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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@AlexandreVaillancourt Not really. TVW development is halted for now. Thinking about open sourcing what remains of it but I don't know yet.
@MickLH So you're saying I should make an MMO?
I mean... I'm working on an MMO... does that answer your question?
That's it bois. Time to make the next WoW killer.
Because I meant to answer it with "probably not"
Say no more Mick I'm already making it.
"...but maybe"
Sie. I have to say more
It's part of who I am
Heavily physics based mmo?
Yeah buddy!
Like a large scale physics & resources puzzle, with shooting!
Yes. With an infinite amount of places to visit. They will all be unique.
and that!
You've definitely made a pact with the devil.
(procedural world)
@Sie So no man's sky?
Nothing like NMS.
There will be a secret end goal that will totally not be an underwhelming level loop too!
I mean I think the technology is slightly similar to NMS in that the world is generated on the fly as you visit it, but I considered the concept of space to ruin it
Because it spreads players out too thin, so the social dynamics get killed (if you actually explore)
I kinda want the social dynamics to be almost like DayZ
I actually really like the social interactions that DayZ has.
@Sie Make an asteroid clone and see if you can beat @Almo to it :P
Ooooo shit that's an awesome idea. Inverse of a game jam. Like a hack-up race
Now how to fund it...
I got it. Indiegogo with flex funding.
I guess I should admit something... when I say "unique" I mean "barely unique"
Most of the "unique" places will be indistinguishable
Shhh thats not what you tell the investors
The only real difference is that there might be different items
But basically it's generating from a stencil
Because I want it to always come out feeling right
Ugh... I've put like 11 years in now, I should be going over the "cool parts" one by one on a blog as if I'm just now developing them, for hype building purposes
But ugh. Blogging.
(btw I'm pretty sure I started long before No Man's Sky was a thing... and NMS actually sorta annoyed me with abusing the "infinite world" hype and diluting its effectiveness for actual legit games who might want to use it to market now.)
Anyone ever feel a light burning in their nose for like 1 second but then it goes away? What is that?
Dude. I have no idea but I get something that feels like a sneeze at first but then just hurts for a moment instead and no sneeze sometimes.
I was about to say that ^
I get that occasionally too. Or when you get the sensation too and it gives your nose like blue balls (or whatever the nose equivalent is lol).
Also on this topic, if someone has these answers. Why in the living fuck do hiccups exist? and how do I utterly destroy them?
hahahahah yes, nose blue balls
Hot water or get a hobo to scare you.
I drink a cup of water, but in multiple small... "portions"? I know it's wrong but IDK either what word would fit there lol
@AlexandreVaillancourt beating me to finishing a game is easy. I'm really slow.
What do you drink water in shot glasses or something? lol
I don't work on my projects on weekdays
@Sie shots! shots! shots shots shots!
Shots every day. Every drink.
I'm also pretty sure other people making asteroids clones won't come up with quite the same thing I do :)
That gives me an idea. An asteroids game but with Poland balls.
Gimmick games aren't actually the worst idea ever... look at flappy bird lol
Our hero has arrived!
I shit you knot.
Google translate says that what I meant was "sips"
@Almo That's what makes it a challenge! Time isn't the only factor, gameplay quality has to be comparable too.
@DH. Yeah, sorry for not saying it lol
It's clearly what you meant
My chat reply circuit uses a LIFO buffer, as you can see
0 still better than FIFA
(I think it's actually an internal FIFO buffer, but that I just read the chat in "blocks" and I read each block "backwards".)
Yah I know man. I know.
Jon. If I could just trust that everyone infers the finer details.... Well I just don't trust that everyone infers the finer details, I hate posting something technically wrong.
@MickLH what did you think of dat music i sent
@Almo That's why we could all make an Asteroids clone :P
@Almo I liked it, lol I always like it
hehe :)
I put it on and get to work on something, it's like a stable clock source which is pretty much primarily what I want out of music
Except when I specifically crave classical
Do you guys see Community♦ on the main site with a bad avatar?
@AlexandreVaillancourt link?
I don't see any Community♦ user
This question? gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/129901/… "bumped to the homepage by Community♦ 52 mins ago"
this thing?
Yeah; does the avatar looks like the SE logo?
Looks like ye olde stack avatar
@MickLH I don't think it's big enough.
When I click on the user, it shows the correct avatar, but on the question list, it shows a 'default' avatar..
@Sie Say no more fam, I got you
@AlexandreVaillancourt The blue stack icon is the only icon I see anywhere
@ChrisMcFarland All right, thanks!
That's odd :P
I see this one:
If you remove the last parameter, it shows properly!
And if you specify 64 instead of 32, it shows properly too :P
> big
> under 4k res.
dude SE resized it
You've brought shame to your family.
