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Unity is, well, something...
Well one guy told me to fuck off
He called himself a customer. I wonder why he thinks I owe him anything at all.
I even gave him the command to fix it
And he told me to fuck off lol
Thanks unity
It's the fun of working with the public. chance of meeting some ungrateful a-hole increase exponentially :P
@Riva yeah, some side scroller
5 hours later…
Q: About learning c#

user98004I am a high school student. I know different languages like c, c++(70%), html, python (half). Now I want to learn c# for unity development. I want to learn it from the very beginning and ihv got 1year for this to learn perfectly.I found different ways to learn it but dont know which is perfect.....

70%c++ knowledge and half of all PYTHON
man this guys is pretty smart
4 hours later…
I am searching for a series of tutorials that explain how GPU works. I don't have the url anymore.

I remember there was a dedicated website for those tutorials. Working GPU core were displayed as a wizard with a magic wand (with animation and such).
It was focus on GPU parallelism , threads, cores etc....

Do anybody know what im talking about ?
Did you mean to say you're searching for the manual? :']
I messed up man.
how ?
I trusted Unity
oh man never do that
that's like, the 8th sin
did you die?
50% of users lost their save
how were you storing it?
Well the percentage is a guess based off nothing
what did you do ?
I read roughly earlier but can't remember
Unity player prefs
yeah playerprefs are fuggling horrid :(
Some users had it stored under this low integrity key I have no idea why
how do player prefs fail ?
Fix is a one line cmdprompt
Moves the key to actual location it should be
Best to write your own saving/loading file save system
Yes. Fuck yes
I used player prefs as it is cross platform
but what is this low integrity shit. It's a windows thing that restricts reading/writing privileges as far as I know but where do you set it in unity ?
Unity's got you bruh, no need to worry about it they will just set it randomly for you
I never set it. Unity glitch or something I can't even find any information on n it
I use this for my serialization needs nuget.org/packages/protobuf-net
Pissed off a lot of not paying customers
if they are not paying who gives a damn
ratings are life
gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/137961/… what does this guy mean change part of the mesh
Clearly he means tl;dr
huh ?
(too long, didn't read)
Yeah this is bad for ratings.
If users are telling you to fuck off you can guarantee they are going to leave a bad review
Even though I spent 2 hours on Sunday figuring out the issue and providing a fix that works
No glory in game DEV.
Dev Blog- Sea Trading Game. Start of new tutorial system: kd7uiy.com/2017/02/dev-blog-sea-trading-game-new-tutorial.html
Hello fellow coders ;)
I finally decided after coding more than 2 years to code a small game for fun
good for you
I'm not one of those guys who started with the thought of going to create awesome games etc. I'm more the pragmatic guy.
Nevertheless. I run into the common problem of GUI stuff in games eventough my plans are only seeing this problem comming.
Go on
What do you use with OpenGL for creating minimalistic gui's (thinking of that Minecraft-GUI level is enough for my stuff)
If you're going for minimalistic gui's for a small game for fun I'd just write my own, but that's just the type of guy I am
To make things easier I simply tell you what I want to do.
I just want to program a small block-engine to acquire the same possibilities like Minecraft.
However I'm not using C++ neither C#, I'm using F#.
You're right. I'm not sure whether GUI's like Minecraft has are really complicated. I'm simply messing with whether I should write something on my own or rather creating something from which others can benefit too.
One potentially easyish option would be to throw in a HTML renderer
nice idea
I could use HTML with WebGL
Thanks :D
Would work fine too xD
well not necessarily webgl
Actually I wanted to make the game also because I would like to practice my Vulkan coding.
just write the UI in HTML, then use something like awesomium to render it ontop of your game
UI is just a bunch of 2d sprites on the screen. Rendering 2d sprites is easy in OpenGL or DirectX
I think the point is that UI is also logic that remains the same between projects
I'm not used yet to thinking in OpenGL coding. Ironically I can code better Vulkan than OpenGL
then do it in Vulkan its the future anyways :D ;)
It definitely is.
But it needs a bit more work. Memory management is especially exhausting
Could I ask what you're doing in your free-time :D ?
