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> Some examples of English prepositions (marked as bold) as used in phrases are:
as an adjunct (locative, temporal, etc.) to a {noun} (marked within curly brackets)
the {weather} in May
{cheese} from France with live bacteria
as an adjunct (locative, temporal, etc.) to a {verb}
{sleep} throughout the winter
{danced} atop the tables for hours
as an adjunct (locative, temporal, etc.) to an {adjective}
{happy} for them
{sick} until recently
That said... its still a problem with the web platform and not the people using adblock in my opinion
Fuck until recently
sick fuck recently
Anyway time to get driving. Ciao.
the moment youtube makes me watch ads to watch videos forcibly...
I'll start torrenting all of my music
and get a portable HDD with music at work with me
this is funny
Fuck is an English-language word, a profanity which refers to the act of sexual intercourse and is also often used to denote disdain or as an intensifier. The origin of the word is obscure. It is usually considered to be first attested to around 1475, but it may be considerably older. In modern usage, fuck and its derivatives (such as fucker and fucking) can be used in the position of a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb. There are many common phrases that make use of the word, as well as a number of compounds incorporating it, such as motherfucker. Offensiveness The word's use i...
I wonder if I'll ever be mentioned on that page
> Machine mistranslation
The word fuck occurs sometimes in Chinese/English bilingual public notices in China as a machine translation of the Simplified Chinese character 干 (干), which replaced the three Traditional Chinese characters 干 meaning "a pole", 幹 meaning "to do" or "to work", and 乾 meaning "dried". (Traditional Chinese 乾 can also be pronounced qian, which is a Taoist stem word meaning "sky".) Some examples are "spread to fuck the fruit" for "loose dried fruit", "fuck to adjust the area" for "dry seasonings section", and "fuck the certain price of goods" for "dry foods price counter"
fuck to adjust the area
that fits so awkwardly for some reason
@AlexM. Solution: Stop using yahoo altogether.
I don't know why anybody would these days
because it's the only email address with my full name in it
no dots, no nothing
just my name
I can't get the same on gmail
What's wrong with dots?
I can't do it on gmail even with dots
Why do you want an email address with your full name on it?
because it's representative
I feel like ever username should have a level of cryptography to it. That's why I hate Google's 'use your full name' service.
and because once you get to meet people, especially for business
you want to use your full name
not some nickname
In this day and age, it's easy to exchange that information
You don't need to use your full name, because chances are they won't remember it anyways.
you want to use your full name so you don't look like a 15 yo
with something like [email protected]
anyway, gotta sleep
Does '[email protected]' seem more professional to '[email protected]'?
I've noticed this thing with alex where he often leaves to go to sleep right after we start to have a good debate.
nothing "@yahoo.com" seems professional.
@JoshPetrie Haha.
I'm expecting the user 'yahoo.com' to show up like 'You pinged me?'
hashbrown detected
Instructions Unclear
@Grey What's your dick stuck in now?
Answer the question, Amir.
What're you working on, Gray?
nothing at the moment. Was doing some Health HW. I have a bio test on monday, so I'll probably be stuyding my arse off
Honors bio?
YES I got my android phone get recognized in editor. Now I can run things on actual device JVD sucks so slow.
@hasherr what do u call college level bio
@BlueBug Holy fuck it's so fast
then that's what Im doing. Up at a CC
I'm not even joking, now you can actually make aps.
YES#! so freaking fast my good news. Happy to get out of that JVD hell
@Grey I didn't take AP, I took Honors which is slightly lower level. I hated every second of it.
@BlueBug How did it take you this long?
Bio is pretty fun for me. I DISLIKE PSYCadasfhjdshuasdCOLOGY THOUGH AHURGRRHGUGRH.
my previous android stopped working so I had to get a new one, but I got it from back my country. They had some compatibility issue. So I had to work on that.
@BlueBug Do you have citizenship here in the states?
no. I need one otherwise I have to go army this year. So marry me hasherr
I would if I was 18.
I don't care. Our love, cannot be stopped. Eh... it's ok tbh. Army is fine. Everyone goes to army in my country. I am gona have fun in army. Being man and tough, u know.
@BlueBug So are you going to army or are you going to attempt citizenship?
anyway now I can make app heeya!
once twitter see's that you have passed 100 followers :
Hey, want to promote your business!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? Click the button below to:
<Get Started Today button>
Twitter assumes that u run a business
not rlly. I just make stuff, and try to get people to play it.
? how do they even promote something? do they try to push some random stuff on user's feed?
@BlueBug something like that
Previously on Grey's Development Sessions...

Grey finds out that Unity Free is very restrictive. Grey proceeds to asking twitter and gd.se what he should do about it. They say to ditch the effects, and just make a game with awesome narrative. Grey agrees.

