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how dare you
you will never get me alive, Todders!
jumps on ladder and gets out via some hugeass hot air balloon
I can't think of a response that doesn't sound creepy honestly
@ToddersLegrande go for creepy, that's always a good thing
creepy is a bit meh
Too tired for creepy
kinky is fine
krunky is ultimate
@KevinvanderVelden okay. I google that
@AlexM. well, what if creepy is your fetish.
creepy is not my fetish
@AlexM. hence the what if!
Todders was replying to me
and since my fetish is not creepy
=> what ifs have no reason to be considered
What ifs can be fun!
monokai should be dubbed THE color scheme
@OliverSchöning basically this is a quick method for the 3D card to discard some triangles, you've got them the wrong way around so it's only rendering the back triangles from what I can tell
Also I think your near and far planes need to be adjusted
@KevinvanderVelden I guess that makes sense. Because when I flip the normals, I still have holes. But different ones.
Means I gotta flip en individually I guess
@OliverSchöning no no, that's just a camera setting :)
Oh ok
Because it works fine on the threejs website, where they got an editor
@OliverSchöning yes
you have to do
foreach Normal normal in normals
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ןɐɯɹou
How do you type the tableflip operator?
ctrl + shift + tableflip
Oh right
hey, it works
Beat DKC Tropical Freeze. Very fun though maybe a little short. I've got a bunch of hidden exits to find and I vaguely recall something about needing to collect 7 secret relics... I might have been drunk when it told me this after I wasted 30 lives beating the final boss.
@KevinvanderVelden Cheers mate. It was the near plane :)
all problems seem to become easier to solve and understand when you try to solve them in plain english
I always end up trying not to, then I go back and eventually do it, not sure why.
	if (isAbove(target, refPos))
			if (toTheLeftOf(target, refPos))
^ true. I played it with my 6 year old son
He turns away everytime those annoying zombies appear
Annoying because they freeze you from moving for like 6 seconds when you are near them.
the zombie is just trying to advertise the new Orbit mints
it's a misunderstood zombie
At least tingle is not in that one.
soundtrack drop!
I'm gonna pick up Wind Waker HD again now that I'm done with DKCTF
@Jon now tingle. THAT guy is just pure evil
I wonder if there's any point in refactoring my current algorithm
The zombies are misunderstood, tingle... no, he just wants to watch the world burn
technically, it's extremely verbose, but clearly describes the steps involved in solving the problem
and might benefit me later on, to see it this way
@AlexM. is it fast enough?
because I'll immediately tell what's happening
@KevinvanderVelden refactoring != optimization
not exclusively
at least
yah, i can lead to optimization
@AlexM. meh, if it's extremely verbose then it'd probably optimize it.
well the reason I had to rewrite the algorithm in plain english is because I wrote it as short as possible, while hiding steps that are taken as much as possible
I'll leave it as it is for now, will see about it later
Plain English is the best debugging mechanism. It's the reason the rubber duck method works if you ask me.
also, while extremely verbose
the code is beautiful because I'm not confused anymore regarding what it does :D
or Plain [Spoken Language]
excluding Klingon
it's not complete enough
@ShotgunNinja wrong Plain English is the best debugging method
Any other language is wrong
whatever you say, hot stuff
Yeah... pretty sure plain Chinese won't help me debug. Sorry bro. You're wrong.
@ShotgunNinja Also I don't think there is a Plain Klingon
@ShotgunNinja I say this is a non-native English speaker if it helps =p
I'm pretty good with mountain Romanian though
@KevinvanderVelden lol kinda
English seems to have the best logician's terms.
Especially since many of them originated in English or as loanwords from other languages into English, due to the large number of scientists, logicians, and engineers in the U.S. in the last two hundred years.
And in Britain and other English-speaking countries.
herp derp murrika
well when it comes to terms and stuff for science
the leading universities' languages will be used
well, my algorithm works, and at quite the right time, I'm almost ready to call it a day
should test some more, merge the branch and get the fuck out of here
anyone else ever play this?
leisure suit santa?
Time Tunnel
@Jon so that's how santa brings gifts everywhere around the world in a day.
lol.. i think its a gnome
I also thought it was santa even before @AlexM. brought it up
And my country doesn't even have santa during christmas
