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which is why I advised against posting things you intend to "delete" yesterday
I hit the down arrow and there is no history option
type something and delete it and I'll retrieve it
Almo is a
ah what happened yesterday
I know I grabbed something out of an old post
maybe they just edited it
because the edit history is certainly there
or... maybe if you delete something old enough it stays?
yes, there have been a few edits to: "[redacted]" where you can see the edit history
If you delete, only mods can see it (I assume)
ah ok
good to know
The "[redacted]" was often for comedic effect, and the history was intentionally visible
I am guilty of the above. It was a good time
hey look, it's a grid in monogame
Oooooooo pretty
I'm so going to clone the shit out of this game
But one square is brighter than the others! :O
yeah that square is focused with the mouse
no idea what that game is but it reminds me of clue
There are a few games I'd like to recreate from the old "Games Domain Castle"
it's a simplistic turn based 'hacking' game
spybotics: the nightfall incident
it's by LEGO but they took it offline some time ago
I'd give it a go if you make some serious progress on it
cool :)
it's meant to come out before Ars Ignis
have you guys ever played clue : the great museum caper?
not me, but I'll take a look after taking a shower
it's this board game where one player plays the thief and the other players play security trying to catch him
@Jimmy this one? yes
I like how most of the core game mechanics revolve around controlling line of sight
although I often felt the game balance was pretty unintuitive. (you go from "wow the thief is so outnumbered" to "holy shit he can move 3 times as fast as the other guys")
@Jimmy did you give Monaco a go?
I have not... was it in any recent humble bundles?
trying to remember if I've bought it >___>
I don't believe so
That and Stealth Bastard Deluxe are two games I've played in the last year that have had line of site being a big part of the game
@AlexM. if you are going to clone a game, create a clone for clue.
and provide multiplayer over lan support!
Clue? :(
Welp, my coworker and I just broke one of our websites.
I love it when that happens
Wish list functionality hasn't worked since noon, because he pulled code changes that were supposed to be spread across all websites, and committed them to a site for which the frontend wasn't complete.
So now the frontend expects one thing, and gets another.
@ShotgunNinja INCOMPETENCE!!!111!!!!1!!!
@Almo or Cluedo, whichever name you prefer :D
neither. it's not a very good game :(
why not, I used to love it.
I enjoyed 13 Dead End Drive as a child
until it became boring, due to me playing it alot
clue is a multiplayer version of that "The baker lives in house 2 doors down from the plumber and is 3 years younger than the artist" puzzle
@Gajoo problem is, I have no idea how that game works
and I already have the music for the hacking game :)
@Jimmy /me searching what you meant :O
ok, no relevant results found, care to explain it yourself?
I assume Jimmy is referring ot the number of puzzles out there where you are given a set of information regarding a bunch of people or things and have to determine the answer of some posed question based on that. I have an example... one sec
there is a nice puzzle like that in Primordia
I definitely recommend you take a look and then buy the game
THere's not much to figure out in Clue. What matters is asking enough questions, which is largely determined by rolling a lot of 6s.
Yeah nevermind my example. Jimmy's is good
it's the adventure game with the nicest atmosphere
and it's also very programmer-oriented
congrats for not saying "orientated"
is that a real word?
it's not supposed to be
orientationated lol
but many english speakers took orientation, the noun form of orient, and made a verb out of it, orientated.
same for "preventative" instead of "preventive"
whenever I say T-oriented I think of object oriented programming
man my POST data isn't getting through to the server :(
3D Game Programming for Kids: Create Interactive Worlds with JavaScript
I've yet to find a kid saying that <something> Programming for Kids was really useful to him, after not understanding a <something> Programming for Everyone book
I hate getting spoonfed information.
that... ugly...
:< goway
O )) \
even "shoot'em up" sounded retarded
@AlexM. beat'em up
shoot'em up sounds like a 50 cent song
@AlexM. lol
shmup sounds like nicki minaj feat. rihanna
"hey boy u lookin at ma shmup u cant get this shmup"
your game is a top-down shooter
you're welcome
Website launched May 26, 1997 - so the term has been around longer than that.
why would you point me
to the hive of decay
Boom. Lawyered.
