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@hasherr upside down dinosaur.. too many drugs
or say "play with the monitor upside down" most companies would call that a feature these days
@IcyDefiance I don't know how to differentiate between the left and right side anymore.
nobody noticed @user3002826
WHAT'S UP @user3002826
the 1st and 4th texcoord are currently your left side
2nd and 3rd, the ones you set to 3/8, are the right side
glTexCoord2f(0f, 0f); this is bottom left
guess which is top left?
ah Lasse's approach is better.
user3002826, S Salvador, Spain
1 1
Account created today.
@hasherr don't get distracted
get distracted
by all means
Right, sorry.
I'm planning to go sleep soon
@hasherr here's a nice trick
@Lasse Okay, so what do I do to make it so that it ONLY displays ONE sprite.
@Grey asked her yet?
3 mins ago, by Lasse
glTexCoord2f(0f, 0f); this is bottom left
3 mins ago, by Lasse
guess which is top left?
@Dave Yes. Will you leave me alone.
what she say?
@Grey Pics or it didn't happen.

a m g ; a ;
im guna guess she said no based on that resposne
@Lasse I'm guessing top left is glTexCoord2f(0f, 1f)
@Dave high five
and correct you are
So I'm rendering that side correctly? Or incorrectly?
Alex M., Cluj-Napoca, Romania
1.1k 2 7 24
my 2nd gold badge
now that you know that's the left side, how would you make it so that it's the left side of one of the images, if the right side of the image is 3/8
what would be the right side of the 2nd image?
The right side of the 2nd image
in coordinates
            glTexCoord2f(3f / 8f, 0f);
            glVertex2d(pos.x + (playerSprite.getImageWidth() / 8), pos.y);

            glTexCoord2f(3f / 8f, 1f);
            glVertex2d(pos.x + (playerSprite.getImageWidth() / 8), pos.y + (playerSprite.getImageHeight()));
almost, but not quite
I don't know.
when talking about right/left, you want an X coordinate
oh wait those are both the right side, they are correct I believe
Yes, they are.
That's why I put them there.
well yes, but there's a more specific answer that will help more
You were asking about right sides.
what is the X texcoord for the right side of that frame?
I asked the right side of the 2nd frame
if the right side of the 3rd image is 3/8, what would it be for the 2nd one?
            glTexCoord2f(2f / 8f, 0f);
            glVertex2d(pos.x + (playerSprite.getImageWidth() / 8), pos.y);

            glTexCoord2f(2f / 8f, 1f);
            glVertex2d(pos.x + (playerSprite.getImageWidth() / 8), pos.y + (playerSprite.getImageHeight()));
why they make it so complicated to texture something
@Dave it's not bad at all once you understand it.
it's simple when you get the hang of it
here, maybe I can draw something up
@IcyDefiance fair point that applies to everything xD
hasherr can you upload the texture you're using?
all frames
I sense Icy had a lightbulb on his head
There ya go.
crap, didn't reinstall GIMP after reformatting.
whoo fast internet
Currently, the sprites don't have any difference.
Except for some of them flipped.
Thus, resulting in the two kissing dinosaurs.
dino love
Reminds me of Grey and his not-girlfriend.
mhm. I'll kind of diagram what you're doing.
I wonder if @user3002826 is actually Grey's alt so that he can chat without being bothered about his not-girlfriend.
what's this about userNumbers? did he say something earlier?
GAAHH! Why is a Windows installer for PHP hard to find?!@ PHP tells me there's an MSI on the next page, nope, only source&binary zips. Oh look there's a link on the side that says I should download stuff from Apache's website if I'm using apache. Great, now I'm on a forum's main page. Featured article: New PHP binaries click, yada yada, you can download it here: click. What?! I'm back where I started!!
@JohnMcDonald I feel your pain
@JohnMcDonald Just install XAMMPP
oh well I think I'm off to bed and let Icy handle the issue
@IcyDefiance ? :(
I'm joking
@JohnMcDonald I'd wamp server too
Installing manually on a dev machine is for suckers.
(It's all behind a firewall anyway, right?).
I'd go for wamp over xampp, though, primarily because xampp's development has kind of fallen off.
@VaughanHilts No kidding
I've never actually heard of WAMP, so there's a good chance they're right. :)
I've been using the same XAMPP install for 2 years... oops.
Looks like xampp has a lot more than I need
Both work painlessly, I presume.
Hell, not even sure I need/want MySQL, but that was before I realized there were all-in-one installers
@JohnMcDonald its pretty heavy
I guess I should uninstall apache
Yeah, defintely nix manual installs.
Only do that on server machines where you need to tighten everything.
there isnt many better alternatives though for local host server testing
On a dev machine, it's blasphemy.
I expect a shitty MS paint drawing
Let's see.
bah wtf, stupid thing won't onebox
oh well
you're welcome.
yeah it was the way I tagged him that was interfering
You can't onebox things with tags in the same line

