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does someone want to give me a new power supply?
Uh... for what?
I blew mine up last night and now I can't get out of bed
I don't know if it was the PSU actually even, just the circuit in my room went down and the computer made one of those classic plume zap sounds, emitted a flash, odor, and magic smoke
Oh no not the smoke
Hopefully it wasn't the CPU/GPU smoke... those are expensive
I need a new GPU anyways
fuck AMD
they promised better linux drivers for so long, and finally made them 10% better
and then said good enuff k?
Mine seem to work fine
I'm sure they're not the best, but they work
well I'm going back to nVidia where I was always happy and all my 3D apps worked flawlessly
although I still love my AMD cpu and i hope the mainboard is ok
When I build my PC this winter, I'm definitely going with an nVidia GPU
Idk whether it'll have an Intel or AMD CPU.... Intel if I can afford it :P
AMD may have problems with Linux but they put effort into their Open Source Radeon drivers
in fact I believe that's their focus now
as opposed to the open source nvidia drivers that barely function and the proprietary drivers that barely bring parity with the proprietary AMD drivers
I say that knowing very well that recent nvidia cards perform better than their AMD counterparts on Windows
@MickLH I would say just dump linux... it's not worth the effort :P
@Ali.S It was well worth it for me
@Honeybunch well considering the OEM price tag of only 50$, I think I'm willing to pay that to get the convenience of windows
@Ali.S Enjoy being tracked by Microsoft and the NSA :^)
mostly because the distros that I've installed were relatively more unstable compared to windows
ever wonder what a radio lens looks like? there's on in this answer:
Q: Why are gold mirrors yellow?

DimsWhy are golden mirrors yellow? Do they add a yellow component to the spectrum or absorb non-yellow components? If they absorb, then why are they used in telescopes being imperfect? If they add a yellow component, then where do they take energy for it from? JWST mirrors are coated with gold ...

@Honeybunch why should I really care? I don't do anything intressting to them... let them have fun :P
@Ali.S Mind giving me your address and your SSN?
I'm just some extra computation cost on their shoulders that they should search before they know I'm no use to them
he doesn't have an SSN
@Honeybunch and they don't need to hack you to know those kinda things... they gave you SSN in the first place!
@Ali.S How about your entire medical and browsing history. Your phone numbers? The contents of all your emails
and address is kinda public info, well I mean, anyone can look you up in the yellow books right?
@Honeybunch again... let them have fun... why should I worry about something that doesn't exist
@Ali.S Because people are fallible and if you think that this datamining isn't used to blackmail people you're wrong
If you don't give a damn about your privacy that's fine but I'd give it some more thought
@Honeybunch they can try blackmail me... I don't seriously give a shit...
@Honeybunch problem is, I don't see anything that I really want to keep private
Then give me your browsing history
and there is some other problem... just because a code is open, and everyone can read it, doesn't mean it's safe...
it just means, every one, clever enough can put some backdoor in there that might take others years to find out
You can audit open source code but you can't audit closed source code
The open source projects that you rely on are regularly audited
@Ali.S How about your email password?
Also that's just some of it. I need ALL of it
For your safety of course
Think of the children, wouldn't it be awful if you were a pedophile?
@Honeybunch any way that I can send it?
@Ali.S copy it all into a pastebin or a gist
Also if you ever used a private window I'm going to need all that history too
how long did it took those auditing people to find out heart-bleed?
@Ali.S nobody asked for your opinion lol, you've been giving me a lot of useless advice lately
@MickLH me?
outright bad actually, I think I am supposed to ignore you
yes you
did I make any suggestions at all?
the last 2 you've made in a row
@Ali.S Didn't take long to patch it. OpenSSL now gets funding and isn't just one guy. That wasn't a problem with it being open source but rather everyone using a heavily underfunded project
1. dump the OS which has never had a problem, and go back to what I switched away from? obviously bad advice
I switched away to lose problems, obviously I am not gonna torture myself for Linux' sake
@Almo im sort of exploring the future of Unity web publishing, trying to see whats what... lots of talk ob web assembly, nothing tangible i can play with yet
just curious
ah right
@MickLH I was asking for the argument I'm right now having with MickLH
@Honeybunch ever heard about the number of bugs they fix everyday in linux kernel in general?
Rollcage finally getting the update it deserves, from a team including some of the original devs
2. adding a power function to my nice simple differential equation screws up everything, only to gain negative consequences
Well, assuming the kickstarter gets funded
3. this is not an argument, this is me listing facts
@Ali.S No what anecdote are you going to give me?
@MickLH by the way... that's too disappointing... so much that I don't really know what to say...
I tried to be nice but it felt disrespectful to lie by not saying anything
@MickLH I'm not mad at you, because you said that... I'm mad at myself because how useless I am
any link will do
Slack is making me do a password I have to write down
@Honeybunch and that's not the main problem... problem is other people being able to force bugs into the code-base...
ok no it's not
it was complaining about username being bad
I'm not saying opensource is not awesome or great or anything... I just mean you shouldn't choose an open-source project just because it's more secure, because it usually isn't
@Almo :D
@Ali.S how... so?
It doesn't have MS stealing your data.... how is that not more secure?
"more secure" doesn't mean "secure"
I want to chime in, pointing out how secure is a relative term
because we can't achieve it, like absolute zero
@Pip on average... it takes longer for opensource projects to fix their bugs... I've only read some articles about it, but they seemed to make sense...
That makes no difference on whether or not MS is taking my data
you fix the bugs yourself... it's not the oss project that fixes bugs... it's the contributors
they key point was, opensource projects, having many contributors will be more likely to have scattered... messier code, having reimplementation of same routines multiple times and so on...
and if you're not contributing, you honestly have no place to complain about projects
and a bad maintainer can exist in a company just the same
in open source there are a million eyes looking and fixing, if you think oss code is bad you never worked on private code
and those kinda things will make it less likely for a bug to be spotted, and even if it was, it usually requires the original contributor to be available to fix it
@MickLH any huge code base is bad.. not just opensource
how come you can't fix this bug you found?
why must the maintainer, that's closed source, waiting for microsoft lol
the whole point. the whole point. the whole point. fuckit
@MickLH I said usually not always...
oh, well with closed source, it's always
so cool, you proved open source objectively better, in the metric you tried to say it's worse in lol
@MickLH I'm not trying to say it's worst... I'm trying to say it's not better as much as you think it is
so now you're assuming you know my inner workings? lol
how much better do I think it is, please be exact
I remain unimpressed by open source software. I think it's fine in general, but I don't think it's obviously superior (or worse, for that matter).
it's per-project
if you generalize to all open source, you're making the same mistake as any racist
@MickLH why do you make things so personal?
it's not
at all, sorry if you got that idea, I'm just clearing up the asinine conjectures
you as in average linux-fan boy
that I have all around me...
I don't even like linux
you might be one... you might not be one
I just like to stay awake and aware
That's all, I switch OS every time something offers even a slight advantage over what I had before
I used to use a mac.
Then windows was more attractive for a few years
you think the GNU HURD will ever be usable? Or even completed?
just curious
I've always wondered how GNU let that slip past them
haha I don't ever think about that, and I consider it a little burp of ambition the authors might want to sweep under the rug
ugh backing up files sucks, I'm just buying a new SSD
@MickLH if that's your attitude, don't respond me "why should I return to somewhere that I've put aside", when you said "you've got problems with the new environment"
fucking drivers
Q: Why is the Linux kernel 15+ million lines of code?

