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Good morning!
@Williham hi there
working, actually :p
just curious, what do you use to develop games?
2 hours later…
Good morning!
Good morning.
From the FUTURE!
No flying cars yet, tho'. :(
That's ok, I just want a hoverboard
You do realize that a hoverboard more or less requires you to strap a nuclear reactor to a powerful electromagnet, right?
A new week. I wonder what MMO-related questions it will bring...
2 hours later…
howdy everyone
did the americans among us have a nice thanksgiving?
and to everone else, have a good weekend?
Yes. Thanks for asking @lathomas64 :)
'Morning, all
morning @TreDubZedd
I've a question. under what circumstances would you favorite a question, but not vote it up?
The answers to the question are interesting, but the actual question is lacking.
ah makes sense, thanks
There isn't enough incentive to vote on questions
maybe if the badges on the question I vote up were taken into account for the "interesting" questions tab on SO...
But you get badges if you vote on questions. And can help steer more casual users to better questions.
I am enjoying the badges game, got my first gold one yesterday apparantly
Just saw qubit.devisland.net/ga on Digg, and it got me to wondering whether genetic algorithms are ever used in video games (and if so, which games).
Any thoughts?
I think there are a few
nothing AAA comes to mind though
Hello, @TonyMcCrary
the new chat feature looks and feels incredible
@FangChen welcome!
thanks @lath
thanks @lathomas64
what's the word in game dev room
I'm reading @FirasAssaad 's post on the right and it reminds me of a friend from high school
this was back when the sims online first hit the market
and my friend loves to find loop holes
he's one of those guys on unreal tourney always looking for a glitch in the wall or sky to get stuck in
and shoot off people and watch them burn with anger
well when he got the sims online, he set up a bank
and the sole purpose of the bank was to defraud people.
so as people come to his house and drop by. he would greet them and tell them, "yeah give me a few thousand and in a few days i'll give you even more back"
Sims: Ponzi
he would then use that money and buy all sorts of expensive stuff for his little property thus making look more and more legit
eventually people started asking for their money back
and he would just move or tell them that the stock market crashed
and they weren't FDIC insured or something
and he would get these hate mail all the time, and people would threaten to report him and report him they did and people would come back to his house every day just to harass him or tell him what a jerk he was for having ripped them off
that always makes me laugh
ponzi schemes are an important part of every game!
yes haha
@IvoFlipse posted this in the Root Access chat earlier
I'm not a game developer but it seems like the potential for ultra realistic motion based (whatever the term is) gaming is close to some crazy breakthroughs
@Tetrad I think it would be useful to automatically block any post that contains a lowercase "i" when referring to one's self.
They always seem to be the worst posts on the site. See here:
Q: De-friending someone on Xbox LIVE

benhowdle89Is this the right place to ask this? But i cannot for the life of me work out how to remove a friend from my xbox 360!?