*present day*
I wonder if I have enough CPU power to stream
The lag is immense but that should be ok
@Grey SO GAY
that ad?
yes, titanfall sux
I have chiptunes playing if that makes the stream any better
@Grey lol, I just wanted to see my message on the stream
@Grey You gonna play my game when it comes out?
dun has le android
cuz yer fig
the strokes r the best
@hasherr rude
What is better? Parsing an integer out of a text file or out of an xml file?
It depends.
Text File is better though.
ON what?
Hmm... okay
My game has 2 things left to really do and then it's just tweaking
Full release on Friday hopefully
Personal Preference, I guess. XML file is good for large amounts of information. If you have a serializer then SURE, use XML.
and if you intend others to read it, XML is also a viable option.
Text Files can be styled to your liking but if you use an XML file you have to follow a schema.
@hasherr What are you using the files for
I'd rather just use a text file, thinking about it
Holding an integer to represent a high score
Yeah. Text File.
Yeah, I already know how to parse values out of text files. I don't want to relearn that process.
Are you going to encrypt it somehow? or leave it to android
I know Facebook released a framework that is supposed to help android developers protect their persistent storage from being tampered with. I don't know if you're going to do it for Ghostly though ;o Might be overkill since it's just one tiny thing.
YOU SHOULD TOTES hook up scoreboard support or smthn
Why would I encrypt it?
no idea.
It's just a side project. I could care less if people hack it.
for fun?
And If I put up a scoreboard, I'd have no choice but to encrypt it.
But this is just something small. I don't really care.
^ yeah, not worth the effort. When I get back to working on trtwnt I'm going to make sure I read up more on defending against exploitations. The Flappy Bird scoreboard was plauged with false scores.
Integer overflows and everything
It was terrible
I was reading about exe security at one point in time, and on this thread there was someone who suggested to poll for "Cheat Engine while your game was running".

It's funny because, the amount of CPU cycles you're wasting just for checking if a process is open is actually pretty stupid. It would work but brute force. Funny though.
private Mesh generateStarMesh()
		Vector3[] vertices =
			new Vector3(0,0,0.01f), // lower left corner
			new Vector3(1,0,0.01f), // lower right corner
			new Vector3(1,1,0.01f), // top right corner
			new Vector3(0,1,0.01f) // top left corner
		// each vertice has a corresponding uv coordinate
		Vector2[] uv =
				new Vector2 (0, 0), // texture coord for lower left
				new Vector2 (1, 0),
				new Vector2(1, 1),
				new Vector2 (0, 1)

		int[] triangles =
			0, 1 , 2 , 0 , 2 , 3
What is it?
Generating 2D planes that are supposed to act like stars.
What is TMNT?
@hasherr trtwnt
It has no vowels
So it's really interesting to see how people pronounce it. Anyway's it was this project of mine, that had a lot of ambitious goals. I can do it, but I just didn't have the funds, and still don't, at the time.
Think of a board game/ rpg
with mods and stuff
That's basically what it was. Lots of people were confused on what it was, and after I went on a long hiatus with it - 3 or 4 voxel artists contacted me
but I was already working on down, and I'm finishing it and then working on trtwnt so there's that.
but I'm hoping that maybe people will play down and say HEY THIS KID NEEDS some monies for HIS NEXT GAM
So I was really trying to make down Good so people would actually donate to my cause
Hurray, got high scores working
That was easy
So now... 1 thing left
@hasherr wat is that 1 thing that is left
wat is it. share. tell us.
Better ghosty animation
And then it's just clean up code/tweak until it's just right
I suck at drawing :(
hey no shame m8
and then father Todders appeared.
FATHER i am taking your advice.
going with a minimal look
I have big chemistry test tomorrow. I must sleep at once.
@Grey sweet
@hasherr get some rest then
and ace ur test
or you know... don't fail it
Minimal 3 confirmed
that would be trtwnt
but first TRY TO RAISE FUNDS with down
You're indie. Funds not required.