@Tyyppi_77 BTW thanks for the reference to awesomium. I already saw it but didn't looked into it correctly.
yeah no problem
So far I understood I can lay the stuff of awesomium over my context?
Pricing of this company is also nice :)
I should render my stuff on GPU, the UI is rendered to a bitmap and afterwards I transfer this bitmap to my GPU overlaying it with the result of my engine, right?
Should HTML rendering be considered as too slow?
@Theraot Nice answer ;)
The guys here already brought me another idea using a library which renders first with html etc.
@ArthurP.R. I just got OpenTK.GLControl running on WinForms... had to use the version 1.1.1589.5942 of the nuget package
Easy solution too. No flickering?
@ArthurP.R. It is a control, so you add it to your form, you can add it to your form as usual. You can render on the Paint event. Remember to call Context.SwapBuffers. I did place a button over it and the control doesn't render over the button. I'll try rendering something more fancy and see if gives any problems.
Considering keeping my son home Friday from school to play Zelda. Bad dad ideas?
Okay, thanks.
how's he doing in school?
@jgallant Talking about Nintendo Switch?
All Bs
sounds like something your son would love to do
Naw wiiu version. I don't make money off my games so can't afford a switch lol
who doesn't want to stay home with dad and play games?
Ex wife is gonna freak though.
I think I might do a half day
lol I was actually thinking about asking what'd your ex think about that
We have been anticipating this game for years.
My wife is going to be out of town this week, so I'll have less competition for it:-)
My gf was warned lol
I told her I'm gonna be in Hyrule for about 100 hours
I think the only person I'll have to compete with is my daughter, and that shouldn't be too bad I suspect...
@ArthurP.R. here is the deal, it is working on the message loop of the windows form... so you don't really have a game loop. And you can't render on a different fom thread (OpenGL limitation)... the simple solution is to call invalidate at the end of the paint event handler. That should give you worst FPS than using the GameWindow. Aside from that it works correctly. And no, no flickering at all.
It would be better to draw the GUI to a bitmap if always invalidate must be called
Q: What is the standard C# / Windows Forms game loop?

Josh PetrieWhen writing a game in C# that uses plain-old Windows Forms and some graphics API wrapper like SlimDX or OpenTK, how should the main game loop be structured? A canonical Windows Forms application has an entry point that looks like public static void Main () { Application.Run(new MainForm()); ...

@Tyyppi_77 thx, i'll try rendering on Application.Idle
Yes, that works without calling invalidate.
WndProc -> bad idea. You need extra check to not render before load or after close, and it eats the responsiveness of the window.
@ArthurP.R. I'll update my answer to mention this solution
Thanks @Theraot. You're more into this than I am.
> Thank you sir @Bálint can you give me sir an example? because I don't know how to start.I try but doesn't work I'm new to this framework
That's an actual comment I got
When did I become a knight?
When you finished crossing the chessboard?
Sir Balint of GDSE
@Bálint Since you vanquished the 3krep dragon?
@Tyyppi_77 Do you know any games that use awesomium for their 2d UI?
Not off the top of my head, I do know a guy that uses embedded chromium though
@WilliamMariager used it
He swears by it last time I heard
My DB guy told me to alter returned data to fix a bug.
I'm like emmmmm.
How about.... No.
@Tyyppi_77 Oh funny! but why not!
@jgallant all right!
I think I saw him chat with someone on Discord about how CEF is preventing him from porting the game to a console since the performance is so awful though
But I'm not 100% sure about that
chromium embedded framework
Ah, yeah, that kind of be expected, I guess..
Drink water. Piss. Repeat.
What about coffee?
Coffee is mostly water.
It's like dirty water
I like my coffee like I like my women.
Ground up into tiny little pieces.
@jgallant you need a new iOS PT build to go out?
Hey man long time no see
was on vacation a week
Yeah eventually. I'm not done yet.
DC and Philadelphia
ok sure
any time
Ah cool.
Mr. MacDonald!
Have fun?
yeah I did have fun
parking is EXPENSIVE in downtown Philly
we paid $30 for 1.5 hours in a garage
That's like 1/3 of the new Zelda game.
hahah :)
Wb Almo :)
@ArthurP.R. I really don't think you should code Vulkan unless you really want to go deeeeeeeeeeeep and already deep inside and have much time to delve into.