@AlexM. read the last paragraph on the main page :P
that website is the womb of game naming sins
well good for him he doesn't care
I don't care that he doesn't care
I don't care if you don't care if he doesn't care.
we must go deeper
what I do care about is my POST data not getting to the server.
starting to make me mad now :(
where does it fail exactly?
well, the code shows the right JSON string, but I have to encode it as NSData to send it. The php doesn't have anything in its $_POST array
	NSString* jsonString = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:jsonData
    									   encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
    	NSData* submittableJSONData = [jsonString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    	request.HTTPBody = submittableJSONData;

    	// Create url connection and fire request
    	NSURLConnection *conn = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self];
it all looks fine at the jsonString part
if I do a decode on submittableJSONData, it decode fine into a dictionary with the right value:key pair
along the lines of "shmup", I move that FPS are now called "fpiss" and RPG are called "urpigs"
but when I send it, the php doesn't get it
The php responds, and I get a result which I can print
it just doesn't get the POST data
if you send something else it receives it?
e.g. some random strings
can you send the message with curl to make sure the PHP is reading data correctly?
Does your code perform a GET operation instead?
also, that ^
request.HTTPMethod = @"POST";
that is supposed to set post
I'll try sending a string
Q: How do I tell for a php page if someone came by POST or GET?

Eugene MI'd like to have a page in php that normally displays information based on the GET request sent to it. However, I'd like for it to also be able to process certain POST requests. So, how can I tell if any data was sent by POST so I can act on it?

let's see if I remember anything about ObjC, so [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self];
this calls initWithRequest on a newly allocated NSURLConnection
the first parameter is 'request'
and the 2nd is 'self' with the parameter name 'delegate'
got it right?
the EA game SPORE has a part of the game called the Space Stage. in interstellar view you had for each star you could get to a number of paths you could take based on the range of your interstellar drive. (which starts comparatively small for gameplay purposes) Replace those paths with underground paths and the stars with underground rooms, and you essentially have the Hunt the Wumpus game from eras past.
request.HTTPBody = [@"\"data\":\"something\""dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
this doesn't do anything
well php doesn't think it got anything
oh wait
@0xFFF1 I actually enjoyed the space stage :)
Unfortunately pretty much the rest of the game was really boring :(
request.HTTPBody = [@"\"data\"=\"something\""dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
The RTS parts were good the first time or two... but then yeah :(
nothing on the php end for that
stars in that game never had to line up to a grid. if they were too far away from any other star then you couldn't travel to them.
@Almo do you not have some library available to actually provide a more abstract interface?
i read a bit of land of Lisp at Barnes & Nobles and i read the chapter explaining how to make a wumpus game
this is the NSURLConnection library
from apple
I've used it before, and not had trouble
basically you had info about the room
will probably have to check my other code
in an object
oh man I remember having to write the LISP wumpus for class
good times
have you taken a look at this?
Q: iPhone sending POST with NSURLConnection

per_pilotI'm having some problems with sending POST data to a PHP script with NSURLConnection. This is my code: const char *bytes = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<mydata>%@</mydata>", data] UTF8String]; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://myurl.com/script.php"]; ...

and then two pointers to two other rooms you could travel to. and the requirement is that you could never get stuck, so each path linked back to itself
when the path is created you have to make a reverse path/pointer back
the info for the room would give you hints only as to the location of the wumpus
diggin a bit on that alex
Would anyone be interested in testing a small very rough prototype I made in Unity? I'd like some feedback about it.
in a web player? :D
it would tell you if he is adjacent or not adjacent
to the room you are in
Web player.
for the game to work you need 2+ connections per room
okay, I'm in then
I'm missing this
[request setValue:@"application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"];
but it's still not working, so I have to keep looking
Find it here
do I just do stuff at random or do you want me to try something specific?
I smell a Wumpus
Just the idea of it really, if you could see it being interesting.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do though
wait I think I got it
uhh, this is a game for smart people
Is it?