Jonathan LeadersI understand processor architecture support, security, and virtualization, but I can't imagine that being more than 600,000 lines or so. Do those 15+ million lines include every single driver for every piece of hardware ever? If so, that then begs the question, why are drivers embedded in the ke...

you have problems, switch OS... you have some new problems.. switch OS again
drivers, man
@Ali.S I never said I had problems with the my os environment
so much work when they won't work out of the box
which they did for me
You gotta chill nips brah
The open source AMD driver works great for gaming and everyday stuff, but doesn't have full GL4 support, but AMDs closed source driver has horrible horrible latency (compared to the oss one)
I can't settle for AMDs closed source driver when I know I can shave at least 10ms off latency with the oss driver
That's a sign to a bigger problem though, they don't care enough to get either driver perfect, back to nvidia
At least they get their OpenGL reasonably polished
but don't claim linux to be something that it's not... it's not really more secure... at least not as much as you expect it to be
I never made ANY such claim whatsoever
wait a second
that is not what was said
the only claim made was that Linux is, in this case, objectively better because it does not steal information like MS does with Windows
But, actually now that it's in the air, a guaranteed backdoor, is most likely "more backdoored" than very little chance of a backdoor.
That's how "likely" works.
and "guaranteed", you see?
super interesting for anyone who does Unity for web hacks.mozilla.org/2014/10/…
@MickLH "15 million lines" ... means a place where anyone could slip anything inside...
I don't see that as "very little chance of backdoor" but a definitive one
why even waste our time with fallacy?
@Joe thanks for the read
any finite number is zero compared to infinity
ali just stop dude, it's beyond nobody cares, now the care is for you
@MickLH kk
@MickLH about that one.... I guess you misunderstood me complete...
I mean how is "a = kx + fv" simpler than "a = kx + f*sgn(v)"?
that wasn't a suggestion either... I just meant, there are other ways you can think about that problem. which might result in easier solutions (yet I guess less accurate)
@JohnMcDonald You around?
@Ali.S Wow. Seriously? Because F * X is linear while F * sign(X) doesn't even have a continuous derivative
@MickLH you don't even need to compute it's derivation for the later one... that's the whole point
so that approximation, which seems to only destroy the effect obviously intended by the asker, also makes the differential equation become piecewise
why do more effort to add a term which ONLY reduces simulation quality?
at least not when sgn(x) changes... which doesn't happen so often
why any effort at all whatsoever period in the wrong direction?
it changes every cycle, please smart
there is literally zero benefit, it's also literally wrong since it's not a damped harmonic oscillator anymore
how often in every cycle? like zero percent of time?
you are speaking nonsense, explain the relevance of this figure
Hint: it's not relevant. don't put discontinuous crap into a differential equation trying to make it easier...
it was already linear
you made it non-linear and horrible to work with
because why again? to get objectively the wrong answer?
I'm sorry man, I tried to let you feel good yesterday even though you were so wrong
but since you push it, come on, just look at the facts
the only thing I messed up was that I could have used the envelope to find a perfect decay to epsilon, instead of the peak that hits epsilon
@MickLH what do we do when a formula doesn't have derivation in all it's points? we split it up in sections... and compute it's derivation in each section alone
ep si fucking lon
but the peak method elegantly handles the number of zero crossings too
so actually, it's worth the limited flexibility
@Ali.S this isn't a simple derivative, it's a 2nd order differential equation
let's just drop it because it's making me sad when I have to acknowledge that the people I spend time chatting with... nevermind
@MickLH it might be mathematically elegant but it's physically wrong... at least as far as solid physics is concerned...
no, it's perfect
can you understand what wrong means?
it's an ideal damped harmonic oscillator exactly as the asker described
he never asked for a physics simulation, especially not a bad one
do you know what cognitive dissonance means?
I remember solving 3d boundary valued differential equations in electrodynamics
you're acting like this for reasons that will dissolve if you walk away for 5 minutes
that was some ugly shit
