the only thing I really want is to be able to put Jet Force Gemini on the Wii, but nooo, it was made by RARE, which I believe was bought by Microsoft, so no support. -.-
@Lasse not being able to upgrade is why i LIKE consoles. As a developer I can guarantee what kind of experience my users will get, without them having to fiddle with graphics settings.
ehhg. Just had a car pass me on my bike, on a single-lane city street, covered in snow, for no reason whatsoever. 1 block later, and he was waiting in line with 5 other other cars to turn right. Give us some credit, eh @Byte?
"The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time"
if two programmers start from scratch, one with SDL the other with Unity, and neither knows SDL or Unity, I bet the Unity programmer will have something working much faster. That's something to like about Unity: it's a great prototyping tool.
Dave you look like someone I use to know and that's scary lol
how's everyone tonight?
yeah Noctrine, I've been playing it today - so far so good; a couple of collision detection glitches that make the character looks like they're spazzing out
I have limited knowledge on the subject of Unity, but I'll do my best to help you here.
1) Scripts are named whatever you want to name them. Whether you want to name them 'MovementBehaviour' or 'ShootMechanic', you can name these scripts as you wish. These scripts can be written in C#, Javascrip...
@IcyDefiance but you can imagine 5D and up, and if you pick flat or an arbitrary exotic you can imagine one of the 4th dimensions
don't discourage the kids, they are the ones with a chance of imagining whether or not non-smooth spheres can exist in 4D, and if one of the exotic spaces is somehow the "one true 4D"
so I have the bug in repro here on my device, with the debugger connected. Cannot figure out what is going wrong. It's when you try to open the playersidebar. It thinks its opening, the LERP code happens, the tab is supposedly visible, etc. The open/close button changes as expected. But the tab just isn't visible. It's not clickable either.
first time I see this, but it's been reported by quite a few people around the net.
first thoughts are some sort of layering issue, or that theres some quirk of the system you are using that I don't know the knowledge of to make any suggestions :)
@ToddersLegrande It is going on Steam - confirmed. They are using Steamworks to do the networking and community side of the game, you can be sure it will be on Steam.
I'm having this problem over and over in my game. I have a solution for it but I've been wondering if there's a better way to work it out. Say I want to move my sprite until it reaches its centerx reaches a certain point, like 440: I want it to go down as soon as its center aligns with this point.
But if I do this:
if sprite.centerx == point:
go down
the sprite just passes the point like it haven't reached it.