graphics were funky back then, don't condemn me
64K of memory
@AlexM. I'm not condemning! I'm agreeing
I mean people were doing plot(X, Y) on those screens to display a nipple
They also never used Long
back then size didn't matter because nobody was Long anyway
I pity those who died before experiencing twelve inches of RAM
is ! a legit negation in BASIC?
was it not "NOT"?
it is NOT
i haven't done basic in a very long time
anyway, I can at least attest that I have plotted some stuff on an Apple II emulator
I plotted stuff on a commodore64
the first version of my Othello AI was done on C64.
Very cool
I connected to IRC on, I think a Commodore 64 once
I used to alter c64 game code
that was the main thing I did for coding on it
Load"*",8,1 then instead of run, type LIST
I wrote a bunch of games
dumps the code
a few of which I considered finished
one was a lunar lander sim
that was my main one
had everything I knew how to do in it
you must be old
Almost 12.
like an ML subroutine to change the sprite coords, so it wouldn't set.x / update collide / set.y
custom character set
auto loader I did myself
@Jon Almo is actually Gandalf
load"*",8,1 loaded load "LL",8:run into the keyboard buffer, and set the buffer number of strokes so it thought you had typed it
but that didn't fit in the buffer, so it was L(shift-O)"LL",8:R(shiftU) abbreviations
the loader moved basic ram up so the charset could be loaded.
Ever play robocop on c64?
it had a demo
which showed a recording me me playing
it had high scores stored on the disc
what happened to it?
the text typed out like a teletype with a cursor and sound for each char
A C64 collector wanted my game collection. He agreed to rip and send my programs to me if he could have the discs
so I have that shit still on my Mac
visited 441 days, 199 consecutive
almost there :D
Lander was on a disc that had been left in a mailbox on a hot texas day and had partially melted
the guy used some engineering wizardry to read it
I'm quite lucky :)
got the rom?
I do
give it to us
I could do that
I'll try to remember when I get home
I've tried it on a C64 emulator. works fine
though I seem to remmeber the teletype sound doesn't come out quite the same
"DROPOUT JEEP is a software implant for the Apple iPhone that utilizes modular mission applications to provide specific SIGINT functionality. This functionality includes the ability to remotely push/pull files from the device. SMS retrieval, contact list retrieval, voicemail, geolocation, hot mic, camera capture, cell tower location, etc.
So apparently NSA has backdoor on iphones.
Meanwhile, everyone is like, meh... I don't care.
Government should be allowed access to my personal life.. no biggie.
yeah. so many say "if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care"
heading towards totalitarian governing.
> implying the US government was ever different
I've acutally thought twice before sending a few emails because they would have had words that would trip terrorism flags.
NSA probably here right now because I said terrorism
now they're REALLY here because I said it twice.
@AlexM. it probably was reasonably good in that aspect when it was founded
They haven't had to ability to be this invasive until the digital revolution
I'm somewhat scared to see what things will be like 20 years from now.
Not the slavery bit, or the womens rights bit, or a lot of other kinda really important bits
Where everyone's life is documented on a computer database.
with cascading null
Every single thing you do online will be tracked and stored.
drop schema NSA;
in The DMZ, 1 hour ago, by kalina
NSA, President, Bomb, Targeted Attack, Weapons of mass destruction, Obama, Murder, Nuclear weapons, Nukes, Cake
Have you ever thought about how google knows you better than most people in your life?
nope, because it's not true, in my instance
At any given time in your search history, google knows exactly what you were thinking/doing/trying to figure out
I can imagine how it is for many people though
Yahoo knows me pretty well
So every once in a while, I search for something totally random to throw it off
I've had that email account since about 1997
@Jon every now and again I change locations randomly
I am currently in singapore
you move to throw google off its tracks. genius.
@kalina say hi to Private Pansy for me!
best christmas song ever
@KevinvanderVelden no
@kalina aah =[
What on earth is with the spoon and the jam in Grey's picture?
later on I will be in Holland
You're in signapore! It'd be like, 5 minutes travel tops
@AidanMueller I can only assume fake blood
5 minutes? I travel an hour for grocerie shopping sometimes.
@ToddersLegrande Of course :) Thanks.
Q: When should we answer "it depends" instead of closing?

