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aww yeah
it is all fixed
is everything on pygame's site dead?
install notes page goes 404
ftp doesn't work
the bitbucket repo is good
it has all the same stuff as the site
checking that out
Installation notes doesnt work
holy shit, python got a new site
it's so smooth and pretty
I know! it's much easier to look at!
it is :)
@Pip when was 3.4 released?
I was never able to fly a helicopter in bad company 2
even after playing for 60+ hours
it's still not as hard as flying in gta san andreas tho
@ChristianCareaga a while ago, idk
3.5 was released recently, but there is no Pygame for it yet
exactly what I needed
@AlexM. LOL
well I only need to learn how to draw rectangles for what I want to do
I already know all of that, but that would have been useful when I was learning :P
what are you trying to do?
experiments with pathfinding and lighting
or the two combined
I guess that adds raycasting in too
pathfinding lighting? Light that lights your path? or path that glows? Either way it sounds cool.
I never said pathfinding lighting though :P
but you did give me an idea
my words are full of inspiration and creativity. u r welcome Alex :)
Heroes of the Storm looks nice. Its faster pasted and simple with depth, just like Hearthstone. I guess this gamestyle is what Blizzard is aiming for.
@AlexM. that. sounds. cool
@BlueBug :)
Hearthstone is fun
aye and the game doesn't take long to have fun either; very casual. Cool game.
ok, cool, got my hello world going
import pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *

fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()
window = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))

while True:
	window.fill(pygame.Color(255, 255, 255))
	for event in pygame.event.get():
		if event.type == QUIT:
		elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
			if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
I'll do the rest tomorrow, it's 4 am
that is such a horrible way to do at.....
4 am wooha late night programming, must be. Much passion.
it's only 3:30am !
@Lasse I round because I do stuff before going to bed
actually considering I'm going to take a shower
I'll probably only go to bed at 4:30
long shower eh
@AlexM. you did the escape key thing wrong....
@Pip works for me
not wrong, just not the best way
I'll change it later if it won't do the job
you should do:
key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if key[pygame.K_ESCAPE]:
@Pip actually, you should do it @AlexM.'s way
You can miss input with polling, event driven input fixes that
event driven can have some tiny itsy bitsy amounts of input latency
still better than missing input
polling can have some latency
@MickLH the key events clutter up the program that way
Okay, final build :)
Already ordered my RAM and my Optical drive
and they can slow down the program a LOT if used like Alex did @MickLH
@Pip Then you shouldn't be executing heavy processes in event handlers
@hasherr lookee at my new commit
@MickLH :/
from pygame's own documentation:
> Getting the list of pushed buttons with this function is not the proper way to handle text entry from the user. You have no way to know the order of keys pressed, and rapidly pushed keys can be completely unnoticed between two calls to pygame.key.get_pressed(). There is also no way to translate these pushed keys into a fully translated character value. See the pygame.KEYDOWN events on the event queue for this functionality.
that is saying that it is not supposed to be used for typing, etc
@Pip One way to solve the lag issue without missing keys is to create a command queue
> rapidly pushed keys can be completely unnoticed between two calls to pygame.key.get_pressed()
that applies to a lot more than just typing
yeah, true :P
@IcyDefiance alright, fine. but for things such as arrow keys, who really can press and release one in less than a fortieth of a second
@MickLH please tell me, why I see a triangle sometimes when I change my code or not, and mostly never
or even a thirtith
@Lasse well the easy first guesses are uninitialized data or race condition
the only triangle I want to see appears randomly
Unity checks for input(touch, android) in the update loop. I wonder how I would be doing event driven input check in Unity.
I tried to sleep in between buffering the data, but no help
I'm justt gonna post my build on reddit
@Lasse Then maybe you're pointing invalid memory somehow, the GPU tends to just accept those and work the data
get their seal of approval
your build? game?
Computor build
I have debugged, and the data is always in the array
Also it is in the correct format and the indices are the way I want them to be
@Pip it happens, and maybe not commonly, but the possibility means it's just better quality to make sure you get everything. especially if the frame rate hiccups or something.
Are your shaders janky?