Or at all, apparently.
Pretty sure Oneboxing only works if it's alone.
no you can, you just have to use a number tag, like when you click the reply button on another message
like so
I typed in his name myself, which killed it
he hacked.
anyway! hasherr. does the image help?
I have to allow typing in rationals with buttons in my app
How the hell do I represent that
hmm, not sure I understand
not like a calculator, where you hit the decimal point then keep hitting numbers?
It does fractions.
But it also does divison.
you can't just keep the divison and do (x/y) for fractions?
Make sure your GUI allows inputting the
numerator and the denominator (having default value of 1 for the denominator).
So... don't seem like it.
There's also the issue of inputting numbers with buttons, too. But that's an easy enough problem.
Easy way: multiply by place and tack onto number
@IcyDefiance So... Now what?
@hasherr soooo fix it. :D
paste your code again?
I really have no idea what to modify. Been messing with it since you put up the picture and I'm not getting anything back.
            glTexCoord2f(0f, 0f);
            glVertex2d(pos.x, pos.y);

            glTexCoord2f(2f / 8f, 0f);
            glVertex2d(pos.x + (playerSprite.getImageWidth() / 8), pos.y);

            glTexCoord2f(2f / 8f, 1f);
            glVertex2d(pos.x + (playerSprite.getImageWidth() / 8), pos.y + (playerSprite.getImageHeight()));

            glTexCoord2f(0f, 1f);
            glVertex2d(pos.x, pos.y + (playerSprite.getImageHeight()));
this line here: glTexCoord2f(0f, 0f);
think of it as glTexCoord2f(0f / 8f, 0f);
and this one too: glTexCoord2f(0f, 1f); = glTexCoord2f(0f / 8f, 1f);
that should help
I have to eat now, so ping me if you don't get it. I'll get back to you later.
0 / 8
That does nothing.
@IcyDefiance Yeah, that doesn't do anything. 0 / 8 = 0. Not sure what you expected from that.
Phew. Wamp makes it a lot easier. Thanks guys
It's already up and running
Less pain makes a happy programmer. :D
why couldnt planets orbit in square paths rather than circular
stupid space
@hasherr nooo that 0/8 is what you're supposed to change
if you set the right side of the image to 3/8, what should the left side be?
you understand what you did?
I do.
Do you?
This is really sad
whats sad about table in a wall ?
No, just all the comments.
oh didn't read
the picture is kinda comical :D
Some of this stuff was happening less than 20 miles away from me.
The picture is kind of funny, yes, but still.
quite a thing to spot as your walking down the road
A kid in my class wants me to learn UnrealScript, lol
ask for money
I should be paid money to learn that.
He wants to make a game with me.
Yet he is learning Java these days
UnrealScript is easy. Doing something with it due to having to learn how things actually work in UDK is the painful part
I consider the time I spend programming valuable.
I don't wish to indulge it into something that I have extremely little interest in.
Who knew a calculator could give me so much grief :'D
@hasherr Then don't? I don't understand where this came from :(
@hasherr if he wants to make a game firstly ask him why that language
@ToddersLegrande Where what came from? Me talking about UnityScript?
@hasherr I assumed it was a response to me. Nevermind.
Oh, okay. :)
Room is always quiet on Sundays.
its obvious why
index buffers are PISSING ME OFF
my code is right! I swear! but OpenGL's being cranky and won't draw anything!
@IcyDefiance You are always the problem.
The problem here is the interface between the keyboard and the chair.
im sure youll solve it
Or maybe he won't.
lol stop being negative :)
Don't worry about it dude.
I can't even get a calculator right.
Because I fucked up earlier and refuse to rewrite things. :D
i cant get my geometry right which is high school shit
I'm in high school.
And can't get my Geometry right either.
i highly advise you get extra learning if you go into game dev for geometry
out of school tutor or sumin
Or just pay attention in school.
(Or just use it a lot.)
I'm not going to be a game dev.
i regret not seeing the need for maths in my teen ages lol
Any learning I can do I can just learn at home, and I understand school math very easy.
I'm off, guys. Night'
how dare you not be a game dev!
shakes fist
see ya
hmm i got to work out a way to check when an angle is ahead of the second angle
What do you mean ahead?
There is no concept of "ahead" in angles. :)
like this
So you basically want the sign of the curvature
the inner angle is ahead of the outer which i need to check so i can calculate backwards to get the path
i dont know the right word because technically it is also "behind" giving its a circle :P
in some situations it is correct like this:

