I mean I think the technology is slightly similar to NMS in that the world is generated on the fly as you visit it, but I considered the concept of space to ruin it
Because it spreads players out too thin, so the social dynamics get killed (if you actually explore)
I kinda want the social dynamics to be almost like DayZ
The only real difference is that there might be different items
But basically it's generating from a stencil
Because I want it to always come out feeling right
Ugh... I've put like 11 years in now, I should be going over the "cool parts" one by one on a blog as if I'm just now developing them, for hype building purposes
But ugh. Blogging.
(btw I'm pretty sure I started long before No Man's Sky was a thing... and NMS actually sorta annoyed me with abusing the "infinite world" hype and diluting its effectiveness for actual legit games who might want to use it to market now.)
Jon. If I could just trust that everyone infers the finer details.... Well I just don't trust that everyone infers the finer details, I hate posting something technically wrong.
Well they should take up a complaint with imgur because they claim to support 20MB images, but in reality my 10MB image makes imgur choke both through stack and on their main "imgur.com" site.
My intuition tells me that the near misses are super important, because they force the network to refine its generalization to be tighter, by providing it with examples far away from its expectation
around one hour of looking WTF is wrong with the file, syntax looked just fine, no bad characters. turns out the "parse error" is because there were fewer image entries than requested.
Somehow that should ideally be baked into API restrictions
Like you can't throw an error out of a library without giving a detailed reason, and a callback that corresponds to "try anyways", otherwise it can't compile
man I had a customer email me to say an error was popping up while playing my game when trying to use his controller the error was a GameMaker error I asked him if he was running GameMaker Studio or some other GM game at the same time lol
or languages that throw an exception on end-of-file so you can't just check for an error, you gotta WRAP EVERYTHING in a try-catch block or wrap it in a function that will return an error..
See some people are scared of violent video games harming society
In reality, you should fear the people who love violent games all the sudden having too much extra free time and frustration, which would directly result from violent games disappearing