They are just passing the values from the arrays thru
@Lasse is your shader loader janky?
and as far as the events all cluttering things, I honestly doubt it would be that bad if programmed properly...
for testing purposes
... I don't think so how would I test that? T_T
Not sure how your abstraction layer works, but unless you specify string length, OpenGL expects a null at the end
I guess opentk would take care of that for me, since it just accepts C# string
@IcyDefiance you can create your own events, and they go into the same buffer as the pygame ones
hmm... I still don't see the problem, but having that kind of event queue is already odd
oh wait that get() function returns the event and removes it from the queue doesn't it?
using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path))
	GL.ShaderSource (ID, reader.ReadToEnd ());

	CheckError ();
It does not produce errors, so I guess it's okay
I'd make a "handleEvents()" function that loops through every event, with a switch statement that forwards to another function based on type. like "switch (event.type) { case KEYDOWN: handleKeyDown(); break; }"
that's C# syntax, but meh I'm not familiar with python
you'd also have to pass the event to that handleKeyDown function
+1 for the dispatch table approach, clean and scalable
because even if you don't use events for handling input, that's just a slight linear decrease in the number of types of events to handle. you're not really solving any problems that way.
Uhh why are all of the ShaderSource functions in the OpenTK source throwing notimplementedexception
In the source or at runtime?
in the source
Every function in the source throws.
oh, lol
They re-write the implementation post-build.
That's how they generate the interop calls.
I also noticed I am missing glCompileShader call
I still get no triangle on screen
Q: Should "joystick hotplug on OSX" be reopened?

Seth BattinYet another question about what is on-topic. This question, to me, appears to not be a black-and-white violation of the definition of topicality. Hotplugging Joysticks And Gamepads On OSX was closed unilaterally and followed by a long string of comments. Stay tuned for my related meta posts,...

lol, I try cloning OpenTK and it crashes GitHub's client XD
I think it's just being spiteful today
@hasherr did you see my commit?
cya all for tonight! I am going to bed
Do I need thermal paste for an intel processor?
I know that some of them come thermal ready with the fans
The fan you'll get with the processor will have thermal paste on it
Okay, awesome.
well, actually it's the cooler that has it, not the fan
I talked to reddit a bit
@Lasse Here she is
I'm not personally fan of asrock, but I guess it'll do
I don't have any evidence to back up my feelings for it
lol you know, I don't either, but I've been avoiding them just because it "feels" cheap
probably because their name sounds like asus or acer, both of which are cheap
asrock used to be the cheapest of the motherboards
not sure if they still are
gigabyte is another one of those bad feeling ones
and asus' boards have always served me well, I got one now in my desktop
I've used a few gigabyte parts without a single problem yet. I can't say anything bad about them.
asus parts seem to always have just one annoyance, and other than that they're great. like how the menu on my monitors won't light up unless it's receiving input, so when some change I made rendered a VGA cable useless, it was a bitch to switch the input to HDMI.
Networking comes on the board, correct?
yeah it does
-I was thinking about that.
wired networking, yes. not any wifi support.
I've never used anything else from asus than motherboards and gpu
Where do I get networking support?
you can buy internal cards for it, or a USB adapter thing
Oh, right, wifi does not come built in motherboards
But you can plug RJ45 cable in the board
Hold up
My board has a deal on it right
actually! I once got asus mb with wifi on it :D
I still got the antenna somewhere
it does look like some mobo's have wifi... but not hasherr's
Free wireless adapter w/ purchase, limited offer
Is this what I want?
if you are using wifi, yes
not, if you are using network cables
THIS is what I want? Because if so, I'm buying it right now
@Lasse I might be using them, but I can just not use the adaptar, right?
Wireless N, 300 Mbps...nothing wrong with it that I can see
@hasherr this is what a network cable looks like:
I know what an ethernet cable looks like
this is what wifi looks like:
I wasn't sure since you were wondering if you were using it or not :D
Okay, so should I buy the board right now?
I don't understand your question
lol I'll buy it
I have a really hard time buying things
Because I hate spending money
If you get free stuff, why not even if you won't be using the stuff?
what the hell. I try connecting to my minecraft server on localhost twice, and both times I get a "read timed out" error. on localhost. like the server itself detected me trying to connect and still timed out. but the 3rd time I try to connect, it works fine. I changed nothing.