I think I managed to move a block
do I have to shoot anyone?
No weapons yet.
You built your ship then clicked done building?
WASD to fly around.
yes I am now flying
the ship is outputting fire like an oil platform
I got it now
so I build my ship by using multiple blocks
is this inspired by that game you guys were playing here some time back?
that game was for smart people too, I could not understand what was going on
well I gotta head out
thanks for helping Alex
Well, I discovered that game after I planned this one, but yes, they're similar.
Will mess with it more tomorrow
no prob, hope you get to the bottom of it
the only POSTs I ever done were like message.set(Key,Value); message.send()
that's why I asked about an extra abstraction
you can always attach Wireshark and make sure you're sending what you think you're sending
this is really cool
what is it called when you want to store an angle within exactly 1 byte. so signed -128 == -180 degrees == 128+1 == +180 degrees?
excuse me
and every value inbetween is evenly distributed
in case you don't already know about this and is a bug
I do know about that one.
it needs a "jump to base" button, I have to refresh to build a new ship
on the NDS this is done but with 16bit integers
Also the disconnected ship components :/
they're kept together by the force
the Force
it is more official with a capital letter
you might be able to get away with the foRce
I was drinking and only had one hand free
y = yes
not "why"
So you could see it being fun to play? You start out small, then you can go out and mine asteroids and fight enemies. You collect more components to add to your ship. You can improve your base, making a larger construction yard to make even larger ships, etc.
reasons for giving up internet shorthand...
like the Yes/No prompt
and that thing about common lisp that I liked
no problem
yes and no problem
@Byte56 yeah, but only if the physics details are unnecessary for the player
reason 1: Lots of Love
Right, more arcade type controls. That's on the list.
"i heard your mom died lol"
It uses something like a fly-by-wire system, where it calculates which thrusters to turn on to get the correct response and all that.
doesnt lol mean lots lots of love?
eh two lots, ignore one
@Byte56 has potential. I liked the other game a lot, and I also like Kerbal Space Program... seems like a bit of a combo here from what I can tell.
@Byte56 yeah, that's why when I clicked on the details button the first impression was that it's a game for smart people only lol
NO. it means laugh out loud!
@0xFFF1 lol is being degenerated nowadays
Yeah, I worked on it for a month while learning Unity, so it's just a start.
I noticed people on Romanian forums use 'lel' or 'lelz'
internationally, I've seen 'lul' 'lal'
More reasons to forgo internet shorthand: GO!
the English vocabulary needs to be Smalltalked
//english language is now smalltalked
1 word for every meaning and 1 meaning for every word iirc
Smalltalk is an object-oriented, dynamically typed, reflective programming language. Smalltalk was created as the language to underpin the "new world" of computing exemplified by "human–computer symbiosis." It was designed and created in part for educational use, more so for constructionist learning, at the Learning Research Group (LRG) of Xerox PARC by Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls, Adele Goldberg, Ted Kaehler, Scott Wallace, and others during the 1970s. The language was first generally released as Smalltalk-80. Smalltalk-like languages are in continuing active development, and have gathe...
the language I had the least contact with
the most interesting thing about it that I know is that Smalltalk hackers were among the first to adopt a form of TDD
and that xUnit originated from Smalltalk
I hope I'm not wrong
nope, it was code refactoring that started in the smalltalk world
Historically, Smalltalk users have always enjoyed a class browser as part of the IDE. Not to be
confused with Web browsers, class browsers let users navigate through and examine class hierarchies
and methods.
Typically, class browsers allow you to edit code, create new methods and classes, and so on. The next
variation on this idea is the refactoring browser.
