+1 especially for the finger-and-thumb suggestion (or some other visual gesture, if finger-and-thumb has any inappropriate connotations): that’s a very nice way to clearly describe what you want without sounding pedantic. — Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine 1 min ago
#14187 Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (301 rep) | A: How do I ask for an espresso if there's a good chance they don't know how to make it? (score: 1) | posted 6 minutes ago by Astralbee (12022 rep)
2 hours later…
#14169 IceC (529 rep) | Q: my facebook-addicted friend is ghosting me (score: -2) | posted 7 hours ago by Myfriend Ghostedme (9 rep) | edited 7 hours ago by F1Krazy (105 rep)
Change your goal. You love her. She's beautiful to you. Tell her that you love her just the way she is. (Play some old Billy Joel music if you have to - "Just the way you are"). That's what counts. — gnasher729 13 secs ago
#14161 gnasher729 (1813 rep) | Q: How do I convince my girlfriend I think she is beautiful? (score: 0) | posted 19 hours ago by Shachar Har-Shuv (307 rep) | edited 4 hours ago by Shachar Har-Shuv (307 rep)
1 hour later…
@EmC Hm... I'm not sure I agree that that comparison warrants this answer, but I suppose that's subjective. Regardless, I still think this answer stands to be improved with more advice on what to do, rather than a specific thing to avoid — Lord Farquaad 1 min ago
#14168 Lord Farquaad (1563 rep) | A: How to politely encourage my girlfriend to support the value of men when with friends who make misandristic comments? (score: 2) | posted 13 hours ago by Geoffrey Brent (412 rep)
#14135 J A (343 rep) | A: How to politely inform a group of feminists some of their arguments are misandristic and are affecting my community? (score: -5) | posted 35 hours ago by YCN- (367 rep) | edited 4 hours ago by HDE 226868 (6699 rep)
@YCN- who's being unreasonably downvoted tried to offer a similar answer with a different strategy, only he was not as tactful and his wording sounds a tad confrontational, but he did answer the question. You on the other hand have offered the best answer yet. Though you are not taking into account the "group" element. After countering with one of the arguments you propose, I suspect there will be a response, it could be silence or an attack or dismissal or an apology or I don't know what to expect, do you have any experience or anecdotes, how could I follow without getting to a confrontation? — J A 10 secs ago
#14195 J A (343 rep) | A: How to politely inform a group of feminists some of their arguments are misandristic and are affecting my community? (score: 2) | posted 1 hours ago by Lord Farquaad (1573 rep)
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is more of a "what should I do" question. If it were more of a "how do I respond to ex in a way that convinces them not to contact me", that would be more of an IPS question. — baldPrussian 45 secs ago
#14200 baldPrussian (15067 rep) | Q: How to deal with my ex who told me to never talk to him again but still texts me? (score: 0) | posted 37 minutes ago by amyyy (12 rep)
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