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yeah super smash bros, mario cart and sports golf are the only games I still play with it, and that's when I got friends visiting
the only thing I really want is to be able to put Jet Force Gemini on the Wii, but nooo, it was made by RARE, which I believe was bought by Microsoft, so no support. -.-
super paper mario was the best game on wii imo
of the single-player ones
oh I didn't try that one
I think I'm gonna go for a walk before it gets too cold out.
Then I'm gonna make a raptor.
And maybe pizza, if I has the time.
aaaand now I'm hungry
damn, you reminded me of my hunger
it's 2 am I don't want to go and wake everyone up
maybe I should go sleep
daaaaang Office 2013 has transition effects EVERYWHERE
type something into word, and the curse slides to the right
like, I'm not sure if I like it or not, but it's still cool
yes. that's what I'm gonna do now. sleepy time!
night, see you laters
@IcyDefiance what?
oh, typo. should be cursor.
I blame desktop autocorrect.
I don't see that happening on my copy.
I wonder if I can record a gif with a high enough framerate to show it...
it'll be a minute. gotta wait for another install to finish so I can reinstall licecap.
hmm, it doesn't show it very well...
@Lasse not being able to upgrade is why i LIKE consoles. As a developer I can guarantee what kind of experience my users will get, without them having to fiddle with graphics settings.
thanks, I figured there was a way. there's always a way. I think I'll leave it for a while, though.
I hate people who make knee-jerk, "it's different so I hate it" reactions
so I always give new things a chance to become normal before complaining
this is also why I'm still using, and love, Windows 8
square pizza... its different i hate it :P
ehhg. Just had a car pass me on my bike, on a single-lane city street, covered in snow, for no reason whatsoever. 1 block later, and he was waiting in line with 5 other other cars to turn right. Give us some credit, eh @Byte?
wait, the car was on your bike?
we just had some snow here today first snow of the year and its only november =/ madness
we normally dont get snow until january
heh, average first snowfall here is Nov 20. we got our first over a week ago.
:( I was ripping too. Unsafe for everyone involved
Where I'm from we get snow normally starting in December and it normally refuses to let up until March.
this is what we have been warned: express.co.uk/news/uk/443462/…
quite insane
this isn't even bad
this means drive 10 mph slower
Well, you're right on the border of freedom and snow, so that explains it.
ha, pretty much
thats last year's
I have no new bands.
snow falls freely here
and yeh those are are minor but we are not built for it 2 inches of snow and trains stop busses stop etc
our roads are too small for us to grit them
I'm wondering how I should spawn my enemies.
ah, fair enough
Should I have a seperate class which spawns them for the system?
we have all kinds of snow removal
@hasherr level * base number :P
like half of the people I know work for a landscaping company, and all of them do snow removal in the winter
I need something efficient.
the higher you go the more monsters
@hasherr No you don't
he's probably right
efficient is based on how you implement it
Whatever is handling the spawning order and shit doesn't really matter too much
I'm thinking just a class which goes into my GameStates and spawns them at random intervals.
What matters is if you are using object pools
This would allow me to render them directly from lists.
Object pools?
so it doesnt get harder as you progress ? which was what my idea was hinting at
I'm assuming you mean lists.
@Dave No, not for now.
Sure they can be lists.
But pretty much, never destroy or instantiate objects during gameplay
That's what I was using for my Lasers for rendering/updating.
Does making lasers free to GC count as destruction?
risk of rain has a cool way of doing it the longer you're on a level the difficult increases but you get more rewards so you have to balance it
Well then, I've already broken that rule.
GC can be unpredictably laggy
It works well in this.
It just removes lasers from a list which auto enables GC.
On your system....
if theres only like 20 things going on in your screen you wont see drop below 60FPS :P
@Dave till ya get that nice GC hitch and get some cool frame stutter
don't pre-optimise
eh, in this case it's more good practice than pre-optimization
let him make a game first xD
not like you have to back and refactor code that's already there
then he can go back and correct / improve
fair point
heck I'm usually the one making that point XD
I'm trying to get this done by Dec. 10th.
i have a bad habit of pre optimising i rewrite things so many times then realise i been doing one feature for weeks rofl
If I don't get it done by then, then I doubt I'll finish it. Finals will get in the way and I'll lose my focus on the entire project.