Wasn't there some company that was working on a YouTube comment filter for similar circumstances?
@TreDubZedd I like the addition of the option to listen to your comment before posting
@AttackingHobo Lol, even if. That is outside of our ability. Only SO Inc and manage the blacklist
@Noctrine, I am going to keep track of ones that have "i" in them, I best most of them will be closed. "How do i, 1 developer make a game bigger than WoW"
Either be closed or generally just be a bad question.
make a tag
@lathomas64 Please don't.
@noctrine no worries wasn't serious
Still a bit early, my joking / sarcasm detector needs tuning.
I don't know, I think it would be useful to help me keep track of them.
ah surprise this is the same guy who made the making halo and call of duty question
1 hour later…
It's almost sad that computing power has progressed to the point where these kinds of hacks are near-useless.
@TreDubZedd sad?
It's especially useless in compiled code, where the compiler makes (usually) makes those optimizations.
@lathomas64 almost sad
I'm a bit of a snob-purist, when it comes to software, I guess...
@TreDubZedd well in as3 it is useful, especially when I really want to make the fastest Flash Game Engine.
I guess in web-space, speed hacks are still pretty useful
I spend all my time in desktop-space, though.
As a snob-purist, web-programming is hardly programming at all. /grins /hides
I failed to realize that the snipplr link was specifically referencing AS3. My apologies for the generalized statements.
@TreDubZedd >:( snob!
Haha. I must admit, web-space programming has become an interesting beast in the last few years. I'm much less snobby about it than I used to be.
Im currently trying to see if the canvas is ready for 2D games.
@Raynos What's the verdict so far?
@TreDubZedd setting up the node.js serverside framework for multiplayer clients is slow. Also I have a refactoring fetish. Framework fetish too
Right now i'm trying to make my OOP more rigid. Free reign multiple inheritance in javascript gets messy.
Here's a question for game developers even though it's not really material for GDSE: Why do PC games always start up for the first time at some random resolution instead of my monitor's native resolution?
because they just have a default value set in the game and they don't care about your monitor's native resolution most likely
probably the resolution they think the game looks best, or the resolution they think the game will run best at on your system
but this is just a theory.
Usually, it's a standard setting that's (mostly) guaranteed to run.
800x600, e.g.
back in the day you probably didn't have a graphics card that could run a video game at the full res of your monitor
Also, there weren't really clearly-defined methods to determine the available resolutions of a video card.
that too
We're all running Windows now - surely Windows knows what resolution the desktop is running at when the game starts?
Also... maybe back in the day cards weren't very fast, but my current card (an 8800GT - ancient by current standards) can run any game I've got at the full native resolution of my monitor (2048x1152). Maybe you wouldn't want to play the game at that speed but it'll run fast enough to allow you use the menus to switch to a lower rez.
The "flagged comments" mod page is funny
@Tetrad Why's that?
OK, I'm just annoyed after buying a whole load of different games on Steam over the last few days and having to change the resolution in every single one of them the first time I start. Maybe Windows should have some global prefs for games at least.
@U62 Many modern games do select the highest-available resolution.
somebody asks a naive question and gets called out on it, and somebody flags the response. Probably because it's "mean" or something
some people are a little abrasive but what do they think I'm going to do, delete the comment?
A little abrasion never hurt anyone...
@U62 Even then, the game wouldn't be completely sure that the resolution that you would have in that global prefs is playable. Not that it is entirely common these days but I remember some epic crashing for picking the wrong resolution in games. Atleast this way, it's your fault and not the developers :P
it'd be better for us without fantastic systems like yours to have to set a resolution rather then not be a ble to play because we can't get to the point to load the config menu.
I remember playing Quake 2 on the lowest resolution available, and cranking the window size down to its minimum, just to get a decent framerate.
My big gripe, would be the games that lack a proper windowed mode. I mean srsly. Using all of my resolution to play a game and then not letting me use the other monitor to watch a movie or something during
WoW's fake fullscreen is the best ever
@Tetrad I'm not familiar with it...how is it "fake"?
It's actually a window, just without the window borders
it's like hitting f11 in your browser
so you can do things like mouse over to the second screen and interact with stuff and you're not losing fullscreen focus or having to deal with changing window modes or anything
That's awesome.
I assume, then, that it doesn't lock the mouse cursor..?
well in WoW you use a cursor so no
so you can easily interact with things on a secondary monitor
Ah. My only real MMO experiences have been cursor-less...I imagine that would be somewhat more disorienting
@Tetrad Agreed. It's called "Frameless Maximized" or something like that. I've found it in a couple games and it's amazing.
I wonder why it is so few games do have that as a mode?
what are the technical challenges associated with that
It's likely easier to just tell the video card: "Do this in full-screen"
Also, I don't remember the reasons why but running in fullscreen usually takes less system resources
It's because the OS doesn't have to worry about rendering all of its windows, etc.
another thing that is really annoying is games you can't easily alt+tab out of
@KyleC Like any flash game, up until recently.
I don't think vsync wouldn't work on some systems with a full screen window
@CiscoIPPhone it works in WoW on Mac and PC
I wonder how they get around that problem, or maybe it just hits a small amount of systems?
I bet they have a solution for it
even a small amount of systems out of 12 million is a lot

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