@hasherr forgot to mention - audiobooks were a great idea
I know :D
@ToddersLegrande If you're ever looking for an alternative (or something more affordable), there are some really funny and entertaining podcasts out there.
I can give you some names if you want, but probably not tonight because I have to leave in less than 2 minutes.
@hasherr Yeah another time. I've got a good stack of books to go through now
its fines in the uk
@ToddersLegrande apparently "Itzhak Perlman/London Philharmonic Orchestra-Le Quatre saisons: Le Printemps"is not in the public domain in your country
yeah, blocked in Canada too
must be Europe only @Jovito
I don't even know what I did differently than before :'(
still blocked? @John @ToddersLegrande
Works now
cool (:
here's a question for you all: under what circumstances would C# think that -0.09755116 == 0.0975512?
and how am I expected to fix that?
yeah... floats are finicky, especially comparisons
you doing === or ==
Why do you need to compare floats?
Don't compare floats. ever.
I'm actually comparing Vector3's, which compare each component of themselves
can't really change it, since it's supposed to be passed to a shader later
but okay, maybe I can find another approach...
Found a interesting page with a bunch of articles on the subject: randomascii.wordpress.com/category/floating-point
@IcyDefiance i finally done it!!!
i got the spaceship to fly correctly with time calculation :D
taken me what like 3 weeks :D
finally dont need that work around that was initially used
@JohnMcDonald thanks, that helps
@Dave congratulations! :D
thanks and thanks for getting me started on it
all good. it was a fun problem. would've worked on it more, but you know, got my own stuff
any of you guys heard of "Risk of Rain"
That's the phrase that ruins my day.
I like rain, so no ruining here
well its a game in this context :P
@Dave My brother loves it. I play it with him
ha, it looks fun
it has multiplayer player?
think i might buy it
It's really hard at first
I'd be screwed without my brother and his unlocked characters
But I'm kind of bad
BEHOLD, A CALCULATOR. i.imgur.com/OYOP8cL.png
no equals sign
chaos will ensue
It's there.
oh next to norm?
never touching swing again after this semester.
what's up ppl?
hey, don't think I've seen you before.
Slaving out Java applications.
I'm banging my head trying to figure out how displacement tessellation works. Is it when rendering the mesh, you also adjust the vertex position according to the displacement map or just in the shader?
I'm trying to get my obj loader to use indices instead of a flat vertex array.
your right Icy because I just got 20 reps to be able to chat lol
hmm, I haven't gotten to the point of using that yet. don't think I have an answer.
The Amnesia games don't use Tessellation of what I've noticed but I'll like to at least implement it in my game engines.
Pop up a question on GameDev. SE :)
heh, dumb/odd question. How would I go about selecting duplicates of a row from a database? eg: select * from bots where botID in (1, 1, 1); where I want 3 rows, all with bot 1 on them
I will, I will Vaughan.
@JohnMcDonald I don't understand, Select * returns it all
thinks out loud, outer join with a sub-query. Got it
scratches head lol
yo John, nothing's dumb or odd - questions are pathways of learning. :) Are you using SQL?
hey now, I take pride in being odd.
No no, but I want 3 rows. I want 3 copies of Bot 1's row, so:
Bot1 someScript SomeDescription
Bot1 someScript SomeDescription
Bot1 someScript SomeDescription
Oh, I see.
I think I have it though
Yeah, I would say JOIN and then take 3
Icy, people are odd - because they have unique ID's. Just as instance data - every instance mesh has a unique ID. lol
well... I'm trying to devise a query that could work with (1, 1, 1), as well as (1, 2, 5, 10, 12)
@SICGames2013 that 'lol' there ruined your sentence
I really love ORMs for this king of thing
it's true though Jov. :D
interesting, PHP strings are multi-line
That's kind of evil
for a second, I was trying to do "Hello " .
kinda nice, maybe
uhh, php strings aren't supposed to be multiline without special syntax
I don't think
nope, nevermind.
Q: PHP Multi line strings

TheBlackBenzKidI have searched for this and I am sorry to post this. $xml="l"; $xml="vv"; echo $xml; This will echo vv. Why and how can I do multi line strings for things like SimpleXML etc?

Nope, it's multi-line in the doc: php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php
alright, gotta make sure mid night snack is prepared then I'll post my tessellation question in GameDev. Peace out
S-weet. Finally got it: select * from (select 1 id union all select 1 id union all select 1 id) botList left outer join botScript on botScript.id = botList.id; will result in three rows with Bot1's information 3 times
Only 15 tabs to figure that out, :p
why do you want that
Well... there were probably simpler ways (like using PHP to iterate through the bots in the battle and query each one), but I wanted the ability to have the same bot appear multiples times in battle
The query results are passed nearly directly to the battle engine to grab the bot scripts, and the easiest way to get the battle engine to have copies of the same bot is to have multiple array elements for the bot
and... now I can deviate from "There can only be one"
There can be as many as you desire, :p
@JohnMcDonald I hope you haven't forgotten about AO. ;)
Yeah. I haven't. I guess I'm finding it a lot of fun to work with web stuff, and the fact that this game is so light weight right now. Too many ideas
Haha, the temptations!
My short-term goal is to get Like Clockwork ported from Google App Engine to PHP + MySQL, then at least I can post about it without the fear that my daily quota will max out
Sounds like a decent strategy. :)
It got up to like 60% of my daily quota on the first day of voting, so like 10-20 people
So hey, reddit, come chec....
idk what to do :( I don't feel like programming but I don't feel like anything else either
maybe just make some code and see what happens
while waiting for the work phone calls
I hate mondays
BigInteger classes are pretty sweet. :D
@Lasse Just hack something together to your spirit going :)

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