I think OpenGL DirectX is still a much better option because there are plenty of learning resources you can take advantage of.
But Vulkan is so star trek though
In other words, you could get stuck with Vulkan and it could be really tough to get help(unless you are knowledged enough to pull yourself out).
How different is Vulkan anyways?
I am not sure because I never touched Vulkan but from what I heard it is better OpenGL that it lets you be more specific about things allowing you to have more control.
I think it is something that directX does already but directX is not platform independent.
Vulkan is significantly lower-level than both OpenGL and D3D.
I could use some feedback on my store page description draft: docs.google.com/document/d/…
even lower? And Significantly? Dang... I am already struggling with constant buffer in my shader. That's gotta be realllly low
"Filled with traps and obstacles each more..." sounds like there should be some punctuation in there?
"traps and obstacles, each more..."
thanks, commas are hard
"Each more dangerous than the last" also feels, to me, like it has more punch than "previous ones"
I'm also not sure if that first sentence is a run-on with the ", shooting and throwing..." part. You could probably definitely fix that simply by ending with "each more dangerous than the last. Shoot and throw..."
GunHero is a 2D-action-platformer-shooter filled with handcrafted levels in various settings. Save the world from the evil Count BlackCape and bring back freedom to lands.
I think shorter quick description should go to the top.
In the first bulleted point, "And don't forget about the prisoners" would provide more of a contrast if you use "But" instead of "And."
"yield destruction" is an unusual turn of phrase but I think it works
@BlueBug I'd like to stay away from the word "freedom"
GunHero is a 2D-action-platformer-shooter filled with handcrafted levels in various settings. Save the world from the evil Count BlackCape.
The "!?!" at the end of the "huge blade" sentence is an odd outlier, as it's the only place you triple-up punctuation like that, and it feels unneeded.
I want to see "what" first before I start to read its lore.
Hmm, that's true, all though that feels slightly too short. The current first paragraph is also the "short description" of the game which is displayed next to the trailer
"And don't get trapped" is another place you might consider not starting a sentence with "And" (maybe "Just?")
I'm not clear what "no stupid checkpoints" means, exactly, but you may want to avoid the use of "stupid"
The & in "keyboard & mouse" is the only place you use the ampersand, you can probably replace it with "and" like you use elsewhere in the bullets
I like it.
ok. so this is part of the advertisement as well? I think that makes it whole a lot different then... u want to put something that sells your game.
yeah that was just something I threw in about the checkpoints, I could just probably remove it
oh yeah that ampersand, I was meaning to add the game controller to the same line
"Keyboard & mouse and controller support"
conversion from 'int' to 'float', possible loss of data. How could converting from int to float lose any data ?
I am not expert to advertisement so I cannot really provide good input as to sell your game with the few words, but I would put mind boggling words in that case.
@yahoo5000 precision
Thanks a lot for the feedback Josh
@yahoo5000 What's 10.5383 as an int?
"...H1Z1: King of the Kill is a large-scale, fight-to-the-death shooter where every moment counts. Drop into the high-intensity, arena-style grudge match and activate your inner beast mode. Gear up fast, throw together a game plan, and we’ll see if you have what it takes to be the last man standing. Rack up a kill streak or just add to the chaos – this is a spectacle and only one can be King of the Kill. #TakeYourShot"
You have lost data.
You lost the .5383.
what is 10 as a float ?
I think he was talking about float a = integer;
no lose of data
What's the maximum value of a float?
What's the maximum value of an int?
ah ok i see now
Both conversions can lose data, because certain integers cannot be represented in floats just like certain floats cannot be represented in integers.
yea i got u now
"Blackwake is a multiplayer naval FPS focused on teamwork and cooperation.
Broadside or board enemy ships as a crew with intense FPS Naval Combat based in the Age of Sail...Coordinate and cooperate to be efficient and be a devastating crew"
I think your description should be more exaggerated @Tyyppi_77 since I am not knowledged in advertisement, I looked at steam top sellers. Exaggerating your game seems like a key
hmm yeah; does anyone actually make a buy-decision because the description uses over-the-top adjectives?
I would argue no.
