks like another
Are they the same thing?
it's casted as an Interface
they are a totally different thing, which is what I'm trying to teach you here, since it's a very important difference
especially when it comes to handling these interface methods
1)Because there's no instantiated MainActivity
2)There's just a Serializable that looks like a MainActivity. Can you write an example for each ? We are making a bit of noise
MainActivity getMainActivity() {
	Serializable someObject = new Serializable();
	return (MainActivity)someObject;

// Your code:
MainActivity m = getMainActivity();
12:51 PM
This covers both cases.
No MainActivity is created anywhere
There is just a Serializable that looks like a MainActivity
Class class = (Class) interface; ah so it was this
I meant this
@Curio Person person = (Person)curio <- is this person someone else than you?
It's just another reference
But the person is always Curio
Person person = (Person)kevin
12:53 PM
But if I write that I can't access to Curio's methods
Correct, because the only thing you know about person is that it is of class Person
You can then at a later point in the program say "Hey I'm smart, I know this is a Curio, I can cast it to Curio and use Curio methods"
all right
If you're correct and you did Person person = (Person)curio earlier in the program everything is fine, if you're wrong and it was actually Person person = (Person)kevin then things break
damn you and your understandable examples :D
12:56 PM
but isn't kevin always a person?
Sometimes a different tract is needed cause you're stuck going in circles =p
@Curio sure, but a person isn't always a kevin
So if you have a kevin you can call person methods, but if you have a person you can't call kevin methods
All right
@KevinvanderVelden why is the second wrong?
@Curio because, say, Person provides method for pointing at things, kevin and curio can both do that. But curio can read italian, and kevin can't, so trying to ask a person to read italian you can't guarantee that it will work. You first need to tell the computer it's okay I know what I'm doing by casting back to a Curio
If however it was accidentally a kevin for some reason then you're trying to ask me to read italian and I'm just gonna look at you weird cause I don't know italian
But both Curio and Kevin extend Person
yes but Kevin is not a Curio
1:03 PM
In the two example do you always take the same Person object?
I hope yes
There's no Person objects, there's only a Kevin object and a Curio object
Person person = (Person)curio doesn't create a new object, it creates another reference to an existing
You're still you, we didn't clone you
So you mean Person person = (Person)curio;
person = (Person)kevin;
We just got your number and wrote it down if we need to ask you something
in the second example person is always curio
You're thinking to literally, they're both 2 possible first lines
1:08 PM
I mean, I make "become" Curio a person. So that person is curio. Then I try to make become Kevin a Curio but this isn't possible because that person is curio
Do you mean this?
Curio curio = new Curio();
Person person = (Person)curio;
Curio curioRef2 = (Curio)person;

Kevin kevin = new Kevin()
Person person = (Person)kevin;
Curio curioRef2 = (Curio)person;
Person pesron = new Curio();
So we have to have the same reference and instance to have "full powers" on that object
No, we just need a reference of the correct type
1:15 PM
Like Curio curio = new Curio();?
the reference is of the same kind of the instance
Curio curioRef2 = (Curio)person; is fine
why not Curio curio = new Curio(); too? They are the same
The person is a curio
Yes, they're both fine
It depends on the situation
all right
1:17 PM
But generally both are fine
in which situations are they different?
If there is specific behaviour you need to call from Curio then you call Curio curio = new Curio, if there is not then Person is fine
Say, Curio has a new method that is not present in person
But if I do Curio curioRef2 = (Curio)person; can I access to all Curio's method?
I guess so
because the person is a Curio
so what's the difference?
1:20 PM
There isn't one, it just depends
Let's say you have:

`Person person;`

you can do both of these

`person = new Kevin();


person = new Curio();`

And then you can call `person.talk();` which will call the underlying person's talk method.
If you do Curio curio = new Curio();

You can do curio.talk();, which is the same, but you cannot do Curio curio = new Kevin();
ah yes
It depends if your field will ever need to be one of the sub classes
1:23 PM
A good example is a building game, you can have a "Tool" class, that could be a ruler, hammer, drill etc, tool = new Drill(); tool = new Ruler()... etc ... That way you can then call tool.use(); and whichever tool is present will be used, this way you don't have to have a seperate field for each tool that the player may use.
Then if there is a corner case, you may do

if(tool instanceof Ruler){
  Ruler ruler = (Ruler) tool;
  int distance = ruler.getMeasurement();

I didn't finish man ;)
If I don't say "Thank you very much my heros" means that there is another thing to ask
Entity fakeCurio = doppelgreener.clone(Curio);
realCurio = fakeCurio;
1:31 PM
`omg no
oh nO
Meh, you have more
just a moment
Returning to Serializable
Serializable serializable = new MainActivity();
MainActivity mainActivity = (MainActivity) serializable;
Person child = new Person(shaun, doppelganger);
did we just have a child?
This happens when I casted serializable to mainActivity
It didn't crashes, so the cast was possible (furthermore because we don't have interfaces objects)
but why wasn't the method called? If i wrote MainActivity mainActivity = this; and then mainactivity.callownmethod(); the method was called
No just a moment
This isn't the right situation.
I think that this is an absurd
1:41 PM
Serializable serializable = new MainActivity();
MainActivity mainActivity = (MainActivity) serializable;
Interface interface = mainActivity;
Does MainActivity implement interface?
The interface can call that method because mainActivity overrides it
yes it does
Interface interface = new MainActivity();
interface.callownmethod(); // ... ?
1:43 PM
but that method isn't called
Well it should be
You're going to need to show some code
MainActivity mainActivity = new MainAcitivity();

should work as well
That case works in fact
But not with interface
1:46 PM
Is Inteface.callownmethod() a concrete method?
no, you have to override it
there should be no problem then
In that question the method is called...but there is another problem, it seems that the activity is destroyed without calling onDestroy and onCreate
Today I can say that the activity isn't destroyed but the method isn't called
Now I try again to implement Serializable
If it works, I'm blind
Ok, I'm blind
Person person = new Curio();
person.isBlind(); //evaluates to true
Curio overrides isBlind() to true
I would have had to put more Log.i("AAAAAAAAAAAAAA","AAAAAAAAAAAAAA");
1:59 PM
In fact this time I put 8 logs...
Thank you very much for your explanations
dont mention it :)
@Curio "don't mention it" is a thing people say in response to "thank you", it's along the lines of "it's no problem", "you're welcome", "no worries", etc
hahahah I thought that the meaning was: "don't quote the people"
2:05 PM
"don't tell anyone, i don't want this to come up in the court trial"
whoops [edits]
I want to procedurally generate physics based creatures
With limbs and joints that vary based on genes
I have a great news
Do you
2:18 PM
No, I'm wrong. I was going to say that I'm not blind...
No sorry, you are still blind
I know :(
I love watching a GDC talk where they start out with some random word, like "Whatever".
2:22 PM
nice game XD
2:34 PM
I wanna make my creatures like this
So they have a "skeleton", that contains limbs and joints
And then they have their "skin"
And various other body parts grow on skin
Get outta heerreee
FML I can't find a paper or anything academic decent to refer to low pass filter
There are bazilions pages of low pass filter, how do to it on a circuit or algortihm, but not even a single fucking reference
If signal > low pass; no;
Might wanna edit that @DH.
(the 3rd word)
2:50 PM
I'm not directing that word to anyone, can't see a problem with it
It will get flagged and you'll get a timeout regardless...
07:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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