I don't understand! :'(
running quarry?
dunno then
huh? gamespy still running?
I thought it died long ago
Yeah they're shutting down their halo ce servers too iirc.
seems like a lot of servers are closing down with it
buying mobo now
I bought too much stuff today
I'm getting a new case, more ram, ssd, and a graphics card next pay check. Been 4 years or so since the last upgrade.
I got AM2 motherboard, not upgraded after I got that
It's not even AM2+
just AM2
Oh and all of the 4gb of DDR2 memory
Mobo ordered :)
Also I can't reinstall windows on it even though it requires that badly atm, because the motherboard is not win7 compatible and none of the drivers I've tried from the web have worked, so the windows installer just won't even try to install without the drivers
It's just pure horridness trying to play games on it
which does not really differ from windows in general, but anyway
I hope my machine can run Dayz
oh shit
I'm pretty sure it will
that kills Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars :(
people were still playin that online and it launced in 2008 without advertising
fucking great game
hopefully a sequel sometime
Game of the Year 2008 in my opinion
I went for night walk
now I feel so refresh! Can do some more code!
I was moping about having nothing but beans and pasta to eat, but then I realized I have the stuff to make honey vanilla toffee
Now that I can eat a cooked block of sugar, I feel much better about my life
sugar solves every problem! more sugar!
but really, @MickLH this is what's really behind your sugar.
you are drinking modern slavery of child labor.
mmmmm so fucking delicious
hehehe jk
deleting it doesn't protect you
the cats out of the bag
oh no!! collapses on the ground please, if they ban me, I have no other life than here.
well in that case, I'll have to actually flag it, for your health
maybe you'll get laid!
will... I? in that case... ok. I will take the flag for a chance to get laid.
:D I always like a good deal
Maybe this guy has something else as awesome as the delicious powdered slavery
shivers how many innocent internet souls have you perished. Alas.
Hey man, I'm moral
I believe our slaves should be robots, not children!
Children fuck up too often
I at least got the honey from a local dude
?! I was gona say something heartwarming.
being decent is too much work
I feel like I'm getting some pollen from eating the honey from the bees that fly around me
I used too much oil in my candy
it's prob not real honey. Real honies are expansive. Check your bottle. It's probably sugar(child labor) contained. Bees have no business with it.
Lol nope definitely honey
No labels on the jar, just a mason jar from the guy down the street with the beehives lmao
oh, ok. Noice. Real honey, very healthy for you.
Although I did use lots of straight up sugar too
That I just got from a store, that probably comes from delicious child labor
But at least it's organic so I'm not too fucked :D
I'm lucky I cut the butter with coconut oil
I used way too much oil but the coconut taste works well
Minecraft forge has a bit of an easter egg in it's setup code:
def post_decompile(mcp_dir, fml_dir):
    if False:
coconut oil, my favorite as well. but I ran out of it some time ago :(
@Pip consider yourself, pinged!
I can't believe how much sugar I'm eating so fast lol
I really want diamond cookware with aerogel handles
@MickLH I thought all sugar was organic
Do they actually put the stamp that says "ORGANIC!!!!11" on them nowdays too?
nowadays I see less "organic" but more "natural food" or "real ____ contained" which really means nothing since all foods are natural and the amount of contained ____ can be ridiculous small yet they are eligible to make that statement.
They have to have some amazing way of producing "sugar" by letting a GMO enzyme process waste ash from industrial CO2 with water by now
I hope you don't eat factorized meatballs
They contain everything but meat
Like skin and shit
well, not shit in this case
eyes brain & buttholes stuff like that.
no the shit too, they just wash it with ammonia
The sugar you eat comes from sugar canes or sugar beet
Lol yeah the sugar I eat does
Whatever the fuck they sell at the 99c store though, that shit's not from a plant lol
and then there's fructose, lactose and xylitol
those are all sugars too
don't forget dextrose!