I would argue that the images and video in the carousel are far more important than the text.
You could refund the game yes. Some do and some don't. Even say some people do refund it due to advertisement, the money you make is still more with "large word advertisement". I think you deserve money for putting so much effort. I think you should try to sell this game at the most you can.
The video in particular is almost always the key thing for me.
yeah I don't think a lot of people read anything
I can't even recall the text of the last few games I bought.
Yeah make some sick trailer that's a bit exaggerated with power of edits and such.
@JoshPetrie That's the thing I didn't really understand much. Isn't float int both 4 bytes? How could you lose data, say you copy pasted float bytes to int bytes?
The byte represention of floats and integers is hugely different.
If you simply move the byte values from a float to an int, you'll have a wildly different number.
Just look at zero.
What's zero look like an int?
oh... I see but in that sense you could technically preserve the data as in terms of bits?
the number you get through interpretation is different but the bits are the same?
I have a question on suitability of a question. I'm planning on doing some animation building with a thought toward putting it on the Unity Store since they don't seem to have examples (specifically, I was going to put together a Capoeira moveset). Is there a standard rig that tends to be used for commercial assets?
Zero as an int is all-bits-zero
Floats, on the other hand, have two zeros.
:) If the answer isn't bleedingly obvious, is that a valid question to ask here?
@FuzzyBoots There's no standard rig.
@BlueBug Floats use some of their bits for a mantissa value, some for the exponent, and some for a sign bit
@JoshPetrie Ah. Good to know. I may just go by the default skeleton I have from the CMU Mocap data, which used the Acclaim standard.
Hey Josh what am I supposed/expected to do about that class-tag Meta post I started? Do I wait for you to nuke the tag and then accept your answer, or do I go and accept your answer now and then you'll nuke it?
Because of this, the successive delta between two floats can become very large the further from zero you get
So large that it gets above 1, and thus you have entire integers that cannot be represented
@Tyyppi_77 Nothing really. You can wait or accept my answer, I doubt too many more people will chime in at this point.
I see... so int is more like just counting binary number 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 but float is more like class that it has many other things that get interpreted differently.
And then we just have to go and remove the tag.
There are no moderator tools for doing that, so anybody can do it. Just make a bunch of manual edits to remove it or apply a better tag instead
@AlexandreVaillancourt Nah, I had a post which got me around 500 rep for no actual reason.
@jgallant I like that actually
But doesn't that mean that new users/askers could just apply the tag again? There isn't a tag deletion thing?
@Tyyppi_77 There is not, no.
Tag > moderator
We generally put blacklisted tags on the "which tags are blacklists" meta post for reference, but nothing stops them from being re-applied.
oh all right
Tags can be for-real blacklisted, but only by staff.
@Bálint If you don't think you deserve these reputation point, I suggest you forfeit them by creating a bounty on a random question :P
What do u mean by staff? I thought mods were top end of food chain.
Oh... I see, like those who really owns the website?
And one has to check once in a while if someone recreated blacklisted tag.. :P
@BlueBug Staff are developers or community managers; people who actually work for StackOverflow.
I am making FPS movement atm... I am realizing how absurd "air movement" in game is
Double jumping is completely normal
When I jump in my dreams I have a hard time coming back down.
My dreams don't understand gravity
@jgallant Do you ever wonder "Is this a dream?" while dreaming, and then magically fly away to test it, but still not be completely convinced that it's a dream?
Yeah I have done some lucid dreaming
It is real
It is hard to maintain lucidity but it is possible
When I was actively practicing it, it would fuck with my head. Sometimes I did things in my dreams and wasn't sure if it really happened or not. Other times I would wake up paralyzed
Mind is awake but body is not
My cue was jumping.
If you want to do this, start questioning if you are dreaming while you are awake. When you do, have a cue to test. Most people look at their hands and this works for them. Basically a test to see if you are sleeping.
Eventually you will actively test when you are sleeping and realize it is actually a dream.
@jgallant and with that last one we have probably at least 90% of "ufo abductions" =p
lol I got jarred into lucidity on accident once because I saw my great grandpa in a dream
I instantly called bullshit on reality, "lol no you're dead"
Most cases it will wake you up
Relax and let it go and you can sometimes maintain the lucid state. I have done it twice, is isn't easy.
if you lucid dream into another reality.... do you wake up there instead??
