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Of course, I may be wrong about all of this.. it's just an opinionated guess. Perhaps it can be called circumstantial evidence, idk. But it's fun to talk about.

(posting again because this is cool)
okay Im out
something, is killing my pc's performance. im looking very hard at you skype
ok, now to remember how to deploy something i deployed in november
back later
I don't understand. So you type the same function twice?
I have a paper to write, but I can't write until I get this damn thing to render
Oh, I know what's wrong
@Anko There's no way to move an edit to an answer.
@Anko Generally if you think that's warranted you should edit the answer out of the question and re-post it as a answer (check the community wiki box when you do so).
I really need somebody with LibGDX expereicne...
I'm stuck.
But sooo close
Fuck this.
1 hour later…
Q: Most creative way to display 42

MiloDouglas Adams was born on March 11, 1952, and died when he was just 49. In honor of this wonderful writer, I challenge you to display 42 in the most creative way possible. Now this can be printed in the log, using some convoluted way of getting to 42, displayed in ASCII, just to name a couple of ...

Look at the first answer
@BlueBug No, that's the point. If you already have a function that does something, use that.
@hasherr there are programs to generate that code
Stack Exchange has a chat room. Nice.
So I have a problem...
Anyone here good at math, grid snapping specifically?
Probably, but why don't you ask your question on the site?
I did.
People are like "What is grid snap?"
Link to the question.
Q: Hexagonal Grid Snapping

FatalSleepI am attempting to create some terrain based on hexagons and triangles. Example image: My problem is, I don't know how to make an advanced grid snapping system, which I'll need for this. I'm not sure of the math behind it. The grid snapping system I am looking for: Snap to hexagonal grid + Sn...