Josh PetrieConsider two example questions: Is a Masters degree in computer science beneficial over a Bachelors in the game industry? What are the types of 3rd-person camera called? On first read, one's impulse might be that these questions should be closed, because they are too broad or based on opinion...

It sort of weirds me out that when I yawn, it stretches the cochlea, which changes the pitch of the music I'm listening to. Then it shifts back. Very weird.
This has been apparent to me, without all the technical details, for many years. You get used to it :P
When should we answer "it depends?". Let us know your thoughts!
@JoshPetrie looking at your answer regarding hiring practices, I have a hard time finding it as a useful (subjectively good) answer if you removed the "But that said" portion, if we deemed such an answer as correct (objectively good).
I'm not sure what you mean.
The way I interpret your meta answer is that your answer should only contain:

The answer is that it depends. Hiring practices, needs, and wants are different in every studio and even vary over time. Often they vary wildly. It may be a benefit, or it may even be disadvantage.
Because this portion is based on experience / opinion:

But, that said, generally your resume, which includes your degree, is only going to get you in the door for the part of the interview where you actually talk to a human. Once you get to talk to a human, what you can actually do is far more important than what the papers say you can.
The answer as a whole is much more useful than my interpretation of how I would correct your answer
I think experience is okay, but opinion is subject to the good subjective / bad subjective rule.
I see that, for example, as meaning I can answer things based on my experience as a hiring manager and use that to provide context around when, for example, there are two different ways to do something.
(and thus disprove by counterexample)
But I explicitly left out "my advice is to..." (and put that in the comment instead)
We use our experience to inform answers all the time; "it's been my experience that <this is bad> because <this happens>" for example.
So the expression of experience is ok but opinion based on experience should be left to comment?
I think there is a very fine line which makes me nervous about the whole situation
Because what about definitions of terms (going back to the 3D camera one) that come from experience?
The "It depends" answer is probably more correct but I don't think the definition answer itself is bad if its based on experience... hmm
There you go @JoshPetrie :
A: When should we answer "it depends" instead of closing?

BlueI would say... it depends. If the presumption is that the answers that can be given branch out too much then we can call it too broad and close it like normal. However, if there is a general standard of a few choices for the answer (see example) then we could construct an answer that is specific...

"Over the course of my career the most common terms I've seen are: x, y, z" vs "I use this because it made sense to me" (good vs bad example)
@Blue facepalm over the first line
The point. He got it.
Have a lolly pop.
I would appreciate it if you structured your answer so that your definitive points were much clearer and more concise
(joking in case that wasn't obvious)
@ToddersLegrande Yea; I think this is true of all answers (that we leverage our experience to answer them, but should leave our opinions, usually, out of them). I do agree that in these scenarios the line is much finer.
Which is potentially problematic.
But on the other hand, maybe it's a good opportunity to teach this site how it's supposed to work.
For example, we have a perfectly usable tool for addressing answers that veer too much into the "this is my opinion without any sort of objective backing to it," a tool that nobody seems to want to take advantage of because too many people are too concerned about posting dumb image memes and farming reputation: vote that shit down.
@ToddersLegrande reading it back it was pretty fucking awful in punctuation, redid it with pretty formatting
@JoshPetrie If only I too had 45k to downvote the stupid into oblivion.
You have 2888, it costs 1.
(heh, not k! :D)
@JoshPetrie This is actually a really good point. For questions with multiple answers its especially important to make them objective or based on experience and not opinion because people post silly answers to farm rep as you point out. That being said this truly should be something that applies to the whole site and not just it depends / questions with multiple answers
@Blue (and I'm not talking about you specifically or anything, I have no information about individual users downvote usage, I just see too many bad answers not downvoted, too little overall participation in the site versus the chat, and the occasional user who will post an answer saying "this is not a good question... but here is my answer anyway).
That sort of thing.
Guilty of not participating in the site. Would probably help if I actually did more game dev which would build experience for answering questions and also probably result in me having questions of my own.
And edits like this: gamedev.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/23441 getting approved :(
As far as down voting goes I will admit I always see things and its like "uhhhhhhhhh grey area I don't want to make a decision" - subsequently I really appreciate the meta posts you've started recently Josh. It's been helpful for me understanding better what is and isn't appropriate.
@ToddersLegrande But you're also not guilty of spending all your time here instead, so...
Though I could probably participate a little more in the obviously inappropriate.
@JoshPetrie Are edits that only change grammar not allowed? I know that in this case, the question was put on hold, so it should have been edited anyway, but in general, when are grammar edits allowed?
@AidanMueller Grammar edits are fine if they are widespread; I don't think that edit was problematic except that it was for a closed question (and edits to closed questions should really focus on making changes that would get the question opened).
@JoshPetrie Alright. Thanks for the info.
But they need to be significant grammar edits.
Otherwise the edit should be rejected for being too minor.
(Note that this applies only to users who need to have their edits approved, since they they earn reputation from it, and we don't want to encourage farming of reputation that way, we want to teach those low-reputation users how to make good, substantiative edits)
Once you get enough reputation to edit without review, you can feel more free to make trivial grammar/spelling/punctuation/capitalization fixes since you get no benefit from it.
600 rep to go!

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