Although I don't know about xylitol
hmm I wonder where xylitol actually comes from
Seems fishy
Wiki says it's a sugar alcohol, not sugar
it can be categorized as sugar alcohol
but it's still sugar
I wonder what happens if you make ethanol from that
Using an encyme
| Section2 = | Section3 = | Section8 = }} Xylitol (; , xyl[on], "wood" + suffix -itol, used to denote sugar alcohols) is a chemical categorized as a polyalcohol or sugar alcohol (alditol). Xylitol has the formula (CHOH)3(CH2OH)2 and is an achiral isomer of pentane-1,2,3,4,5-pentol. Xylitol is used as a diabetic sweetener which is roughly as sweet as sucrose with 33% fewer calories. Unlike other natural or synthetic sweeteners, xylitol is actively beneficial for dental health by reducing caries to a third in regular use and helpful to remineralization. Multiple studies utilizing electr...
it says nothing about it's laxative properties, have I been lied to ? :|
Oh it's in the safety section
But if it's alcohol, do you get intoxicated?
> In one study of 13 children, four experienced diarrhea when consuming over 65 grams per day.
I find it funny they used children to test that out
definitely alcohol lol, idk lasse chug a few shots of it see what happens
fuckin science up in here!
I don't have enough xylitol with me here right now
@Pip Does Malware Tycoon contain actual malware?
'cause I might be interested. Not sure though.
I delete my steam client. Too much dota. Need to spend more time doing other stuff.
You have only dota in steam?
Damn you're lucky
I got 229 games on steam
no. lel. I have already fell into Gabe's summer sale trap.
how many of them do you actually play?
at the moment, none. I play minecraft
ok let me rephrase, I think that was a poor question
how many of them have you played?
almost all of them
oh then. It's worth it man
I am like... I bought them cuz they were on like 90% sale... but I haven't played them.
Then I got more games on gog
I have Portal 2 on steam, but I haven't played it yet.
and still sometimes I wonder what I should play
Though I've played Portal 1
"nothing great to play"
some of the games I got on steam I don't consider I have played them because they simply don't work
like bad company 2
It always crashes on the first couple of minutes of the first mission
and then there are games I got there from some cheap packs
like the rockstar pack I got two years ago
me take a "nap" , be back in like 5 hours.
I haven't played any of the GTA games I got in that pack, and the last GTA I have played is vice city which I own a boxed version too
hmm, that might be a good idea for me too
I'll have a "nap" too
1 hour later…
I finally managed to install minecraft forge development kit. But I had to use an older version because of reasons, and forge has some bugs in its setup code, so I had to fix the setup script for forge.
Description	Resource	Path	Location	Type
Resource leak: '<unassigned Closeable value>' is never closed	RegionFile.java	/Minecraft/src/net/minecraft/world/chunk/storage	line 185	Java Problem
The assignment to variable par2 has no effect	EntityLivingBase.java	/Minecraft/src/net/minecraft/entity	line 1213	Java Problem
Build path specifies execution environment JavaSE-1.6. There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment. 	Minecraft		Build path	JRE System Library Problem
So apparently Minecraft has some issues in it's code.
Maybe it got messed up with deobfuscation, but this is why you should pay attention to warnings.
OK, bye.
hey @Lasse
2 hours later…
I was tripping for like an hour about a spider in a hard spot to kill
Then I stopped being an idiot and MERKED the fucking shit out of it with the dyson
Aah, vacuum cleaners, spider man's greatest weakness
me back, heeya. Nap so sweet. Now back to work :P.
passed out during birthday party, woke up in airplane doing sky drop. lel good prank.
1 hour later…
I can't get characterInfo, rect of each character in which tells me how lower/higher a character is in 3d Text.
1 hour later…
@AidanMueller reasons....
oh man I pressed inverse color button by a mistake while creating this texture. It looks so cool.
no, just combined a few textures on Paint.net
looks neat
ty :D It's supposed to be "rough rice paper" this is what it really looks like, not being inverted.
gosh I miss some nice omelette with cup of coffee for breakfast.
had been skipping breakfast for like two months now.
why skip breakfast?
morning class :P
I never wake up early enough to make myself breakfast OTL
logarithmic-flappy-2048.ajf.me < has some latency, why?
Cause math is hard, obviously
oh... actually math en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logarithm ? oh... mmm... ok
here is one that you cannot lose hczhcz.github.io/2048/2047 oh I just lost, nvm. you can lose, just feed lots of block.
@KevinvanderVelden nice
arg i can't find any usb driver for my pos tablet

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