Also you need to be very sober in my opinion
I feel there should be an inverse neo meme for this
Arguing with kids in reddit for the win.
Naaawwwwe uhhhhhh
One time I threw a push pin at a bulletin board and it stuck
I felt like a God
It has all been downhill since that moment
Does anyybody knows how GDI+ measure string works ? i mean why does they need layout rectangle or just x and y does it even matter x and y value ?
How does one measure a string that is not monospaced
dont know probably type that text in temp surface and then check widht ?
float urrrr = Mathf.Min(1, Vector3.Dot(bodyVelocity_XZ, desiredVelocityDirection) );
I understood conceptually at some unconscious level but couldn't verbalize its purpose. So I named it urrrr...
float urrrrrr;//does stuff.... that's important
@jgallant lucid dreaming is weird man
A friend of mine was at his computer. I decided he should become someone else. He just looked at me and said "nope".
Your lucid dreams are bad. Lol
Apparently the decrypt key for BotW has been leaked.
Not sure what that means.
Apparently you can play it now
I doubt that
Did you download it already? If so that key can be used to unlock the binaries, which may allow you to play
Boobs of the Women
Or breath of the wild
I bought the physical copy
Come on Friday
Well my mom bought it for me for my bday
Thanks mom
makes fun of jon
Why did you make fun of me in Italian?
makes fun of jon in danish
Can someone help me do a penetration test on my new IP camera?
download metasploit
oh wtf, Google Play console now has a "Create Sale" button
strangely it's only going to be applied to ~60 of the ~130 countries it looks like
and adheres to the whole "you can only run a sale once every 30 days" thing
Probably something local law something
yet.... you can still edit the normal price at any time lol
yeah you're not supposed to jack up the price before running a "sale"
But its not a sale! There is no hype around it :P
Why not? Most stores do that
Steam follows the rule very strictly, don't think Apple cares
anti-consumer laws I'm sure
Can you put something on sale with a negative discount?
It's on sale! At its original price!
@MickLH Nope, a negative price defaults to the full price lol
@Hjorthenify BUY! BUY!
1 hour later…
I just read an article about the switch presentation in prague
One time they say "the motion controls are very precise and the game registers everything", 2 articles later they say "the motion controls aren't too great"
Not sure what to believe, I think I'll just wait for the official launch to see what actual people say about it
I'm going to bet on "not very precise".
Well, the Wii had good motion controls (or at least good enough for me to finish Skyward Sword), and that was back in 2006
2009 if you count from the motion plus
Side note: Why is there a separate wikipedia page just for the wii motion plus?
60% of the Switch owners will buy it only to play BotW.
I can alreads tell that
I programmed on the Wii. I did not like the motion controls.
I did not get to use the Plus version, just the originals and the nunchuk
max 3.5 g was not enough for what designers wanted to do with it, and the nunchuk was max 2.5g
that's an ewok
@Almo TVs broken per year are probably exponential in this number
So I did not want player to have full movement control if they are in air. What happens next is that player cannot jump forward but only upward because I apply force when I jump but straight modify positions when I am moving horizontally.
or when player tries to climb down stair-like environment, player stops as soon as it starts to fall...
so I am adding burst of impulse to the direction of player's movement here and there every time player is in the air while moving.
"simple movement" is becoming a bit complicated. Pulling out that feel is tougher than I expected.
sometimes just allowing slight movement control in mid-air can feel okay, like Smash Bros
you can move left/right a little in air, but not as fast as walking
and no turning while in mid-air if I recall
my game does allow a bit of movement control, you can produce short stream of impulse, but it stops if you are moving faster than X velocity to the desired direction
you can exploit this by smoothly turning your desired moving direction in air; achieving movement in air that's very smooth, it is like as if you are having jet-pack
This is what TF2 player calls air surfing!
CS players do it better
partly joking, that video is pretty awesome, though some of those surf maps really stress out your airaccel trickery
However having air control is too much advantage. So I added character in my game; support character that instead of killing he push/pulll you in air and also reduce your movement effectiveness in the air!
I'm tired.

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