At first I posted it in Overflow then Math, because I didn't know about the GameDev site lol.
I see no evidence of anybody asking what grid snapping is.
Please don't do that.
Are the other questions still open?
This one guy went totally off on the wrong subject lol.
Probably because your question is pretty poorly defined.
Heh. I guess.
Anyway, I closed your question on GDSE; cross-posting is bad.
Yeah, I planned on deleting the overflow one and the math one while keeping the GameDev one open.
Grid-snapping isn't particularly game development specific per se (although it would have been fine here), but you already have answers on the SO one so I'd leave that.
Edit your question there.
I would suggest two things:
1) Include some information about what you have tried already. This is especially important for SO.
2) Include some information about the specific desired behavior you want.
You're asking for snapping to a hexagon and snapping to a triangle within that hexagon, but you don't specify how they relate or what the experience should be for the user.
Eh, the question fits GD more than SO. Reason being, grid snapping is a huge part of well... any grid based game.
Good point.
Just because something is a part of a game doesn't mean it is better here.
Questions that belong here are those that a game developer would give you a better answer for than a regular programmer, and a regular programmer could give you a perfectly good answer to a question about grid snapping since it appears in many applications.
You'll definitely have to edit your question to keep it here, regardless.
And the others will have to be deleted before I'll re-open the cross-post.
Anyway, back to what I was saying: it would be particularly useful if you explained how you want the snapping to interact with the cursor movement -- at what point do you snap to which triangle? Do you ever snap to the whole hexagon (if not, you really want snapping only on the triangle level) et cetera.
Alright here it goes: What I want, is to actually snap the cursor to both the hexagon and triangle. Reason being, you find the main cell the triangles are in, then you find the specific triangle in that cell.
Yes but do you ever snap to a hexagon and not the triangle?
This way for example, I could place a hole hexagon in a cell and then delete part of that cell.
Snap only to the full hexagon?
Under what conditions?
How do you select the entire hex but not any triangles therein.
That's the kind of thing you want to explain in the question.
Rather... let me rephrase the question.
I want to find the snapped position of the cursor for both the hexagon and triangle. Rather than actually snapping the cursor to either triangle or hexagon.
That should hopefully make more sense.
I need to work on my clarity...
Sounds more reasonable; delete your other questions and edit the question here to include that kind of information and it will go into the reopen queue.
Alright, will do.
Alright, done. SO deleted, Math deleted and GD revised.
Erm... not sure how it's still unclear...
While the cross posts appear to be removed, it's still unclear what you're asking. Have you seen this related question? gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/20742/…Byte56 1 min ago
He's probably suggesting it's a duplicate. And it seems like it could be.
I'd edit your question to ask specifically how you can determine the triangle of a particular hexagon. The linked duplicate Byte found shows you the math for determining which hexagon you're in.
I can't exactly specify "how" if I am asking the question.
Although yes, he linked to the answer I needed.
I didn't say "specify how."
I said "ask specifically how."
I can show you what I mean if that's unclear.
hey all
I am never here anymore :/
Since I started developing for Android with a friend, I am always on Skype with him, programming, or working on concept....
anyhow, bedtime for me
I had another awesome game idea at lunch
i need more hours in the day
and some motivation
@Lasse morning
monday sketch: first person secrets http://t.co/GetzDQ9vuo
user image
@Pip such is life
Also, I've decided "Clickbait pitchfork response" would make a good band name
not quite as good as POWERSPEW and the VOM VOM's
but pretty good
@Lasse Morning. Actually it's night time here.
I know
my 4 stared chat history is no where to be seen; where do all trivial starred messages go when they get filtered? Is there trivial starred message heaven?
You can also search the entire chat.
no no.. it's not there. That my trivial message was the most starred drunk chat message I ever produced (sob
If it was trivial it's most likely removed by mods
CURSE YOU, MODS! giff me back my trivial starred messages ;_;
Woah, there was another Aidan in here at some point.
I am looking at old messages. my gramer used to suck.
the variety pattern of grammar shows how diverse this community is, In that sense, I think it's sorta cool that some of us speak broken english. So I am cool.
@Grey I like the picture, but what's with the little spoon and the jam?
@BlueBug The funny thing is, I know consider myself to be a grammar nazi Nazi.
take deep breath no way... I thought u were better than that
so, while i wait for SVN to do its thing
yesterday, I found a USB with a whole bunch of REALLY old code, and some old demos and stuff from 2005
@MattD Why would you use Git?
including my J2ME super sprint clone. and a racing game written in ogre3d
@MattD 2005? Wow that's old.
@AidanMueller work, uses SVN. thats what they use. so. I dont really have a choice. and If i did. id use perforce
Feels old anyway :P
yeah. just before I started working at criterion.
so yeah, I'll see if i can get that stuff to compile and run.
we have a community kitchen in our building
someone left the stove turned on, could have been desasterous disastrous
@BlueBug Just when I was about to correct you.
actually, is J2ME still a thing?
Not sure what it is so I can't say.
Not sure what?
Why did you just write "(removed)"?
@BlueBug I often see you write a message, and then edit the message to respond to someone who posted after you. Why don't you just post a new message?
@BlueBug Also, that removed message I just posted just said "<'at sign' Alex>
@AidanMueller Though I may sound conflicting(cuz I ramble too much on chat), I like to have messages with content in chat. So if I feel like me writing something here will likely result to less nutritious factor for the rest community, I feel compelled to re-edit my previous message to minimize me occupying these infinite white spaces.
but I ramble anyway lel, After all these white spaces can extend for infinity
There seems to be a glitch with editing.
If you click edit, and then press enter without changing anything, it still counts as an edit.
@BlueBug Not necessarily.
WUT? r u saying that we can run out of these white spaces? IMPOSSIBLE!
There is a limited number of energy in the universe. Pressing space bar on your computer not only requires energy from you, it also requires energy to send the information to send the data to SE. Therefore, editing an infinite number of times will result in all of the universe's energy being consumed.
gasp so must I control my edit power to save the universe from crumbling? Great power comes with great responsibility...
So really, sending a message looks like this:
Sun -> Photosynthesis -> Your mouth -> Your digestive system -> ATP -> Your fingers -> The computer's CPU -> The computers networking card -> Your WiFi router -> Your modem -> Telephone cables -> Fibre Optics cables -> SE Server. Then of course everyone else's computer will check for new messages.
@BlueBug There you go. As you can see, it takes a lot of energy.
xD wonder of chat
2 hours later…
@Wardy oh my gosh man, this is random but I just clicked you and saw your identicon. That identicon is awesome, what a perfect pattern.
resolving collision with momentum! :D
heheh nice
is that yours?
i love that kind of procedural stuff
yes ty, but I wish someone could delete that GIF o_o my chrome, for some reason, can't handle it and keeps freezing.
uhhh you chrome damn it.
what did you write it in?
c++ Opengl + Glut
and rendering with?
and what physics library? did you write your own?
my own. ( uhhh god damn it I am freezing again, switching to other browser now
its almost scrolled off the screen
yeah, I reszied my brwoser so that I can't see. Now it's better :D
ok im going to go home
safe drive~
what algorithm did you use for your physics stuff?
im walking :)
SAT for collision and just vector projection for applying force. 6km walk?! omg too much for my legs to even dear.
2 hours later…
@Josh Ok, now I know what to do next time. Thanks for sorting this one out.
got unity to work with gvim
lights fire under MonoDevelop
just because you need to have the large save button there?
I forgot you are using windows
unity doesn't run on linux, it's what you hate about it, remember?
the goto line plugin doesn't seem to work, or maybe the wrapper doesn't send the params correctly :(
yeah it's the wrapper
Good morning all.
nah, it's unity not sending line number info
apparently it only sends line number info when using the default editor, that is, monodevelop
back in the day they had a way to define command line params that get sent to editors from within the preferences menu
now they removed it
because they enjoy being fucked by thick cocks
its almost 6 am here. I couldn't sleep. After pondering why the hack my physics thing was not looking "right" I realized I screwed up with moment if inertia thinging. grrr moment of inertia
looks like I have to write my own wrapper :(
apparently this is how Unity sends in params: "MonoDevelop.exe" --nologo "$(File);$(Line)"
1 hour later…
#include <windows.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
         std::stringstream a;
	 a << "--remote-tab-silent ";
	 if (argc > 2)
		std::string s = argv[3];
 	 	std::string delimiter = ";";
		std::string fToken = s.substr(0, s.find(delimiter));
		std::string linToken = s.substr(s.find(delimiter) + 1, s.length() - 1);
		a << "\"" << fToken;
		if (linToken != "-1")
			a << ":" << linToken  << "\"";
			a << ":1" << "\"";
I essentially have to trick unity into thinking this is monodevelop :\
apparently I can't open each new file in a new tabview with the file:line plugin
... you have a single line of real code but created two lines of extra lines with brackets. Just something I noticed..something... god damn it
you can safely speak korean you know
I'd understand it all the same anyway
if (linToken != "-1") a << ":" << linToken << "\""; //pretty :D <3
else a << ":1" << "\"";
yeah, that's a leftover
no, wait
that's not pretty
u'd rather have bracket? you don't like shrinking it down into a single line?
I'd rather get back to work
ok... ....
not me
So, I challenged my friend to help me make a game in a month
4 months ago
@Jon well, did you say "help me make a game in a month" or "help me make a game in a month starting now"
Well... He went crazy
We are now over 6000 sprites
I said keep it simple.
Aah the other option, I assumed he just wasn't doing anything
He was bored, lol
.net source code was updated
Search through the .net source, and see how certain things are done.. Pretty interesting if you are a nerd.
I will be an asshole and post the System.Uri class implementation here
namespace System {
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Security;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    // Not in SL:
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
    using System.Net;
    public partial class Uri : ISerializable {
click (see full text)
it's fucking huge
Yes, it is :)
inconsistent bracing in that code, Alex. WTF man.
That is great news if you are a billion dollar company
yeah :(
great now VS won't open
one thing after another
not VS's fault; has to do with unity I think
oh shit
there was a splash box for a new plugin i installed
lets you "reveal file in solution explorer" because MS left that shit out as late as VS 2010 >:(
@Almo what does this mean?
you have myfile.cs open in the ditor
it was opened by double clicking in unity or something
the solution explorer is not showing where the file is in the solution
prior to VS2012, you need a third party plugin or a macro to show it, unless you want the setting that shows every file you ever open in it, which means your whole hierarchy ends up open
seems like a dreadful oversight in the design of the UI to me. Well, not just to me, but lots of others whose complaints I saw while hunting for a solution :)
Do you already have the solution open in VS and is the file actually part of the solution? Sounds more like a bug than a missing feature
it happens if you rightclick and do "go to definition" as well
Or I'm really not understanding
Visual studio 2010 will not automatically adjust the solution view when opening files
Oh is that the problem? You want the hierarchy to automatically expand?
Then I've got nothing
I want to be able to expand it IF I want to on a particular file
automatically is a hassle
because if you're debugging, every file you touch gets opened
I want to be able to right click and say "show me where this is"
I have DPack now, which allows this
There's also now a built-in shortcut in VS 2012
I guess I've not worked with large enough projects where I felt I wanted that
Has never crossed my mind
but with the massive number of people wanting this feature, I'm surprised it took that long for it to be a standard feature
Resharper does it, DPack does it, there are macros floating around that do it
so anyway :)
I managed to carry yesterday
11/3 with cait, with one of our other players complaining at me for sucking
when he, in fact, was the one sucking
If I recall correctly :)
how are things in ToddersLand?
my new job is goin ok
so far
lol I got suspended for something I said a day before... again
guess the people who flagged my message must think they're some hardcore shit for playing flappy bird
Terribly busy!
You should work on making your new job better than ok :P
I'm only just getting started after reading docs and configuring two computers
first one was freezing every couple of hours
I certainly like the people and env
Well thats good
just no real comment on the work itself yet :)
though I suspect it will go well
@AlexM. trust no one that reads an entire days worth of backlog
the message was starred though
yeah I saw that message disappear out of the corner of my eye.
well thats trouble then
all it would take would be for someone from the Arqade to come here and flag
Goddammit ... why is my model all messed up -_-
I've been slacking on star duty... like I said, busy. :(
Didn't even know there was a potentially offensive message starred
(╯°□°)╯︵ sןɐɯɹou
I tried that already
Or uuh, normals
Also this isn't a normal issue, your triangle winding order is wrong
@AlexM. stealing my joke

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