@hasherr the last 10% of the game takes 90% of the time to finish
Not even joking.
finishing it aint important tbh
just learn the major stuff
Finishing this son of a bitch is all that I ever think about!
"The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time"
@Dave learning how to finish is the most important part
but of that 10% only 5% gets done.. the other 5% is sold as DLC
Or.. the ahrdest
importand can also be hardest :P
knowing when to say "its done" is hard :P
theres -always- something to add / change
I'll know when to say 'it's done'
December 10th.
Alright, I'm just gonna do what I think I should for this Entity system.
Create a class called EntityHandler which handles foreign entities and spawns them onto the screen and adds them to object pools.
make a rube goldberg machine
I already decided that I didn't like Unity.
errr what does that have to do with anything...
He told me to do that during the weekend when I was messing around with Unity.
I made this weekend all about Unity so that I could immerse myself in it and find something in it that I liked.
Couldn't say that I did.
but you dont have to make one in unity :P
Too busy making a game right now.
if two programmers start from scratch, one with SDL the other with Unity, and neither knows SDL or Unity, I bet the Unity programmer will have something working much faster. That's something to like about Unity: it's a great prototyping tool.
It's just not for me.
@JohnMcDonald Every day.
Must hurry up and stop.
#browns mind is made up, don't try to change it :p
He knows what he likes and it's not unity :p
@IcyDefiance Reddit reference.
What's up peoples
@Noctrine SUP!?
oh crap, that chain ends early because of a deleted post. :(
hiya Noc
Too long gave up.
it ends only 10 links in or so
oh well
Screenshot from the game I'm playing:
I feel like doing some Graffiti
Ooo, AC4 is on PC now.
Aww yeah.
@IcyDefiance The ol' lickaroo?
You dind't understand the reference :(
1 hour later…
Dave you look like someone I use to know and that's scary lol
how's everyone tonight?
yeah Noctrine, I've been playing it today - so far so good; a couple of collision detection glitches that make the character looks like they're spazzing out
Good, how are you?
thats not me lol
yeah I wouldn't admit to knowing a gatherer either
Wow, I actually wrote an answer on a question, for Unity of all things.
A: How does scripting in unity work?

hasherrI have limited knowledge on the subject of Unity, but I'll do my best to help you here. 1) Scripts are named whatever you want to name them. Whether you want to name them 'MovementBehaviour' or 'ShootMechanic', you can name these scripts as you wish. These scripts can be written in C#, Javascrip...

Did I does a good job?
Let me know if I should add anything.
you're missing a ) in there
I flagged that to close.
it's a crappy crappy crappy question
also it really is UnityScript, not just called UnityScript.
that too
oh hey I can actually edit answers there? :O
"must show at least basic understanding of the problem being solved"
no nvm, it would just deny me
Got it.
I think I just became retarded for a second.
points and laughs
No way you saw that.
nope. but you called yourself retarded, so I'll assume it to be true.
it's funny because you don't really have a mental handicap, at least that I'm aware of.
Lol, would I blow your mind if I told you that I had severe down syndrome.
i demand we remove hasherr's ability to undo what he types
yes please
> The average full-scale IQ of young adults with Down syndrome is around 50 (70 and below is defined as the cut-off for intellectual disability)
I'd be seriously impressed if someone with that could program games
heck I'd help. it would be awesome.
Well, i can assure you that I don't have down syndrome.
But, even people without down syndrome have to sleep, and with that I bid you all a good night.