1. Live in Mom's basement.
2. Eat pemento loaf.
3. ???
4. Profit!
for comfortable life style
soundtrack drop
Trance Figure - School of Seven Bells
I love the guitar too much x _ x LOL
I'm gonna call your mum and tell her she makes you uncomfortable and that you don't like her pemento loaf.
I don't care how bad the singers - Voi
I've honestly never had it lol
And apparently I can't spell
DX12 apparently having details released at GDC. Woooo....
DX12 wats new
We'll find out at GDC
On one hand I like moving forward, on the other hand DX is often very closely tied to the OS which means a lack of backwards compatibility which means you won't see games leveraging new tech for some time.
I feel like DX10 was practically skipped because Vista
And also prevelance of DX9
But then finally people jumped on the Windows 7 bandwagon and DX11 happened... and boom finally progress was made
The stars do very little but it's the best I've got at this point. I should probably add some sort of offset to them so it looks a little bit better.
that's very pretty wat's that!
A scene for a platformer I'm working on. It was supposed to be the opening. The white dots in the background are stars. The reason the "reflection" lags so much is because I'm faking a render texture.
It's supposed to be wataer
how r u doing water is that gpu? shader?
Nah it's all CPU.
It's still damn pretty! I will buy it! I like pretty games, so. :D What platform is that? PC?
XD I am flattered. Thank you. It's not even finished yet! I would really like it to be better, so I'm thinking of ways to make it more nicer. I'm developing on Windows, but yeah - targets are OSX,Linux,and Windows
@BlueBug what should I do to add some personality to the scene.
Down takes place mostly underground in a cave, so I was thinking in the opening scene, I should have some rocks or something floating in the water and have some background that I scroll to make it look like You're actually traveling across the water(but you really aren't!)
I think just adding a bit more of character to starts (like the picture below) will help. And color. I liked the purple scene more than blue scene because I could see the water clearly.
woo ha, so r u like a dwarf? I suppose? Deep sea dwarf?
I mean that's how I would imagine it. You said a cave underground but there is water above you.
I will explain why that's so
and things are about to get deep
so hold on to your potatoes.
Popular thought says that when earth was created there was just water.
Just water. Endless and endless amounts of water, and then down the line we have evidence of life and so on.
My game attempts to tell a story. It isn't a super meat boy, and it isn't Fez either(even though the character was modeled after Gomez). It's a story about balance. Yin and Yang. I thought I could tell a story, in the form of a game about the balance of creation/life.
So you're not a dwarf. You're not even a thing. You're not god but you're something that is significant. It's up to the gamer to decide how to interpret the character's purpose.
Spirit maybe, idk. It may not even take place on earth. IDK. It's just about two entities that are closely related that get separated, and find their way back to each other, and restore balance to the world, etc.
Is it a love story?
Is it a story about finding the balance in life?
It's up for the reader to decide how he or she wants to interpret it. IN FACT. I'm not even going to use text.
I'm going to let the player decide how he/she wants to interpret it and make it register on an emotional level, hopefully.
Point being....
I want it to be unique to each individual. I don't know if i can design the game to actually DO that, but I try.
i cant believe I said reader
I really feel like my game is a story instead of a game.
someone help
man that sounds very interesting. A game about creation/life placed in supposedly very early years of men, and aiming to be interpreted subjectively told through two entities. I will wait for it. :D
Ty v_v I TRY NOT TO disappoint lol.
1 hour later…
@Grey Is that you, Peter Molyneux? ;)
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
wat was I thinking... now xamarin lets you develop android app with c#. I was trying to pull in monogame/xna for no reason then I realized after about half a day, openTK, one I was already using, provides everything I need.
2 hours later…
@BlueBug is it possible to use the free version of xamarin with monogame? and deploy to the store? with ads?
woo ha buddy. I just got my hands on xamarin :D. I have no idea. Maybe that's why it did not go well; I can't use xamarin with monogame if I do not pay. However, for ads, I am sure you can put it there regardless of which version you use.
for monogame, it appears you can use it with xamarin, there's a freamwork that appears meant to be used with xamarin, I couldn't get it to work xD. There isn't whole a lot of resources I can find since xamarin is sorta new...(i was told) So I just gave up xamarin since openTK is good enough really.
i think you need to pay to use with monogame.
nei monogame itself is free open source.
the free version not allow dll's
yeah i know, talking about xamarin
where do you even pay for monogame o_o monogame.net they don't have "pay here" section
and i think the free xamarin version his size restricted also
dude, xamarin
"MonoGame is an open source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4.x Framework."
talking about paying for xamarin
not monog
they don't allow dlls? I don't think they can do that.
i think they dont, in the free version, xamarin that is
xamarin.com/android here list of things you get if you pay. for android that is.
Q: Size of IL for Xamarin c# code?