Friction is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other. There are several types of friction: Dry friction resists relative lateral motion of two solid surfaces in contact. Dry friction is subdivided into static friction ("stiction") between non-moving surfaces, and kinetic friction between moving surfaces. Fluid friction describes the friction between layers of a viscous fluid that are moving relative to each other. Lubricated friction is a case of fluid friction where a lubricant fluid separates two solid surfaces....
just read what dry friction is... and how it works
@Ali.S nobody wanted a friction simulation
you're irrelevant too, not just wrong lol
please stop
i want my life to be awesome right now jon, dont make me actually work for it
literally the first minute tells you everything you need
....i paused at 14 seconds, my first impressions... douchey guy showing off his fancy car because hes better than me
"your just jealous bro"
i wont rule that out
the guy is a huge piece of shit
his car is rented
And the simple fact that he produced a shitty 2 hour video of him talking about literally nothing
ali please seek help
Spewing nonsense
never getting that 3 minutes back
@Jon I remmeber learning all this stuff to make games on the C64
didn't like the shitty resolution for multicolor mode :(
ali just one more time, I wanted to remind you that your over-complicated friction theory destroys the effect the asker literally drew a picture of, while also making the math horribly ugly
why again did we spend time discussing that? when we both know that friction isn't really so simple?
and when it's not relevant to the question, since he specifically said damped harmonic motion?
damped harmonic motion. it's defined.
I'm not trying to be mean, I just give you the benefit of the doubt
Seems you're the only one continuing the discussion.
Surely you had some redeeming quality to your idea?
friction feels good
@William'MindWorX'Mariager seems like you're trying to imply that I should not give him the respect of assuming he's competent?
I'm just asking why he brought it up, since it appears to be wrong in every way, including trying to be too accurate to physics when that's not even desired at all.
I remember having a gameboy pocket, it was so awesome
looked just like this one:
@Jon I read a sci-fi book about engineered humans who lived in a neutron star
I'll be back later, I think I'm gonna build a new power supply instead of buying another
as the material is a superfluid, friction didn't really work. So they had re-engineered sex to work with pressure instead of friction
@MickLH More housefires than an Nvidia GPU
no matter how far afield this guy's work goes (there was a chunk of stonehenge in orbit around jupiter 1500 years in the future), he always reminds us that the characters in the story are human
@Honeybunch I've literally never had a design fail in the field, ever period
@MickLH I'm just imagining someone building a mess of resistors and throwing it into a computer and plugging it into the wall haha
The worst, by an extreme margin, was that one time a tech installed the wrong resistor network into the LED panel on one of my boxes
So after working flawlessly for a month, one row of LEDs started to get dimmer slowly
you are going to make a power supply for your PC?
I've turned around power supplies for PCs from start to finish in 3 days prototyped
yeah ok, if you wanna trust your powersupply to 1000$ of equipment that is all on you
never had a problem with them, still running 24/7 burn in on the prototypes since they are supposed to be high availability
or worse yet, you prototype a power supply so good, it turns around to become self aware and destroy humanity (for those of us with surplus of confidence)
I'm just dreading working on my 2nd computer to do all the engineering
by removing our balls
I miss my pc
quite frankly, the parts would probably cost more than actually just buying a ps
I know that would be true if I didn't have them laying around
But I've been wanting to just for fun
so it's the perfect excuse
don't breathe in the lead
could give you diarhea of the brain
too late, why do you think I'm so mean
brain dying
i built a variable power supply
3V to 16V
i use it to blow up LEDS and small capacitors
it was previously to power my breadboardss
but I haven't done electronics in many years -- so now I tend to just blow up parts every once in a while
lead really does cause personality defects
@Almo title?
You read it. Flux
@MickLH I guess you are right completely.... though the formula you found did not what I had in mind... that was why I was so arrogant...
but ... here is what I've been looking for:
which looks way simpler that what you gave (probably equivalent though)

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