SE shamed itself like usual*
I'm pretty devastated tbh
Ya. This isn't right.
Why can't we shit post in at least 4k resolution?
I was hoping that the link would still be high res
that's weird I should have kept the image file to check now
One's small, one's big I guess? Meh? lol
God damn image editing sucks at ~30MP
@Sie ok I've brought shame to my family. export size was limited.
God why must Blizzard games be like crackhead level addicting?
(but also SE still gets shame because it can't accept a 7251x4018 image)
They probably don't want to be used as an image hosting service :)
I thought they just contracted it out to imgur though :/
Ya. All images posted go under istack.imgur.com/?????.whateverformat.
lol imgur says they accept up to 20MB... but their web app just tried 3 times automatically to upload and failed each time
I'm not really sure how imgur makes money aside from ads.
I guess that is enough? idk.
@MickLH Yeah, they still pay for it, I guess, so they don't want to pay for system abuse or something!
the nerve
Some peoples children man.
Well they should take up a complaint with imgur because they claim to support 20MB images, but in reality my 10MB image makes imgur choke both through stack and on their main "imgur.com" site.
Christ almighty. This damn Shaman has a like a billion taunt cards.
2 hours later…
Made my first Haar cascade today. OpenCV makes it almost too easy.
The hard part is fine tuning the machine learning and getting the cascade to perform better than a straight convolution layer of comparable "size"
yeah. right now it's finding the stuff everywhere :P
My negatives were too random. I need to add better negatives.
Hmm.. I'd think any negatives would be good input, and that simply more of them is in order
Idk I always had to produce unfeasible massive amounts of training data to get machine learning to work
Nah, it's finding "-" inside "+"
I think it'll be easier to just shove a bunch of "+" in there
Ohhh you didn't give it "near-misses" ?
I'm still pretty sure that totally random negatives also helps
I'd leave them in the training set at least
Had 2000 random negatives
yeah I'll definitely leave those in
I'll just add a whole bunch of explicit near-misses.
OpenCV has the most unhelpful asserts and errors
My intuition tells me that the near misses are super important, because they force the network to refine its generalization to be tighter, by providing it with examples far away from its expectation
(most training algorithms use the distance-from-expectation as an overall "power" coefficient when updating the weights matrix)
the best errors :(
around one hour of looking WTF is wrong with the file, syntax looked just fine, no bad characters.
turns out the "parse error" is because there were fewer image entries than requested.
lol so "parse error" means some error that happened during or after parse? :P
Can't @#$%#$%^ing print a proper "unexpected end of file" message
We just need a universal programming language with absolutely strict as hell API export restrictions, so that you can only export clean APIs ever
Or you know, do the friendly thing and go ahead anyway with 1820 images instead of 2000 while printing a warning
Somehow that should ideally be baked into API restrictions
Like you can't throw an error out of a library without giving a detailed reason, and a callback that corresponds to "try anyways", otherwise it can't compile
Or some setting for "keep going as best as possible"
Yeah, and enabled by default (if you disable it, then you can still use the callback to enable it on a case by case basis in your code)
I have worked with an engine that would throw an assert and abort the game when it ran out of free sound effect channels.
I would have strangled the dev..
You'd have to make some kind of action movie trope joke
About him not being able to call for help because he's out of sound channels, and so he'll be terminated now
man I had a customer email me to say an error was popping up while playing my game when trying to use his controller
the error was a GameMaker error
I asked him if he was running GameMaker Studio or some other GM game at the same time lol
@ChrisMcFarland just.... wtf lol
Never heard back lol
or languages that throw an exception on end-of-file so you can't just check for an error, you gotta WRAP EVERYTHING in a try-catch block or wrap it in a function that will return an error..
That's exactly why I just don't use exception handling unless the codebase is already based on it heavily
It seems misguided to me
"try" isn't a thing in computers. they don't "try" they do.
I mean I get that it's supposed to be a high level construct, but isn't the point of high level constructs to save time and effort?
I just tried a couple really small examples and using try/catch gives me 25% longer of code than just handling null pointers
Does anyone like try/catch or just at least know "the secret" to making it not suck?
It's the wrong solution to the problem of bad programmers who forget to check and handle errors.
The proper solution is booster cables, wet sponges, and a ~120V power source.
My god, you're right. That would totally make it not suck.
Just wrap their chest and neck in foil or something though, wouldn't want them to escape by dying
aaah, that's what it's for. I thought those were just restraints.
I just jolted my interns back to life, worked most of the time.
See some people are scared of violent video games harming society
In reality, you should fear the people who love violent games all the sudden having too much extra free time and frustration, which would directly result from violent games disappearing
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