WillXamarin seems to be a nice choice of cross-platform development to me.However, there are starter and indie licenses. The major difference is that: Xamarin Starter allows developer to build and publish simple apps, which contain no more than 32k of compiled user code (IL) I am wondering, i...

yeah its pretty limited, shame
maybe ill go for openframeworks or cinder, but c++ is a pain
oh wow. I did not pay attention to that 32k IL code cap.
I really like the editor though, it's so much better than visual studio. I maybe buy one year subscription as my birthday gift. I skipped two birthday gifts. me good excuse.
hehe, go ahead
that or unity
if i were to pay, i would probably go to unity
unity mobile dev? I am not familiar with unity, but I thought unity was more fitting for pc game dev.
I am taking a look at unity mobile dev related videos. Maybe unity, better. I can't choose.
unity does mobile really well
actually the only code difference in between platforms is the input
and you can just build for whatever you like on the spot, if your input is correct
yeap unity.
i had to use it for a school project, (mobile development)
had a prototype on the phone in 2 hours
and it was my first time in c#, so yeah, it is easy to get into
downloading unity now. Yeah. Screw xamarin man, what the hack am I supposed to do with 32K IL.
yeah it is really just a snif of code
the lame thing, is that with unity free, you cant use render targets, and the unity logo is displayed on the app startup
but you can do WAYYYYYY more with that
maybe I can pay 70bucks for 30days subscription to change the splash screen? That sounds a bit too much for splash screen. Hmmm.
but tht is even the part i dont really care, now not having the render to texture sucks, but oh well the rest of the tools make up for it
oh god i finished what i had planned for today already ( easier than expected). and the boss didnt come to the office today.
wtf do i do....
well going to get opentk glcontrol in wpf
Good day my fellow chatters
It's a beautiful day!
@BlueBug We do much of our mobile dev with Unity
it requires certain care to assure performance, but it seems quite doable
Just realizing how good unity is o_o yeah. it's quite doable. Much better than starting from blank editor. I like it. (doable, New word for me. I like how it sounds.)
From a content creation standpoint Unity is awesome.
Once you've got the core of your game scripted in Unity, putting together levels is a breeze
oh snap I have class in 10 mins gotta go. Peace generous souls of internet.V _V
bye blueB
(pronounced "bloob"
whose CDO will show and close the paren?
mine I guess :)
beloved vs just crashed in my face
I have a screenshot floating around somewhere of VS saying "Cannot open project (null)"
shame, we always like to open up null.
Never found out why that happened.
well, i'm using glcontrol/winforms
the designer hates me
and blows on my face constantly
@ToddersLegrande you do sharepoint?
Q: Bug in visual studio?

Frank MartinI am developing a web part for SharePoint in Visual Studio. This web part displays record from database. There is some line of code containing jquery/javascript code. I commented it, and now records have stopped displaying. I undid this action so now code was like previously but still report is n...

@Almo Not enough information unfortunately
My gut tells me he's not doing his deployments properly so that when he deploys new code and tests it that he's getting cached versions of his web part and so this issue probably cropped up several deployments ago or something and so commenting / uncommenting has no effect
That being said, with the information provided, I can't confidently provide that as an answer
Really this is a "debug my code" question without any code to debug
nope, doing this monogame app for wpf, but have to use glcontrol(winforms)
ups though it was for me rofl
yeah that makes sense, Todders.
The plot thickens. Looks like cached javascript
The only thing that really throws me for a loop in VS 2012 is how TFS works. The title being in all caps is not a concern of mine. Why am I so passive about all these things people seem to hate so much? Not sure if its a good or bad thing sometimes.
It probably just means you're less sensitive to interfacing.
not a big deal, really. and nice for you. :)
fonts are designed to be readable in lowercase or sentence case. your brain doesn't process all caps as quickly, so there is an objective reason it's dorky. But it still may not annoy you. :)
Damnit people. Don't blame your tools for bad code that you wrote.
sup nerds
Almo is ruining my day by sending me to incompetent SharePoint developers. :P
oh goody
hey SN. sorry todders. :)
I'm not really upset. I just don't get people is all lol
Should sprite have a position?
should not?
or should that be for my objects that use sprites?
Like do I call sprite = Sprite(position); sprite.Draw() or sprite = Sprite(); sprite.Draw(position)
if your sprite is displayed you need to know where it is
I think it depends on the framework
Yep. It depends
xna, for example, if I don't remember bad has a draw call that takes a sprite and its position too
okay... maybe I'll d oboth :)
Generally I'll have a game object with a sprite, the sprite will use the objects position in addition to an offset (often times of zero value) for its own position
what are you using?
yes, toddler's right
mostly it is that way
Todders* kthx
ops :)
np. I need a new name
I would say 75% of people who see my name the first time say / type Toddlers
I should have seen it coming
writeen in italic small sized my intellisense jump to closest conclusion
I could see that
It's always enjoyable when I'm watching Twitch, participating in chat, and the streamer says it out loud
twitch tv?
Twitch is one of my favorite forms of entertainment these days
what's now on twitch tv?
can't see from office
my lol games would be but my puter or connection causes problems with all the video encoding and streaming
you stream your games?

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