2 hours later…
The things I'm asking to work on at work: i.imgur.com/ko05ULl.gif
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
@VaughanHilts that looks like a really fun game, I'd make the number of clicks and/or time limited, but have the combo points grow exponentially
@IcyDefiance but you can imagine 5D and up, and if you pick flat or an arbitrary exotic you can imagine one of the 4th dimensions
don't discourage the kids, they are the ones with a chance of imagining whether or not non-smooth spheres can exist in 4D, and if one of the exotic spaces is somehow the "one true 4D"
@hasherr invent time travel plz kthx
oi moining
I don't need time travel, but I'd like to have fountain of youth
with that I wouldn't have limited time, but I could die as well if I wanted to
Studying for chemsitry :P
Speaking of chemistry, I hate alloys.
I can't find characteristics for the things I'm looking for.
Tin Bronze (97% Cu, 2.5% Sn, 0.5% Zn)
It's the alloy used for some Danish coins.
I want to explain the advantage of using it instead of pure copper.
I don't know.
2 hours later…
good half past three
gotta visit school
so I have the bug in repro here on my device, with the debugger connected. Cannot figure out what is going wrong. It's when you try to open the playersidebar. It thinks its opening, the LERP code happens, the tab is supposedly visible, etc. The open/close button changes as expected. But the tab just isn't visible. It's not clickable either.
first time I see this, but it's been reported by quite a few people around the net.
first thoughts are some sort of layering issue, or that theres some quirk of the system you are using that I don't know the knowledge of to make any suggestions :)
really weird one
the objects are all there
opening the tab raises CPU usage to 63% from 58%
so it's going through all the object hierarchies
Obviously you aren't calling .Draw() then :P
Apparently someone withdrew a $5000 pledge on purpose to hinder a kickstarter.
There's no end to the kind of idiots that spawn online.
I love the concept of kickstarter but it has some obvious flaws
hhaha .Draw() :)
What sort of call does this look like:
.text:6F3C3E9E                 mov     ecx, [esp+code_handle]
.text:6F3C3EA2                 push    esi
.text:6F3C3EA3                 push    ecx
.text:6F3C3EA4                 mov     ecx, eax
.text:6F3C3EA6                 call    sub_6F447C30
I'm thinking a __thiscall with two paramters, but it causes a crash. :s
IdaPro detected it as a single argument __stdcall which is no better.
it looks like assembly I don't fully understand. Sorry I can't help.
It was a __thiscall with a single argument. The push esi is popped after the call so wasn't relevant.
Aliens are ready! :DDDD
@Jovito you are the man
Tally ho my fellow hatted minions.
@Blue crap, I signed up to be a minion when I bought a hat? I didn't know that!
Also hey
this is why I never wear hats, only hoods
Yup, did you not read the EULA on https://privatedomainnobodyknowsabout.tompiddock.com/signyourlifeaway.php ?
I have .php extensions blocked. I never accepted such an agreement.
@Blue aha! EULA's aren't legal here unless they're shown up front, take that :D
:( Need to do a diff on two stuctures in the debugger to see what's different :(
If you would kindly look on the inside of your hats you will see the full EULA.
@Almo what debugger are you using? IDE?
Damn, I have no exp with that.
I know you can do some neat shit with the Immediate window in VS
Yes, yes I am.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager this is news?
That's me
Rockin' the new fight stick that I had to replace the gate in after breaking it trying to FADC Gen in SSF4
Hoping Ultra comes out on Steam / PC somehow
Did not @Todders liked it? But I so strenuous ='(
@Jovito Not sure what you are trying to say here. I think you are making great progress on your game.
thought you were joking :)
I tend to amplify how I really feel a bit. So while you are not really the man because of your game, you are still doing well.
@ToddersLegrande It is going on Steam - confirmed. They are using Steamworks to do the networking and community side of the game, you can be sure it will be on Steam.
I've been thinking about getting KoF and Skullgirls off steam as well..
Don't doubt our enthusiasm for your progress @Jovito. We will support you at every step.
