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Got excpetion undefined method []' for nil:NilClass` trying to accept your feedback
Well, that didn't work
Well, it sorta worked. I was testing error handling, and it's still alive. But it shouldn't be posting errors here.
Regesterd as a fp
@IPSCommentBot Bad bot
Got excpetion undefined method []' for nil:NilClass` trying to accept your feedback
@IPSCommentBot Bad bot.
Got excpetion undefined method []' for nil:NilClass` trying to accept your feedback
@IPSCommentBot Bad bot.
Got excpetion undefined method []' for nil:NilClass` trying to accept your feedback
Regesterd as a fp
Got excpetion undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass trying to accept your feedback
Got excpetion undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass trying to accept your feedback
Ah, sorry for the spam all. Will clean up once I fix it.
@thesecretmaster no that's not my problem :P
Regesterd as a fp
well, the bot has been busy
19 messages moved from The Awkward Silence
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
48 messages moved from The Awkward Silence
3 hours later…
15 messages moved from The h Bar
4 hours later…
@Kat I agree, but this is better handled by getting scheduling and duration under control than saying, during every call, that you don’t have enough time. This is about managing time, perception and expectations. — 3Dave 1 min ago
#15990 3Dave (370 rep) | A: How to end a work conversation on the phone? (score: 21) | posted 23 hours ago by David K (1176 rep) | Toxicity 0.04492594
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@Wildcard: Reminds me of the My Guy Syndrom, a problem regularly encountered in Role Playing Games (thus the website). I fully agree that Self != Opinion != Action. — Matthieu M. 1 min ago
#15979 Matthieu M. (101 rep) | A: How can I ensure people know 'What happens on the pitch stays on the pitch" (score: 80) | posted 27 hours ago by gnasher729 (3207 rep) | Toxicity 0.025510443 | edited 16 hours ago by NotThatGuy (2371 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
1 hour later…
Downvoted because I am confident that following your recommendations would get the OP into trouble. — gnasher729 38 secs ago
#16017 gnasher729 (3226 rep) | A: How can I ensure people know 'What happens on the pitch stays on the pitch" (score: -2) | posted 3 hours ago by Džuris (502 rep) | Toxicity 0.11237965
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
Downvoted because I am confident that following your recommendations would get the OP into trouble. — gnasher729 36 mins ago
#16017 gnasher729 (3246 rep) | A: How can I ensure people know 'What happens on the pitch stays on the pitch" (score: -2) | posted 3 hours ago by Džuris (502 rep) | Toxicity 0.11237965
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
(duplication is my fault, will clean in a sec)
@IPSCommentBot fp
Regesterd as a fp
7 messages moved from The Awkward Silence
7 hours later…
When you say something, what matters is not your intent, but how the other person understands it. I know what you mean, but it is not generally true. I knew a person who was treated badly in the past and if someone search for hidden hostilities, you will be flabbergasted how innocuous statements could be misinterpreted; it took years until the person trusted again. The idea "The other person interpretation is always(!) correct" is bad; it opens you up for manipulation. — Thorsten S. 1 min ago
#15979 Thorsten S. (2115 rep) | A: How can I ensure people know 'What happens on the pitch stays on the pitch" (score: 91) | posted 35 hours ago by gnasher729 (3271 rep) | Toxicity 0.20199531 | edited 25 hours ago by NotThatGuy (2371 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["maybe-nln(@scohe001)"]

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