A refactoring browser can semiautomatically perform common refactoring operations for you: splitting
up a long routine into smaller ones, automatically propagating changes to method and variable names,
the xUnit claim that I made is false
hm nvr mind
"Code a little, test a little" is a popular saying in the Smalltalk
I think this is why I had TDD in mind in relationship with Smalltalk
//English language is now smalltalked
return 0;
that while(1); is an infinite loop.
for those curious (including me), the Smalltalk implementation recommended in The pragmatic programmer / Andrew Hunt, David Thomas is Squeak squeak.org
i know
@AlexM. I've heard of Squeak VM, they made a Java VM based on it called Squawk, which was the basis for the Java FIRST Robotics platform libraries.
when I read Squawk I thought it is yet another variant of awk
good to know!
is Smalltalk a good language for string pushing?
do explain what you mean further
that and being easily able to choose locations in the console/file to put your string, along with concatenation etc?
nope, still confused
I don't think there's a language to provide you with a putThisWhereIWantIt(that) method
regular expressions make my eyes glaze over.
maybe that is the problem
just add them to your workflow, and you'll feel natural around them later on
try doing regex searches instead of normal searches inside your IDE
don't do regex replaces unless tested beforehand
This is a great way to write and test regex expressions: gskinner.com/RegExr
this is a great interactive tutorial to regexes:
and the best reference-guide for regex: regular-expressions.info
be careful on what regex flavor your IDE uses
Visual Studio has some particularities of its own (though most have been removed in post-2010 versions)
Perl has its own regex stuff IIRC that differs a bit from UNIX's regexes
How did we start talking about regex?
with him searching for a "put this where I want it" function working on strings and files
'sed' does pretty much that
@0xFFF1 you should give it a try, to consolidate your regex knowledge
i can understand it
but too much things i can do with it
yeah, they're incredibly useful haha
i would spend most of my time usign like 5 to 20 of those tokens
yeah, you rarely have to use them all
there's prolly close to 200+ tokens?
in a single regex flavor?
I'm pretty sure there's less than 200 lol
gskinner.com/RegExr had a loong list
or maybe jsut seemed like it
@JohnMcDonald I can agree with that (meta comment)
➙	abc…	Letters
 	123…	Digits
 	\d	any Digit
 	.	any Character
 	\.	Period
 	[abc]	Only a, b, or c
 	[^abc]	Not a, b, nor c
 	[a-z]	Characters a to z
 	[0-9]	Numbers 0 to 9
 	{m}	m Repetitions
 	{m,n}	m to n Repetitions
 	*	Zero or more repetitions
 	+	One or more repetitions
 	?	Optional
 	\s	any Whitespace
 	^…$	Starts and ends
 	()	capture Group
 	(a(bc))	capture Sub group
 	(.*)	capture Variable content
 	(a|b)	Matchs a or b
 	\w	any Alphanumeric character
 	\W	any Non-alphanumeric character
@0xFFF1 yeah, it's mostly best to use gskinner to write (manually) and to test
I never used anything other than these
@ToddersLegrande yeah, I think that's what it's boiling down to eh?
what is it called when you want to store an angle within exactly 1 byte. so signed -128 == -180 degrees == 127+1 == +180 degrees?
and every value in between is evenly distributed?
@JohnMcDonald I think for the most part yeah
@0xFFF1 clamping?
and can you write programs to write regex's for you, like a web crawler application that would look for interesting topics?
my mouth is partially opened
sorry for bouncing topics tho
you really ask the most obscure and confusing questions I've ever seen
that is me
i rarely explain my train
of thought
@ToddersLegrande :O HOW Is that rendering "properly" in Chrome?
never had issues with chrome
Is it not supposed to?
This post has been locked while disputes about its content are being resolved. For more info visit meta.
@ToddersLegrande No, it's not supposed to:
so the above is "proper" ?
The above is what you should see, and I don't see that in Chrome
I do :|
I do too
Chuck Norris can parse HTML with regex.
Odd, this is what I get in chrome:
didnt know computers existed then
or that CN was a programmer?
iirc Chuck Norris was a roundhouse kicker
nothing else
... Umm, no. His tears cure cancer, too bad he never cries
Chuck Norris was born in a wooden shack he built himself.
sounds legit
The boogie man checks for Chuck Norris before he goes to sleep
Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. Now they're called just "The Islands"
I want to learn another programming language. is there any difference between C# and VB.NET?
current versions*
nah, they just changed the names

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