Didn't know you heard about my game @Blue
@Jovito it's in the chat history, and this isn't the first time you've posted it, and he'd say the same thing to anyone else :)
its mostly done, just need to polish it a little more
@ToddersLegrande its been some time since I posted anything about it, it's way back
Friday? :P
Otherwise a couple weeks. You're right :)
Recent enough though
Recent enough and let us not forget the argument I had with whatshisname over his negativity.
won another Top Teemo game last night. I'm pretty good with him, apparently.
at least against melee toppers.
they come in, blind them, hit w and run away :)
I support any one who is willing to put in the time and effort to try and better themselves and create something in a subject that they and I love.
@Almo Warmog Teemo, global taunt is now a global enemy damage sponge.
@Blue hasherr?
yeah, but teemo's damage kind of sucks if you don't build squishy
@Jovito Probably
@IcyDefiance Who needs damage when you can't die?
well, if they don't die either, you have a problem
and teemo's only a wise pick when jungle and support are both tanky anyway
Put a Haunting Guise into Liandry's in there and Shroom to win. <3
Warmogs, Warmogs, Warmogs, Atmos, Mercs Treads, Liandry's <- "I'm so totally in Challenger" Teemo
0/30/0 and Stack Health Runes, bind Laugh to right click and enjoy.
wait...did they remove teemo's best item? the one that adds magic damage per attack and scales with AP
that with a liandry's and a hurricane were freaking insane on teemo
Do you mean Nashors Tooth?
Nashor's Tooth is still there
i go tons of AP with teemo, except the tooth.
But you don't need Attack speed or AP, you're mother fucking Tankmo.
I love when I'm dead and someone dies because they hit a mushroom.
I don't even know where it happened. They're just dead. :)
yeah nashor's tooth would be it, though I thought it was a lower tier... oh well.
You can hear "fucking teemo" all the way across the map.
nashor's tooth, liandry's, hurricane, deathcap, and rylai's
by the time you finish death cap, a single mushroom will mean a won team fight
where's the rabadon?
rabadon deathcap
oh right :)
I'd replace hurricane with something else though
moar ap
depends on the game. against a real tanky team, or a nasus, I would too
against 3 squishies, nah, deathcap wrecks
err, hurricane wrecks
Last night:
So proud
gipsy burial in Romania
@Blue you mean "such proud" :)
@Almo - do I?
it's a joke :)
wasn't it "much opinion"?
that gif is broken
this one is better
Not seen this meem
and you call yourself a denizen of the internet? :O
or is that just me? is it strange to call myself that?
it's "doge" (the meme name)
is it just me, or does explaining memes take away all of their beauty?
It's just you
yeah, probably
they don't have that much beauty anyway, unless they're contextual to the conversation
either that, or just completely out of nowhere, like this:
but timing that properly is much more of an art form
remember how I was telling you about idiots building that huge $$$ cathedral we don't need?
a while ago, but yes
there was an outrage now when the orth church decided to build a new church
... after demolishing a kids' park
right, the kids. that would do it.
What's with all the memes and stuff all the time?
I thought @Noctrine cleared out a ton a while back.
well, if you thought that would stop the users here talking about memes...
sup nerds
memes are just running jokes. they're often in image form to increase their impact, but they don't have to be.
if you take away the short name, it's pretty much impossible to object to them
and hiya, Shotgun
I'm having this problem over and over in my game. I have a solution for it but I've been wondering if there's a better way to work it out. Say I want to move my sprite until it reaches its centerx reaches a certain point, like 440: I want it to go down as soon as its center aligns with this point.
But if I do this:
if sprite.centerx == point:
    go down
the sprite just passes the point like it haven't reached it.
depending on how you move your sprite there's no guarantee it will actually ever reach that exact point
always use a distance to that point for comparisons
sprite.x += speed.x; if sprite.x > target.x sprite.x = target.x
yeah, like a range? @AlexM.
though you have problems with signs depending on whether speed.x is positive or negative
so there's more to it than that
no, like a distance
but that's how I handle it
@AlexM. I mean, the way I'm doing it is like this:
@William'MindWorX'Mariager he randomly dumped a night of talking into a noise room. Not sure where it came from. Obviously it was noise but meh.
yes I know what you're doing damnit
Perhaps an official rules of the room needs to be developed

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